course; and if your name, ppens to be Jones, let af the Jones round the cor anes at the foot of the ¥ife has Just had twins 1 ull living; but any intention of giving ¥ dead husband's an- If there is one thing another, it Is tracing t 1 think Mr. Jones fd an slderman, or even lls preat uncles or Bilfathers; but 1 mar bat he was, 4d not for i relations were. And may be sure 1 clung to tls old affection. was sure they would be and that he would do j the price of their { hard faced woman, whose Keen, gray i | sionally without undressing, to ba R bout board. Bhe was a exes seemed to look into your very soul. That kind of woman who fro. quents clieap sales and auction marts, aver ready to buy up odds and ends 80 Jong as they can be Lad cheap. “Three dollnrs a week is far too much for boysthey are but boys” she sald “Why, you can get board at the hotels in the city for that. with waiters and bell-boys thrown {n and she looks around, disparagingly, 1 thought, at pet and plain foralture. The tears #taried to my eres at her words, or rather at her looks—for 1 always wis 8 fool that way: but she didn't see them, I took care of that, for the ple in the oven wns Just done, and 1 ex. enised myself a moment to attend to “Well, lot it be two dollars and a half A week, as you say, for a month at least, until 1 see how we got on” 1 #ald; so it was settled at that, nod the | up-atairs back room was soon occupied ‘With wy first boarders. They were | Bool lads enough, that is to say, they | had po bad habits beyond eating with their knives and going to sleep orca- andl 1 think I eould have broken them of these faolix In time; but bless you, | cotidn't food then and save myself! It may be 1 began wrong with them, that my table wis “too well appointed.” as Mrs. Wilson sald, “hen 1 gave up my charge at the month's end: but that there was something wrong some where, 1 was ready to admin For three weeks a framed placard, bearing the ominous word, “Hoarding.” bung forth fn my front parlor window without atlracting any notice, and 1 Began to fear that It would have to be the grocery, after all, when strange «Lenough, 1 bail three applicants In one | ~ The frst was Becky Raymond. a bi teacher fn the village school Av Hoss father had died the week before and whose mother was giving up house. tkeeping and going to live with ber | married dsugbter in Chlengo. lea Becky wai to have the back room to herself ou | ad pay £4 a week. This arrangement Lf wan agreeable to both of ue, for we had 1{ been Jong acquainted, and 1 was glad d | to bave such an ‘bouse with me. excellent person in the © The pext was a strange lady from 1] some place 1 had never heard of be- | fore~a Book agent she called herself {bot I didn't Hie ber Jocks & bit. How. ever. I couldu’t afford to be particular, {as she offered to pay ber beard two | weeks in advance if I could let ber wn indignantly | such a thing: ts old place, iid 5 one year would! hole tn it. These things h my mind, and it] evening. | quainted have a room to herself. Ko my two | upstairs rooms were taken at last. Late at night a gentleman called, y who had been recommended to te by 8 roe Raming a prominent real. dent. He expected to be in the neigh. borhood for wome time, buring wp | horses for the amy. and would like a room to himself, If possible, Oo “It never rains but it pours I sald {to Becky, when 1 went to consult her about the rooms. Nelther of the new: comers would be likely to stay with me long, so she was quite willing ts share joy room for the present. and gave ny the TEE eb» wos promised to the sitange gentleman. a The two strofigors seemod to got ae- remarkably soon, Indeed, one would have thought they had known each other all their lives, and in less than a week they drove out together and took long walis in the 1 did pot lie thelr goings d: on at all, for they were pot Jike young | folks that one would make some tmosphere of smoke tof tobacco juice: 8 and Hs evening Hs nocensing clatter of Hs great guffaws. ald aloud: “it can never use the wards of Charles re 1 thought of it the of It” : fssed by and I hod come to | bout my plans for the @ day Mix, Porter a id proven “a friend, time, suggested that good thing for me to take aarders; I would not fes) Jie, she sald-with a dull sald not but adres, range to sar. 1 had not this before. and the helen me, as 1 prided myself geening. and had plenty 2 accommodate three or four the house being a two-story tt ibout furniehing the Lreoms, Which had never id Ht fhe end of three ¥ dear Anthony's death, ¥ for my fest boarder, hiothing to Deacon Wilson teations, but somehow his t wind of it and he ealled one his approval of the step ap about to take, and kindly two apprentices to start 1 Liza were going back to spell,” be sald, “and Mrs. EAL) £. I conld have borne al: lowanes for. He was Letween forty and B1ty, and she, well, she was the kind whose age ore can never tell but no chicken, Judziuz Crom her wa TH. I began to think there was something wrong between them, snd wonld have i given sxything to get rid of them afior) the first week. 1 pever knew what they really did, as ther came and wont at all hours, and sometines topethor: but they pall thelr BL and 1 eonld! make no charg, aginst the BRy- thing, except their mysterious connee tions, : Oue night, after thoy had been el weeks with me I was awakened hy a #rapye poise, as of & ar Bm ing and seraping agains the cutedde of the homse: and as 1 Hetenad with beating heart Becky zrasped Wy ary and enida: “What's sli? ened vale At the wre tise ¥letry sad ny in ber orll and bezan to whiron Hush 1 sald, rather sharply, for I wanted to Listen thst 1 Edo On oat whers the nol but she wouldn't bush until I took her in beside me, and then all waa gaint again bat thers wig no ore giten for any of us thai nial Lin the morning the np-stalrs ban rders cate down ta breaklosy sg nranl; * with her baler frizseled and her faces powdered, and he drawing his poates Ot to the nlevar possible taper botween Lis long, lean fingers ; ey Eade AF E28 pag sald about the strange noise until we had examined the premises: but on examination, no elne could be found everything was In its usual place and no sign of burglars anywhere. The next night we went to hed early. as our long waking made us drowsy, uppermost in our minds, as we were undressing, for fear of frightening Hot tr, for she was very nervous, and fear. ful of ghosts, 80 we were 81 soon asleep. : : .| Both Becky nnd I awoke about the same time, with a strange feeling of suffocation. my litle dining room with ity Tag cap. bad not ndticed before that my bureay | 1 owrse wo fond of miosis Cfortythres! Sr pea lly oats from We agreed that nothing ehonld le | Nelther of us spoke about what was Day was just breaking, oe, staring she drew a hanidkerchiof ty ohin. Tm off for the police™ Ir, and breathing regularly. In less time than It takes th fell it. be the police, gure enough, There wos no doubt ehiloroform had been administered to both of nx, for We were not then free from He effects 1 drdwers had been opened and ram us wll war gone! officer of the law up sinirs to rouse usual places, and they were not empty, Thee will bo sor bod vomited knew their clothiog wis worth sotbes ting When I Lad jen] permission ts open tiger Ly, and this secounted for the bmmplug sound we beard the night betory the thieves oft. They bad pro. low, while the other drew it up and in Bt the window: whlie their clothing was, no dealt removed in the same where until an opportunity offered for proeuring the means of escape. turned out shortly after that they had Hecid with a gang of counterfeiters. strangers after thin sad experience, and I may say that 1 have been YOry fortunate, on the whole, since then, with just one exception, “A few years ago, A gentleman who his wife here by the doctor's advice. would be of sobre benefit; but the poor thing seemed dying from some uns day. 1 tended bor as If she had been my own sister, and she died in my arms at last. Poor poor thing! They #24 her disease wos not consumption, but when she was lald out, ber arms were no thicker than a three months’ oll baby's. death real hard: and he was such a nioe man, such a feeling man. and =o woughtfol; Ye reminded me of Ape thony go much, if be hated to go away without her. thing that would save her troudle be aa ready to do. And for me! well, 1 hate to think of It pow, but It 4d some one 10 depend on grew on me unawares. I daresay it Was foolish of me to think be bad taken a faney to me as 1 had to him. 1 see It all now that my eves are fairly open; but dear, dear, It was bard to bring myself to tudieve the truth. : There was to be 8 grand concert. a Baengerfost, they called it, In the oily, beet (he was a German by birth world have Hetty go with him and bear the fine music. I Jd not like io refuse him snytbing but was a lttle dsap pointed that he did not ask me, seeing I never had a h the 31 tH Hany 2 thanght of mistrosting bli wit child (for she seemed bur a ol me, thaieh nearly twenty-two mers then i Lad Leen her father. You mas then, of my astonishment wh dave brought we ny i that they wore mareisl Marrien My Hetty ang bert! 1 sont ie di opel BN bnsossitde kh ¥x A pt J Judpe, next over if for how 1 was so Blip ! ftoweas Ber all the time, and not es Pawslish women that § w In bays Yog nely you AR nl To sew bat 1 me, for Id wi hike Anthony, foak to vi Brat gaivisine: Ime V nea my af the Hilaw Haber: hi Saunthern hs bad a letter fo to ive ap honses hore with ther in 1 magnolios, But vay, they shall never Ke pee what 1 have told you: for 1 cond keep my seered vowhers go swell as here, looking out at the white stone over the hill bereath whieh lies al) an thony.~ Waverley Magazine a mic “ A Nova te Housewives, A broamless housewife has become a possibility. A Yankee has invented a machine which sweeps and dusts a room by suction from an ale pup In the basement. All that is necessary is to pass a hose nocle over the parpets and furniture. The suction throueh it carries the dnst particles to the cellar, {none of them being thrown {uto the ale j of the apartment. The Law, Possesslon is nine paris of the low: dispossession Is ten points \ ¢ v Vig eyes and | “What ix It, and what Iz this? as i from under “I tell yon we've been chloroformed! ! There ara murderacs In the house, and | I jumped ott of bed and ran to 118 rounds with a biscuit cutter: eTih, but the ehild was sleeping sound. Becky wis dressed and away for belp, | and 1 locked my door until 1 beard her | eidrs with some one, who proved to | 1 atl, oh! terrible to find that my | : Two Lundred nd ffty dollars and twenty-five conta, | every cont 1 had In the world, be | sides my dear Anthony's watch, and | Bote Yalwille jewels of Deeky's. It | wis too, tio bad, and we followed the | our boardirs, and tell them of our | lose. Linagine our surprise, if you can, | rr Mia sired be thats waints | 1helr shape. A3 we Were iy ne WoL | eanaed fruit. There will keep for Ppon to caver my loss, 1 thought, as 1 ¥ rs. well as 10 help ray Tor their last two 2 Weeltw' boanl for we all belleved they | the tobbery. and 1} , pound and a Bail of loaf sugar to each Pound of froit, half a pint of water i Rtone the | Re pines then | In a preserving kettle on the back | Ro Of the range, letting them stand wotl | the franks they were found to be filled | with blocks stolen from the sawmill | cured 8 boy and one fillsd 1 from bes | myaletioue way, and secrélsd some. | it passed a number of bogus bills in the | neighborhood, and that they wore con | iad boen livieg in the South, brought Rie liad been rateed pot far from thin, known cans, and ploed away day by | Her hushand took her He stayed on after his wife died, as He was 80 kind to Hetty, too: every | soem as if Anthony had come back 1 again, and the old feeling of having about twenty miles away, and Mr, Hu. | own | that ls mortal of my poor, dear Ane COMPOTE OF PEACHES Toast as any levees of broad as : | there are persons to serve: cut inte ! pat , Peaches over the fire after peeling avid | Ii : entiing in balves until smoking hot: | BIURITOER, . butter the bread and quickly puta bat peach on each piece; rab one table | spoon of cornstarch In a Hitle eold ' Horn, aloard the German ship Pagipa, water: add it to the boiling syrup with -enethird enp of gugsr, two tabdeanion. fais of lemon jules; pour this over n beaten egg; add one tesigpont of batter and pour this carefully over the come pate. % POs iis dona PICKLED PEARL Pare the frult, leaving the stems, bee cutting ont the blowsorn end few at a time In tindgar and watey until tender, bot not galte done. Re. move to a plate nnd let cool They shoudl be very tender, clear and retain Beal In fare dsmis as CHERRY WATER ICE Weigh the fruit and ugar; ailow a and the white of ane egy cherries before weight the jules stats freely. but do not bod When ready torn ints a Jelly bag and | press thoromgrhly, Combine the sugar, | water and whites of egge, lot thoee boll, skinning occasionally until ries Bnd transparent. Remove from ths Bre, add the julee, pack tn a freezer Rud treat the same as Ion cream. MUTTON CUTLETS. Pat an ounce of clarified beef drip ping inlo & stewpan, and Saver the ; bottoms of the pan with a layer of I was very cliary about taking in alleed enlon, esrvot and celery. Bao move the fat from six or eight neck of-mutton cutlets, but do not trim thew, and place them on ths rege tables: cover them with a pitce of Buttered paper before putting on the lid of the pan, and fet them cook very slowly for an hour, taking cars that they do nat become at all brown, On taking the cutlets from the an place them on & flat dish and fet them pet told, thea trim them very neatly and erape the loses, evenly with some Potted ham then Hour them and dip them ints beaten EX and cover them with fine white breaderumbe. When the crumbs have hardened fry the cutlets bolling fat until they are a pale golden brown; dry them in an dren on soft paper, and dish them up on a support of mashed potato ntiddie of a hot them with me arranged Sow the dish and surround thick tomato sages Brass finger bowls are much Hked and give a bright appearance to the table. 7 Always break or twist (never cut) the Breet top off a pineapple which Is not for immediate UEC, as I absorbs the Juice and Savor of a ripe fruf Never wash 8 knife with which a raw onldon hug been cut in wanna or het Wailer, as ihe heat seis the fBuver of the onion; always wash well in cold water, Ball 8 1 Make | |B S¥Tup as for any sweet pickle, using | ¢inpanon for only spice, i cups of vinegar to four enps of sugar | oft We found that tha birds had JOT 8 good proportion for the syiup, | when we found that the binds had © gplede m2 Ay Bown. Thi beds bad never heen slepy | Ot the pears in this syrup and hell ‘ in, bat there were the triuke in their | FBUY for two or thres hours Cover the cutlets | in plenty of { | sWiarner the Take twa Lele conld not bir nr feey gd Readying the rat on the habatay., The | BCTena on the starboard side of the mate ran aft and irew overboard the | | who leaves his sbop foll of wonderful Ape TI A A po : made & new holler fed-pump piston [rest oont of better ail on the silo that owt at propeller and the end of her tailabnft : The brass woodbox when ns leper | apeded In its ntesnded cRpaeity, Barstines CCnvenient receptacle. To civan a decanter £1! hal? full of bout ORE £ spoon | a ro LE | ko Bala shila dt do Ee 1 k g : arsrmonia tg | he hole Lehlnd UW drag tn the spare wan TD shalt apd couple ft up and bower the ew prameiler down aves He id gb Tevigoiom & Bans SAARI, 3 hat water and add a Son foils of rice; 02 stand far a wi slnke vigoroosiy: a Hitle thee water is also 8 goons heip, i RH FP Yan M3 To tha chafing has dq amin XE i Ear NIE i ay Le esi we chrthed bolier | 2nd 8 bit ef | slit powder have bollid for a little while fifteen Or twenty minnies: they caf be taken oul and washed 18 clear water, when they wiki be found to be bright and frish. Once every week the oe box should be thoroughly washed with hot suds, in which a bttle ammonia has been throw, and the sls dried in the opi sutshine: the door should bas left open til the entire interior is pen feotiy dey, fhen a small plate. with & iitle poiash, shoukl be kept in the fee Dax tl the next cleaning, when it fhould be thrown out asd sete fresh pus in is place, When they in i frequently dedicated to the serview of | SAFER, and papers, makiog a most | : ‘her stern ont of the water | broken shafr, seversl tons in wolpht £3 gh the lang aller oo fuw t SAYED BY AN ALBATROSS, “yp widle painting figure. ia bende” sald able seg. man Jolin Sm Mellor “My brother Henry was saved Wr an Wes saved by the main hirace, OH the rocks ar the pitch of the From: Hatbarg for Iqulque pod my lauiher sat on og fool the flgurehivad. Theres 3 out for pots and broshes on the weather gide. suryry baaind Vain knots when the foot tape broke sped Henry found blself being shoved aside by the ship. Je waa a Fowl ewer, and bold himsete steady in wa sitging out, ax the ship i passed Bm, ‘Man overboard? TAR the whip deapped Bim astern a | trian msde 8 swoop and a isn ey, g i Henry ducked bis hes | rROZht the legs of he hied with both’ hands ince he Bad got the sltateoes right hime with githoy Beak “A sirange thiog happened then. | As the bird, whieh Bad a wpenad of Aleut sixteen four. held him up and thie wmnnne of the al Biatrose swoopwd down sed pecked ari her, & taking thelr mate for wrragaieg i al BAY who would set Jr TEER : brother and 1 har Lioth fallen nto the wen | deh, of the British ship while I, who sor pot a Eon] L within reaeh, gmdd thts enough Ge ship was aking about twa i Age has fall scope of his com waa something ineves I Fe exnsht pod Berrihiy kilts Jing Baxter's Bound before it could ged the cotral-and a bear honad ie ratty wuils animel. HG red Geronimo with 8 and in terror then, for Me #58 and cunning Wers on 8 DOE Hh Ls other pleasant yeentiarition, Emin of the poor devils Je Killed entered the stable oll unenspecting. Geronting Ca broken Lis chains, and stood close fgninat the wall of Biz stall In the fdarknise, wilting The mon come Ruddenly a black mass of fleshy fasied in the ale above Bimy eating down with all four hoofs and of that story. & MoeCiure's, A STONE WALL OF BAMBOO. Surroundings burs mack to do whl the display of inirepidity. Men do things in cominny that they world not do klone, No requirement of setiee military service demands such faithful snd ecoutageons performances of full duty an guard and eutpost work in the field, It Is not play to stand night wateli in a typhesn, gs many of cup nen in the Philippines have bal to deo There is plenty of time to think at stich work. The quality of mind whlch pigys such an important part in cone. Men who conld Meet every test in daylizht and dry Wanilier are Hable to be overstrained under ancl cirenmainnoes Fancled security will sometimes serve An well as though [t were real There was a little expedition from San Fernando. north of Senile, sgained the town of Porac which the Filipinos were holding. Two correspondenss see tragpanied it, Both representsd Chie R00 pavers and both had been nudes was taken aboard and my LIX Floletein alrasve. Naettin, | bez-nn of sh bik Edith Mary 3 a fram Costzaesabos Tor Quennetowss Toy orders Off Cave Florida, in the 8 to 12 watch while] the rent of Walch were ching rest. 1 waz told fo paint the Sze. YE fantrosd red and bruzhon tn tha Ruye of the Hibhonm in order ty mato Wye! comfortable, af tha salve firme Rip was masking Sve knoe "The fool rope carried away ang 1 found myself in the water to BE eyes. I saw the ship coming ovie me and i shoved my foot against the forefoot. | sinating ‘Man sverhaned? "The mate happened to he naintines tapraiiant fo'e'sle. He shouted 5 put the holm down. The main braces had been taken in an eight tells, bur the lack of the main birace "By the rush of the ship and the eddies I was whiried around in the! Water like a propeller. As I was turn. Ing round I eanght bold of the main brace. bot | was 190 weak to tiimb aboard My shipmates hauled me In" | —New York World HEROES OF THR EXGINE-ROOM. Nobody whe Las not been to sea fas imagine ali the things that eun happen to a ship's machinery nor hrope erly estimate the cleversess and In genulty used up in repairs. The yout and costly machines has another sons. plete education waiting for him At wen In the wonderful things that ean be mipiiabed In time with a plain, | ordinary bsmmer and chisel a rather worn-out Ble. and a great deal of in- genwity. I should Dike to Bave leon aboard that stescwer disabled tn the eirafghienasd It out fo a river forse, I, and went on arstin-er, off the west const of Africa—to pepls which thes wera ehllgwl toy move pap ber fore Cmpar. | weenie full to sink wy aod raise; Bate SAR thre gk Wak EX wt yda § fed to stand op ind, ping pe Slat. | all while she kfeked and wa rod 4 ¥ sea-and deally Bad to fewer tb wi 3X Bt ¢ B EN gle Horas Bh Boom sy et PW wk Srp MAW YNLEATING 8ST. § seventeen in Bud weighed over sivteon ox poranle. When he reared on Mia hi legs apd eanse fur You serveamin teith susnpine Tear trace, Black wane fying. a man wegen) puny antagenist indeed One boar from those front boofs and ¥otip roubles were over. barns like own mother would besitate ty ¢idin the ple of rags and Jelly he left. fie bad served two mien so airendy; norh. hg but bis matchives beauty saved his Lite Nowhere conlil one find a better exam. ple of demoniacal déauty than when he tare around bis corral in a His wane stood on end; bia eyes and iB a very awkwand position, Wers singing around in what they Wore sue Was very close proximity to Cle be saw it : 4 s a i nl ‘ Boni 50 TT : Rid Sea. where they took a best davit, | there, his foot fast fn the froz and i gle. dra the ; § iF A PEM PRIRONTD Once down, he'd | trample. bite and kick you wotll your | 4h 3 hed raphy re all that they thought was necese ry to estabilzh thelr status ss wap | correspondents. There bad been three of them, bat Tom stayed ia town and (let Thek and Harey go to the frons. It heppened that the fight did not begin wheres It had been expected, and the two pewspaper men found themarlves thelr heads Whils they were looking far a good safe place they ran across what boked lke a stone wall and promptly got down behind it. When they had revaversd their Breath Harry said to Dick: “A stone wall fs a great thing In @ strange land, Dilek” Dek responded with what was ine tended to he an eloquent apostrophe 10 tHe wall, be Secan, “Prasecver of lifs™ he cone tinned, waving his haod toward the wall “Protector of the" Wa hand “0 glorious stone wall™ tonched the wall, and Ue leaped ap ae If De badd been abot. “Upon my seol Harry” be shouted, “it's bamboo That night they called at beadauare ters in town and learned how the fight came out~Everybody's Magazine. A BRAVE MAN, Charles Derdonskl, an lilinols Central twitehman, on Saterday turned switeh, signalled an engine to back down some heavily loaded ears toe wards others, and ran sbhead of them 1a make the coupling. : As Be ran be caught his foot In 8 reg. while the cars slowly approached. ie krelt down to unfasten hix shoe, tnd the enrs drew gesrer Those on 1h engine, It scems, cand not see of hear him, but same instinet told the dngineer that something wis wrong, Tor be put on the brakes. But it whe too late, As the ears cone down opon him, Derionskl rose and faced his death. He gave ns ory and made no straggle, woes geslens He stosd wheels wont over Kim The whale tragedy was over in less tiove than It takes to will Wo Bur ie aave to those who saw 12, as it gives te fe who read fv understandingly, & arable viample of Baw a heave stood upright and looked dy fute In the fase an! went down ore 13 Yoond Bim. Charlies Demdonai] was a brave man ied aw Became the quality of bis wd, om hls feet, face to foe, si- wily -Clhilcage Inter Ovens. CTHMPR OF A DRAGOON. £108, tn Pars in a some srras before a fury ws of the sani aw Livatenant Yale spoon Dereon, ware rw kilo. wal Bie Borge TH bok 18 nual IRF high. gre mIsAEars werren iD feet rE ef 3 boda, mp un test nr de Saree wan, Row. ¥ reared in the arena avive and whthenr any fhe rege Bn SINGLE IARIET Bogie vrawlsd loto a saw Cm bolier, at Roulette, Pa. to make repairs. L mattural gas jet at the head of the boiler He wag slove in the mil. A was accidentally turned on full bead and the dame cut off Rozie's only es. pe, While the boat from the tiny me Howed Into the boiler and was suffocating the imprisoned an. Rogie's yells and pounding were Chand by bis son, who resened Bim, bitrely Conscious § i ¥ An ifdand on the Russian coast at Cape Husakl] Saworet recentiv left ite : tantrum, 238 | nicorings and drifted northward, The ithe aml graceful as a black panther. | Clovernmen it had to send a steamer to