j ducer. frat famce of : sin 104s. by Charles 1. 2 Use Allen's Foot Fase, Jt ta the only cure for Bwollen Emasting, Tired, Aching, Hot Bweatin: Feel, formas aml Bunions. Ask for Allen's Viol Esse, a fo be shaken nto the shoer, Cures he walk, At all Drogeists snl Shoe flores, bo Dan't assent any substiintes, Sammie sent Furz, Address, Allen K. 5. Oinwted, [alloy N.Y, oe theatrical » stage employes have sixty lo unions and mote than $38 members, SAA A BE BSA A A FAH INSU as ls “Tha Klean, Kool Kitehen Kind” of stares Rony you clean and cool, Feonomical and always reads, : Bold nt # od : Fully 2900 persons commit suicide in Rus sis every year. - agi sare lise (re for Consumyion sid my three years azo. Mas. TRowas Run Nine, Maple 8. Nocwioh, N, Y., Feb, 17, 1900, Ith tuekier 1 to have a rabbit's foot than a bare ip. Eight New Vegetables Eight vegetables new to this ecun try are being eunltivated In the gov ernment experiment stations with references to introducing them to the truck gardeners. They are described as follows: A European okra of plant proportions; is a valuable starch pro From Mexico la a pepper | {largely used In that country and a Great White Bear. the grestgrand- | Tree, whilom chief of tho ploding. “husk tomato” which males dell cious sweet pickles. A decorative and medicinal vine is a cucumber, also Mexican, which distributes fits seeds broadly when ripe by violently ex : Chevril, a sedgelike plant from Europe, produces a tuber of hazelnut size which, eaten raw, tastes like a cocoanut. The Indian “baselin™ a vine, has blossoms like an arbuiuas {and fruit Jike a blackberry bush, Valuable If Practicable, A device has been patented by Rob. jert B Peters, of Knox, (0, which i» designed to prevent railway collisions and other accidents. It consists of a system of elecirlc signals by which 8 moving train sels a danger signal two miles behind the train. If a bridge is burned or there Is a wash- out, s broken rall, a turned switch or b {anything placed on the rally, or even the running of a handear on the track, will set the signals. In addition there is a register in the train Jispatoher’'s office by which the position of every *Hirain on each mile of ita track is regis itered. By this indicator the dispatch er can know within a mile of any. _iwhere a train may be, lta character, “iand the direction in which it is mov- ing. The Strait of Magellan. The recent Princeton expedition to ® | Patagonia developed some luteresting facts concerning the southern end of "ithe New World. The terraces on the plains of Bouth Patagonia are ancient sen cliffs, cut during pauses in the slow emergence of land, and the pres. of this series of cliffs. Befors that {region was submerged, great valleys were eroded across the land, and isiuce the land came out of the water | geain the valleys contain intermittent tivers. ancient valleys, which has not yet en. tirely emerged, is the Strait of ¥agellan, : The unveiling of the Wagner mem- grial at Berlin will take place on Oo fober 1, and the musical fetes in cone fection therewith will last for four tays. “an Back and | elleve heart palpitation, Splosanon headabhe, nervousness, dizziness Doan’s Kiduey Pills are now recognized 8s 8 known remedy for kidney, bladder, and urinary troubles. They bring refiel and cure when despair shadows hape, The free trial is an open de Or Ua self proof, 3 RRA TNA vi Barres frmite Eavnin, “1 reendvisl the free fons po of Dean's Kiduey } For five years | have hat reneh pain in ny back, which Plivsicians sekl arose from Wy kibers. Four boxes of Ian's hiner Pils have ou ri giared tha trouble | think I owe my jie 10 theses Pills, and } wa others to know it." Heo Davis, X Ay seme Farmorrn, Va —*1 mf. with pain in the soall of back. Motives and Pas ters pave only tem i relief Dn Ww Kidoe) Pia Loured ms" Ea B Brows, (lind heap, when tests Wl be raised and burned, + Vi STORING COAL IN THE SEA. Aisrasting Experiment Is Being Tried : at Portsmouth, England. ‘Large coal dealers at Portsmouth, England, are about to try 8 novel ex- feriment, In which they propose to test WIL water for the storage of coal In der to do this five cases, each hold- Lig two tons of coal, are to be sunk ir the dockyard basin, and a similar aantily will be stored on land, At tie end of a year one case will ba rised and two tons taken from the will be made it order to ascertain which ia the tier, Six montha later a second case and so on til a satisfactory test has been i nade, Chicago 18 the best organized city ol carpenters In the country, having a membership of pearly 6,000, ent coast 1s the Inftest representative | The most southerly of the ; forex over twelve mnths | Preventing Fongus Dlsousor. Preventing the spread of fungur dis eases could be aicomplisheil better by | destroring the branches asl vines that fire cul away frim treed and busiies than by the vee of other methods It I= not sufichent to remove the partiine af trees affected with hiack knot. Tiey should Le consigned to the Hames as no remedy In as sore in the destruction of the spores as fire, Notes Regarding Voof Cates, Toor care for the vow red size of her calf. Neglect of woatied theo. A small proportion of roughape, ds compared with the grain feed, tends to make finer bones, more rounded forms, and at early age better weight, in cattle, = : Good flesh and plump forma depend on both careful feeding and the propor pclection of mveders, To gain size, practices gulutérrapted good feeding. A starvation feed will reduce the elie of any bread, tural characteristios are A herd will be mare profitable I of nearly uniform (ype. Either insufficient fond 3 the ar feed oF poor quantity reduces the procreative POWErS, A vow that has a good flow of milk for a cormsidernlde period will ralse & better calf than ga cow thar gives tte milk for on ghort In beef cattle, alin 28 a sinooth, sleeg form from which no bones protruds If the hull of a herd differs in type widely from the cows, the progeny wil unpraftabily vary Iu sige and gnuality. Tutermsitient care dock fol poy; the care should be constant, Common Sense Drinking Pooutaln, The eammon serie drinking fountain, deseribed below, can be made by any one with gumption enough to be o ponltry breeder. Procure a well-glazed milk eroek and lay it inverted on an inch board, Mark sround it one-half an inch from the rim and ent out as neatly wa possibile. Take plastering Inth one-quarter by one inch and cit them fifteen Inches long and nail on the clirevlnr board two Inches apary tae the bottom ends to make 18 stronger, Bet the ¢rock on something solid and level, pot the cage over it after filing and your fountain ix complete. A hate dle of some kind may be fastened to the top, This kind of drinking vessel is pr ferable because they are not easily upset ie are easily cleaned, for noth: fog will stick to the croc A dash of boiling slice will retove all traces of most any medicine that may be put in them. The gallon sige crock 1s about ten Inches gorozs and five and ope-balf inches high; the bailgnilon size 1s about seven Inches across aud four Inches high and cost very Htile The cage is to Keep fowls from gots ting foto the water with thelr feet Comercial Pogitry, Choosing Natry Cows hy Type, Too many dalry wen gre feeding and milking cows which do not pay for thelr keep. What good does it do ur If we know how to care for milk, poe duce the best cream, make fine butter and market it well, {7 we lose in the end by keeping poor cows? “Dairying doesn’t pay.” is sald by the man whose cows don’t pay, and how many we keep In our dairy herds which have neither breed nor type to perform the work we expect of them. ence between a $80 and an £85 vearly average por cow Ia too great to give no Boel. It is the difference between a sory loss and nogomd profit, The other day, while condusting on tock Judging clazz, gore vigitors ene tered, We were working on two grade Jersey cows, having a large. fmonth, block with poor dary points, but she looked lke % ane the at fpep a sma toned il 3 8 pont datry bad thie hatter of theses tay fo guess at pg pot! . do as pro durers, To got an CXpRession fy wy visitors IT ask they wonld plek, large, Llocky cow, the dalry type, Now the two animals was £55 and $1350, while enting nearly the same amount, one averaged 10 pounds, while the other averaged 300 pounds of butter a vor, These two animals were very different in type, and nny one could wile one peep a marked variation if Ie had the Wa have, is by type. eompelied to use this method alote. | two helore him for comparison, The ability to select a dalry cow hy type 1s most Important and valoalie, it ia true, the Daboock test and geales to And the butter eapacity of a cow, but we cannot ake these arouml with ns In baying cur cows, pelther can we tell hy one or two tests what an animal Is worth. Therefors, the practical method of selecting catile Dealers In beef stock are calves stunts ne matter what Hs nos Fasten a hoop made of heavy wire lo The differs} what BOT : wil | ay : en Crop " La certain es favored Fain wo i of LE oiler py Yay al valne between those | OT GLIET CTO, 1 for, | are able to find, very conveniently the proper type for the daly cow, Going Lon the basis that “haandecme Is that handeonw does” and appiviae a few yeurly esperimionie by a nombre of dif ferent {ypes lwecds and individuals we can obiain a great deal of yaitable | information Professor H. L. Hoscker before the Kansag Dalry Convention For Sageing Doors. Obtain n wheel tnnie from gn old m chine wijl answer) and, after Sutin 3 | noteh in the Batten of the dod for the wheel, attach the latter to the door by menna of an fron tar be round! snd of a8 diameter {hat will work easily in the whole of 18e wheel Have a bideksmith flatten the rod at TE aly TO PREVENT 8A001%0. Ea a a either end, fist i 10 fit the dar frame ds sn aid make two or thres holes In each enil, 80 that it may be screwid to the door as shown. A large fiat #tone | should be placed close to the door sill on which the whee! will rest when the door is closed. If the ground over which the door will swing iz Kept level and built up to the proper hight the attachment of this devices to the door will absolutely prevent iis sagging. It may be readily atischied to an old door after first placing the door In the proper position, adding new liinges if LECeRsATY. —ludianapolis News, ¢ as a Millet and Bangarisn Groves. Millet tx entirely o summer crop, and the seed should not go in thy ground until warm weather bas been pesured, {It is especially adapted to Hight sandy sulle, upon which large crop ean be grown, bat thrives well ales on soils that are heavier. The richer the soll the better, but it fx very Important to fret get the seed bed In a fing, pulver zed condition. Plow deep anil barrow several times before zeeding, using a brush for covering io the peal. If the locution is In oa good, rich and suitable portion of the field, the seed should be sown thickly, for o» "2 tlie stalks She eeswser and more palatable the hay, but where it 1s sown for the pure pose of obtaining seed for the suoceed- Ing season it should be dane in drills, using less seed, though it ‘may be broadeasted If necessary. The appears ance of millet while growing ls similar to that of. thickly sown dwarf carn, the leaves being broad, covering tha ground completely, It grows very rap. idly, especially during warm weather, {if there Lins been a plentiful supply of moisture, asd I also stands the drouth admirably. The tall German fant mil. et In the kind generplly pirefurred, Hungartan grass 1s very simile to mil. et, both belonging to the same fami of plants, bat while the mililit can be cropped only opoe Hungariin furnishes sueecgslve cuttings anti] fall, which ix an advantage when the soil. ing system is practiced with stock; but EIss Eh it does not grow ag tall as willet, nor { give such heavy yields at the times of | cutting, As a hay crop for winter use miilet should bis preferred Hungarian grass are highly relished by all kinds of stock. especially tf ent and : The hinds may | but the cutting met not | be delayed Yong enough to allow the | a8 ordinary hay and stored In the barn, | sured before sessing. shoot the send, seeds to fill out. Cured the kame the leaves do not cromble to pieces easily, Hike clover, and when ron Thiz bar should Miliet ax id | ; " { s ATARRH in 8 very frequent trues | oof that class of diseases popuavly nen an feraie weakness i Catarrh of the Jive oF | ouch a variety of daagreealie | ing symptoms that man aan 5s fact, the majorly of pile: they are eaosed BY catarth, If all the women whe are suffering with any form of feranie weakness wound witite ta Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and give him a compiete description of thew wy tena and pecutmritios ul their tromlies tations a ey vy directions for treatment, {ree of charge, Mrs. Fva DBartho, 138 FEust 12th street, XN. Y. City, torites “1 suffered for threa sare with lewesorrhea and j 1 dreaded very much, Peruna cured me; it took mine bottles, but I felt so much im dreaded an operation so muah. I am to-day in perfact health and have nat felt so 106 ifr al teen years. —AMrs. Eva Barthe. Mise Mand Steinbach, 1300 12th 84, Mil wankes, Wis, writes: time, wan irregular and sulleved from tee pain, | bad 4s frequents {runs snd what wonderful cures ib oe i formed, oo 1 sent for & bottle, and in weeks my health and strength were sntite br restored to me Mie Mand Sweindaeh. Prerywhers the wornen sre ning eras and p praising it, Perans is oot » jalintive wimply, it cures by removing the tause of femace ‘Aiseane, Hartman has probahd or] of female siiments th ; hving physician, {wmpiy by using snd recommending Fe Tuna. cured ate Columbus, Ohio, ve ho iden that | he wil immediately repiy with timupiete N Xr. ation of the womb, The doctor ndvoeated an operation which and strongly oljccted to go undar it. Now I am a changed woman. proved I kept taking if, as I vous sxhanstion and severs bearing down} heard of I's | any sther i He makes thews tsires! “Last wititer | felt wick moet f thai 1f you do not derive prompt and aitlafuciory vesulls Irom of Peruna, write al once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stale your case and he will be pieasnd 10 give you Ais valuable advice gn Address Drv. Hariman, Frosident of The Hartman i AAR SA NA A SA AC NETRA, SRA Atl pI on Be FL SE mE EA Every child born Into the world with an inberited or early developed : “tho mours of the skin, scalp sad blood, becomes an object of the most tender solictinde, not only becanse of its salle ing, bot becanse of the dreadfal feat that the disfigzurstion is to be lifelong aod mar Its future bappiness sod prose thirough a cutter nnd seasoned with | mend, bran sand a little sald, makes almost a © tual fool crops are indispensable (n pliees that are not sdanted to clover pnd grasses, fs they bat grow and matur As relov: g crhg cellent, nos + ; Laey re LEE ET Hines fun nay pegs § age on oF ErRER Turhwg wo, that | SS its H© tn tet Yeoweny When Sen WTO se 3 the E niche tn milnd Ia ol effertunl whe fran, If es grown and plowed lee the a HE Saw | Roh, Philadelp ha Record. A NA IR tase A Land of Churehon, One of the features that atirnet most attention tn traveling through the Aas ralian oolowieos 13 the number churches which are evervwhire to be found. Every little township cr village has thyee or four odiives devoeled sn worship: in fact, ene Victorian hamlet achteved notoriety by being gor of five churches and houses, thie posses. nd pubile ARR i a Safety ping are peculiarly Amerionn, | Imtosy © ‘the mass These | atl ey ; sre not only certain! vies short | 3 $i och wes % 3 § for a large crop of miller or of | AN EXQUISITE REQUISITE for Bot wemther. Cooly the Hiond Rootbeer “ A A package wakes Sve ; rw A : | IT amicted with Thompson's Eye Water petity. Tonoe, It becomes the duty of | mothers of pach allicied children to aoe ~ quaint themscives with the best, the | purest and most Tective Sestment available viz, The C aticurs Treatment, : i Warm batiis with Cuticars Soap, i cleanse the sXlin aud scalp of crasta and { scales, gentle srplications of Catienrs i Ointment, to siisy Itching, trritstion sod infarimaticn, and soothe snd heal, smd mild doses of Cuticnr: Kesolvent, 0 enol the blood (a the severar Chmes sil thut can be desired for the relief and peraest cure of skin tor tured wfsnis sod children, sud the come i fort of worn-oul parents { Millonsof women ose Cutioars | pssisted by Coticurs Ointment, for pres serving, pt rifying and beattifylog the skin, scaly, hair and bends, for annoys tng freitatione and weaknesses, and or many saaative, sothvntie parpose which readily sugge Hwmaiteh Raid romphect the welt. Citompy our wand tor - jhow te Span Hamre” DR PS ETW DISCOVERY: Soot resol nd seems pais fooek of fevtusenals oud dare’ 1 | Pres. Br BB SEAN a 104 5. Amman Bae We uso 14,000,000 of them ech yeas! r get th 20d wt Ares today No matter. w well wo r adeoluve 8g.