|THE PATTC WN AN avenues in Patton * WIT] 1 0 J Council of the Bor- | We have the hest ad it is hereby en-| Ranges made—all kinds » d by authority of the | American Standard for excel La { lence, guarantee inhimited. If the actasi sot of cot sewer beginning at a not satisfactory we will t ta th avenue ninety fee hack and ask no questions 1% avenue and extending You have ev arything to gain ag avenue; thence west and nothing to loose, ve fou, In macotained | We have everything m the «| paint line. Lead, oil, ready-| gE ; We Mave started over thre thomsand . mixed paints, varnish, Stalls, peys in various parts of the ccumtry - (enamels and any thing you. images tosivees on their own Kecoaant We wast a boy to represent (may need in this hie at "just a he right price.” The Saturday {iar Ha stdware Stock 3 and live 0 of sewer, to pice AT 1 we don't bat th to forget that we hand ets m Hardware. ” Lifer sehend Bunty avd fu Ss orduon, is The “Chrysolite Enan ts ware "is conceded to Ii “the Br £8 Lares. af Well of 1h homes Chest. OF course, if it 3 No Money Required to Begin ‘best we MUST PHY Prices moderate, ? sidered. ) : iinivet Pda $225.00 i" Sh CARR TRIZES In miners’ toois omit Sistrivatnd among boys ? i iE OE Cl SA Th i si oo furnish anything £3 yr ae Chr Fear hese bet phen Guregity of #5 nt (VLE, . wh of por ment seaicsidnl boy BO : £ : racy ink Their portbeds oh F g oo ; =o We Make » WW ad see wil ordained this, the Ist 4 specialty of - 13 1903. wagons, surries, harness v3 MORSE Bt anything you nfay want £0. reg Ad & ¥ and Don't Know it. Row ¥o Find Out. rider Ww agon cnse of fars We c carry the om our hime on the nark et at one price to all and THAT PRICE IS RIGHT. Comtie and see and be com need. : a inability ect of Swamp-Root sands the Righe {HM yse mee Fe - : bens, Sold by ds grits ind, wed You may bave 3 sample be Wa * a ip Fd Don’ t ake « any mistake, bit ber the name, Samp it towst, 1} mers Bwamp-Hoot, and ihe rn | N. Y. on every bottle, : We are agents in. oe ‘this vicinity or th 11S | Do your ik fran ‘Tired Fe el 18 2M urperb product of thel "7° — : oY * Brewers Art. Ask Farouk a corn To ons TE RON SEOLG CR dy E > Srsteluns os for 1t at the bars of }s Tie leading hote ls 8. Schl Blue Wag P- LXDOrt in an wants of the pub- hs Hurd i » Claas, Har eres { ] Crabs and Lobste ra. Fine Grade ow HISKIE S — Large, HOURS. ed Tee Cream. Thompson, Atherton, Gugen- : heimer, Ete, parties and wed Cont shart notic 6, FirstNation'| Bank J BF PATTON, We are also agents Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. IF the Ct le he ated caprar pup us “Just received a fresh fo at the SURPLA AS, $2. : e : i chocolate X85, b. “i BD. I eae Bre Wing oo 0. ee Yatton, Pa. Bro FREE (A i ¥ BMINISTRATORS NOTICE SRE ton. bad The Este of fate of the Ba Sorouyl i i PATTON, PA. pa sent to CALE PATTON, Wor, HL, Sasi President Promptly Atte nded ¢ to. : Union, Pa. ww: yn Evening Post ‘ $4 : iw & ‘ awe. The work ean be Acris x ERE wad and fricomis ud Thousands Have Kidney Trouble | Have you any hemlock bark or Jum. foes re , ber of any kind for sale 7 If so advise Locai "Phone. All Orders the Wm. HL. Moudy Mfg. Co, Mount &. oi TY SYA TAY EYEE 9 Sr v Advanced in price Y one-third, % 151 the Clear- held Steel nr Iron Works and growing town and sce the proof of this Sena ; This Steel Plant town will have 4.000 people | inside of th WCU years from present In- ® dications. oT home seekers are buying ests every dav. YL er HE ; Barly nl Tape ; sain g 15 pow 325.000 yan ad day wor king ts omen By in a short . hises to rent board- The man who is Hyde City will ar the great Heel and Iron Works were tu con- dation. Today they are built and at work shipping five st merchant ror { the other two ries the business from the own- paid for on temp how the hondieds of workmen at n, Oak Grove and other plices had to pio- Tyrone and o industries which have ade these Sess teeming cities. at Hyde C ity, close to Clearfield. No great industrial city LEY started » wit teu Brot teh to honse one-tenth the men employed i he e shor %, Clenrfi id has so many fire brick works and other goeveryday works that the vicinity is won- % for wesith and certainty of constant ices of lots on an ¥ business street mn ¢5 with the Sree and [ron Works. to sev the Steel and choice lots can be beitrg It 1s worth the tn Iron Works | Your fare to and from the plant will be paid if you live within 100 miles--that much at least if you are a lot purchaser, Buy your ticket for Riverview, P. R. R,, or Center, on the B. Ro & P., as both stations are right at the x, Steel Plant, Buy a Let and make money of get a home. TERMS it a month andi! paid for Ten pee cent, thy of purchaser alter ae diye have Deets paid ad Ma interest sxoept : all be gose. This Aanhet Ble Hanpee fara maney making Hivest- waitby Dindessd, Phe state off ne butler apperianity wiil wetnad IRD evar soot Bovty oF Uleartield and ; 5 fain stmpmer will give Gperty. Is i ndasicies the pas By it will pakke Yull money ar working MATT SAVAGE, Real Estate Agent, Office on the Grounds. Clearfield. Pa. History in this particular is repeating itself Hl A i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers