The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 2
to the contrary ¥ notwithstanding. | The COURIER ‘has no quarrel with the is Francis base ball nine. In faet, it! believes them to be a lot of nice Hittie | ging bat it does hate to see them make | “monkeys oF Birds of themselves with. | ont sanss. All the world bates a quit « fpr ii og : iter and t at's why their Mie Ynjrings | he Bey wn Bp Sie Bcmntiaca unit ali erent: 1 8ap. ar Patio as Benn Beater, ‘Wun not obstiryed to Bp extent in Patton this your 1% ) Perrine wrod fix. Troms bok € Haw days Coie haga = y penple want to glam ap Pus feet : properly | § 00 HY niforas, bat State of Ponneyl ina, 1 1, NE : Comniy of Cathria i : pated, eehider of Whe abo rad he dis ehanniy gweny thee the’ = irre statotrcnt is tree tel evstrerd 50 the best | “of iy Epos kdge and belief i c ation of Ww HL Sasvronn, Osshier. | Ci Mablerited ral wor fare: fre thts Falk day of Jung, oe § [Carrvet A Hest: Fra E Dave Notary Pattie, pars ! Th svetirs, Brows, the Coun ER Is the best and cheapest on Plc to get the following | Boos: ped uhe sent Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and (nis, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, (¥lass and Putty, Fishing Tackle, Butchers’ Tools, Woodenware, A3lue, Garden Tools, s and Wagons, ; ; ‘agous, Linolenms {odd pieces below cost), Stains and Carriage Pain ts. Brushes of all desert pt on, * C hambe r Su ts. Extension Tables, Kithen Lab ds £ i aripire andy was | tive in Pat tn, it F about wrapiee, low ine the soul of honor! far Mant is. rt, he knows more Cive us a itgers of the 81. Franels yourself, aud see & FURT. STORE. Me A YE ball GX 2 and. : vee | i the peal thing : harts. Tasted of | : oY, thay Rained in ; foewmen wWapthy ol Shay ith the score a tia, 3 ne velth Lin Ewer Pat ton d | New Blood, : bres 5 and asother one safe on Makes New Nerves, that the oaly way fo pre : | | New Life. lorkn detent waa to Kivk, : Tones Up the Whole System and CURES CONSTIPATION. Avall drip iets & mil, Hf yosie dishle : ; LANGHAT 1 NED, co. Le Roy, N.Y. fon, Patten Phe 3c 2 tik aah ¢ and WIRELY CPHUONE “will not be taken serionsly, Verbom | We are ready to show Men's, Women’s, ever shown in Patton. Our shoes the market, have and best wearing shee on about the good oss We We can You can't get K angaroo at | 4 ¥ £2 One Ww yoursclt that we Yau Shoes an Hl or can sell are money savers vou from PATTO predif. 0 to As k Our « A RR MS SR BA de Sig ch caper shoes. the reg putation of being the best oF SEOINIOTS and they 1 Tish ell Oxfords & Sandals ren’: SE SR I RS RHR Shoes at Halt A lot to po at half prices, than we W £1 ik g: ‘Magee Avy CITY RE atent eathers sid Biypew, f Full tne of ord in Quali 5 As Hye hath w154d SANITARY PLUMBIXG, Yess wil Hise thom se Apecin le and Moses moses A fu BT EIDE Tie White Shoe Store. THE -STAURANT Mitel ih & MatCormiok THERE CE BRS A SR