The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 10, 1903, Image 5
4 T. Sauter has taken charge) of his new Jewelry + store at Fitton: pweler o. gs ying who re to see him go. Mr. Sauter isa: man of sterling worth, steady | gerital habits, He in a fire and will wee Patton an Somerville ard z E atl wh io Ho leaden, Joe ole re, Wn. Prindible, M, Bn ir BE w BE. Wheeler, will ast represent the tschelara : oar ge (RawsaCtioNS mn REALTY iF Prapetics in This Fond ot the Coneiy Thy £ timngisi ars Recently . Jobin {alten el ax to John Bigos, Pat : A g Lo Juanes i $i Frank Harring. | wi gf gx to George 0. Pattat A Hegnlegntl | John J. Hauk to ©. J. Lite, Clears asx of al to M.D, Kit soit ef ux to Jennio Simp or ot ux to Henry PF. tion to Benjamin ¥. Smith, Hastings tn, Barr, 85,177.55, HL. Donwiddie ot vir to Commer foal Mintag Co., Carroll, $600. Bla dburg, £150. se | © Francis Delozier to Edward Clearfield, £1,200. GT Pred Bland etal io UU, 0. Bombae | ger, Biandburg, $150, Hastings, 84,000, y feorpe F. Miller 0 1. EB Heads, 3500. J. B. Overlwager of Tucker, Carroll, $105, Jdalin DD. Garman ef ux to Reith et al, Susquehunan, $1,440, Kubin, ux to Ralph Muria we Boilies Care dk Hw. “[ waa troutded with kidney com. sg H. Davis, of Me. - Sterling, a, Helmbold, Steward & Mill ler repre sent the largest fire insurance compan: 4 jee—oflice : at Tabton, White You can do belter st the % the erie |” Helmbold, Steward & Miller. Fire nk will be about Jusurance Agency, Patton. _ the Barnes. | | road yards are to be) Cherrytrse for making | For fire insurance call O18 Helmb: old, | Steward & Miller, Patton. ot ux to Francis De | LF PRICE S {ONDAY, JULY EEK ONLY. Ladies’ $10 Suits $5. Boys French Balbriggan marRed 25 c for 12¢ underwear Ladies 5 vests 2; Are each. ‘each. Bc nee dle bools de Ofc Picture 49¢, 25 pt 10¢ pis tures 5c Pe aL SE 4c Vasclis ne 2c bottle. Men 5 and bos s' 25 and 49 caps 10c. Men's s 4 5c Negligee dress shirts 23c. Men's 45c working shirts 23c. Bare 39¢ worling chirts 20c. Boys’ Negligee dress shirts 39¢ for 20c¢. Ladies 25¢ sailors 121; each. at half All perfume and toilet articles price. 50c Cuff Buttons 25c¢. A A BA Rr 50¢ rings 25c, 25¢ rings 12 1-2c. 10e¢ felt window shades LL eich. 25¢ sun bonnets 12 each. 20c wash dress goods 10 ard. Men ight n's ¢ 49¢ astin night shirts 25 each. Men's 10 c ties 10c. Children s 75¢ trimmed hats BBe each. Ladie ® 25c pochiet books 12 1- 2c. 19 and 2c white foods reduced 16 106. | Children’s 10¢ stocKing(s sizes 5 and 5 1-2 S¢ pair. Children’s 10c sailors sc, 25¢ Sterli ng silver | novelties 12¢ each, Ladies 78 and OB waists reduced to 9c. 198¢ novelty wool dress goods 52 inches wide 4c yard. Altona SI anid Lon sanorhii] | Sarah Jane Stroup to Halda ML Love, | : Nagle, out the J. 1. Binder at ux to Michael Binder, mimmum of Spring Pat select from. : | plaint for about two years," writes A, hut two ™ MAGEE AVE. And all seasons we are busy latest creations of the Sartorial Art. Clothes that wear well, fit well cost 1s our specialty. terns just in and a big Handsome new line of Trouserines. Dinsmore Se PATTON, PA. H. A. SEITZ, “Office upreinive in Good Huilding, Of Helmbold, Steward & Milter will be {glad to farnish rates for fire insurance, DYSPEPTICIDE B. ANT HONY ANNA Bb Jentist! Ciallaattions prog fice Hours to 12 ny, m. to b p.m mA, Tn, and 1 ¥a Dealor in real state, wie, The greatest aid tc DIGESTION. the Poet turning and at the N CW variety to Tage ee Ave. When you hear th anie Gunn's Pharmacy, that a ae ym s for ii He rigid Flay os, 1 fi 5 Ey Ew x Ga S11 ERR TIPS e GAYE. t Pore 4 Huy fer's that 1s received fresh every week FRR % ¥ Pohaceo and KE 4 we Cigars and Drugeist’s s PHARMACY Patton, Pa. FIRE, LI¥ fxcund Banli Parnell Cowher & Co. GEO. BOONE, ANT 5 JUNTICE OF THE sr INSURANCE HEAL BNTATE LiaNT PEACE. ACH is . is Office dn God Building, (% pram pty atiendis! to, sell aad rent, sidecsions Properties to ANNER SALVE, | Foley’ s Kidney Cure Foley ‘s Ho. ri "Gag salve In | mises kidneys and bladder right. beais y's Honey «« Tar