a Rn RS TE ARIA Rh) Ld i CHAN BMA 3M ansett, 1. I, standing | bi bench ®| gang. As be was about thls duty the | murdered man's chum, little Hheridan the murderer calmly ro elgar from his mouth and : placed it on the seaffold's rail. Then | be crossed his bands behind his baek. The clgar and the man's lite went | out together, A PLUCKY POLICEMAN, Fifteen years ago there was a polices | 2 man in New York named Sheridan. | He bad a side partner ns extragrdinar | ny big as he was Hitle. The big man sae day interfered with Li the doings of a notorious East Side | ipang known ns Short Tails. and he | i was murdered In broad daylight on "| hin post for hls pains. “1 taln of the precinct heard of the mur ®lder he declared that the Short Talls , would be broken up and imprisoned, When the cap. | PROTECTING TREES, Tt 4a estimated that the cost of pros testing trees to prevent disease, by the Loe of Earn {spraying way also increase the profit fon fruit, by Inducing better quality. BE i : « 1 Ro he get about forming a platoon of | police to take Into the haunts of the Ting | strolled in [1 | yellod. | on the roofs of the tenements to Sirow At us when we march into thelr street, Tha Amazan- ware inve baonts i wis n command of Bert 1 mily, while Captain Jesse, Edwards, was In the third baats ped to the sonthwest, te, unconscious of lis | wins moving slang In the ways Hr were close tn tha whale gon ded. The men's spirits Lie Accordingly. A few awever. the whale ew yanket at the onrs with art Foe It Revie] | an if the ded and ro. ren mutes. When | “They murdered him, did they he “And they've got bricks plled have they? And they're standing on the street corners looking for a fight, are they? Well, they'll get all they | want—and I'll give it to ‘em™ ‘Without cloh or firearny of any kind, | Bhierldan dashed out of the station | house and ran Inte the heart of the { Bhort Talle’ stamping ground. nizing a group of thelr leaders on & sirest corner, he walked up to them, | | knocked down every one of them, | will be lend two or three Inchios grabbed two of the more uotorious by re | thelr cont collars apd. torning his back | on the crowd, marched them toward the station house, On the way there another Short Tall "| made a dieparaging remark about the murdered policeman, Quick as a flash Hitls Shoridan orders his two prisons era to halt, knocked the third Ehort | Tall down, dragged blm over to whers | the other two wore meekly standing | #tond the third prisoner In Hoe and without farther ade, drove them into | : | stances, lke of the couslateney of eresin. The bark the sintlon hones Recog- | Cthidr new wood cut back to six or eight Shorldan reached thers Just as the | platoon was fssued forth, He quickly | handed his prisoners over to the doors | man, Solned the platoon, and in the general round-up that followed took a lesding part and arrested a dozen Bhort Talls, : A ORES NERVE. Frits Werner was a German fores- ter. One day a stag gored him frighe fully tn the abdomen, As tha Infuristed animal pulled out Bis antlers, hpckod tway and prenared for a second charge, the Infared man propped himself on an elbow and fired Just ns the slag was closing in oft him. The aulinal fell doad and the aman Minted away. When he recoversd consciousness bho found that he ecotld not attract atten. tion by shouting, He realized that he was om of the beaten paths and that | ot | DMesy he drageed Mimi 0 8 fre , bit the Bdwardses un and they rowed shout When they finally i ie bell was rung, : he was 0 fost Tong,” groaned ont win be maintained ¢ beach to-morrow morning. in| that the whale will be kind me back and be killed. Om > shot him dead, fought Ee pusue and fled. from | the gallows. A pinent In New York City | to the task of trying to resulted n failure, and ¢ the date sat for the allied on the murderer : him that nothing more » sal the man, “hat they'll g fo ow to-morrow.” : ihe condemned man, add- ent later: “But there's a Tie in town Who' $ been ER j nuented place he wonld surely din So ia th t an ‘posnitity of ho began dragging himself through the forest In the direction of his employ. rs bouse, threes miles away. He started on his journey at noon: nt 8 o'clock the next morning the oo eupants of the bouse were aroused by the explosion of a gun nearby. In vestipnting they found the forester, in a dead falpt and nearly dead from loss of blood, Iving on the lawn. By bis side was a smoking gun. When the Injured man got so that ut | Do could speak and tell his story, his master asked him: “But why di! you deg that heavy gun ail the way” “I knew that I eonlin't shont when I Ald reach an Inhabiiabla place” was the reply, “so I brought Bt along to attract attention I didn’t think of i nut 1 had evawled for half a mile - then I erawlod back and got 1 NRA Aa Sl a Marks of the Cninlogrer. A number of persots who rocoive | Books from the puble Hbrarkes are puzzied at the mysterfons marks on the {title page. Rome Booka have ouly one or two marks, others dave a dozen Oecnsionally it ts a Jotter of the alpha. bet with twe small Sgures close to It Sometimes it Ix a letter underscored vader the name of the book, or onder { the name of the author, or both, Very frequently it is an outline in short {band, whieh many readers ean de telpher, but are In entire ignorance as {10 its meaning. These are the marks of the chief cataloguer of the library, and are intended only as guldeposts to her assistants. They convey informa tion as to classification. other books in the library on the same suhject. num- | ber wf times the book 1s called for, and various Items that are useful when the time comes to make out an annual re- port. Most chief entaloguers are wom en, and nearly every one has a system of her own. Cataloguing and Indexing have grown to be a business in them- galves, just as moch as stenography and typewriting. It Is mostly in the hands of women, and the yay is about the game. New York Times, The Driest Npot on Ear h. The reputation of being the driest Bpot on earth Is claimed by many spots in many climes. The latest clatmant 9 Payia, in Peru, a place about five de- r | grees sotth of the equator on the coast | i that has risen forty feet in historie times. Professor David G. Falrfield, toe recent visitor, reports having reached there In February just after a rain of Hiore than twenty-four hours, the first for eight years. The average interval between two showers is seven years Sea fogs are common. Of about nine "| species of plants noticed seven were annnanls and their seeds must have re mained dormant in the ground for ‘eight years. In spite of the lack of long rooted Peruvian cotton is dried-up river bed, fur t yield subsistence ed Liverpool Post aud candor worm. { plant tool. PRUNING VINES. The winter fa the thee to prans grape vines, and It should pot be © laved, as they cannot be cut back with safety ntier spring opens. Vines put {out last epring tay be cut back to thres eyes and older vines may have buils, TIE HEDGE PLANTS The bidlge plants along the roadside should receive an application of fer- tiligor tn the spring and be also peally trimmed. Hedges are froguently much regleciail and die oul, no attempts be Ing wade to prevent them from josect attacks or supply them with plant food ns a conupensation for the enor | : | garies with two telephones and 8 hate [ tery. The selenium varies in resist | ance under the action of the varying > “light. The luminous beam from the In storing {rult or vegetables in the | Ceellar, the Letter plan ix to have boxes mous growth made evary season oi STORING FRUIT. or bing, and arrfinge them so that taoey nhove the bottion amd the same dis tanes from the wall. Tiys gives a cold | * alr epace all around thes, and will ald | minterially fh keeping thom st a more | wid : tesmslul over such long distance. even tappperature, while at the saine tirge the pak of Injury by (ost le cone glderatiy Jessaned, PRUNING TREER, In proning trees sll stems half an fool of mare in Qameter should be covernd with some wilerpronf snl rafiine wax or sheilae, snd onter wood will thus be preserved, and the wound will In a sefsan oF 80 ba coversd with new bark. 1 this precaution be not taken the end of the branch will decay from exposuse Ww wind, rain, heat and enid. SROWING BLACKBERRIDS. 1: & pow eontended that #1 $8 8 nde take to oul blackberry canoes hLadk Ln low, as they will give better crops allowed more cane. They should be given better euitivation than le wsaally bestowed, One point to observe 1s that if the old canes have not bes out out sul buried there will be daguige ftom borers. Blackberries will thrive on all kinds of soll but to secure gomd crop fertilizer should be suppiled early in the spring and the cines thinned out In the rows where they ame 00 close log athen BEPRAYING APPLE TRESS When to spray apple tress depends apon the plirpodes desivadl Use Dorf deans wixture when the buds are Eweliing and If eacker worms are abundant spray also when the blowsotns | ure ahout to oren. After the blomsars | fall spray again with Bordeasx sds ture, alse Yaris green, repeating both applications a woek or ten days later, In about ten days or two wmoeka 6 otha application pay be msde of Dor. guanx faixinre. These remedies of ud mh, preventives are for scabs coddling moth, tent caterpillar, curculio A OE. EVERGREEN HEDGES Evergreen hedges are ornamental al usefel The desire to sconre 8 guick hades Induces close setting of the plants, whieh causes thin to eyowd Iu alter years, na well as struggle for first, allowing not less than a yard of space between plants ns they will fill ho epaep as they advance In growth. | one | The enemy of bedges i the basket worm, and the “baskets” should be picked off and burned. Ther are really moons snd can be easily found Spray the hedge with Parts green (wo ur three tomes during the evason A PORTABLE IRRIGATORL A portable Irrigator especially adapted for treating the roots of a plant with fertilizing lguid Is bere shown, the ent being taken from the Scientist Amerivan, The general shape of the frrigator ix similar to that of & piich- fork, the tines and handle of which are hollow. A piston ia adapted to be operated within the hollow handle, serving as a pump to draw the fertiliz- Ing Uquid from a supply pipe entering at the top of the fork head and to force {t out through the openings in the tines, In operation the tines are burled Into the ground with their lower ends in proximity to the roots to he treatsd. The liquid can then be forced out in a fine spray at the polat where it will | do the most good are heard as if they Jig mixtures, 1s less than | fenefitith or a cont per tree, and the Give plenty of romp at ‘Wool and Colton More About W reless Telephony, The principles at the bass of wire {less telephoning are well known IL is sufficient to recall that if the varia- tions of current produced by A tole phonic transmitter are suitably treatise} mitted to 8 direct current feeding an arc lamp the words pho nouticad into the transmitier originated fn the are. This phenomenon Is due to changes In the volume of the are consequent apom changes of tempera. ‘ture caused by the variations of the dansity of the sufent. The chanses of temperature of the ait aise came changes in the emission of light from it, nnd these Inter changes are utilized in the transmission of wireless tale. | phonic messages. The Burtuationa in | the amlasion of the Hight are very rajid and cannot be seen by the eve. Mr Rohmer bas lately gent such messages over a distance of more than four mies by day and by night. (in the day Alms the appartus must be soreefed ; from the direct rays of ths sun, nat- | urallyy. To direct the beam Mr, Rub- mer uses a 1l-Inch parabolic mirror, The arc lamp employed requires 4 0 6 amperes of current for a distascs of 1 to 2 kilometres, 8 to 10 amperes for 3 to 4 kilometres, 12 to 16 amperes lor & to 7 kilometres. The receiver cun- ‘sts of a paraboile mirror like the transmitter, in whose optical axis thore Is a cylindrical selenium element in transmitter determines thess varia- tions of resistasice corresponding to the microphonic currents of the transmit. iter. Rimilar variations are produced iin ths receiver and the spoken sounds | are thus reproduced. The process + here described was tried by De Graham Bell lo Washington, who was not suc The Day of influenza. : To eneere or Bot to sneeze? Thal ia the question. Then wae sneezes and it changes to an exclamation is doing it. Headache, hones ashe, coughs, colds and the pestilence of grip in upon the face of the and, In Prookiyn Hills the worthy burgler sneezes an early carfew from his frant porch and the sound is mistaken for blasting in the tunnel. And when the shades of night draw down, he sneeres neross the Geld to his neighbor "Coma | over this evening; we're having a litle snack befors going to bed. Got some hot mustard and quinine, and sone hing in & bottle” Then far into the night the rich mellifoous sneezes chorus rises from that Gouse This la & hunt @ blow to the warnings of the doctors | who assert that grip is a seriots mag ter, and Bot to be sneezed at. Lawmakers Want Passes. 3 3 Everyone | of Osake military arsenal of Japan. weakness peculiar to eldideun One of the most complete slectrin power plants recently installed is that dais aan dd Ask Your Desler Tar Allen's Foot-Euss, A powder to shaks (ato pons shoes: regia thn | feat. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Kore, Hot Calious Arhing, fwenting Faot and Ine growing Mails. Alls i's Foot: Fase makes pow | | er tipht shoes sxay. AL all deuppista and hoe stores 20 sentx. Bamele mained Pans, | Adkipins Ald : B. . Uwnsiod, , Lahoy, N N. XY. Ahout 150,100 different kinds of beetlon have been discovered thus far by the 1 - scienitinty, “ a “ ON CA Brats oy Owen, Cory oT 01200, 1 on Treas Covey. ga Frama J, Cupsey, aks osth that helsila. : gentar Parte of ths firm ot FL J. Cuewne cdoing busleeas in the City of Tooled | = inte ard State ab sresald, and that saig fein will poy the i @ of AXE RONDIRS BOTs LARS for anal ahd svaryoase sl savas bad |B cannot ba cord by the uss of Hails Carasiy Coay, Frawa J. Ununwny. Bwara to betors me and subserited (a my | stn prEgatess thls Sthiday of December, | §arar. PAD, U8 AW. Greasox, {ats | Notary Publis. Hall's atarrh Cure ls taken internally, sad | Sots ky af the bioud ead mucous wir: | SONS Ree | aces of the aystam. Rend for free, F. J. Cnexxr & Co., Toledo, O, Sold by Dra $700. Hall's Family Pils are the best. A aA I GANS Aon pb : PE hes & mort STA for ipo 4 years, - : : p and | very 0 Aye? < Cherry P : 8 “ qe aio cured.’ R. N. Mana, Fal Mills, Try years of cu and such testimony as § above have taught us! Ayer's Cherry Pec will do. We know it's the g E est cough remedy e ‘made. And you will 80, too, after you t } There's cureineveryd : pa 1, ‘a be Soi A The Ehronie borrower seldom pays . 0 man back is kis own sain. Men, Women, and Children. Mr Preasayr, Oger 1 recclrnd the sample of Daan’ so Htila Sime, 1 had Lnrem don of thi | Kidneys and Dladder so severs It caused 4 | through the ver of Iran's Filla I wos frog and emsy now, Guo W. Burma, Vel. Ont i —— ae They cure incontinence ssd urisary! oa tha free sample of Dosn's Kidaer Pills | For five yours Lhave had much pain is say entirely cured the trouble. I think | ow my Ife to thew pia, gad 1 want others t4| DOAN'S - 8 Kidoey Pils, and never: Plofn prdos overcome, had any medicias da me 0 meh good 4 | Hobs and drotay signe vanish, Aged people find Down's Eidndy Pilly 0 : great of smfors for declinis ng years. |: i i RY Baxter Bentscs, Kaxgss ~—1 recetved | i back, which physicians said arose from tha | kkineyw. Four boxes of Dean's Pilla hava A ns Avice EE . L ENTLY Its the gentle and effective action of Doan's Kidney Pills in Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary troubles that make them famous with EE aaa Aching back are eased. Tip, b wd Swelling of he ey cnrrect urine with brick dust sedi ment hdph colored, dxorsidve, pain hs pas ing, Aritblis frequency, bed w prossare on the Jungs ie Asthma, But piace Kidney ; 141 i Siecive and alvigii sod gravel oellove heart paipite dm, sheeplossnons, kendnche, arvoustes inary Y Sngen, P.O. Box 41, Mt Pleasant, | SHR FREE 0000 ron OLD ano Pouca Sse a Bafain XY. Please mend oe by mail, without shange trial box Don's Kidoey Fla ed raion mas rE Members of the Montana Legislature | are prolesting because a railroad In that State jssued passes to them good only for £0 days, the teres of the ses sion, when seach for the toost part does itis traveling Miss Menard cured after dec i tors fulled to help her. “Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege: er table Compound cured me : doctors had failed, and 1 wan other girls to know about it. Dur ing menstruation I suffered mest HAW CISCOVYRRY deme Smack reel snd sires Worn aime set £E) dure Satay AN BORE. Bex 8. Atiasa, Ge BRANT MINING AND MILLING oa. NCORPORATID : 18 BROADWAY, NEW TORR. shane RIS WANTED. intense pain low in the abdomen | and in my limbs. At othertimes 1 had a heavy, depressed feeling which made my work seem twice as hard, and I grew pale and thin. The medicine the doctor gave me did not do me one bit of pood, and I was thoroughly discouraged. The doctor wanted me to stop work, bu of course, I could not do that finally began to take Lydia IB. Pinkham’s Vegetable C ‘ompound and felt better after taking the fmt bottle, and after taking six bottls I was entirely cured, and am now in perfect health, and I am so grate- ful for it.” — Miss Groraie Mexann, 537 EK. 159nd St, New York City. - | GE00D foefult If Soiginat of abooe letter pA | punaisemess enneot be provesed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound cures female ills when | all other means have falled. Vienna is threatened with a strike of (chimney sweeps A OC AS Sa FITS permanently aured. No its or nervowy. ness alter first duy's use of Dr, Kilne's Grand Nerve Restorer. $2 triad bostieand treatise from Diy, LH. Kriwe, had. Wl Arel Ht, Phila. Ba A reformer is generally a man who tries to convert others to hia way of thinking, Mrs, Winslow's SoothingSyrap tor ehiidren teething soften the gums, redutes inflamma ton ,allays pain, otires wi wind evils. 3be. abot You can't meade s g us by | the len of his hair. r= ¥ ath Se ON tan rw Piso's Cnrs cannot be too hghlysnokenit | a8 a cough care. J. W. O'Bainx, 2333 Third The man who agrees with "nobody thinks everybody else is wrong. Purxax FADEL _ -# baring, Some people do. & care what ba se tome 0 don an i en TT : (Avenue, ye Mianeapols, Mina. Jan. 6, 1900, 1 Dyes color Bulk, 1 Presanss if od § Another on the A Strange Bequest. made ab original will, town ou the following maaner: goiety are {0 draw ids in a small busines or trails, Pd oS pH prs ross News Mit Device Tesind, TOD way ta Steel Hoop Cunpany. reneater” the hat fron from aoe set of rolls {6 roas wire rod mil labor of two men is dispensed with at | cach train of rolis A Bruges philanthropist has fost He has left Lhe §g wil, which is to be divided tn} The som is th | be separated Into seven parts this be. ing the number of parishes in Brugey, Ban h of these portions must be aguin | pbdivided Into sums of $2580, for whieh © the poor on the books of the charitable The amount || fa to be spent In welling the wingers uh A new devi es in the rolling of hoop +1 at Monessen, Pa. lo tha 2 of the American It is called 20 and automatically handle Pras iple of the contin. | ! By Its use the | EE Tames ir Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily Aches an for which an external remedy may be used. Price, 23¢. and Sie. d Pains
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers