Faia DR eb SO i 1 ue " the near future. "at he option of ihe a Patton as second. ling the month. Additional money ™ | yertisemant this week. 1 cases of smalipox in the state since the | sixty-six deaths. Patton furnished one 1 of the ches. : move his family to { Charlerol The big clearance sale st the Bon {Ton store is attracting large crowds of o | bargain seekers. It will continue dur {saving items are quoted in the new ad- «The state board of health an pounces that there have been 1,062 board's May meeting, with a total of ‘There are thousands of peop who do not know that the size in underwear | : is two inches, in a sock an inch, in a is | pollar half an inch in trousers one inch, | {in bats sp eighth of an inch and in {candidate for sheriff, has becn suffer- Ling for two weeks from a severe attack 1 contented with the Ebensburg Light, | 1 Heat and Power Co. to hest the court {house tind jail for a consideration of | Gloves A quarter of an inch. John 1. Bechler the Republican Gof rheumatism. He left last week fur Mt Clements, Mich, in the hipe of {being permanently benefitted ~The county commissioners have 8 181,800 a year. It in said that this will] ofiect & saving of about $600 por an 3 Allen Rumbarger returned to his home in Philadelphia Monday after! - {being here two weeks taking the place | § {of his brother Albert in the office of the | Central Supply Co. The latter returned . | Baturday from a vacation trip 10 Belle. | in| fone. : ‘Boma Geib and Jessie) ltoona, are the guests of Mis “Why can’t Patton have a weet | tate or ¢arpival? Other places with . | Bot balf the "git np and git" of the | “North Star” have found them profits. | _ Ble and pleasing diversions. Respect. fully referred to tne Bosiness Glen's | association. ~Thomus Hagan, one of the super. : visors of Allegheny township, has re. : : ' aiined wn the result of his being fined for neglecting to keep the loose stoves | off the road in his batliwick., The other 2 supervisor. «it is reported that at the next reg- | inlar meeting of the board of directors of the United States Stes! corporation Hon of Charles M. Schwab as presidest 18! the combine will be presented and accepted and that Wm E Corey, at will be onosen to sucoeed the Loretto man. hing free beer among ther new em. ployes, most of whom are Ballans, to santy com: stone contractors: column of this issue, e firemen’s dance af Electric night was well attended ay dloaing ardor of Chief ; appears to have been | Leech, of Ehensborg. the of the Republican county ew in town Tuesday. on ‘Monday aid | ractel ic addresses. | ngene A Garvey, bishop ic diocese, moved into the pal residence at Altoona tem of Helmbold, : Miller now occupy offices in Block on West Magee | the contractor who aie recently insog: by B. Kusner ia attracting con- Read alt shout it ot a, law limiting oto] ar ow Charles Sehwab has res » attention in: the tolamns old man Gran in bis art days, For the information of the editor Hastings News the Counrtee has been requested to state that it was the speeord hase ball nine of Patton that plaved of that pluses last week, LU twa-venr old hay eelf, which Blandburg is a good thing for the brew. hing companies iT for nobody else. The ‘Harbison Walker company Is ditriba. "keep them fiom desertiog. Thelr ase hon Is being freely criticized, aa the Eo become intoxicated and make is. noes of themselves, It wad thal jitter oo work is bed Aug | INTERESTING TSDENTATIONS, Lockjaw seems to be becoming opi- demic. quality, Lhe painter. down hill. - = thing. . Fagan, contracting, paioting and docotanr There are fellows who taugh an w fat over their own jokes. A young man can learn the paluting #rade with Fagan, the painter, Hast : {ongm, Pa. really deserved it. ie 8b the bars and get the best. _eomplishes something, which is more than can be said of a lot of men, © Wanted: Reliable man to ron tea Two houses and lots for sale in Pat fon of easy terms Noo reasonable pifer » wiil be refused. Inguire of Geo, | he arly reliable sure fo + falling baie 8 Capo ianss Fy vi po Yikina Palian per Is % g if featur 1h ¥ “4 from J. 11. De Havana pits 4 % +31 g § Whit Caen dog on on yp here a gen. fn that b during | this pe Hour, slate! Pagon, Boyan want pic for Behilite, Union made, Pik Caged and steletly pore. At hotel b I Quine & Harper's wholesale, ee: ema odo bet supervisor, Jacob Sherry, died last tweek, a0 that the township is without in New York August 4th the rosigna. present assistant to President Bohwab, “The strike of the brick makers al The summer girl prefers quantity to For high grade wall-paper ses Fagan, It doemt't require much effort to eo You can do better at the White. Some people talk too much to really When a man has reached honored | distinction he'is apt to wonder if he No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer, The Hoollar' is pure cream. Ask for ( lothes When a mule kicks he generally zee MAGEE AVE, 3H items, goods you nee der price. We have about 10 Skirts in our line, | that we want to clean out, odd numbers they sold st $3.49. $4.49 and 34. cs, Your choice for 51 98 Any suit in the store can be boug ht for $3.98. They sold for $8. and $10. The sKirt alone is worth more than the price ashed. Wash Suir that old: at $4. 95 offered | at 51,95 You may never et another chance to buy 20c¢ wash dri ss goods for 10z, better buy now. Mors silk handKerchiefs sold at 25c¢ for 18¢ each Ch: Teor 8 hears ribbed. fast black stockings. rie, regular price 10c. Pa Corset steels worth 10¢ for 3c. Indian rubber dressin ng curls 4c a BR Hond Knit circular shawls, best Shet- land floss, 98c¢ quality for 69¢ Men's fine muslin night shirts worth 49¢ for 25c¢ Furniture velvet worth v5. for 39¢. 0.4 Bleached sheeting worth 19c¢ special at 13 1-2¢ Children’s muslin pants, embroidery ruffle, 12/2 c And all seasons we are busy turning out the latest ‘creations of the Sartorial Art. minimum of cost 1s our specialty. New Spring Patterns just in and a big variety to He in Patton and vicinity, Mast E age at ‘which hay u Tarnish Bom. Aililress, Tea, 1 Ehix office, : sele Ct fr u nl : Handsome new bine of Trouserings. my; Bon EE gma pte BA Bi . NSMOore oros,, A. SEITZ, i Irs 0 Lions SHRILL BoE Losidsiee dG 35, 19 fy, sng i fro ANTHONY ANNA, Cod opm Tue sreatest wid Lo BIGESTION, Just received a new line of infants’ coats and dresses. Infant's coats silk em~ broidered at 98e . en ch Infant's Bedford Cord coats trimmed with lace and ribhon and embroidere $1.39. $1.49, $1.98, $2.25, $2.98, and $4. 95 long arvd short Infants’ dresses. lon and sho . J 49, 75. 98¢c and $1.39 5 . 25 Infants’ sKirts 25 and 49¢ New stvles of sash curtain goods at 10, 15, 19 and 5c hs AT a SO CE By bps ning § ine Cotnes warp on spools worth 23c, sale price, 16¢ pound Wash «ilk that sold al 35 and 49¢ re duced to 5c yd. Fine Nodingham lace curtains, 31: yd. long woven ruffle, was $2.98, sale price $2. O05 WS ig # 15 pieces of Vi ienece lace and gallons, orth 25 10 49. urd, sal price 121-2¢ yard Pearl shirt waists sets 8, 25 and 35¢ set SE Th a i a So ea Pearl chains 10 and 25 Black « choline 25c Hair Borrettes 10 and 15¢ that wear well, fit well and at the PATTON, PA. Tlagee Ave. Summer Coolers than the € Soda Water obtained from the Fountain at Gunn's Pharmacy. Crushed Fruit Flavors and the Scaentific Mixture of the Soda makes our Preparation as Good as the Best and Better than Most. is PRESCRIPTION DEFRRTMENT Perfection, Canse:—Pure Drugs and HUYLER’ 'S {4 4 fog ; or PIES GUNN'S PHARMACY Patton, Pa, Parnell, Cowher & Co. GEO. BOONE i ZY 33 Hf Xo