The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 1

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Properties In This End of ve county Ter FUORI U
Chomngod Hands Hoconsty, Poo ne
Peter Offret to Helens Offret, Hast It 18 Being Prepared as Rap
; lings, $100, : fo :
od the Jary to pass rT Foi MH... isi
fe ike ok iw bin BEB faaebuae b : ly as Possible,
of the nitering of a Chee Rhodvetux tao ¥M RB Cowher, : z ais
oe in
if guilty on thin] ” ony $0 =, MB raaha iV
_Vasbinder sens hr when
: KE Prenat 1
«| Mannicn, Patton, S00,
oars } Hailey ok aa be Nichols Co paptieatad oA sot Meeting af Com
Hewes WEE Bellaf ToeMagin
: tor FI : :
i : oh 6x 16 BF Spencer, | sqmmitiees ring charge
a) : bration in Px
Bast RB Cintiuber in KE
| Beads township, $300,
Annis E Powell ot vir faa Berths
| Deltas, Carroll township Ha en. Be bo the 3 wri ¢ alrendy Sere, : SE is CLI
: Ti 4 Pores 0 ann at, One| From presest indiestions, the gp : a am
Mary Molombie ot vir to Asinie | bation Sromiss to ro = a - he \verage in ( fot ptaduteg
: REE 1 | I Te Z Sa
a ET West, Carrolitawn, $10. : Cfapigeee will bee added and, a Rok wr BE tH vou are, vou will do well to pay’ nea visit right sow.
fens, fo adh Feneiiiugs Pertuinkoy to Maggie Haley 1 #i to Michael Bae : © 4 Shgsngt oy rit gives :
CN revensatien | Bip, 85 Infrseronninndbinn ly | Never was a nobbier line of suit lor sxmmer wear displayed in Pat
FA § ak ] :
i fy J 3 AVY » rs i A
* of Pation punple : | Maggie Haier si ta Michsel Fala | & ton. Every garment is mts ed on on fort.
ein, youterdisy afternoon | WE Carroll township, 85 14 : og ik bor with a vim in We
LE KE. Lava gs Ty green 2 pl ="
Effie K B. boven fo D, W. Ke ar Seating w
twey, Bare townbip, 380 Filbddae when farthale vege at
Bama RB Karlissey at vir to B80 | paived ; | : + when on want another. agro pe which
: a! bovelaoe, are tompshiy E Sir faartinid Wilkoha wos seule a Fong eaves thix Aleve ee matter have ww hte price saat be sp-fothe minute
ay be, I oand Baisley
; . Sriworka comnities In Pm
ilareail bownubis, 340 i : el yg i : ; 7 3 A wi
i hi SEE Dal nt : i of doa Rie cee, 7 moved from yo Two pire Mite - Chowe and four Botton and double treated sacking
4.5 csi aa a"
rs > snide of won 1, IBomnesran, Wonded and Serpe. Bl ESO
al : TESS + SR dEREiR He i gel % iy bE wh Se wena d : oA
y Co ol. 8. Ww. thay bo, ate of C of i : A LS i eadls BE Eee I ‘ : i
Lod 4d Re Ba ZC 5 said 5th mani NR Oxfords are pow invogne. Not ely are they the proper thing from
4, | aid voremabi, £35. J a na on Em J» febioobie saniroint, but they aratutiutely smontiel to foot comfurty
Thomas Barve he Core Our stock i» birge. com pring th Tatas 198.
he Thorutiin, Burteste ro, $150 fi a : : : I Inet,
Re Ero oP NE Ny dt : es hin Bin Re a : a. Have von node they
align 2 wae Pellefrens « vt ux, to Madiets CT - : 3
and the Uotmts feo o : TROPS, Sark ren : ate vB ae the Pigeon Toe Law? wo re mili ta of item © this summer. Ox
che iss extending! wey ; a The Rpers. pr Baa y fords priced st $1.50 Ww $14
fubien ot viet ely all right. Leas th
© Chulras Bell, of the pasadn 8 ym
| Bohiel, Bart ! foil 5 oo.
RB Wentz “1 ux. i Joseph Kaylor ; aitations ta oi the So ga
| Carrol township, 4 ibd bad received favorable respoties
Joseph PP. Mywmm, ot un ‘0 Patrick. fim some and that future meetings of
hig Ashville, $90, the ities wold bs beid to Ire
: > + |e thy et Hay. ht
Muti Disregan ol al ov Wor Fo | teflon wis Gveted o member. of ihe
dro wating eommiltes in place of Abe
: ix Iobatein, ig
PRE ties SArTAang ments for special trun are!
LIN MEMORY OF MES EVA DB osospn bi progress and the socom of the el
Ll YELLE. [bration is assured. Lot every citigen P Ene i
finn t No tee 10 else seth trials, caf the town and sspwanally the mism CY Bit : - = ol
Alb our bmemare pow jm vain: bers of the different committer put : Success . Is
| In smaiem, their sboalder to the wheel and assist : Nn
AE mh {1 making July 4, 1808. not only ared
1 Wotton whit she cxovtls soon. {latter day, but the biggest day in the
| Hite hie sureetly soap ; | history of “The North Star.” In the ! al a
| Ee fre » SE | ympmpe ors the post. That is why our Business i is c constantly on thei
Drewith bx sang bot ons swsd domber, i . "Ler THE Ease Bory AM. " Our stock of :
has: FH an Seath $i die :
| LT I as of oFricens eecTen Eo
: | Those Seivied be ihe adi ot the Ki
a him wee Dey bo : {ine Tete. is of the very best, bat the prices are low. When it comes to
5 sitting Tr Th Trane, ¢ ;
This fir, Blosnding, brite teense, | Following are the officers of Kill Doe! d poe
; ; : - we PRET Ji !
Ake ciuna ow Br thett own Tite, Dogo of Pocahontas, No. 1h: Beer, Ale and Porter, one word tells the st stor) y—DUQL ESNE.
The thie leaves sud flowees withe Pocahontas, Mrs. Saraki Sperry. The best beer on the market and the only High Grade Brand
nthe Mutat, ‘neath the : LL Firat Reout Mra M Wiis, i ;
Ther are tions, wot fires er iad iy Mra. aegis Whalley, | sold in town. Why drink a cheap and superior brand when
: casion f his twent) rst Rims wat or x Th es
day. A splendid Si) Seti nf une: | Pobawtan, Mm. Rebecca Kinkead. you can get the best for the same price
> > i was : Father, PROLLY, DRiw 10 Sonning, First Coaneselor, Mm Phsobe Stesr. - 4g z
: 2 Slack at the real iy Four eyes fron Bitter tems © oe
With like jewels Christe’ adorning ] Becund Cotmmelor, Mew. Carrie Stear. Goods delivered free and’ promptly. Special attention
Bis bright vows (hie Roly yeas, : CW wna, Mes Mar ¥ Johnston. 7
party ism bride, s Blooming freastne, : Fir Rauner, Maw eS Dusk | | paid to big orders for Picnics, Parties, ele
where d dane ; was iadul in for SOV Feral, vot si youd ant fe : Secor sneer, re. FARE.
ng lged Now Sins! oir BEY please : Keeper of WW ampam, Mrs Retuioca
Is to Koc and breathe gs poner, a ashwinter.
ou L MYERS DEAD. Rad aden to tps, Bie Five Ruseper of Records, Mrs. Rosa Buck | A
a i Marg ad Eds By ; gent = pe e 4 2 F
Cf varie cere with, / i
0 bE Coals Bal sane Gay Se aver
ormer Pat n Man Pasar AWRY MO ie a Prophetess, Mrs. Edna Walker.
por Frinay Nigh, a xs. worioen. || Guard of Wigwam, Miss: Ida Shunk. WHOLESALE COURS.
i sive members of the Patton | Benmaite, Pa. Jone 1, Bais wiler, : Ee .
lod wl i 0. - R. NM. and P. 5, 8, of ; rot Vio Putin, | Giuand of Forest, Mrs Susan Crack. ; Nn /1 agee A ve. Patton ; gk
| : Guardian of Muosie, Mis Eas So a 2 en, Th
The frst real, live, flesh and blood | : : : : : Tp BEL
teiephans to visit tie borough of P WHOR pit Warrior, Mrs Lydia Crowell
wan here Monday with the Sparks :
how, This bint ip say way a rellee
AAAI 1 7 NS NRE AR aba i
Second Warrior, Mrs Jane Urol.
Thint Warrior, Mrs, Emns Shunk. |
ber of the organization Fite twenty- Pon on the town, which is yet in its wiler. j
: : (BW addi sg olin hea, bot Bs a finict, Fourth Warrior, Miss Jennie Bntter.
pevertieless, Beveral years ago before | op : : : i !
Sle a a ay af wl : We De wah wis organiza, a drove of — : Ca ; ie et : : " ; n— oni So he in
nn 5 . . i paohyd HFS with a Wagon show on : Bre Sw Tena Bits SU 0elE. . : : : La . . o | es ot ’ c
go. Hie di ¥ rday | proute from Sho Aagustine to Carroll AR of the teachers in the Palton Good News for the Man whe Wants to Dress Stylish.
“Hew town passed through what (snow Pat. | schools for the coming term have ROW Yoo have probably been looking and looking and haven't found anything
Hines extending Over A pe r on, bat the edocated best with been eogaged. Three vacances were oupit veer Then of coum you bayen’ teen to the PATTON CLOTHING
of three years. Ho was the son of | | Sparks cirons was the first pachyderm | filled at the meeting of the school, RTORE. For beanty and quality Gar Sonar Sails can't be beaten. | ask yom
vers, of Patton, arid was born | 10 810p here. IU is needless to remark | hoard Monday night by the election, mre ove day this week and you will sires with me. When Tsay Suite |
reounty on August 77, 1859. ‘that it was accorded an enthusiastiv re Of the Mises Pranoens amd Ralberine mean frond Ones Ms reputation back of every ous | sell,
ived in Hrisbin and Philipsburg | 2ption. ie vory, who tanght at Hastings bast | Aint s ;
es aaa : term, and Mis BE Jane Bartholomes ow, | oo AAC LIN ¥ ~
moving to Patton. At the Trying to Artiirste. term, and M ; A FR NN -
moving lo Tain. TAY wel ww amo ee rains, MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR =
. E ah Wo HY gal and ake poms (eachars wis fixed thay wADW G8 last Ei : x 5 i
9 to Miss Hestor Traman, the ! pany prevented a sirike of its 10.000 Has been on sile for the last month, but mow the weather aad time bide
: ghter of Mr. and Mrs, John Tro. . year, Lane talk about them.
* ATH miners in Untabris county Wednesday | GAUZE BALBRIGGAN. different ¢ kaittl hy A
man, now of Patton. Bhe SUTVIVES by agreeing to arbitrate the diffienltion. | NOTICE. : of CO 4 " ar GAN, different ways of knitting. An nies variety
with five children ~George, Julia, The company appointed the Hom, : Ronled proposals for widonin :€ OTS RD hesigns.
| be Elmira, Mary and Jurry. The first Jamenr Kerr, the president of the Beech | track on the mrroittown 1 ot we : MEN'S SHI RTS.
* named is the “Oldest and seventonn Creek Coal & Coke Co,. to roprosent it ill be received by the undersigned
2 years of sge The miners’ case will be handled by until 8 pom. Jaly ist, 1903. Species. Our Shirts are made better than any Shirts we know of They are of the
i The funeral wi was held in the Coalport Wiliam BR. Wi ison, national secretary: | tions for Alls and excavations cals be Dent grade, gs good #3 goes fn §L00 Rhirte. Prices from $e. to $1.50.
| Free Methodist church Monday after: | yreqaurer. The arbitration conference goon at Dr. Maucher's drug store. A specialty in LADIES SUITS AND SKIRTS of the Latest Designs at
9 and was in oharge will meet ab Cresson todday. A com: Ilsual rights reserved. very low prievs
Coalport, lodge of LO RM. | promise will probably result, ; Cambria Co. Agr) Asan.
bi A Infetment. n he Don't forget that Patton is to! J. ¥. Mavcher, Ser'y. . B KU SNE R,
| have THE Fourth of July eelebration Aw une 18, 10s sr