SERRE $ 2 3 3 : Oa QL Bl A ir » pontrasting, and decorating. Jy 3 Donnelly was In Eastern gitios | fogs, Pu : Na Say bubbles ub Dag ye Dow) gr’t in pare Great. BE Will ree office, ; the rien at tnidinsa this | ) : ’ Con OE ERY torus, Ny reasonn fined, faduive of yoy Laffey will be 7 Basin, ; The only reliable cure fr falling hair | For ssie by Garfiend a Ciroon Liens, Wilkins, Patti, Pa. peer Bx, rk you want 8 big Hime on \ the ; with all the Px, come to Prive 20 conta it you want the best call for us Noy a headache in a car sparkling and re. nese e Bem, ah Cal or Hotel bars: Palmer House, dant ad srtiserne he | Hotel Patton, : Gun 's Parmacy in an- £ aged and strictly pure. ; or Quinn & Harper's wholesale. | Bhos Hore, y | Tout £53 a: 5 Nursabeoe of Boia 2 Nusiber ofl yarn, dresden The sport o of the Fient 2 National | a gamit of oh ining pot k of Patton will he found in an A vorire el tes poy Heath, NRRIEEL Ce 8 LO is an unastally god. © * i feta os Ta % ART HAYE Son LEXY Number or niity Fook fat, fir SELEY se deve fr hh Tal me pel lar nk : : Hiset foe FB ar i hold thei yer piesie | a Highland Grove on te AWoss of Daghenss. 5 BERD ; the fiemen veil have the Padanreion Saati 4 wy Yan: East ] ¢ Firemen’ 's Park. rapt busy all the tne he. From ) AREY, Pein ; daily Dug, Bi a Pron Tax ooll tors, ais Pup, RSE : smarinsiamins Be HAO 137 - opal wrvices in Pe ran Pattions. x 3 n i" TRE } on ww foes Rust pak The Woman, or Man | pone X store § ir ; full of od things fe w prices. who I to 3 road this weekiy % Taman “Y pa The fooat team wean vie) a score of Slo d : P 5 i SIR, Hpe i . mi on o Monday. Fiat be hada nd) § ave two exhibitions ; BRL apparopiil Sh he PEAR EITIEN, wr THEE A Hav ding orders Tis Lhe Bhat if to visit a real tive : Ww othe undersigned aditors af Pat. ton Borough, certify that we believe the to be a trae and porpeet | aditioan ot * : 7% ” out the latest creations of “They ‘make. a hn wil Diistrios to this p goods In their big store date. ™ BH Cownee, to offer real bargaine W. A. Meriox, hn Se Ex Huwres SUPPLEMENTARY J ne “98, morning and # evening stands in the front r rank ¢ of a fatieuty seeommninent. | Pauly penal, the better hall come oat * Interesting Children’ '« Day exer ix w ware held ia the MoE. church tht and a moses) asd a HE of exealionce rendered, wil Fhareh Ta 18 qo Back. EEYRAY Waris puinting A young man oan learn the painting | {trade with Pagan, the painter, Hast Ask for Tan hoses and ds Tor sale in Pals Offers special values every week. Hundreds of people take advantage of these money saving op- portunities. read it. z Are you anxious to save a dollar or two 2? When you see a Bon Ton Advertisement Z Z Zz Heavy floradora combs, 6 inches long, made to sell at 19¢, special at 10¢.. Call for Duquesne beer at any / of the Miner's Ret, Commercial Holal and It you want a drink of pound bower, : ask for Schlitz. Uslon made, properly The chic hair barretes, 10 and 15c. Large size hair pins, worth 5c, price lc. Talcum powder, Be box. At hotel bars You can do better at the White: Fioancial statement of Patton wt 10c Corset clasps, Ps each. 25 pieces lace spplique.worth 19, 25 @ 33c¢, special at 10, 12 1-2 and 15c. 6 inch: black Taffeta ribben, sold at 39¢, special at 25¢ yard. 25¢ Sun Bonnets, 12 1-2¢ each. Fel Window Shades, 6c each. Men's and boys worth 10c. a Our stock of Infants capsis complete with everything new sand dainty, 17. 25, 49, 75 and 98c. 10¢ Pink Chambray 6 1-2¢ yard. * linen collars, Sc each, Men's self ‘opening’ Umbrellas, silver trimmed handles, 98c each. Silk Finished Gingham worth 20c. { special at 12 1-2¢ yard. Heavy home spun linen toweling, worth 10c, for 7 1-4¢ yard. Ladies Trimmed Hats, 10 in the lot, marked $1.98, $2.25 and $2.49, special for one weell $1.49. Ladies’ Ww hite Sailors worth 25¢, for 17e each. Children's s “Sailors, 10¢ each. Trimmed het for girls 12 to 18 years, marked 31 98 and 32. 49, special at $1. 49, Aprons made of Lancaster Gingham. full size, 19¢ each. Cotton Cushion C ord. 3c yard. Plain Color SilKoline, pink, blue, yellow, green and red, 10¢ yard. Men’ 4 25¢ Suspenders, 17¢ pair. Boye 39¢ Dress Shirts; 25c cach. New lot of Wrist Bags just received. 25, 49, 8c and $1.25. Turley Red Table Damash, sold at 45c. special at 8c yar. 49¢ Linen Table Damask, special at 39¢c yard. Murcerized White Goods, sold at 75¢, sale price 49c yard. 5 dozen Ladies’ Shirt Waists Jighty usted from handling. sold at 75,98¢ and $1.25, White and colored, sale price 39¢ each. Here is a chance to buy a less than half price. lish shirt waist for All Toilet articles reduced to half price. Hair Grower, Velvetta, etc. etc. 38¢c, $1.00 goods 50c. Perfume, Face Powder, Face Cream, Quinine. 10c goods Sc, 25¢ goods 12¢, 50¢ goods 25¢, 75¢ goods THE BON TON STORE, PATTON, PA. nd all SL SONS wo ros, AVE. PATTON, PA. ry, oce Ave 3 Syne cha Fey Je ent ist! ponit Fe ANNA, FEHONYS RR A Re RR Parnell, Cowher & Co. GEQ. BOONE, When you hear the name Guun's Pharmacy, that nouvm for eye in Dry thit is necessary. It 1s a sy fi wraia ik By a a Gh 54 4 and Hiiched x HE 1 ¥ 2 wit shou | rages i FoR 5 54 < hoos ba IR a CAE REN TTR CH Ta Pave AOE 4 THSOIRE
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