a uffalr in charge was ton E Pri Arthur Diner | | Lansbory and Danean Sa nidford. \, Seite, Walter Mellon, Ollie Dre of the best base bull games in jaing rates made KNGWI Hpi al this section this year was the one At % ; ; i x discontinued until all arrenr: y paid, nnless al the option Wo ihe | Benedict Baturday afternoon boiween the elab of that pince and the Patton pine. The latter was defeated in a most at Patton ns second interesting tontest by a store Gf 4 Wr fell matter, did the twirling for the Benedict ehris Brett of daly ssl aR {8 Davis the Princeton college pitcher, | (ered as far, show that 5% people were made a business trip Hive hundred were injored io the one These mre : Lot eomplete figares ax it win be with DuBois relatives. |. 00 ti fmpeasible to . Presiing Eider Bell will oveapy they will do to show that pats { the M. E. church Sanday | not an empty dram, i killed and pearly four thousand and Lh july conImEGHAeTs Fave of} awarded the stonn aol Tor the new : 08 pide to be Bulit aoross Walp Hun as mold his noal ings, for $2,604.50 ap Mill to the Webster AK. Habey, of Palen 4 Coke Ca. : doyd, of Ebe and Mes seReuse, uf | Bosman, sf Ware go the Corner nlf sonny, 5 ; base, 84400 x orchestra will furgish | ba winhilp, In 8 i 3 gars obl Uhwing Btors, Juande Molntosh pid Misa per, of Altoona, are gusts oe of Chas. Rhody. Lock Haven Expross. Join k Elder Cu Marken Mi ol, RB little, of Ewa | went to Alderman Lon wid Tussday : Land waniold Wo tase fix Hurst retar ned to her | gouinut a Hangatien 80 A shagton Taesday afta ; i ¢ danghten Mire Ba {a hand rake and fast sheaves of L Asirvitie tae ob Fa thal Ww Bin and petead gelding tha * fain gave Bim on be Mad mat 3 Boome Fhy the alderman 1 : | bh one and that he wot b sit ad gale ab he Bou ake sn information fo Cand i store will begin Monday. Tiw tg (county. Alterna Tribune. tit in this beste will tell you | PTE EN TRE RTA TIONS, he Presider £ lawin of fhe United Bi a high grade “ ¢ Workers of America, is expected | ws punter. js spction soon Lo deliver a namber: oy 30 Bb _. : : i shows plore, grom feeeipts from, he Catho- 1 i Fagan, contracting, wid at Highland Grove JUIY | 4 decorating. §.800 55. OF this amount . Ax nel, j i 1t is possilie [or 4 moan ta be snus : ; Lynd sill be cornered, office has been short he past cotigsie of weeks, ¢ the thin appearanos An idle rumor gains o fa coors than wien} to tell he Catholie Societies : s he held af Lilly on Wed \ ; = : ALOT, GL gsburg printer. Mr Harringion 1a Patton Monday. : will gyier | Ton s puirehas Chase plans. Nao gmp bablades on in pare cream. Ask Bb Eat he bark a ord fhe Bast LExUouity Commissioner Joseph tio dance at Flremen's ive Hubbard, & farmer in Boeck Crock : : Fake to work dn the Lharvest field, aithough he fw pant 78 farm hands, Sr Habbard found it noo | easary to take 8 hard himself and seed at Barneshore to. J. A. Lord, of Haste Od her bidders wore © a firme of 1aalian contraction wb Barnes. { during the hottest days of Inst weal Found A sam of seawy. Owner i i SFE x {3 ohn Peltwell, of Altoons ‘in the Baptist eburch g amd evening, Hey. | Fal : a renowned evangelist and : workmanship are all iit erator of force aud power. prastiehisd. 3 The pleest girl ln the word ®J Kaylor, of the Cambria Tri Uhate to have to veil what she ds thinking | spabintry, ranking breparas i aboul at wnehady eps dart 8 new Democratic daily veer hops mrad tals for t Johnstown. It is said B50, ton on Joris, No reasepal i will he invested in the busiess. offer will be ref Tue Episcopalians will bave ser. Boape. es iis Good's Hall Sundsy at W330 a The only » te pre for failing haar oly Communion) and 7:36 p.m. Lis Cirenn Gre Por sale by Caren 3 Hartwell, of Barpesbors, will. Wilking, Patron, Po. Prise 85 sont Xiso Wednesday eve ck. boaguire oft ing at’ per box. I vou want the best 3 W. Ritchey, the local represen. : quesne Beer. Not & beadsihe in x ose. : lve of the International Correspan. load of it Cool, sparkling and re 4 sols of Seranton, has an wd . freshiing, ment in this lssae that cannot | Call for Dugoesne beer at any hail appeal toy all who sre striving io ing hotel ta better their eondition in iif. It will Miner's Rest, pay a careful perusal. fate! Patton. Aba meeting of the Patton sol sol. 1 von want bosrd hed Monday night Mis Ediza ask for Bohdiiz A Stroop, of Milesburg, sud Miss agro and strict) seenhart, of Abbotistown, were or {unn & Ha spa bo fH the two yvaony : turn tad 40 Dom Mama for aioe Jie the loose stones from the gb ta fot ndint ion, way. He plead guilty to the cha ie whites was prefered by i lei of CEHe : ful ap from Blandbuey al : i : awday sight. Mrs, Bennetd is 1 an sts at midnight and or 2 BEbot i generating bing god Herary pro You cap do better at the White Rhos Btave. 4 Commences Monday, . until July 3lst. This sale means a big saving to everyone that takes advantage of the reduced prices and the : prices are reduced just as ey e stated. en we€ say an article is reduced from 49c to 25c, that's the case. There's no raising of the iormer price in order to malie the price or this sale sound cheap, Some of the items will not last a weeli, scme ni a day, but there'll be bargains here as long as tl sale lasts and good genuine bargains at that. Lancaster apron gingham sold at8c57.c yd Silk finished dress gingham sold at 20c July clearance sale price 10¢ Yard wide Windsor and Sea Island per- cule 121 ¢ quality Bc 32 inch French challie made to sell at 15¢ our regular price Dc sale price 3 36 inch white goods sold at Zlc, 9c Dark colored calico 2c ved, 10 yards tw each customer, none to children 15¢, 17¢ and 20¢ wash dress goods sill finished, sale price 10c yd 10¢ ticKing good weight 7i.c Cotton towels 18x30 inches worth 10c¢ for 6c each Lin. n towels 15x30 inches worth 15c for llc each Funcy turlish towels 18x 4 inches 8. ¢ cach worth 12¢ Cotton toweling 15 inches 2¢ vd Linen toweling 8c quality Sc yard Heavy Russian linen toweling homespun LE yard Coffee color table damask 25¢ was 00¢ 64 inch table linen heavy weight worth 49¢ for 39¢ yd Unbleached sheeting 9-4 wo rth 19c¢ for 13 1-2¢ vd 8c India linen reduced to Glace yd Bleached pillow cases 45 and 30, 6 1-4 each Unbleached sheets 81x90 B38¢ each Bleached sheets 81x90 good muslin Bc ench Fancy figured velvet sold at 49c¢ reduced a £5 to 29¢ : All wool waist cloth was £9c¢ reduced to 2Q¢ 49¢ wool dress goods, novelty styles Z5c 36 inch black wool dress goods worth 42 ¢ for Sic vd % . ik LASER TELE a0 frnfunts % Fy ren fies” sailors IO 37 Children’s T785¢ trisnm eid Boys bunts Bo 2G Z Be pociiet books i 28 jeweled sideco mira 10e WEE 1S _i won s 8c ties Ye Mons 280 susp vielasrs 1% Morr wl } Wohet g 3 wa Goi ra bron needs FEM TH On ¢ oH 5 § 2 z Lear Exh RE ait fatten Taek over wlasegiurs UO wus Ese px lanes spi tsan stove De LE tailet soap on win powder O90 bao 49 waists, PLig, 45% LADIES BLACH SILK RUFID AT HALF PRICY. MEN'S THE BON TON STORE, - Men's and boys’ 8¢ linen colars 4¢ cach 25 pieces Nainsools and Swiss em and insertion 210 8 inches wide 15 to 3Y¢ yd sale price 12¢ yd Men's heavy working pants ma sale price 49c¢ pair Men's black satine shirts marhed and 6% c sale price 20¢ each Men's fine negligee dress shirts marKed 2 1.00 for 69c¢ Ladies’ turnover collars 5 and 10¢ Kind 3c epch rn Infants 75¢ caps reduced to 4Cc. O8c caps 69c¢ a 10¢ cambric embroidery 7c yd. Tc em~ broidery 5 1-2¢ yd Ma: Imported Nottingham lace curtains swiss pattern, marled $3.75 sale price $2.75 Imported Nottinghinm lace curtains marBed 53.25 reduced to $A25 iu -2 yards: long marBed curtains 2 » sale price Whe pair Ladies shirt waists that sold at 49, 75, Ofc reduced to 25¢ hs Men's gauze drawers ay sold at 49c sale price DSc pair po Men's fine mesh underwear sold at 49¢ and cheap at that, sale price S37c : Men's Balbriggan underwear sold at 23¢ reduced to 15c¢ ro Ladies’ muslin gowns trimmed with tuck and rufiles good muslin, sale price 209 Ladies’ drawers trimmed with embroidery Ey 29¢ pair Ti Min's fanuy colored socks sold at 14 pair. sale price 100 pair Te Men's fancy colored socks 25¢ Kind 18: pair Ley infants cotton saolis in black and white sold at 15¢, sale price 10¢ pair si tures large gilt frame 49¢ each 25. pi tures gilt frame 12¢ each Soom bons meet les G0 worth 18 aps BS Mourning pins 2 bos fair combs BO Chi Cloth Window Shades > £7 “w aprons 109 core aoe trimmed “a Ade Law huss 30 Collar buttons Io Pome Paltiar hafions Dedos Kivoe lacers 40 dog ww boty pnd SR bg wi a Beary WORE yo Paves word Brass Ps i flowers * SOR ats wilsts GO, elo, et. - PATTON,PA.