sopy, one Soar. In addanss, oc BLOB NN Eaten pnsdie BOWE npn ape iho i thee opthnr of the | differences Setwoan the Wetter € Soh | nd Coke Uo. and its employes last woek and a strike of considerable mag | nitude was averted. A number of wit- nesses wore examined, after whic following award was handed dows: Wi the arbitrators chosen to wijost | his Whe seals for cutting coal at Wels i ir of IL Peter Ray! lor | GA RB, were (he first to signify | : intention of participating in the daly parade, To them Inde. | Webster agreement, and all ster mine No. 1 by machines do award | s fadiown: That, owing to present) phy sioal sonditions, any foal mined by | machines sonth of heading No. 4 shall ‘be cat by the day and paid for in ae | sordiance with the Bfth clans of Lori of mation No 4 $ ahalt tw ent by * This sdjustren: to have po benring oy ine of the AHeona fhe trains leaving Pittaburg at 4:50 arid 8 Pam astion Parktown Fire Brigade Eqaestrisns and Haoestriennes Cavaleade of Mine Males LINE OF MARCH. Oat 1 ta Boer sew EY ERGe. La fh, ct, oat Peech to Third Pairner, down Palgher Ww railroad erossbivg, Fourth, spegkery’ atind Li rire Ta ¥ 2% SiH fost Magen. 1RANSACTIONS i" REALTY. ¥ of The £0 Lobatse Baleoniiy apaty Fam Crosrpe Warner x to Naeger Hed Coen, Chent, $3908 8% Lian fide, Ar Ps Hx to Samael Hele 0 and = Se Shem a he Coal and § aie £ Bd beaiig sis pted ta CAT, § host, £3, 15. There'll be something | Come along, | Foarth of Jaly colebras R's now ap Ww the ond others to ‘‘make The busines men especially @ it in their power to add to the at- fiver pas of the secasion by farnish. | i | parade that will a troe : he edterprive and public the town. And the Covmisn epough lo believe that thine &Y this mind on iy. Jases Keng, WwW. B Wnson Cent The coding | The trouble wae settled on 8 com: | | promise, each side giving and taking | The company insisted on paying ae | cording to clause 2, whioh provides for | 8 12 per cent advances over the rate prevriling Inst year, the miners son. | tending for remuneration sceording to clase 5, providing for day work at the : rate of 88 a day. On acconnt of condi | (tious which do not prevail in any other working of the company, both rates will pe in force io No. 3 mine of the company, one for each respective district by which the mine is divided. RR RTA A RESOLUTIONS. TNH Thome Adopted by the P. o. # of A xnd the | 10, RM Lodges. The following resolutions were | | ptopted by ? Sashington ¢ 5 ap Ne #38, iP 0 8 and bas done are to al iminate 2 they were thasoighly | in wart out with as good | By any pongregation in town, ik ra fow Bwades make thelr there will always be fonnd the ie church of some denoming. re the Scandinavian can hear’ preachad and the songs of | Bh moth or tangue, There | i ros . thas fue Sardy. calles | ; a of the Intu dc of the midnight | the fact - tied fey! for this The ( : Latheras Hetirey bright tater of the members, T tol ily sengretuialin them | 57 WHE we og Sat PE 4] Back . Tribe, “adopted In memory of wisdom removed trom amt WHEREA AW, ; Fhe Jong arsed as of bis duties i this Hee ciety gs makes i eminen pg that Yeu him, thts. of our organization by service, contri in butions and sonnel will be badd | grateful remembranon dyad, That the sadden 3 | John KB, ee Barnesbors, $415, to ar : i worthy std sstenmed brother, John 1. ; "{Myen, and i Smue : ] renoval {of seh & lf from our capfirs jbaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be. { dnopt ¥ reatized by all the members sad Philip Gill ot ux to Samuel Hetlmisn, Chest, $=. Thi Anthony Kibler ot ux to W, te, Uhent, $LHG1AT7, Anthony Gill et ux to W. Chest, §7.143.47. I James] Gill ef ax to Ramuel Hall man, Chest, $1,808, Michsel Lingle ot ux to Max Frid: (man, Susquehanna, $200, Jomeph Kuesly ot ux to Lewis Philos. | key, Susquehanna, $385 12 Caroline Bt Tooker to Richard Sos lon el al, Barnesboro, $540. f Reuben D. George to Malica Andur- son. Susquehanna, $1,000 Paes to Busquebanna, $20 oF C. Lingle, ; : Peter Dade, | John Liptay eb ux to Joseph Fabry, : LO arroiitown, $75 Tresin Bosh to Michael Nie Bowh i : rolltown, £00. Excelsior Baitbdlag and Loan ass ae Hom ta Jatin Felako, Hastings, $50 A,B Cushing, by sheriff to Kes wonky Keunedy Crosman to H. SBuangivr, $155. Wiliams 1. Mednulty & ax to Frank MoAnuity, Bosquehsana, $700, Barab Jane Hal Westayer, Bpangler, $4 PoE ary Bailding snd Loan aes edition to WN ian Falta, FH LN. Balkey to Sarah Boangler, $200. i BOH. MeGurvey to ean Seanglar, $00, LH. Molarvey wo “over, Spanier, 815 WH Laddies et ax to L Hpangier, $i Lawesnos Voik #1 ax to Bek, Tass: fitows EF. Harker, PF. Lioyd, Westover, Surah Baral J. Wadd N. Rodkey, William friends of this camp, and will prove a Eros Hoes to Ww cotnmunily and Lhe patie, Resolved, That with dup sympath Josephs Bh. to fawey : , {with the boreaved relatives of the Ce i pant we ex Sven & i hi Be well. eRmp TS (67 HIRE ‘aod & sop forws [amity 3 tha in mbarning for thirty Hoa po Bow 4 IY, i& No, shank Cg, oslrr. Beith John 1. Myers, doves: Niwes, Baruesieno eh sting of tte Wararas The rn ! Prefinite wisddas: | Beat toy enll to heavenly wi x John Lo Myers, BR onoly ci That humble reverence i Him who doeth felt by all who kaew bi ail things wil, veg the | sudden removal of our brother from this life leaves 3 vaoaney that will bw irs and our ‘prayers turn ever lowards thie present “Auk that Brother Myers might bave ‘been spared to his family and - who needed him yell a few ore great be. Suns. were in town callers af this the vice presi Distriet No, 2, 2 U.MW ofA, Mr. MoPherson Ba beer at w irk fn Elk county fora up of months past and reports the : 4 stronghold as’ mapidly organtz od, In order to give their euiployes an opportusity to properly ceicbrate the y with a full pocket book, the i sek Coal & Soke Co. will pay he the atte Lhe ot “a rer Hides Ht Barseboro Wednesday, ai and the ¥. A bavguet #t which Mr summons Cafes Lo jon that Resolved, That we ciliing of our bn fire shove he has i 7 the 1 frat of evil A we pare thal even £3 flyin: Char vo Mi || Susquehanna, David Alher rion et tx ta Prank Gior Fo . REID SE PERN fot Ta Way, Oosan U1 [Avalon Angie a dy Rehnbe sae | [ite Hdanwwl, Yolv be Ah. Fel LOE, a return within sixtest of axons Hman pario 3 and strive 10 dive #0 that when our Lstends cirede in the Heavenly ow FEW Ary i 8451 FEA a ¥ hes wiars the ; Around ima dpapmiry amd Hes down abt the White Puli Third division will form on Fourth : avenue, right resting on Mages avenie, th avenne and counter maich 243 {iin I Wat Ho , or Owens frome all stations a2 op, and soprntiar conned ion Ww and u thw avi BLA Bo fin abu pang cars through to Atlantic City | sop tran, and te phia ou the 4.56 and § 1 om. teasing Beturning coupes will be seoapte OF BUY PERE rain Xagey ? SE 14 inital i tr whieh {hess ghey eile enh} an | ft BY PEAY EPR in regard to v Sekat distriet pas Mraggeated Und he'd hay Thos wind Se £h3x Sem bss Wot pone i ine Bae dhiave EE Wn PU prensa vies 88 53 Yes tana Bais” aoa whew fay Wonse owt 3 in Yh gate pe WHIIng Thee, Wasi Foadnoed Batis $a Philidet. | ham is [ n Men's, Boys ildren’s lot! Gold and Silver Shirts. The best brands from 50 cents up. NN new hg stock Shirt money can buy Other | eckwear and Hats mn almost endless profusion, See our the hest and to get the Is cheapest place following rad road feeds t Ly * Ha $ fem : & send Hate Bafala ard ae orth off hut of & wn pimiisam hae wid aad oa posed wd MEALS AT ALL HOURS. FAR IYN PeR 4% 8 A, AXITARY PLUMBING, IRK'S HDW. URT. STORE. Ave, PATTON, FPA. flome Killed Mear v ods od Aaa wrth a WAN I We have the best lime of ros made—all k kinds. The tore lard for excel we will take : Ask no questions. [on have evervthing to gain is¥ I UES erythan Py ad EY a ory Ie howd Lk to ng in the i, ready- ish, stains, vthing vou Hine at “rust > £1 YAH AAR had Sx ani oo Cla liiess % may peed in this ; ¥ bee rive kis Firion i stock is come want yon we handle * Fe ite e Eosmeled ceded to he the arse, if it 1s the MUST haz andle it. wlerate, quali ty con. * {ar riarcgware Gest i Prices 1m aide red. too] $ % hn MEER, MIRers we can you want # ay EE Eiak 3 IS SR JGHT and be cone Ly need. . R. Con rel Keuel Somerville, Aftorne i -at-Law, PATTON, PA. dua rinse Bal ig be please The Beat APTER THOMIUGH THEETS RECOMMEND xT FP aA Ho jo at ok 20¥ # Yun LERCPLT oF Ea onE TOVES AN iD > RANGES ad ro have yeg examine ha, JR CORD ELL & CO, Patton. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers