11 sorts of chores to pay have. Bhe's 8 good ever sung In public bo- 8 solo all by her two Hitle Sunday- fo bes on the through 1t all right, the she sings beautiful u never gu to rear up Her Grandpa Hatgeld ee are all going. And 1 hear Louisy May beat ‘em of tim Fourth of J aly WAR very happy sy she the small mirror in ber | fave the last touches to ' challis had made up | and ber mother bad de- | an unexpected gift of | ik ribbon sash. She bad | ore bad such a beantiful hat | w ft one thing to detract | satisfaction with her ap-, ir g 3 Bave such a mop of | “It : ie to the mirror. ORK Amanda | - lke never one so full of AS this She had ver. fool & Hitle her: ; tare to sing eame, and i box! You sing your song now. { grandpa will start ve Whose binad {rer the Pamparte { she felt her courage rise. I she found herself on the platform 9% fore the audience that filled every part of the grove. The Uhalrman of the day stepped forward and sald; “We will now listen 0 a solo, “The Btar Bpangled Banner,” by Miss Loulsa May Hatfield” At this some of the Grand Army men set up a shout, aud Louisa May walked to the fron. of the platform with the large silk flag she was to hold while she sang. The applause dled sway and the or ganist had just begun to play the pre- laude, when a boy shouted shrilly: “Red head! Hed head! Better look out or the fireworks will cateh?™ Loulea May's pink cheeks grew pale Khe opened ber lips, but no soond 8he was trembling 114. eames from them. from head to foot. The fing fell from her band down over the wige of the i platform. Then In sn agony of em- barmassment she put both hands over her face ad began to cry. The bay who had called out hat head™ suddenly felt a hand grip ib back of his collar, and he was ried from his seat by an irate little old 1 man. “I'll let ye know how ye call wy gran’danghter ‘red head,” ye 111th anss. box! You take that” and he sinartly Cait hong Pinan did net sing new, i ing about her began the seeand stania in the Jawst guaver ghtle bor, wilh one arn $11 around ber, and nodded time with Lis snowy head ginger, When Louisa May's voles died away | after the last luee, the applause was | afening. While It was #111 at irs edge of tia platform, bol aloft. When be cotild be heard called ont slirilly ¥ ba inst v0 lines! sing™ Come, now, everyhady “And the sar spangled banner in trionopd shall wEve | (er the bamal of the free and the home of the bards” The Governor himself congratulated Louisa May, and handing ber the beng. tral litte ©1k flag be bad been holding in his bad he gail: “Lat mie give you this to remeber me hy” tw any bappler than she was during the rest of that day, but she felt much the same way thres days Inter when on coming bome from the strawberry patch, she found Grandpa Hatfield waiting for her in the hall Je fuse apes the parlor door belind him as hie Kisaed ber, and Loutes saw In a core per of the room a beautiful, shiniog new plano, FANEUIL HALL THE CRADLE OF LIBERTY. BOSTON. boxed the howling boy's cars. Then | be hurried toward the platform and up the steps. A queer-looking old man he was with long white hair and ‘beard. He bad on a stiffly starched Hoen “duster” and bright blue jean Irousers. Hurrying to Louisa Mav's A xide, be put bis arm arounud her walst i apd sald, soothingly: “There, there, Lousy Mav! Dan't you mind thar impudent lHttle sass. Come, off an HI” The old may picked ap the flag which she had let fall to the platform, and holding Hs staff in one band while his other arm was round Louisa Max's waist, be began to sing In a thing, wav. ering. but not vnmesionl voles: HE What ELy, can you gee; by the dawn's carly Light, BO RPO Hght's ast bright ede pend Biripas stars, thesugh the fecdous gallant ang He stopped at the end of and sald gently to Louvika May: “Come, now, honey, you sing, too She had taken ber hands from her face, and as she looked Into the syaipa- thetic faeces of the people before her, When the old man began to sing the next lines Louisa May's volee, clear and steady and sweet, rose high above his own: “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave Oh! say, does that slarspangled banner el wave Ger the land of the free and the hame of the brave!” Something of the lofty spirit of the grand old song suddenly filled Louien May's heart, and made her forget ber wounded feelings. Her grandfather held the fag so that its folds were fall Were sey ix sires these lines x ag wis still there, roof through the night that our | “Why, grande she exclaimed, and flung ber arins around Lis peck, half laughing and balfcryipg. His dim eyes had a strange light in them, wid his vole was not steady as be “1 tell ye, Loutsy, 1 don’t know . To 1 have heard sastung that tied such hold of me as the v Fou sung that grand old ‘Sar hid led Banner” 1 want it to be the first song You sing on your new plano. I'l play i. and we'll sing it together x A lew later a passer! refued op rae In Pron Bortse to Heston 1a the fro snd the old and guavering ing together "And t * uw and Paes iw dw ale Ring Yn svsian Ta Auner in trum yak : of the free and the the ave php XY any » LT ¥ AIRE SE RIONn. Hea A JUNE | FORE BODING. Willie hua five fingers Un each boy ish hand; Will tie likewise has ten toes “pon which to stand tut 3 doabt comes ver as, ae drop dew Sach hk Will he have so m any On the 5th of next July? Willie has two evelbrows, Fach wi proper place; Tas his ears and checks and chin Rafe upon his re, And we fondle Willie As we malty sigh, “Will he still possess them Un the 3th of pest July ™ - atl Ber eyes wore shin: tng and her face was soiling pas she | BOONE The old! fle staat be CpEiate per Urerybeely Join we In singing the 3 height her grandlather stepped to the | dle the flag “Louies Muy thong ht she never could | April 1b £f ol bh FOUN vaio; ie in Lexi: 3 anda te ontys Hn anus i teat Leg. Higley the br £1 : dob Far and gently wired the flag above the ’ The whi itn stnrsls or the oid ; hand Gf | the road 10 Bote 4 21 rinew oon the proasd water femb sider fhe fie ; Fianite bowl 13 the rear are weats fenintain, with old faehi biwns for drinkiog cums Francis Brows Haves pave the mon Pint to the Sows. The ide Right hee work of Heirs Fades sogitidne of the Admiral ; state In Martine Park Boston the Iywer Mesao dimce, BL Nothing ts He Aahamed OF, em ara and of wisi Fountain in Provls | sino: Alp" de *1 : ADDe ded tho OE The of man 1a our own St a Bme could please, fle. Lot Look *%k a stra dislike, Brooklyn Eagie. HOMES OF BIRDR I¥ has been fully demonxirated that autside fhe fea allord 8 good i the hiotiogg, P8kied and Ee 6 eps those Br idx jriie aud weal hewn by lands of tin avowed the street belsyw IE 3 gly g RID gin mankind can do much foward indocing birds to colonize on his premises. This Is justifiable vpont *n sconomie Dasls gs well as Troon the aesthetic, athieal and | educational value of our fealherwd : There is Dot & bird that fives = pear the abode of man excepting the English sparrow that will not do far | more gos than harms snd many friends exch your fully repay all efforts in bis behalf. One of the best means of Inducing pea i 10 the kin) of bird for itended. For wrens ehickadoes and tiv mics wha iw shold be one sud ofie fourth inches HE dhcpeter; for biactirds, Gy-oatehers, dtc, two inches. and for the porple issrtisa two and onedil! iscles. No pistfsrm or pla should te sttiched bode Tor a perel. ax ihe focthmid Tor ate ing birds especially soeh as the Eaglish spartew. whizh might attempt fr diffve away the dedividl orcupanta "he hole should be netrer the top than so that it will not Hessine cioand by the nesting ates Fa? i Pia, Pads article to sonisin & newt shouls frnily Bxed to (tu place so that I wil mor be turned down at a evitienl sent. BX anring & storm. 45d the sien or he birds Rilled, slatbl Le protected from cate, sanir- being fosfenad is not jilsce then in groups of clusiers ox. for the purple actins aod SPR, Most birds prefsr to Bave (heir pests asd harled Wires 4 ye soene distivnics froin others, especially Af the sgne Species, ww allows the For martivs aud boxes should be on poles bei oped spaces, bur for other spevivs they may be more or less conorsied, retorted or placed in frees under pals, ete, desired. Do uot put tin cans or meddlooversd houses Ine temadand for nests where the hot ane sivige will fall on them daring the mid. le of the dar. Do net permit the eres ty be handled or the pests 0 bi chosely inapected fan often. Do not (feuet the young birds directly. If de aired food mary be placed where the parents wiki tad it snd ose 8 as thelr PUZZLE OF CAPTAIN STANDISH. hoand bas i 8 Fou a sow, BE G ind two other Inlans the Bir a to prov ing laxes the spring likely will to sever them Just 8x wo core fo us In the i Joen’e | ta + loak {i with nuial The soutien wut up the herd Teun. te a the 3 ar bis SHaTeeE, fv # Bug wae fog sty to bax iy vos snd there nnd sich sontain: poland for bird ses yeiure ta Plynon da to mest anoand the premises : Latin logs or birds, chloknilews, iii birds, Bgl we rting nisl fe Ee & Cae yeauently Cond wrens ve x Xy fiery YEA ERR A few Wie ad EE Pairs up conrenivnoes, ay be used th engl to fully birds, Boxes Reg Mn imele wpeinily Bodiow mend snd particu larly hollow logs may dw paedl The Jogs may be sawed inte proper lengths, the ends boarded up a hole of proper #ige cur and then used as boxes or houses, gFrruciumne fear pol | Losialls of oo sstructed bax nots nb, 3 vot lmpettant to the Isirds, The interior shonld be large and roomy. Small holes or cracks should { he made in the eastern and southern, | Hides to admit sir and light The light | jx needed for the parents to see 10 feed their young, and the alr is neces | wary for the comfort of the young birds | in hot weather, one hole large enough fom uso as a " door, 5d that should be of & ane val | soles re the wing: Blos]’ Rae : ¢ : ¥ ti escent the left arm In strength Is ue sinew hat There should be but! % with the head of sn ils them. —Pittsburg Die a Fad alae AND LEGCK the result of many ARMS ii th Pars in human beings be in a majority Pol cose, longer than the left arm, while en the contrary the loft leg Is ger than the right ene. Sometimes, Lowersr, the relative proportions are weastly reversed, but very seldom does ! Perfect aquality exist betwern the two es The tendency of the right arm greater in wen than In on, while eguality of strength Jur fern mrs oconrs almost twice with wanes sa with men. ~The Bound Talbe (RR. BABRITS IDEX igi sn Mrs, Rabbi Now. 1 wonder ir that (fmt bey thouzbt 1 coulda’t find my srrow withont him coming 40d point. ing it out for me "New York Tiones The external shape of the Changed Noles While returning from a fancy dress bili at Johannesburg recently a man all a woman wete arrested, the wan tor elng dressed as a woman and the woman for being dressed as a man. | The wan appeared In the dock In a [ plok muslin dress trimmed with bright green ribbons, and wore a large ples ture hat. The lady's costume repres sented a khaki-clad soldier. Both were aguitied,
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