Cj Inlents have excitsd | HEELS IN FARHION, ¢ for hygiene and athletics much toward the suppression heel, which, scoording to not only deforms the rs foot, but is bad for the gen reason of the nunstural body enused by the being throwa on to the bail of ever, for # while the Sigh be in favor again, says the new | Express, owing fo the f the short skirt, which barely o the snkle. It Is thought blich heel decreases the ap of the font, 1s are more genoraliy worn } than In any other city in the but in Vienna, where they much in vogne some time ago, 1he “costume bas bean : o bringtag in the square beel. THE HEAD. } the coiffures are still pci they are neater and closer tha were a few months ago, and : any are parting the hair ln the Wise people adapt the fash b to thelr own requircmnents, espe bairdressing. They must be fo sult the form of face and The broad style, which Is! from the Gainsborough dares, to the Introduction of lace and | fed through the hair a cap like effect to many a and the iden wonld ser : e originated entirely in the facile Fone milliner, whe had studied fashions of the seventeenth and eenth centuries with good effect. ally more by nocident than Ise that the best potions in nated and then improved very truth it depends more In ig on of clothes than anything LACE CAF ONCE MORE. padute atyle of teagown bas again a pretiy conceit for in the halr with it the lace ed is merely a small hick is fastened {has a certaln smount of J power and looked marnificent in the | Wolff, the violinist ables be plain Per ina the | admitted to praciles law at The tion. her hanehand {Mills ithe construction of spicial tools and p the art of dress and is ‘he | best dressed of the rovai sisters, She tableanx vivants whieh Princess Hone trice used to arrange at Bahsoral and Osborne in the last relen. Her musloal the admiration ol 80 competent a eritle as Herr Iohianuss Hy, she is kecaly fnteresied in ebarity, ~fondon Tatler wi aw UTILITY PARASOLS, Ever so pretty sre ihe Jittls suns shales for moriing ase, No lopeer in order to bw serviceable, must our welts Le ih 3 ra. 201 for reoruing I= of pees 285 spotted in white, Af the a brand band of plain wh i tiny tucks. About tho tip at the top i= an srrangirem of white satin vibe bon, looking like a hall.open rose Ia't that prim prestinses for yoi? 3 Another, in the popula Tdue mille, with iftile eps in it. bas a deep border of the Blog alk, over whivh the fon ed 48 aud Ha ® w 3% T RW. eos i 14 nropeT 3 fails in 4 Bese edn, Hike a aeen fold, f pigin green. If jou i shore ors a Geep border sfiect of Lige nnd geen in fo ds plaid top. If bs vey pretty and dainty, yeu guile the practic al thing for moto. ing and practical use ~Dhisdslnbia Teingraph, In (he United States the majority of § Hbrarians fire women. Miss Gwendoline Stewart, of Calle fornia, js ecturing in London on Asers ican ways of housekeebing. It Is mot nocexsary to tes the Come Ladd ton freely, noe 8 week piexion brush deliv. it mey coarsen the skin Is sutlivient. Adoitibine Kak. the firey woman ever Lar of Holland, hax just passed her examina- figs x wyer, Scie ing as her spobsor. A patent on an improvement on oA typewriter was devised by Miss Fuma The invention necessilaied these xbe made siso. The Houxe of Commons ordered war medals to be presented to the five Alperiean waoinen purses who served on the hospital ship Maine in South African and Chinese waters. An important attachment to the sew. h {Ing machine was invented by Miss not made of It as a | aps it is the oid-fast- and Fbergeres and other flat hats, writes the Paris ‘the Millinery Trade being very materially of the latest ideas brim over on both sides point at the back, while ss1mes almost 8 Square a esuse tt | of nutri point is generally kept in plece of ribhon tied round uoderneath in a knot frequently added at iting on the roiled. Fon a cache-plegne; er, have an ostrich feather he point, tip forward. An. ment consists in foldin * fiat on both sides ant point at the back. the ef- nit being that of a square lar to the preceding. Under mstances there Is no room che-peigne, and the trimming the top on the wover-iurned A ROYAL ARTIST. Puss which has been minds over a friend exhibited by! of Argyll reminds one that 8ir Edgar Boehm. who was n had a very high opinion ress’ talents as an artist, r as a sculptor, She was used often to visit his has a very Prietion) studio | to ae G att- by the filmlest of Helen Blanchard, and the hand refrig eratrr and oock box in the work of | Miss Phillips, of Dorchester, Masa. - When sppiying cold cream to the skin, rub on with a slow rotary mo- tion, using 8 slight pressure. Take time and lay in a stork of patience i when setting out on the journey after + beauty. The Itallan Minister of Marine | pas { decorated with a sliver medal for valor Lists Fellelottl, a girl seventeen years of age. for two conspicuously brave deeds, She first rescued from drown. . {ing at Porto Recanatl, her native piace, a man much her senior, and afters ward swam oul from the shore to pers Torin a shmdlar service for a girl who had fallen out of 8 sienil boat, The belt Is a promivest feature of the riost swagger su ser tolictties, The new full skirt, with its very much fuller Lack, is now seen every where, Wide cuffs and coollars—so wide as to be almost cape-like—dre the favor Hes of fashion. : ~ Patent leather ties, with the high imiBitary heel are boiling first place for walking shoes. A wide gindle, with sash ends, is an exceedingly smart and much-lked fin. ish for summer bodices, Biack and white are stil] the favor ites for the most desirable costuties, but tan and brown are close seconds “Ensersble” gowns are very roodish now apd particular aventioz to matching the sunshade, gown and Lat. Before the end of the sunuuer lacs | open-work hosiery iy to De saperscied plala silk or Usle fms The general entiines 6f the newest gxirts are a full back, sooth over the hips, falling from there full Wo the ground, The cape and capelet elects are the DOURRRATY AC comnanite nity to the large hats In vogoe, to provide a Docswingly bread basis for the head The restaurant gown and plotore hat to match are now indispensable to tus complete feminine wandrole, so Pope lar bas dining in public eevee Linen suits of evrn. white, green and blue. with an instep lerth Rift and long-skirted, slightly housed cout, will be among the smartest of the some mer, Black patent leather and ved moroceo belts about four lunches broad, perfectly piain and with a very simple buckie, Are among the new allor gown adcee sories. A ninedneh knotted fringe, as an {edge finish for the deep shoulder coi jar of a smart taffeln walking suit, i» an advance ides that promises to be | quite popular. For the fowerdrimmed bat the mauve shades of lavender are the ashe nable fad, adorned with Hines, wis larger | blossom hay resem | dramatie | Like ail bor fame i is pad sprinkle with THE SUMMER HOME. Bome Enrnlshing Hints ts From -n Expert Prevorstor. She is 8 woman who furnishes some eign folintrien, Bos : ormer Comntry's Polie Due fo Necesstty. a of Finding Now Maviets, Along with the measures taken for : i the develupment of Russian indugtry { then re must be noted fhe offorts Too f extend the msrket for Russian prod. ihrsad,. By conventions with for LL onas secured en tite territories free from hostile influences. The whohs northern part of Asia Minor, acéording to (he mer homes for people of wealth. Being treaty between Buossia and Tarkey, in tin en what nesded In a bome— | no matter what man sayeth to the Lary. .« 0 9» Having plenty of money at fer com mand she enn get the best and the | newest Bo her less are worth know. fig. For thers WW no law against sp propristing such of them ax may be carried oa at less cost, if one's means are Hmbeh * * 9 Do not move furnishings from eity | home to the summer abiding place. It fn a mistake, for the idea Is to get away from the formal fornishings of town and produce that complete change of pain] surroundings which Is such a tole to ard then o tired nerves and bodies * 9% Aas rule peopia fry to pat too mack | into a suntmer home, The better way fs to plan carefully, but to seek to prodoce an effect of space rather than overcrowding. * 2 ® Do not decorate the walla with gay | Bowered papers, as one wants fo get | sway from wall paper io the sutuiner. . vo» Stained or painted wally are the best, and if of white plaster do them in burlap, In denim or in matting, differ ent roctos Wn different ways It can be tacked over the walls, banging ae neatly and as closely as wall paper. but giving that rich Jook that one i finds only In studios in town for the artists all use burlap for thelr wall * & 0 For the floor grass mattior 9 ex- | cellent for siting rooms and dining rooms, or, if the fluors be of hardwood, there are the rags of grass matting or the Jule voge from Japan that come in such gay colorings Matting, bow. ever, 1a cleaner than rogs. aod unless there are plenty of servants, Rt is a economical moe Boor covering. a * » For windows dotted Swiss and ruffled curtains are prettiest, neatly bung and tied back so that the sum mer winds will pot play havoc with them. a “awe * oo » There should be just & few pletares| iin the sammer oolioges, and these should be different from the Posters framed and the popular bunt pletures make the best pictures for country homes, Lae Se Hattan forniture a - SH enol, corn. The abs} fortable and easy to move weathered oak is good for a dining room and hall, and there should Ye plenty of commoedious plaza chairs and rattan setlees or couches : ®* ® © For table furnishings In the summer bome nothing is prettior or more suits. bie than the hive and white Japanese china that is so plentiful just sow, but which many people Jo Bot care to nee, because of its inexpensivenecss. Yui this t& Jost what recommends it to! | Futnmer dutlager. Philadelphia Telo graph, Peanut Bandwiches—Cut slices of bread into rounds with a blseuit cutter: spread each piece with a ttle whipped cream; pound some peanuts quite small j and sprinkle thickly over the cream, These are delicate for afternoon lunch. SOS. - Rice Corn Bread-Add a cup of bot Boiled rice to a scant quart of white cornmeal: bent (na tablespoontul of shortening and four eggs. add a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of soda and enough buttermilk to make a thin bat ter; bake in a deep pan Mock Oysters—Chop one can of corn very fine; add to it one tesspoouful of salt, a little pepper, two eggs well beaten, om-balf cup of flour: the mix ture should be stiff enough to drop from the spoon; fry In hot fat; drain on paper; arrange on a folded gapkin |, Cabbage Salad—Chop half 3 medinm sized eabbage quite fine: let 1 stand in ioe water one hour, adding one tabje. spoonful of salt; beat two egps; add to these one cup of vinegar, three table spoonfuls of butter, & litle pepowr and one tablespoonful of mustard: cook over boiling water, stirsing constantly until thickened: remove from the fire: add two teaspoonstul of sugar; drain the cabbage and pour the hot dressing over if Date and Apple Flofl—-Prepare the apples sane as for apple savee, and when partially cooked add gn equal quantity of stoped dates and stir and cook until jatter are tender; then press all through a steve; return to the fire and cook until all are quite dry and firm, then add kugar and botter to taste and cook a while longer until ax stiff as before. Cool and add the whites of four eggs beaten very stiff, to one and a half cupluls of the saove. Stir the egg whites in as lightly as possible to mix. Serve hegped In glasses or turn into a pudding dish and powderad sugwr and bake in a slow oven for twenty or twenty-five minutes. Berve with apr cot, orange or hard sauce. nb RL le SR I HERA The average coffee tree in Honduras ernment, Sd i a woman, she knows {sr better than | i now placed under such conditions thal Russian capitalists have the area oper to them, to the exclusion of foreigs enterprise, found in Fe aia, ihe efitire northern porilon is acknowledged fo be under the exclnsive esoonomie in figence of Bussin. The Rossian policy in Manchuria may be sal to the teveesity of Bndibe for ber fndustriens The mx ene bebwein the Russian and The fun. Cogn capitalist i that the Jailer penser. ®ily rpakes his venture at Bis pwn vl without waiting for aid from his Gey while eW markets individual enterprise. The orent as vaity in earrying ont Russia € ambit in the Manchacian market les strange. iy enough, ln the transportation of hey swan merclandize. Despite Ber great ralirond, abe has no real advastage over the foreigner, ander the present conditions of toe rond, po bulky eargu ean pay for Hs transportation, ane even ander proper conditions the major part of the freight will 20 by sen. Foy instance. glassware, tobacen, and othe inex of merchandise cont 1 rable 510 cents freight per pood (38.112 pounds) by sea frome Odessa, but over 2 rubley RI via the Chinese Bastern Wail road, As 8 matter of fact foreizi foods have been in Maschoria for thre years, at jeast and are so favorably known that offerte are already being made 1 couplerfeil the wore promis bent articles. Russian settismeonts ati Epringiog up In Northern and Nosthe eaters Mancharia, bur the wants of It nw these people sre not extended therefore jrablematical Manchurian market will large consumer of Rossian goods will depend more on the lack of sn. terprise on the part of foreign mer: chants than on the wuperlority of Rus sian wares or Rossian methods AAR 0 EB SH REA SSA WISE WORDS. Beware the fury of & patient mag.~ whether tha besos 8 Dryden Remorse ia the echo of a lost virtne, -~Halwer. Good order Ia the foundation of all good things. Burke Whatever enlarges hope will also ex: Bit courage ~Jobnann, it is an Infamy to dle and pot Yi pissed Carlos Wilcox, Don't despair of x student If he hay one vlear des ~ Eo mons After crosses and lowses men grow Larner and wiser ~Foanklin He who has Leaith has hope, and he | who hag hope bas everyiblng Plato. Manner is one of the grestest enxines of infgencs ever given to man Feit bars, Before you look for something to eat. Enlenres. Ir peter goeurs to fools that merit femet ood fortune are closely united — | ; | four inches wile whens plain material | 1s ued then fears men | Cowth ih fa 5 most dleeraveful vies: 1 fess deanisex 300 and wiintareh Malice and Batre are very Treit minke aur minds fore and nn « Tiiintann. Beratonl: reflection weakens and kil them —1. A, Martin It In 2 prea: misfortune tot to have wrsotigh wit to speak well Hruvere, If public Ubraries were half as costly foolish men and women misght some . as well as In munching and srkling — Baskin, dr Hh ie ANI A Chasen For he Thien Skinned. Ax silopgralfting on a large scale Pores Into gare exiles sive use in sare | it becomes mon p ! PEERY % kh » Drege ronterial fo SEEN, ; : the urpos - | at the trout ‘beneath he rin he TX. in fave, 8 wadlval man wilt tiie Thy wr. he ditfenity cag only H 1 £ by tre sr meres anid Ak Sate rE required. raf dy Hirle Boy who Bad been seahbed, a feds Eaves up” part 43: seid 3 rin” iT hig wine a band Lx ile oy lye ation, alison the v3 te ask 1 “any mors bide” Mew York Press SO NA A is posded, A (neer Adoption, About tha gusereRl Lag eotne to uvetlee fs reposted from Margie Mo. Que "ha Hr that own foomd three in the womis pear by. them bane and gave then flog, who had a liter of puppies. ; Immediately recelvad the whelps fare her family and mourned greatly Wien two of them wore stolen, The thin Ia ioing well under Its strange condi- Hons New York Coppuereinl Adver- {izer, galoptiy PTAA Ab A AAR SAL The Terrier and the Kitten, In Baltimore fs a fox terrier who | IRE greatiy grieved lately by the dis Hppearance of ber lHtter of puppies, which had best dene away with, For several dnys she moped abont a smail kitten was brought to ber and she tdopted it on the spot and is a host faithiwl stepiother.—New York | ar Intervals, and the destined Suan | Commerc) Advertiser, foreign or A situat 3% Analogous in ean be slipped on whenever required ; are exdential to 8 ohibl's wardrobe and for hae Jude d rived Gaver § ak, 1 the Russian waits for the Governieent to smooth the way for | materisis This dainty May Manan terigls used for the purpose equally well When straight edged goods are | in one Plece, are attached. Its neck is bread gn & turnover collar and the I yard of plain material for sleeves: or three yards twanty-esven inches wide, AOR Rh lok for some ote to eat with- rials of the semson. Our Brat impulses are good. geaerone, | May Manton one shows in the arge | drawing is equally well adapted to the | | entire gown and to the edd walst and is | | shown In white batlate with trimming of embroidery. or not ary ‘any of the washable fabricw er from shough judgoient to keen qudet.—la 7 b | s0k or Ught weight wool the trimming | being embroidery or Ince as Dest suits | the material He public dinpers, or books cost the tepid part of what bracelets do even | provement. times suspect there was good In read | + fueled to fir oanurle above the elbows ing the skin as an an tucked to At &h Y was: ; He | rave and then) ps 8 % ; striped ging wm whieh 0 Lwin Porter oF | summer. Cot tpegalaf clreniar pattern te the Knees i from which point any ameonnt of tim ming in rates, Inserticos, tucks and Then | : method of secaring these /NEW, YORK, FASHI Little Jackets that are shown in a wariety of charming one is made of embrolderad flouncing and la eminently well suited to the semson, hut the design suits flannel cashmere, pique, linen and ail the mn esed the edges can be enibroldersd or rimmed (nn various ways The jacket consists of the yoke to which the pleated fronts and back, cut slonvis are the new full snes that are tucked above tim elbows, but form fall pufls below, and are gathered into roflover culls at Owe wriste The guantity of material requbed | for the medium size [four yoars] Is three snd three-fourthes yards bordersd material eleven Inchon wide with one ‘Suttondolen ‘many there are who prefer a : or lacing together of the two ompo this wd or collapsed; arabesques of chning Land various geometries! patterns or one and three-fourth yards forty. to correspond, though ert parts, Chats Pattern Foulard, Toe women who always wear black, r Tack and white at the atmiont, will ait with delight the pretty pew Louise {ines and foulands in wide the graceful | chaln pattern appears fn white on 8 Black around, It is waeprising what & variety of designs ls supplied from “motif,” Bracelet chaios, distenids agsong the collection. The stripe effect Lis produced at Intervals by 3 vertieal | chain pattern arranged between bar Hats With Tai Crowns The hats with the taller crowns, sh | though Bow to be found in all the Hest. clam collections, ave still comparative iy fear in number beside those with wer crowns, and while there is intima tion that the vanishing note of the platens hat ix In contemplation, there is vmson to bellove that hats with low erverns mil shapes more or less flat will role the mode as long as the existe ip sson contiones. : For Loanging Gowns, For lounging gowns a great deal of sill ls being used, soft 2K and glues fa one pain color, such as bright rose én Berry pink, Delft blue, apple green, #1 made with same severity, having long banging sleeves and deop falling collars, sof with lace Boods at the hack. : Relta For Summer, Patent leather belts will be worn through the summer with cotton sad linen shire waist suite. For afternoon -_ AN EXCEEDINGLY wk SMART WAIST. i ——— Woman's Walser. are exceedingly smart in all the mate: It ean be made from Washable fabrics ave made oalined When silk or wool is used the fArted foundation 3 an ime The waist consists of the Tal | fronts and back. The back is ticked | i for its entire length at | fronts In a ful] length group at each the centre, the side of the frome and again at the; Sheuideey ps yoke depth Betwoey | Bese grou of tucks the trimming be | Phy sleeves are the pew full ones and ary The quan for the ay of wh by material Tequred ; wigs MN Tour wide, three Lhe SRY STs Tred om thirty. three: py FRAN threw fnehes wide or wile, tive eighth yards forty-four Gioghau and Dimty Pettivioats, Weil Sreswed % "g shams aid Sgured dl ap into petticoats fo In their light worniog frocks These skiris sre ont de lace Is lavished upon them. Dleveb oped on slpecn, sateen, muiven or olher simple and substantial goesds, a full ruifle with bamds of shirring at top and bottom and in the middie Is a pretty amd sensible finish. An Economical Departure. Detachable Bounces an petticoats are & departure that end at once to evan. omy and variety, ene foundation, be 1 uf silk or wn, being asked to serve for the support of sameroes additions in this regard. Undoupbiadly the beel firmly 0 phace is that of a stitehed band on te skirt itself, accorded buttons at rego and evesing wear soft sik and ribbon shows, to be fastened in troat Jeu lait iy plus or the newer Tucked walsfs are much worn amd} ! :, deep colors, Some of the are Bay ean pins are extremely. band. The very smarts AEG Panarns Saitiags. 3 Ueoama suitings in shades of biscuit, X ars blue, gray and several Ughter cols v4 ary adorably adapts! tor summer : Troika More serviceable tes are made of | Lotsisine sik. woven in “shepherd's pall” peat, small eliscks of brown OF geen or black amd white Waonian's Tockad Triple Shire. Troapde skirts make un feature of the Aenea’s styles aml are exevedingly gracedul. This very stylish May Mane ton one {# thade of cream colonsd cals via veilng with relmming of applique gon and la stitched with cortivelll silk, tthe design suite all the sik, wool les fabrics of Cashion ptlom fod Detail weil and # the wrists, | buying the and form drooping pulls at the wrisig, He recently pald $5 plod ta put on the Heady | iin : FRmtyane. threo four Thue sRire win aver g teundation en lak Gtx snugly at the gspper and fares a lower edge and So which the twe Sw Siig Tho npper POT gored, bat the the tucks. The 1 in Inverted avy regnived 5 rteen yards iwelve ranls Why or eight bw may Lire st, OF 3B CEID THIPLE ER. GY. 3s iris furty-tour laches wide. with gar and ene-dall yards twenty<ne ee . wr five yards thirty-six inches for tundation,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers