The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 31, 1903, Image 2

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Sporting Reporter Takes Place of
Theological Expert. :
The thaological reported being out
of the city the sporting editor was
sent to church with instructions to
carefully review the permon that was
to be preached hy an eminent visiting
divine. The sporting ediior was up
against a hard proposition. bat he pro-
tesded to make good as follows "The
weather was perfest and the prand-
and and bleachers wears packed, Tha
i Rev. Dr. Blaketyhisnk was in (he box
for the Unitarians, and he cértainly
iad everything in the book. When be
tackled the New Jerusalem ho used
the slow ball artistically, but when
he warmed up on hades he had spesd
to burn and whipped them over lke a
shot. He bad swell control, and never
Jost sight of the plate for a minute es
pecially after it had been
sroand. The choir did a good dexl of
, | rooting from the players bench, and
occasionally a voices from the bleachers
yelled ‘Amen’
extra-ftuning games he never let up for
a minute and bad the visitors properly
hooked up throughout, putting some of
them to sleep. 1 ho can only keep up
| the pace the big leagus for hig next
season. —Milwankes Sentinel
‘Quaint Custom to Commemorate Sav.
ing of City.
People are stil] talking of the bean-
ties of the cherry festival the quaint
custom which Hamburg has kept up
for centuries. The bands of white
clad children that pass through the
streets bearing branches covered with
| cherries are a sight a stranger mever
forgets. This festival bad its origina
in 1432 when the Hussitfes marched
against Hamburg with the intention of
| maxing it. A citizen named Wolfe pro-
| posed that & band of children from 7
10 14 years of age be sent to the Hus-
sites wrapped in shrouds with & peti.
§ tion to spare the city. The children
80 presented themselves before the
Hussities’ chief, Procopus Nasaw, who
was 80 impressed by seeing children in
shrouds that he promised to spare the
¢ity. Then he feasted the children
on therries. In commemoration of
that day the children have s cherry
| festival every yoar ins Hamburg.
No Witch Ever Burned in Balem.
It is & fact that no witch was ever
burned or put to death by fire in Salem
or Any other part of Massachusetts
How the {impression that Cotton
Mather and his associates had perpe- |
trated that horror gained currency is
inexplicable but it has been floating
around for generations, and in all prob.
ability will "go on forever” Balem
was the scens of the irial, convision
and execution Ly hanging of persons
accused of witchcraft, Gallows Hil,
the eminence on which thes hangings
occurred, Is, perhaps. the most inter-
esting show place in New England [1
may be doubted if more siscers or
mors cousclentions men sver jved
than Cotton Mather and hig brothers
They went to the Bible for their au
thority, to the Mosals law, omitting
the Christian dispensation. That sw
told them, “Thou shalt not suffer a
witch to Hive” Firmly believing in
witcheraft and having po doubt that
they had witches to deal with what
were they to do but to kill them? From
their point of view. they exercised
great humanity in employing the gal
Jows rather than the fag®
Minnesota is devoting her energies
to preserving a section of her magn!
ficent lake and forest region for a na-
tional park.
YT A ge
» Great
; RH. Xvews, Ltd. Are Be. Pale me
ch fumbles do not make good crea
ts, alws
acrobats, fos they ¥8 go broke when
I SOB Dp er bc
Ladies Can Wenr Shoes
One size sualler after Allsa's Foot.
Kase, a . 18 makes tight or new shoes
y er wollen, hot ed ba ack
ingrowing nails, HUTHS AD FL At
- SE : oro “
: n pas ase Fx wee bi
Address, Asien Olmsted, Le XY
is no trouble to do by i. a ther
would do by you, for it is pever & whaie
a HE SB AA Sint
Jdo pot believe Piso's Cure for Commamp~
fenhasaa coughs and solds—Jonn
Boren, THaly prac ad: po-Jots
Te mam who is lost in thought is never
{reg ailding snnseilineg dos
Although ¥ was an
‘Kaiser, who recently
ei nl iin
Dangers of Contact With Cleilization and
the Demand of Unnatural Conditions.
Probably in 8 state of wild nature
birds never niske mistakes, bui where
they come fn contact with our eivilizs.
tion and gre eonfronted by new condi.
tims, they very natorally make mis.
takes, For instgpes; their cunning in
rik them,
Bnd 8 to copoesi iis
Ard Ax To ms
The art of the
nest both as fo position
terial, bat wow and then 1 8 betrayed
tuto weaving into in strocture showy
and bizarre Bits of this or that, which
give ita secret away, and which seem
Io violate all the traditions of its kind.
I have tha picture of & robin's nest be
fore ms, upon the culsids of which are
stuck a small mosiin Sower, 5 leaf
fram a small calendar and a photo
graph of a local celebrity. A more in-
comgrunta nse of minterial In bred ar
chitectare it would Ye hard to find. 1
have been told of another robin's nest
apon the cotside of whith the bird had
fastened 8 wooden abel from a nearby
ower bed, marked “Wake Robin”
BUll another pest I hate seen built
upon 8 large, showy fonpdation of the
paperdike flowers of Aniennaria, or
evoriasting. The wood throsh fre
quently weaves a fragoient of news.
paper or a white rag into the fonnda.
tion of its nest. “Evil common ieations
corrupt good manners” The news.
paper and the rag hay msetile the wits
of the birds
The phoete bird $s capalie of this
kind of mistakes or indiscretion. All
the past generations of her tribe have
bulit apon natural and, therefore, new-
tral sites, wsngily onder shelving and
overhanging rocks, and the art of
adapting the nest to its sarroundings,
blending it with thei, has Deen highly
developed. But phoebe now frequently
- briilds oder our sheds and porches,
where, so far as colnceslment is con
cerned, 8 change of faxterial say fram
moss to dry grass or shreds of bark,
wonid be an advantage to ber. But ihe
departs not a bit fram the family tra.
ditionz; she uses the same woodlsy
mosses, which In some cases gspecially
when the nest is placed upon unevenly
saws] timber, makes her secret an
open one to all eyes-~John Burroughs,
in the Century.
The best lightning rod for your pro
tection ix your own spice — Emerson.
In all departments of activity, to
have ons thing to do, and to do it, Is
the secret of snccesk—lavater,
For whoever would be fatrer. filo
mination must begin in the by The
face catches the glow only from that
side ~Wiliam C. Gannett
Before wo can bring happiness to
pthers, ws must fist be happy our
gelves, nor will hnvpiness hide within
gs unless wo confer it on others
When a friend of maine 4 taken ints
the next fe 1 do pot ask to know if
he [8 at dnre happy, 1 ask enly wo
Kaow if he has gone Into the disciplin
of perfect justice. I would snot be
afraid to give op my dearest to that
Thomss Starr King.
I &o not know that marytrdom wil) |
prove any harder thnn that discipline
which renders us quick to forgive,
which can look upon the sotcess of &
rival with Ioving plesrure, which cand
maintain a guileless integrity In the
minute transactions of life—Lieorge
Little self denials little bBonestios
little pasaing words of ¥ympathy, ttle
Bameless acts of kindness, ttle silent
victories over favorite termpiatious
these are the silent threads of goidd
which, when woven logether om
out brightly in the pattern of life
| Canen Farrar.
The temper of the mind In which we
meet the hundred asd sue tiny oir
ing | cumstances of avery hour determines
our happlisss or anbappiness far more
than does the dotat] Gf what those ein
cumetaneey are. We cannot ehoose
ihe clregmstanioss but we can choose
tad edn per La oy H. M, Souls! Ye
The Lanse,
As a matter of fact, a lasso 5 shout
forty feet loug-—seldom excending fy
font -and cut of that must be deducted
the amount taken io making the noose
and the part which Is retained in the
band. Thus {t is seen that the average
cast iw ghout twenty-five or thirty feet,
aud the “roper who can throw suy-
where hear ty feet with accuracy ls a
rarity, In California they sometinees
use a rope as long as sixty-five feel,
but there they seem th have & habit of
throwing an enormbusly large loop— |
much jarger than fa really becessary.
In actual work, Bowever, it will be
found that a man’s Dand is not large
enough properly © bold more than
forty feet of rope when collet ready to
throw. — Wide World Magazine,
The Wages of Rulers,
The highest wages in the world
| $78.30 a minute for a six-hour day--ts
received by the Czar of Russia. The
ext highest $33.82 (8 Jess than half
asx much, and is collected by the En
peror of Austria-Huogery: but the
“struck.” gets
but half that apwunt, and hls goole of
Gireat Britain gots $2.42 less, or $15.38
a minute, for his labors. That repub
lies are at Jeast comparatively ungrate
ful is shown by the wage of the Presi.
dent of France, which is a dollar
minute, but that seems ample com
pared with forty cents paid President
Australian Raliway Mileage,
The Australian colonies have sn greater
railway mileage, in proportion to popu.
ation, than any other part of the
Gots Down te Get Un,
The fellow who gets down to work
a the one who gets up in the worid—
FE Aout the
Cc erith
Parts of Old Rowan Fmpire Whids Neo |
IMadare | ay ler Bas Fryer Seen
Few people appreciate the fact that
of the oll
for van E fraveiur of
thenlern 4
ihetent bs
avant has ax
ad woe
Bitest maps, Bey
nr tEmperdle gone
Fiauropean foo
are able 1p oil
har suppinntad the lmashe
besution won 15
bhaif civilly
To realize ho FE
a5iy to cross fhe
{58% ron paral! «
tan Meditirranean
her an
though not 3
of most waornde rte
ta fail
cities and towns
great or xo Imposing,
Bs¥rA. bmg far wrier
the eity of Zenalda, god giving
trey pictars af 1d
fnbabitants than cag draw
these famous rains. Ti
fit buried, §
sili heen } Bait
AR those of § sh
limva been
hy npon (hg
reestered. Yalleys,
view of the fr ATE
them very morl
they did in the Tourn
ord, when inhabited by
tivated and bappy peo
seriad by those inhan
Years ago Howard Crosby Buty
the Cent nry.
tw of He
IR ssn
nsdn MAA
Ghost Paces Compared.
Ghosts differ gute as wilely in fa-
¢ial expression as in other charanteris
thew. Ope always hax a long. clean
shaven physiognomy, cadsaversoa and
pitiful In expression. An gleam.
shaven spook wWedrs bie hair bigh on
Fis head and bas x generally
guished and gentle alr” One
pervipiimis of a woman glues
frightened by its Sra a:
terward anlicipaiad ples
Lope of seeing ta kindly
Tii8 e¥esm Wers Sven
tut the ity
(3. is recorded of
A tall, black ghost troqe
rural romds pacalve
biplieid th
Lona: ae.
Te nang,
rest of
saa ils
ad Vhiy
TR oly
and 2 Goats pads, be fee of a
gian's spook haus
Bouse is pale and lpoisous
are Jownesst as though in
thought. The maleriiy of
BE ow fnaale
showin ap
pear to look sad amd deathly pie. A
esnsplonons nowmber Among the SLENCT.
line persaasion Kre clean-shaven, yet
nny are adoroed with the shades of
ginstacken and beards worn in real
Hfe. To those who were near to them
is; {fe they uspally appear in thelr nor
nial form. Sometitges to those whe
Dive pot seen them for lung intervals
they exhibit changes experienced bee
fore death Rat previously ob
mrved ~Washingron Sar,
a Chaat
5 -
An Increase in Pasper Lanation,
Rreadily for the last fen years the
mamber of certified pauper lunaties in
io British lew
fnrrty sgicide is neveaeing
sonatry. Tam 19
aid ¢ Be ty
ig medionl
fiw Just been
the standard
client measures
i oguite Indefinite. Wh al
athleticism there is still a detinite ten.
disor to {gereawed Db fAanity aml to
Piyteat degeneration in Great Brialg
ag the resent day.
se AR sor:
aral Term
he examin.
teed 19 4
Wasted Elaqaener.
“Grentiemen of the
elrxquent K C.. “1
yim, You are Enpliahmen,
8 walorous race, As
ary. the
Ted Ty
Yun are of
wien vou would
LL £.
Born to IBA 8 wotian scorn tw Ub §
that is
“And only this
interrupted a shir lie
ah ER
treat voe—3corn to say aught
mimanly or nebecoming to a ©
of the wraker sex"
from the gallery “that msn called me
& meddilng old eat” It was rhe KU. Cs
wife. He lost bls conse Ti Bits
mao ———————
A Literary Monarch.
The most literary movsarch in Bw
rife i without doult the roung Victor
Erpmannel of Italy
will a3 his mative laagy
even a reading sequalarance with
very ditReulr laogaage, Rois
spends at least threes bowrs
in Bis stody busy with ous
tue of every kind
a sds ——
Fernvian on Wells,
The ofl wells of Pery yield an aren
R30 of sixty barrels a day of & gunaliy
earrespending te thir of the Ruslan
petroieum from Batoum, belog eighty
foar per cent carbon, The oil of ‘the
United Brates averages fifiy per
La rbon.
Sh pt
A “Waterclad™ Battleship.
The Russians are experimenting with
a "waterclad” battleship which b
of armor. The space between the two
can be filed with water; then the ship
Boats a foot under the sea's surface.
at the dawns of (he twantieth
090% 00505 LHL We WRAY RRA RRA RW AWE WY ;
fli eyes
51 aver the fb
Army Teed
He Knows, Hog-{
Freat 2 and German equally asi
igs aod bas}
that do
arnt, |
a8 38
upper deck of cork and a second Jdeck |
Tired, Nervous, .
Trembling, Sleepless,
MER! 1c x iw s the ‘od ’
The great majority of nervous’
women are sn berxuse they are wi.
fering Irom some form of female dis:
oer. i
Mra Poms Mitehell, 39 Ledudana |
street, Indianapolis, Tod writes:
“Perons hes carisiniy been x bleming
in disgoise 13 me for when | rat began
taking it for troubles peculiar to the sry
and a eaenafly worn out systems [ haf bite |
tie fn
“For he past five pears I have
rarely been withous patn, but Po-
6 very short time. I think I had
only taken two betties befove 1!
degam to recuperats very guickiy,
and seven Dotiies made me well.
I do not have headache or backache
any more, and Aare some (nlorest
tm ite. 1 pive all ovedit whew i&
ds due, and that (» to Povruns. Ve
Emma Mitchell.
By far the prestest sumber of female
rectly :
troubles are canmed &
by eatarrd.
George W, Vanderbilt Will Build One
Near Famous Bi
George W. Vanderbilt. the million.
aire owner of famous Biltmore wil
build a model manufacturicg tow 1
| the mountains of North Carolina It!
will be compieted and ready for ovine
pancy before any one ls permitted to
sellle In the place A complete ays.
tam of walter works slecirie |fahting.
heat and power will ba installed. Vane
derbilt bas acquired a large tract of
land betwesan Hendersonville and Breve. |
ard, N. C, on which to bdalld his spot.
tay town. Work i# to be commenced
immediately The cost will ran ap
mio the millions.
Lal pe
ory. Female troohle 1s sn common, a9
prevaient, that they accept it ae almost
evitable. The tent Lostachs a Lhe YS
redovery is that they do pot de
that it i» catarrh which 8 the soures
their illeems. In female mg
nine sams oot of ase hundred are
but catarrh, Peruns cures caterch
evar jocated,
Cheanic mealide who have
femade disease beg to improve at once
Ld ra Pr > Hartman s treatment.
Among the many prominent women He
. Peruana Beiva
Petersburg to train applicants for the
force. There is a museum combiaed
with the school where pupils make
themselves familiar with the tools of
criminals jimmien, drills, chisels 308
contrivances for
boxe, a special fleld of
tem fs studied In detail The duties
of the dvorniks, a sort of assistant po=
wor, ara taught. They keep watch on
ow residences, report on the habits of
the traaats, their visitors examine the
papers of sewzomers and direct thems
to report thensselveas at Be police ste
} tion.
calarsd, pain Is pammng. |
dribbling. frequency, hed :
wetting Dosa's Kidney Mig NAME.
: ir. 0.
Slepiesmess Xaatachs, lerare
rr. Ke 8 C Jones |
writes: “1 wis unsbie to
Bor Lown wind te
”. Dall Sul oats
a Sr wr
i nbewe
1 Thea
much Sow af water For _—
liver! ever Laer
Sod for 00 ative; lt vegetable.
There is a policemen's college i9 @
robbing collection
passport sys