The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 17, 1903, Image 5

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    RA 1 SA CE am
weston Bate Book.
on June 1 } Se pan
Stour #1 tor provide t the pablin with che
renoris of Fastern America, with the
raten oof fare. It contains all tha prin.
Leap renkiiire and oantain pesorta of
FORIGS 6 mbination of routes. The
| bel as been compiled with the great
ia eet care, wad allogether In the mos
it | hy made, Teaching complete and sora prehensive handbook
. nu time for sup: cof summer travel ever offered to the
1 Lig :
printed ln endorse, and the bok oon.
? hain Reveal Maps, presenting the ox
to the shire ly any ia set rattes over which tic Bre Sid
ri Me Fiat. shoeot wharl or | } The 5 Barok is » profs aly iHostraied with
: enery al the
i | vark ipa Paste ry atomg the foes of
the Pennsyivanis rajirosd
This very jnteresting book may bw
; dar brains the | ees red LAL any Peninyivania s FRI mt,
tb street wharf. {tie
pase ager
LiL, tndel
seriptive notex of the principal sommes |
The cover is handsome and striking
a Pe FES dah
best vantes for peaching them and the ©
| the Bua and over seventeen hundred
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
Fat many ysars it has besn suppossd that
Catarrh of tha Stamach csuged pn
end dyspepsia, bul the truth is sxactly the
posite. Indigestion causes caters, Ra.
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
raucous membranes Kning the stomach and
SXp0ues Ie parvas of the stomach, thus cage
Sg ths glands to secrats mucin lisiead of
fae juices of natural digestion. This is
falind % Cataryh of the # Stomsuah,
After & great deal of affort and oor.
idence, John A. Gano, the pops
drngzist, has sueceedsd in getting
fie, Howard Oo to make a speeial
(hdlprion nteoductary offer on the
regnine Boent size of their coletirated
specifier for the cure of constipation and
| 37sPeiuia.
Dr. Howard's specific bas been wi re
9 markahis snessfil in curing eofeati
pation, Ayspepsin and Diver troubies
Foto care $11.25,
Uresion de
leavin tong at 450 and 9
rom all stations at which thuse
op, and from stations from
gular connection with the is
at the bigher rate only on
dog wb 10 p.m. Polimsn |
i cars through to Atlantic City
fH 10 pom. tradn, snd to Philadel.
a Me AM and § pm trains.
ng coupons will be accepted |
regpiar train except the Penn.
; ited and the Chicags Lito and get sixty doses of the best medi.
the St. Loos Limited. ine ever made on this special Ball
ocd informntion io regard to | price offer, with his personal goarkntes |
me of trains apply 10 teket | y; refand the » money ite
Thon. BE Watt, district pas |
nt, Pittsburg. :
price publ in every cae where it
dows not give relief :
So great ia the demand for this ape,
(00 wire only a Boledd seppiy, and
la reryone whe bs trotbied with dyspep
sia, constipation or iver trouble shopld |
A Suigient Crpeos kay
in HIWavs daapbroas ~do 50d subaniy to
ature ot the Stimsach, :
XPOSInE the DeTVes iu arp of them: | salar from bised-
the glands Lo secret aciy, ing and protrading piles for twenty
(Years Was rated bs dierent speci: |
eslied extarrs of Hie giles and aed MAY retnaiies, bul ob.
yours I sulered with | tained no relief got 1 used DeWitt's
ol Witeh Mazel Balsa. Two boxes of this i
(nalve cured me eightern months ago |
{and I ave not bad 8 Louih of the olles
ned HL. A Fist Sungeerion, BK
iC. For blind, bieedis 1%. itching and
al | protrading Pies fii Pes 2 espuals a De
: Patton Phamacr,
Woy Other Madicions Muse Fuld
~Fatronize the bome print shop,
We are better prepared than ever to
Cltarn out commereinl printiog of sl
Kinds and at & prices Shit can’t be duaplic
Who docs your printin Yu
| ther flow does i my De righ,
If the UotniEk does ts Fou knew itis
: housand
in variots parts of oe tonniry
ina Fro@uabie business on their own
Loount want 2 boy to fepresent
“that Jobs A Goon ls willing bo stars
feifie that Joba A Gann Tow bees alile
{ail upon him at once, or send 35 conte
the surgeon's kuife nati you bave tried |
the stomach is overionded; | DaWite's Wite!s Hazel Baive, It will
GIs taken into it that fails to Leare when everything else fils it tue
decays and inflames the mu | dane this in thousands of cases Hore
take Foley's Kidoey Core. It ban
{eured when everything hae disappoint. |
eslioves all tates of the Mucoes
membranes lining the stomach, protects the
‘nerves. and cures bad breath, sour fisings. a
ssise of fuliness after eating. indi gaation,
dyspeosia and all stomach frauhies.
Kodo! Digests What You Eat
Bate SAN 2 fhe Stomeeh $8 a fas
the teil Mise, Ei oir shy in Fol :
Srapared by £. O. DewiTY 4/0G.+ Ohi sage, no
{ New Blood,
Makes. New Nerves,
New Lilie.
Tones Up the Whote System and
AT TIED. COL, Le Roy, N.Y.
€ Ww, Hodgkins, 7 Fatton Pharmacy.
- Offos in £ Food Building. 3 Heretics |
i ard rent
' Parnell, Cowher & Co.
“ Rpowitn for.
acomest [GUE
fret Bolling Patten, Iu
Hastings, Pa
Calloctions promptly attended to.
Dealer in real estate, otc,
6 pp-staire in Good Pullding Of
fice: Hoare Sam to 19m andlp
Cty Pom
he srestast aid to DIGESTION,
ole ev's Kidney Cure
tals alr WR LD budacr :
eetvsin pd
: wy Gk go be
ordioary effect of Swamp-Root
Hravehitits bor Twenly Yenos
Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danvilhe Ii
writes: “I had bronchitis for twenty
10 order the lade or a
Years and never got relief antil | used | i
Foley: s Honey and Tar, which is a sare |
AR Has, of Morgantow. u, Ind had |
tO get up ten or twelve times in the
night, and bad a severe backache and |
pains in the kidneys. Wass cared by
Foley's Kidney Care,
Foley's Kidney Cu ure purifies the |
biood by straining out Impurities and |
tones up the whole system. Cures kid- |
ney and biadder troubles.
BH rm AR A
Sound kidoeys are safeguards of life. |
Make the idueys healthy with Foley's
(taceans of all kinds.
For Boys andl (iirie. Latest Shapes
and Styles, with RIGHT PRICES
Full line of
oailly. You will appnu
Hine thie season. Diglfovds tor
and Misses a speniaity
A 51 Gee of all kinds of Shows
The White
Shoe Store.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble Hom
and Don’t Know it. :
Mow To Find Out,
Fil i 3 bottle or
sat Siemans §
ting irik
| convincing proof that the kidneys and
der ars out of an
i Rare Bia
oft Li lhl © Poo | MBE wash
Larsen (wg
Sr oF Reet
of wins propa
Jute TH audi Sonia have slic |
‘outstanding orders to the apn of |
$0 22
Wa the andersighed anditors of Pat
ton Boroagh, oeriily that we hailive the | ©
ty be a trie aml correct
stateroent of the Anancial send tion of
| Patton Borosgh Schoo District to this
] MM. B Cowmnn,
WA Met
Eo. Howreg,
and 8 Book
mors A001 :
iy frem Hy re
sddemse pe. Kd
BOY mistake hal remens.
sebinat. De Kil
wad the dress
# * From Fhe Hh fo Jane 4%
=H 8S
: Fas priveaod esd WM 1808
A SE nd
Efron. HE
Pena ivanie vision ;
Beech Creek District.
Condensed Time Table,
km ne BB
8 kA hb
Eikesaanies ve
Ww atine ee
Revista le Mines
taki Fron
ag 3 gd Sh
i » Honmaneod with Phillie
BE hi
2 » J
: Ww TI Fr
J.B. Boepldh, viens maid New Yael
Pittsburg, Je ihnstown, Fbe
burg & Eastern
Corrdeoned Thome Talde 6 afiest Se B
om BE PN » 0
8 3 145
% i
& Fy 41% CE a a
Bag i x # iE
: z ge 598
Leaving Ph tun Fi
SAW i pm Pm
{x i 58
5 OW A.
5 *
=i spay TRAIN
To Palipsbar :
wa RG
E spenen Of ronning Patten Publ
Psisa tain YY
akg iain, X14 Phtiigmbangi Akon Saath
®rst Reet Cenc By ibrounid togitea Jor anit §
Bet finite, bow Bhvess, Wil
a 3
yy g # Signe
Philadelphia &
BE 08
yor Gf
Hussanp, Sue'y,
‘ Huntingdon & Broad Top
| Railroad.
¥ :
Tin effect Sent, 1901
Stan et,
“ainoeliovren wl MY Dig i
wbwrbivadd, Mat, :
x. seth wnrd,
Se if AM Pe hs
ar sihaton 1pank
CAPITAL Pu AID v PP, $100, 000.00.
SURPLUS, $20,000. 00.
Avenants of Corporations, Firms, individ
i ais ard Hanks reoeived apes This mont 18 Gre 3
Bim pi consistent with sale ard UBT REINS :
i bank 5
por va bie hy ‘the efit
C | T Y R E STA U R A N T : th LN DINE ORY pron pd snd
u i | pers feed siento,
1s h cadqua rters for crus. | Entered paid ss tine deposit
Oy sters, | PA E Parroxn, Wu H SANDIORD,
ela ws, hard and soft shell President. Cashier. :
rabs, Inhsters, eto. i mind
ain od Letiers of sdministmiton on the Estat of
and :
MEALS AT ALL HOURS CIUHN CO. SNYDER, late of the Borough of |
F Patna ( eng: Uotrnty, Pao, dovensed, Bassi
Ice cream with crushed TULL} ng been counted by the Raglster of Camhesa |
flavors a specialty. | County to the wndersigont, xi) preesans having
| lair will present them, and those knowing
Fine confections, tobacco and vigars. | Bemaetve Hidehid it Ca Tat
Mitchell & McCormick, Prop'rs, WMH Noman,
| PHONE Susowssors Wo H. T. Peters | Patton on, May I, 18.
EE A amnion, woek a
i a “5 pom
Selnip ia and Xow Youll, La
Biag, Walking Genoese wel |
ic Mabuttey and Putboty, areas
with, Pani vwitaowney, Rides
baad in moe eater,
ox in LR perio ndent
Reading Railway.
Engine Buse Hae Cop a
Traits Lemve fh 5 dd From Depot, Vout |
Fine A
For New York vin Philander Ham.
hE ad, flap PE Bu saliey ue, iete
or New York vie Easton Te mis mm,
LK Fo? i ug, Tw
1° Avi Benatar yt ’ “ry
: 4 and
nye Pe 0a. m, om Pong
Trait ine Willamewn:
Fw Jor via Panton 1 Rita, o
eB Redes Ea mG ail Bom
Lev * Now Tork vin Phtiadeiphia 121A wi
El i ET oa
bate 3 gy
Phinda pba, Reading Terminal, «3
wa asl GED wom, wel 6%
Sk By horn
HT ee
Bom Samdays fam rE \ :
Ir edited Tram Bate k anid pesidenom
Tix atinaise i:
Eins 1 WEEKS
LI Pasectger Agat,
; Siead, Silduin duis.
pied sare i ail SX presen Drain,
Peun 1sy vania Railroad
: In effet Pub 3, Tas.
fenve venncti- Bustwasd.
Pak Share Expeow, wesk dues
a a.
gt ta ro - anys. ward.
£0 AceRiiL., Wee ise
Me Bape, daily ne
Fastline, du —— :
| Sheridan Aver, week days nas
In effect January 19, 1908.
Lam ve Patton -Nonthwand.
a Na TH at 0 a. Boarriving at Cresson
ry Her
Leave Patton Sartiiwan,
Tein No. 7M al 1047 & arriving at
| hailey at Lab mw. and at gid Rood
Train Noo 38 at 607 pn
NR hh 0 Se a A
Patton Courier,
er of Publicity.
Advertising Rates made known on
n Na 700 at £8 p.m. Arriving at Cresson