RAAB Fahl es HIRE sich os . HE WON INA CA in the neigh'orhood of Cres : are amassed ab the number g Bhat this rman drives to market When ek Red what the canes of fon ss Janet it Nn & certaln componnd be way that a pt his himg in good pons dition and furnished them with tka wimalise to CER Brot ton the A merican Torre ani Ind. Evers he poultry business ja ined. mn the health of his hers and 1 In the ngs Te his | MLUCKY” BALDWIN MADE HIS JOCKEY RIDE SQUARE, That Madi fhe Crenked Hides's Teeth Chatter While Ha ier Ov All the Speed In the Antiani in tre lobly of a hotel the were dis nf frsabnesy : ¥ toprases Fhe dea fa make thee tad Prong IEE Es Fag if floes ge i BAG I nake a0 efart tes B1 Caw reli stakes (ond wore ihe the trirks in he windy town, seri gor them bows frst or du the money in Capgny of the bigger 1 “Bad one of his yw 8 ralvahle kang Baldwin was part Lwin this race. tied | puree end of ft as far a | tori he arake. Hig AE In PT order direct from Aneel oan Manufsctuing Uo, Terre Havte b HE. DATE or HE FLOOD. | sine Fuels on Nich fhe Bishop Besed His Gurition, people Lad f hia aver the re eo Foury Bovey ait X a n 3 at vs ri he hve 3 Methuselah was bon io when the latter wie 65, Meth iseinh ow : anil Lak a 10 the birt i Ber he added : 2 af the rent] read : as f: awe: “Ta ndred tl your af Nua ahi'e He, id WHS the oy to pass in the Jar 1656 ever as he rounded the backstretel on the rail a couple of lengths In front of + his field. Baldwin coal] see, bowever, $225.00 I EXTRA SA CASE PRIZES NR a Frio er Wenn ey w good speeches are really : hint it is generally 10. produce that effect by simply fending off with some strictly local al pRion. Of course that's a trick. but trick eployed by a good many I was broken of it f by rather # peeniiiar lnehlent ears ago | happened o be in a town where a large commer tial eolinge is located nnd was invited * fhe president to sake a few re Barks wo the boys during the noon re vess. I mentally framed a Mite talk on the subject of endres, and as I was | going ito the man tall I chanced to natice the word ‘Pash in big letters on he olitaide of thi door, Hy Jove d sald to mesell, ‘that's the vory thing 1 eed peRliFlag my openlog sens : teticel vlan 1 reached the platform 1 lane) hed « 0 ut 8 something like this: : fricnds na 1 approndhed : the ehtimics ta this ronin 8 Soment REo PF olwerved gw on the panel of the door that {ny sid wie as being an ; jpropriste erat for an institution | “etuinently prodctiend eharavior : It exp ess the one thing most nseful : “to the average ian when he stops Hid the Arena of ex Term ¥ Ute Jy was ws game and make his Bid toward the fin C#8 A man’s head. In Germany indi 3 | mals chances, not ee at the ! bat at all of the big pooifopms eoustry. He stout tir clean op cot oe Ee a he wire ret Indigestion Causes ‘Baldwin ® ar wialile lekey wax Catarrh of ] taken #lek on the morning of the race Stomach. and the ald man haat tn hueiie arent % fp another | Be : vx evant Fron anther 1 ought fron hig vr Hf : 1 whey wax thorns AY fhe fun © $i foatciuns RRL hans Tu Se Be the ray : iru n tile s : x Palin Tope 5 oll iy yg fiw stand hats $e] Ey 3 & o Gs do 5 4 fs 3 | y ¥ We Base started over three thinieand ria ther tieantry tanin ® oom thelr den We want a bo yf represent ort es Seoibe Te — The Saturday i om even i , pd his Hie FRE : Evening Post $io ning. The fockey's Hea was to Fate the horee's bead off anid then pall | In EYE hewn The work can be done in thi streteh, making 1 appear sx if sh od on Saterdars It is the acimal bad dred. Baliwis {pe on wi £ nei gh sg Instructed the Jock to play 8 Waiting jn offices. stores, as well as in ines. tsb. The bores simply oulclassed his No Money Required to Begin company. however, and he did't show The Bt week's supply fx sent free. These any indications of leg wenriness what. 27¢ %0id at fue cents 8 cony and provide the money ty order the following week at wholesale prices Wi be diatey bated amang Sows that the crooked Jock was sawing the | whe mil fre ar mors sopiee said a New Orleans lav- ‘horse's head off In his effort W fake Our Free toiet ghee poetraity of | him back to the ruck. When the hors shonin pvgnlbosiiage do were still a hundred feet from Wim, Baldwin let out a yell to attract his agents auld Their Jockey's attention, and then he fached his two guns in the sunlight and bawt od at the jock: * Teggo that horse's head, ¥ou mon. key devil, and go on and win or 'H "shioot you so full of holes that rou won't bold molasses” : "The lack gave ane look at those two guns that Baldwin wis pointing Btraight at hits. Then He pave Bald wins horse Bis head sat down to ride Mor wll that was in Lm, and the hares under hin cantered In fon lengths to LER gros on the hit. As tong A 1 fel y Baldwin wag un the sadism tur? that no jockey ever tried 1 Yana of his horses” “Washington Post The Right Word. "Why odo you speak of hig as a gn jeligsd artist” PRecaner hie tld tree Be Was utierly Heenurazed was going to guilt the profersion If that decent show thst Che's Bris head, 1 Rouow what does” =Clhleago Fost. Madison, Radishes originated in China w hare they have been cultivated Por Cpetituries amd Sometines grip tha fl | fashioned eonsiey mothers on baarse yess and consh with sadish in : th sogar eandy. The vr hiheg : Have ne. favor. no vharge vor ary y2ars iz has Bman Fepsanal ts wal ici Ty og ya mod Girls, Latest Shapes | ima lal AY ann SPR ply Beech Creek District RIGHT PRICES | Muivter of Soils oh, Br Condensed Tine Table, Nov RN a The White Shoe Stare. Hey at Td Pha and Don’t Know it. om of Cisiasers. dew iNeed oi Si Hew To Find Ont, Tons fi vs ‘ He > : ! es hy. Wr Seiwa the ar Bod ile A hy nn anstown. Ebense Eastern RR Talbe i ofk Jone 6 1008 Te Ek Fe, : Read $51 Railway, Euglnes Burn Hast Coal No Sevol : INERFBIY NN EMER Dan on ; tendon Dada WE wpe Fron Prega Hunan, Ney, chphn 3 20 Hh we Am H: Nroad Top Ah Le z et hig on * oo a ry oF i Ronit, Tamuioy Ras axl PTE ad Fy ¥ y titel Auk ail aii f z fos RE TT Er ue pion Bp rer i wrseport: ¥ : Fiala # aha J : nh and | pn tn i : % vig Th abe pluie PEER Rak TI py snadaes 3 - pdb, Rew ny Teriitial, 4 Sn a0, aan I Poo. a me, rym aR cate Seni y Forks Theomigh why {oss Pal 2 sn Laws dy Proviso wi Smet OE Rv AF Tha rome vo faites aad Mahle RIN 5 WEEK, Cieviers Poumsetagror plenty shail pli, AER Ladin Yarersian Sue a dvanta Ratlroad, t Feb 5, 1o03 Main Line. ALN Ma BW or money refunded. Contains ~~ or Qi remedies recognized by emd- Paiton, cambria Co, nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE S0c. and $1.00. AEMEXINTREA TORN SEE Bam. HEL niet] ae Patton Courier . Proms ex of Publicity. Koown ~ 2 17.0 Mbees
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