y part of the your 1902 a sufferer from kideey | i rh we years, The pain as In . Atior tog Don's 8 Kiiiney ile & statement for publica: fg that they had entirely of the pain In my back, ; 1 then had a year's time In ; the effacty of the medi. freent way practical! y he tr effects, and 1 know that a of Doan's Kidney Pllis Kept on a sufficient guarantee against suff ring from tbe kidneys or back, old adelse every sufferer to take Doan's Khiuey Pile and I know that will be surprised and pleased with pit” Fee Triav of this great kidney Heine which cured Mra. Broderick Tw mailed on appileation to any United States. Address ty a Mile. other district in the word | ive mining operations carried At such a depth as in the Lake capper region. of the Tamarack mine is the 6 the world, having attained ol depth of 4.940 fest, nearly a "Not far behind Ht Is the Red aft of the Calumet and Hee | is down $820 feet Another of the Calumet and Hecla No. 4 of the Calumet branch of ¥. This is down 7.800 feet ine of a mile and a ball ' of the marvelous efficiency of hoisting engine no consid: prospective depth of shafts, batacle to deep mining pportionate Increase in tem: | the Lake Superior cop State Geologist Lake has that the temperature in rice one degrees for every eet. The temperature In tha 8 at the Tamarack and ecla varies between KS degrees, and in view of t tha can yet bo attained a AVAL SFFicERs | KICK. Getting Vacations and Many Threaten to Resign. shortage of officers in the navy asing increased anxioty, Within ast year the rule has heen adopt sing ensigns and young leg ay leave for the réason that @y cannot be spared. This is a vio: ion of the unwritten law of the nav ¥ ery officer {a entitled to leave ee for one month each vear, ist Congress doubled aif future ke naval academy. but the 1 this long needed loginlation Ot Le felt in the navy for four he young officers are coming conclusion that they are to Bo leave during the next four] '% and they are becoming Touticss, iY return from a long term of sea ty, only to be ordered away on an Wo Years’ crulse after two or ¥s at home. Many applica er leave which are not | ® bélng followed by threats from the pary, and these gent as lo give the depart a » persons. spend be ; In Parts and know Curious Time Recorder. naturalist while visiting Great of those islands of the ‘ean known as the Celehas lands, found a curious time lodged at the house of a battles were firmly lashed fixed in a wooden frame. into the other in just half an hen the upper bottle was rame was sticks, marked with rom 1 to 12, were hung upon hook was placed between : diy to the hour ines he one to be Struck § the i iva an fren of to tha west of the fawn Cmnteh oF Band, reversed. be given to the animals. ‘rushed to dilened with hunger. ng any one | A BAIN MAN'S FINISH. T VE me nn with a lot of had ity, some of whose annals have bent the seribesmin of is Wistern Riates busy, but | the hardest man that 1 ever saw wash grulistake fellow 1 met up with ahogt a dozen times while T was assigned to and Mogul tribes” sald tor of Isidian figencies, “Ile Hyed fn Toeson when be wasn't up in the Banta Anita Mountalns looking for pay dust, and for segpral years he was the chief eontribator of inert subjects to that Hitle white cemetery that les mars ur loss coversd wilh yellow eund. His name wag Jin Crandall, Jim was six fest fix fuebea in stature, and he weighed 5 ponpda. Every pound that be had on him was bear ment-ihat Is to sar his He ln the mountains, after quarte, kept him down to the minute, “But Jin never used his strong ex evpl to shine off. 1 sig wot a wan in the Saath have coped with Bim in a straig sifengith, but he raped io the bowls and the sless guarters, so that nose of his vie tins ever had a chanee {0 feel the clasp of Lis sovilla sv est that could Ht out diwars i i ever ell our abort fone an sesnphszus, hat wien be to asd 1nlinnse, Before 1 tet Lim be hd slaughtered seven pen, Bre of them Ia strajeht gan fizhits and two In knife plays, and be had alvars cafitvived ta deck the nw and minke a getaway on the gronnd of self dofonne, which ls certainly 8 main ground down lo the Bouthewest torr torioa, “Is a thing 1 don't Hie to mention, bot 1 happened to be with Crandall en the nizht he mad: his lossont, bad just got back from old Mexien, where he had been doing a dodgsont for a sear after kiiling Baek Evans, the marshal of Tucson, and at the super hour thet 1 met ho he was in several ! fasLlons dangerous. But he had ao guired a haldt In previous meetings of leaning npon men reed to lean upon and go | diin’t care how be acted so long as be kept within the hounds of reason, “We want th a CninB reed outnt and ordered a slack of birds’ nesteowhich teed to mean in the Southwest steak smothered in anions and French frind potatoessand I addresecd myself to the task of trying to clip some of (he feath ers off of Jim's paradise-bird stories of thie Santa Anita Mountains, *1 wean Just telling Crandall that be was rongh and uncouth snd that be wore too many guns on hia person to sult my cityfied, elvilized game, when Jim~the mesgalte foie that be had taken dragging along (onside of hime looked up. “Jimmy. be sald to me, Tee got w | Mg kill on. snd 1 hate Chinks' and Just then the two aeslstanty of the Cht news proprietor of the restanrant witlked In, shidingly, wtih wir soft sandals, “get ‘em go’ 1 sald to Crandall when 1 saw Bhim going for bis gue “Thes're only parasites, and what de You care? “This mush! sald Jim, fost ne ths twa ealt-fonted Clin amen were passing nto the Kitehen “He puiled both of his guna out. and bawled ‘Stand sHlY to the twa China. men. They both came to a halt right abaft the Kitchen, “You Hkeo dle? sald Crandall then to the twa Chinese, and, without a fur ther word he plugged both of them through the heart. “The Tucson vigilance outfit got Jim about ten minutes later, and be made the most horrible fight for his life that I ever witnessed. Bot a San Fran. | elaco doctor has got Jim's bones now a doctor with whom 1 am on terms and every thne that I go out to the Gate he gives a peek at Crandall's dried skull and says, ‘Aren't vou glad You are good ¥ "Washington Stan » a—— HE DEFIED HUNGDY LIONS, Nat long exhibiting in a Cerne nitrac foul in Eas of els nt every performance Hix doing what seed to Ye the most darine of nets In the Hong’ come. Ho seould ef Into the tage with great and throw 18 to the mm mament they lind woulll sorlng smane then foot on ft. The animals urionaly, and then, fue tors were ail waiting b peciing that the hoa To pieces, taoy eoweil After Lie had repented this act for many dae an Eng made 8 wager with him for a Mg sum of money that he wonld not dare to do $t after the llons had been starved for three days. The trainer considered for a moment and then accepted the wa: gor, making only the condition that he be allowed to have three wweks of preparation. At the end of three weeks the train. id fae sR, Fee whut eM ETEY er announced that he was ready, and the procesa of starving the Hons began. The Englishman kept guards posting around the cage day and night to make certain that not a morsel of food shaonld At the expire ation of the three days all Amsterdam to the circus. The lions were ee and hear. for thes Si thre was gan in i was or mild oa man ne route af Jauloer litdoe or 1 In bes be was 4 worse terror Yan of Tazsort mira Hs ant von Phdwrowsld make {this to the Kratipring tn Berlin pir go a lon tamer, whe was |? £1 tire us in Heal | $4 fe we : 3 Jt of FEY 4 The i; | «4 back ¢ exiting an H Bleak the hors showed low antry thee had i, 1a the hedge of the 1 er entered this sage with gives of taal his Ars, £m the floor of the onde, rilsed wiiip, and lo! not coe Han daped t- proach He The mishty throneh bpd dtp ¥ tHe tral SH BHORa flo tosmsel nig. in that thelr great feskmes shook, and cary? kort his treet de yellow eves fixed hun grily on the meat. But net one of thetn stirred, The trainer stooped, Hod the Deed ane tosasl Bt to the sal 80d in a mitenent the Lops Ware fo a8 rent awny hall, rend And snarling and tearing, with blood {rode the natgled Ire f spuriing all over the cage. The Englishuan paid ks bet and then tried] 10 fl oul bose the Hono ter had meguited suelo wanderful control over his Leasts, man would not tell, bat at sented tocexplain 1 Daring weeks pericd of preparation bs had alw hye starved the lions froci the yory beginning. Hug Then, oli with a place of soaked in Kerosens ofl The l fidat Hy ROODHLT PHHe Hy L513 would abrink sway, weno l freah asd gos] plove of bee! they wonld devour na ament, The long eon Bethe ef poevgto med to expecting that the first plece of beet #1 Bi tier py the which that at the end of the three weeks they would Bot even move fram thely cor. fier When the teatner Yhoew it oon the oor of the cage. They would net try to ent anything ened Pt the sedrired plses, Eo the daring trict badd 8 very Kip explanation --Washinglon Fast, VOX MOLTRE AND THE BOY. Elsie CC, Crang's story of “The Lita Brown Pitclier™ Ig a ‘mie Inddent of the Ansteo-Prossian War of 199 sad the fittle hero of the tale wix te wriler's father. Karlchen, the Liste Mutter, aad the two big brothers sirved slowly, carnfully, at the cost of mech sacrifice, filing the Jitte brows pitihor, that Karleben wight earse riding by and levied on the 1ittle Sarai for feeding of the troops, In the meanwhile, You Malthe, st the head of bis staff, Lad approschsd Turiiing to Kari, he sald: “Well my bay dost thou fo to pailege “Alax, pa replied Kil. "I was to now what ghall 1 do? take the cattle and what Hes Deon saved for me must go to buy mora” “Wilt nat give willloz to the lad “Yes, but-dow Jong have | wanted z o py “Thou shalt pa mr calling to sow of his officers, bsg ™ Thea, leiden 8 Dist what te faken bere, and the yalspr of each thing, and when the war Is over, Fou, boy, oF your mother, must preset eeive: fall pavement Par Karl wild noth All hiepes af rodldpe bad Bown for who vila Hove that the great Kron be hatheesd with the tranbiiss lors of the farmers who rabbiid by lis eeldiers Karl's moikor took the paper, BI wer Hitla brown pitener. Biv weeks went plteder was pmpty now, save for Von Hoboogwald's forgotten ceint; but news had come that the Aostrians had been severely defeated at Sadown snd peace Lind been declared! And ons glorivas day came a letter gs termes] “tron. BR. Lad heen faking why the clihy of Pran Lislwth Gronig hed not been presented te the Rroppring and saying “hat $f presetited in two weeks i would be pad imomedi- ately, raw Grong hastened to Berlin: the ab Wag presented, goed, when shivers turned, the Hidde brown plteher noheavy, for she had meselod a i% Drie for every ty ing iE went to calles in Cur hurd 4 Ho wo, Ni du 138 Be ELOTS ESCAPE, i HIT Perey ¥ A MARYE St Pot 3 Hon mk HES Paris nl ito of thee CRORES Yep wow fe hint the wolves, and ng inwhile make Helr OER Ria De ot refused to do, The mn driven mod by fear selped bis i wife and child and threw them out { of the slelzh. Br 8 miracle they fell into a ditch hidden by the enow., The wolves gwept past where the woman snd ohfld lay, and a minute later had torn {he horse and mam to pleces “The woman, after awhile, emerged i from her place of reMige, and even {tually with ber chikh reached the viilage {uo safety.” Leap Year Elections, Had it occurred to you that all Poash EER Eo a E Faun his the mathiny uns in ¥ i ek Fp * year f-New York Press The Lord Myer of London wears 8 badge of office which contains ia ‘valued at $600,000 : brutes tay veranehed, roatiig nnd growling so Lomi a et ha oon the hire | for three Gays | the | fourth day, he would enter the pope ’ bbef which had bewn wWimid Then he would throw thio & that was thrown fo then Was not Pood | £0 10 eoliegs. { Then General vou Moltke and his staff have gone in the harvest month bot Your soliliers: army, | coul Toe i | her calling snd Is unworthy of 3 plage 1 | Muy wouhd talded | row fully dropped 18 futo the by: the Mite tye eral von Moltke, per Van Hobenwald™ was dentiul elections take plas In bap THE WINDMILL, Ths swinbnill has besame a necassity on tarms. In proportion to cose i giv | tore poseer and services Celine or Implement on the fara, Not oaly will 8 windmill pump water, but (it will also grind the grain, a wr owond, i ent the foarse food and farnish power i for many Other purposes. They have {been greatly toiproved, snd sre thihie ‘of doing gsc more han aly sup Pease, thaw dhe mn. THE FINEST WOOT, i The finent 457 salts: con the sbhouliers of sheep In jedging shoop at i wool on the shoalere first. Aspmming that the wool to be tnspected ii roatly fine, the shoniders are first exambned { fg 8 part wide the finest wool is to be found, which f% taken ne n stindsrd, and ls compared 16 the wool fein the riba the thigh, the romp aud the sbonl i serps 3h 18 Alwars Ag export “dor parts, and the nenrer the wai! froma | { the varions portlons of the aniingl ap proaches the standand the better, THE MIXED BRATION, A mized ration will nearly slwars : Are tore satisfactory resnita than any bay nnd fodder. ean be made ths prin: cipal parte of 8 ratlen, while bran, off ment and quite a number of otlier ma- (daring the wigter and Joey during the suirnmer, increasing the oats dn the : puminger and legeen the amount tn the winter. Oats make one of the very best feeds that ean be supplied to hese, and especially so to the working Tosins, WEAR COLONIER Instead of allowing the bees to I swarm it is better to balld ap the weak i colonies by transferring bvood comb to the depleted hives Now Ix the tine to atfPngd to these detalles white the season Is open for werk, eo as to Allow time for the bees to Inervase In pamiders and Play ln stoek for winder. It is folly w have lie bews of the strong colonfes Swart as long as there are asy that are wonk If this Ia not contin the better mode then the strong doloates may be allowed to rob the weaker, in which case the two eslumes will he Coe as one. sid both be Benefiied, bat the hives are full and ap to the dommde. ment both in bees and hooey. and if will bes saving of time and bees KEEP STABLES CLEAN During very warm weather the sicen malation of the stable decompose very quickly, and but a short time is re quired for the saturated bhedd Hag and Dinnre to give off adors. The vhses In sialdes In summer are deirithental ssnothines canelog Injury to the eyes, it affect the hoofs and render it diffienit for the exdmals to obtain rest af right The stalls should not enly be ciraned shoaid be bedded with snwduie: or dey over tie Sine mslerinia i The milk tester Is the Dest Belactive | on earth for picking ont the Pond Cuwa | Four per cent. of Lutter fat should be the minhrtre, and the cow wicks milk hoe ist reach this point Baz a io the advateed qalrymany te hard. A NEW Mir K PALL. The above [nets | Bow milk pall of Gere ‘ i8 composed of the ll 0 able hair filler and Ow Honwbos momsy able siralner. The pall Is male of jEtrong gabvanized sheet fron Wel § hs j about seven snd a half pounds and haz FX | a capacity of fGfteen guarts—Plhilader | iphia Record, BTEPS IN FSUGAR MAKING, i | “posts snd t b Pand in tes | the an Ww | en it will he 8! fy Hw at on a, Tar the VEE pre dine BY SUG BN pom aap is gathered. Rismilow ov ar sTvup mokers. When the strup fs as thi wanted for canning strained, Some bg it stare! a and then 1 there mo § ak The most popular styles of packages in thin section are for sYTUD tin will shut alr tight, amd that bold one gallon; for sugar, If soft @ oxo that pout! cakes or bricks IL Burk burt, in New Englaml Homestiod Curious. that she ean be proud of her grand. Shires and her youth at the same Ways look nt the } Who are fearly aii one material. Gate awl corn, with gond | terials oun le used to make up a va. | «riety, Use a larger proportion of corn Bathe tinge, before making pew hives see that ail | out morning and night, bas the floes | earth, with a eoverige of cd siraw off and then warm np atl 2 strat: 51 ag! x | onng that | will hold shout twonirfdve pounds | Many make hand separ tn about fives | A curloos thing abort £8 woomn ary as thar ne I Sr A A eA Se 3 row: ¥ “Tha Ki joan, Kisid Kishan Rind” trade pars eotk iho in 8 seod Kites, Ma. chuvie m primarily a grain proaciog eoaniry, : dann be He Bhasan suai for angie and eoides Joue ie Ralety pine gre peoniare Fe American, Bee JNA OE of then pach VEST. da oR on dyed wi th Porsan # : has 5 DELESS Diss. paint of 1,506,600, A anise fohammeding. RC AR et A A THE WORLD'S COSTLIEST Thee! Sha It Grows in London and a House Is Built About JL Probably tha moet expensive tree In the world is in the city of landon, on the énrner of Cheapside anid Woe Eireet nbout midway between the Thnk | have It 3% a8 be cones of England and St Pauls. anornaons oak, and ia 2ald to he 1 yoarg aid. bids destruction of tree or Watches, Pr thm i i iiely arable toy to | ave Pisa’ * Cars ee for Conmymns | It is protected by & clause | in the deed of the property which for Fores, Trinity Springs, Ind. Feb, 13, 1900, | Wel Hacks of Chairs, ete ran te 1 *1 Pave weed your Hair \ for Bue yours and amy pleased with it. J corti: Stores the original color to hair. Theos my Bair soft.” le eno Naw Porton ~~ Ayer's Hair’ Vagos | restoring y hair for : it never fail s 10 and work, cither. from’ fa fing, tor ke for There it stands in the corser of cnn of the busiest strewts in Landon, no enpring ground of enormous valge and positively the only tree in the cily of London outside of the parks. FR PL AR I SH Sa Gd A Shorthand in Telegraphy. A rompiete telegraphic syvitem of | shorthand has been laboriousiy worked | oat by A. C. Barossa, and named “pan: teiegraphy, soction pape It consists In 8 reduction of the Morse alphabet | characters or sounds, 1G ten shore which are so manipulated by » key &% to express anything and everything by them in suck a way as to give th public greater pr ivileges. while at the ing made which will, it Is said. make messages so cheap that they will te Mrgely used instead of letters. a cad Much Gold Dust Never hefore in the history of bani immensely reducing the work of the telegraph operator. A sat | of automatic instroments 4 now be ing iu Dawson. Alaska, bas there besa fuck Leavy purchases of gold dust | ¥ The amounts purchased by the two banks within two days in connection | with the large amounts deposited for safekeeping aggregate apwards of §1-1 28 twa Present indications are that Yukon's output of goid this season will exreed that of § $1,000 000 10 83 10 FREE MEDICAL ADVICE i A AR SRSA Sash pA Epi Miltons of the worll's best people me Cutleurs Soap, aesteted by Cutieses | Ointment, the goeat skin care, for pree serving, purifying and braatifying the akin, for cienusing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, sad the stopplag of failing balr, for soltoning, whitening ad soothlsg red, eogh aul sore Mande, for baby rashes, ebings and chafiuge, : for ansoyleg vation or ton free of celetslve perspiration, for uleerstive Every working girl who bs not well is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkharn, Lynn, Mass. for advice; it is freely given, and has restored thousands to health, Miss Paine's Experience. “1 want to thank you for what you have done for ow. and recommend | Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ali girls whose work keeps them standing on their fest in the store. The dietr said 1 must slop work | he did pot seein to remlize that & girl annot afford to Atop work. ing. My back sched, my ap tite was poor, 1 could not sieen, and menstiras. tion wax scanty and very painful. Ong day when suffering 1 bommenced to takes Lydia I. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, and found that it 3: helped we. 1 goon fond that mr were free EVD YOne § fre ; 3 t naty: wil “= FEC Parrwet | ventinmed Hts wie, and sal periodis FRU] PERITSENERE Bien | Lird dla Po ri weaknesses, Aad many ssustive, antl septic purposes which readlly saggest themselves to women, especially mothe ; ers, as well as for sll the purposes of the toilet, hath and nursery, Cats CNTR £ SAD COIN ee delicate’ enwoilient properties derived from Cath cura, the great skin cure, with the pee eat of cleansing logredbamts sod the ruoat refreshing of Sower odours. Neo other medicated soap aver enmpounded Lis to be compared with It for preserve : ng, porifying and Pesusieying She akitty soap, balr sod hands, No other fore eign or domestic toilet howevep expensive, iso bo ¢ with 18 foe all the purposes of the toliet, bath and nursery. [has it combines in one aL Cv price the meet effective skin comply Xion asap. sad the purest sod saeetial tollet, tath asd sursery S08p ever compounded. ; BE Aga Pores Bans tha inh Tuthenrs Mh srep 48 Chale * ne y val - £ Tn, ee, Meagan He, Chee wr g Senna Neg 1 ated Rae ea Pla 3 Baa n p te Ferien rin 2a Thieme 5 Boe. Sud Seslp wd Ruy «at the change in} end cannot be ti) ¥, 3 ! Kham "5 Ye Lob ! Compound that cures, F KEASKM., The family boris peter 50 cemied Conia 4 sappy kat a year, 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers