married unity and partnership, 1 of aisant ; things. impossit to lei, re | to the mind that Holds : gridit in its theory of re difficult lessons which I have been abandoned by so many a { broken spirited man and woman, and Jeft them standing upon a field of bit- ter defest. 3 we could only grasp the thought | the shsolute ity of perfect that s very “love” on which most of us depend as our sole capital in this mo mentous partnership, may, by lgoor. | ance and persistence, he mads 8 source we would eagerly turn to the study of how to use and spply its n nollie puwer to the geagirement of the art ef livieg joyfully in ony own +1 horses, us as paving | S238 the Pitts injustice by the card way | au It Is yory hard are many beautiful | less hearts, still that soul affects tor ® the of the body, beautify. Tobia a rare Jewels we entre sachets, 7 ting with it s are all worked tn the ribbon, _exveption of the stems and foundation is hellotrope | silk, and a this lining of placed under It to give greater » embroidery. rs of the ribbons are two orange, one of blue, two d two of green. bunch is entirely worked for Jeaves, stems and contres, being all of one shade of a th siternating petals. 3 hos have flowers In pink, yellow, blue and | used according to taste, flowers between the bunches and light orange. used i what are ¢ peedies,” which have eyes nd “sharp pulnts.—| ¥ ¢ how few people really to relax, to let the bed bold d of vainly trying to hold says Health Culture, Give Jet the nerves and musclis rest. nerve force by mentally zolng fussing because of delay. Hy get out and push the becauve you do not reach | 5 io a moment. Reinx, : from your mind, and your objective paint in mind and body than anid fumed. add years te your life hy thin ‘It js want of time, want of knowl. be nervous and fussy the breath with a gasp, t this or that Jittle ew people can person out of twen- the arm. Ralge it to hs above the head and see t it fall, commencing with # and so on down in pér- ly Ineteen ont of twenty It slowly down. This is net Let it drop, and drop heavy, it came off. The muscles + seldom used freely. It pg how much force we nee | ur heads on. We do not find b until we try to let them go. Ix not polite, but It is beaith- | hy? Because if given full ex- sn if siretehox and vitalizes all muscles of the body. and then re them, quickening the blood sup ving Le free pinay. ONE THEORY OF LIFE, wei for a man to realize that tien and indulgence and ca 0 mot satisfy a woman Who | bie, desires to share his or if she can only give her ¥ seeks to know what are his ste, It is Yell for a woman : _soasons arhen her husband more is a1 Rasp silence and fom that Married happiness Ja of 8 truth feds blessing. bot In this, as in ii things, He demands our codperation and the peace and jor and satisfaction | of two hearts so hound together does not descend from the clonds and light upon ve. When we give ail. it does not mean the oride Comin ditles of our { mental and Iodly endowments, but i the use they are meant to employ, and ; { the best results wa ean get from them. A STORY OF PATTL “Adeline Patil” ssid an aged Phila Aeiphlan, “came to this city when ste Bhs was born was eight years oll in Npain--in Madrid-and her public career began at the age of seven. began, 1 understand, in Philadelphia, fand it was in Philadelphia that she made Ler first appearance before royal ty, singing in ‘Martha’ at the Academy of Music during the sojourn bere of the Prince of Wales, The programs “Pattl was 8 great business woman. She made sums of money that have pot been equnied since by any singer. 1 T'R teil you a story indicative of her {ability as a financier. { managed by Colonel Mupicson, and Rue was being her esntract was for $5000 a right. Everything went well, but on 8 cer- {tain day in Boston Maploson was short of cash. It was Patti's Aleta | that she must pet ber salary $5000 on the afternoon, when the manager could 4 | produce only $4000. Ler secretary went away in great indignation, He vowed his mistress would not xing “Rat later on be returned and got | the S400. That nighi's opera Was “Traviata” and the serretary and Pat! would come to the theatre and dress for the part of Vicletia. all but the shoes, Rhee would put her shoes on {and appear when the exira $1000 was fortheoming. “Rhea a8 this. At 7.00 o'clock she sat in her dressing room in ber stoek- | tng feet all preparsd siherwise to go on. Mapleson Ly this tine had taken in 8600 and be gent It back to her Bhe returned him word that she would now put on one shoe. “AL BR o'clock souther tickets had bein sold went to Pattl. And she fmmediately put on the other shee and at the proper moment, smiled and bowed, ads vanced toward the footilghts in an vp roar of cheers nnd appisuse say If the full £5000 hadn't been forth. L506 Int of The money coming she wouldn't have appeared.” | ~Philadeinlia Record. ows of ribbon run ug make a catcly effect. A becoming revival 8 the wes long tulle bonnet strings. White coral Is vie latest and smarts 81 touch in the coral fine. RBhirriag more than ever fd noted even to the dominating of some whole dresses, Broad antigue lace let in between strappings Is effective on & coat of white cloth. Surplice effects are occasionally noted {on an evening bodice, though become ing to very few, Fascinating pongees have appeared that are charming for between-sea- son's Indoor gowns and jater will be worn on the street. Mercerized cottons in exact imitation of the etamines, canvases and grena- dines so very popular in wool studs are to be ome of the summer's goo Some extremely effective gowns for bridesmalds gre being made of pink crepe de chine with a satin finish and yellow lace trimmings. A yellow lace cot is to be worn with a pink rose kat, while a bouquet of pink roses wi be carried. Nothing ean be smmarfer than the ghirt walel of white madvss or silky nen with the front displaying un elab- arate embiroldersd desirn, Whether or sat the smbreidery is in white or colors depends upen the individusl taste of he Wea rer. The latest and smartest revers are faced with satin embroidered in jet {for jet has been revhyed azainsnd 1s & leading moder, and a girdle of cut jet beads on satin is the smartest and newest thing in the way of Dbeits shown. “Nail heads of jet on blas satin bands are smong the effective novelties in trimmings, One color scheme is to be carried out in many of the spring and summer weddings. Some mre to be apple blos some. gome in daffodils, some In pare clssus and daisies, forget-me-nots and soon. A smart wedding Is being | planned with the eight bridesmalds to he gowned in pilok of different shades, from palest to geep rase hue. - Hamburg's shipping trade with Aus it occasion were elaborate enough. They were of satin, with 8 | fringe of gold luce They | i using IL and then ving of pes, she was ding polnted fing woman?” HIS BUTT. She sfied u nn hin eu Oh, back oy fad! Rt, of pos fie wait, And pot Sa was not gad. His teat wa was all His re bageed, to boot; And Ahat's I s the resson why She smiled spon bie wri! a AS WE TALK. Hoax—"1 fnst heard some news that 4 SBIR ton eid io be fre »¥ bad.” ~ Philadel Joax "That's too pliia Record THE RESPONSIBILITY PLAC =D. ws thelr marriage was a faliare™ HXNot at all Marriage is all right It was the tan and the woman whe | wire allure "Philadelphia Press, CROSR-EX AMINATION, Lawyer What is your Tsien? Witness—"1 am a oondoctor.” lawyer—-"Rallwsy, musical ar light | ning? —-New York Journal HAS HIS DOUBTS. sorenth les at the bottom of 4 well” sald the man who quotes. : “Not at the botiors of an ofl weil, | [Yl bet” snarled the man who had In- wustoh—Baltimore Herald, IMPROVED, Purchases "80 this is an Improved Agrnd-"Yes: If you don't know how | 0 spell a word there is a Rey that will | take a Blot —Piiladeiphbla Record HOMER'S GOOD POINT. 1 see that Andrew Carnegie thinks i Homer aiin't ziscunt to moch, after all” That's goeer. Surely Homer must have bad one good paint In Andy's | estimation. He didnt de ieh— Ciacago Becord-1lerald, AIOE CRAFT WINS, “How Md you ever manage in get | on the good side of that crusty old ie of yours?’ asked Fan “Pad hit the tiings he liked when be came to visit va” replied Nan “The good side of any man is his io sida ¥-Chicago Tribune TEST OF ALTRUISM, Little Willie—"'Pa, what's an ai-tru- pot His Father" man mor child, whe! a his wmabreila all day withomt tx pind it didn't rain on socount of the peoplh who had bo naabrelies with them "Judge E ITHER W vr AY. “Mow mul Mies Forlorn looks p ce th ete dr Aer box pleats marked the guest am “Teg pour thing” % in Tove." y “and who 8 that swlully se “0h, thot is Mrs Ketelinm, She disappointed in marringe —Now HI8 FALL *Soeaking of bad falls” remarked Joggers, *1 fell out of a window once snd the sensation was terrible. Dror. ing my transit through the air 1 really believe I thought of every mean act I ever committed In my life” “Hm” growled Jiggins “you must have fallen ap awful distance” —~New York Sun THE EASIEST WAY. ¥ © esse ofr Vand erga riag- ticheiter, Maid~"Yes, sor ap stairs aaa’ Scraps. Will ye plaze walk Urlng {wid ye¥ NATION'S BLUFP, “Do bi want wart” asked the prime minister. “Certainly pot” answered the king. “Then why do you assume such 8 defiant and belilcose attiinde®” “Because 1 have reason to suspect that the other counlbvy 8 even nore averse to war than I am'—-Washiog- on Stax, : Smart Sel. 5 qualities of the highest ard general apy § mani BECR Of ; Lois Syrup of Figs the Companyed =printed on the tn ‘tof every package. hres bts of 9% at rene nage worparn. FPerune soret me 1% tank | Gam, tek I a ah improved i : 85 SORA sash. s8 Weslny In terlfert Denil) pave Bett | fait so well or & Eva Bs ree TOT ISE MAON, ¥ ®3 i fees Toara™: Men i peur Fusas. sud re a ea aeons of bad sod In & month 1 was parfertl pow Sod that my health In mines Laan Jormarty. se Lhat well, snd 3 Rare Phimet orice 4 Bean th and ees well A outa Mabon, a on wn AA Perna a woh . perient specific for each 1 eam that when hey SER never wients have cues used | r indeed to they are i Peraeaty eared. It relwn the disagreeable symptoms at ones The backache conses, the tremb Are strengthened, ihe appetite restored, the dgesiion mad sit at 2 begins to | dmg knees perfect, the dull bead. { sche & mopped and the weakening Arse are oadsaly sured. A daliow a tourse of treatment with I's Fo ree te cotta rin Alerts. corner Seventh and | Wainat Rig Te SR tom. Degrees for Women. : ; It ts believed that the University of Dubliz will soon throw open its do | grees to women, asd it fs said that with this following in the footsteps of the Scottish universities Oxford and b Cambridge will hardly be able to con tinue much longer thelr policy of ex clusion. : Striking resemblance has besn paint Ped out between the remarkable ancient rains at Pambhaiwe, in Rbodesia, and antigeities in Cornwall ; | THE MEN AND WOMEN pe So Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of the World's Commerce. —— ] Knowledge 5f What ls Best More Ime poriant Than Wenlth With out It It must be apparent to every one (hat Tr RI® DROue sary 3 enable the best of the produnt Jo 4% modern vommerde 5 alidin permanenilly to pnlversal acveplane .. However sudiy pernided they may not hope fur word wide presminssce LnisEs hey meet wih the asval pot of individuals only, bul of the macy who have ihe happy faculty of selenting. enloying and learns ing ihe real worth of the choicest prod- wots Their cammendaiion cemseguently, becomes impariant Io oildrs, shoe 9 mest 1 x vx of hs well fn farms the maihod of Beta of the most pers fect apiler vl exceLEnt formed Know that tent axaiive ginal PACK. the papmadee the full name of win ¥ig Byruse On which {8 30 feet long. and is desigand | Wis, writes 58 ut 1 bare “tered with Back. | iat al Vapor Motor for Boats i The first large vapor motor applied to tavigation i» to be placed om the fishing boat of M. Emile Alzaxia, now wig built at Boulogne The vessel to carey 300 tons, will be provided with : HEursepower motor, topsther with and wil alec have a Z-Boreepow. snr for operating nets The mo | ail) gus either gasoline or alenhol, of which the anys will contain S000 Rani Hes, i Universallp a Accepted | The Best Family HENS Afoar following ysur i now fel 4 nck sad wiih trick. Horm da sot prion farriory caitlin the ame of } at anes to De. 3 ment of yous cise, and he ta pi pot Bus raiuaive advice Fo Hm oan ba Jurchiued for por bottly } a. stares. Address Dr. President of Te : Barimac Sanitarian, Cotumbus, O. The Asrial Tournament Leo Stevens, the American zival of Santos-Duinont. has leased a part of Carnie Island. in the Niagar River. 8 tew uiiles above Niagars Falls, for dis sxperimental work in airship construe tion, with the view of producing & Wm chine to compete in the aerial tourne t tha World's Fair in 1904 3 Thirty toms of eauiiffiowsrs from Italy Ara teing landed daily at Polke stots for the Londons market : i Laxative UP OF Hl 1 \ Recommended by Many Millions The Well-Informed Throughout the World— San Francisco. Cal. Louisville, Ky. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS New York, N.Y, i PhicE FIFTY CENTS fd BOTTLR
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