: re : Bessie Sheohan, Stella Watkins. i Rexx HB Lewis Teacher THIRD INTERMEDIATE. ; Number enrolled 47 ; average attend. | ance, 40; per cent of attendance, 3. = | Those present every day: Margaret | Kerrs, Genevieve MelUormiok, Aunie], Nothnagel, Mary Bhori, Lillian Ans tend], Helen Fell, loess Wilson, Mark | Clipe, Nathan Goldstein, Gerala Mo Namars, Andrew Bheka, Will fiam | Whitford. Lorrie MoCuosg ey, Teacher. FOURTH INTERMEDIATE Number enrolied, 81; average sltend- | anes, 27; per cent of attendanon, 58 Those present every day: Katy Ang | a {irae Austead, Howells Miles, r duriog the 00 Monteith, Jasting Rhody, Geo. al sists nor. Jones, son ittene pemiiite show «work of the i arpents §Gisensitinued aint ; the | unless at the o : ; | tend, lds Nina MotCuoskey, Teacher. ASIEMELY ROOM B. L Myers, teacher of Latin, physics, | Ameriean literature, civics, U8 his | y bory. Wm, M. Bosserman, teacher of German, mathemation, geography | : x Ruth GG. Heeder, teacher of English, a vi Li history, physiology. GRAMMAR SCHOOL Number enrolled, 47; average attend. Lance, 41; per cent of attendance, 91. oj nee. present every day: Dora Pros. | ott, Jeanette Hrunean, Mildred Lewis, | | Thomisine Holter, 1da Forsberg, Ado {line Gayler, Mary Hewlett, Anna Mon. | teith, Romaine Swale, Annie Jones, | '| Elizabeth Nelson, Pear! Yeckley, Brooe 1 Beil, John Sheehan, Houger Lucas, | William Denlinger, Howard Brady. HIGH SCHOOL Number enrolled, 2%; average attend. {ances 24; per cent of attendance #4 Those present every day: Rachael Haden, Zella Woomer, Fear! Lewis Bertha Mellor, Harold Yeokiny, Mil tan Rhody, Paul Harton, Thomas Hur per, Daniel Jones, Carele Holter, | Bhoda Rhody, Mary Witman, Rachel : A Handford, Anca Mellon, Mille Yecks ley, Agnes Dunoeliv, Bioanor Witiman, | stopurly ross Bot bs the | ] ful in the borough. Janitor ver of Howers and | . : Piraanida, © SH, White nunaiur Ryrrge fae Silane, $59; por sent OF atlemisno, Present every day during month, | bio Mumber snrolled during term, L883: per cent of attendances dariog jem, #1. BL Myees, Priocipal. TRANSACTIONS MN OREALTY, ARHEATE | Properties te This End of the Couey Tio Uhaoged Hands Biconily, EW. Louder to IL, HH Loder, Re wake, ‘ig 00, Pateiok Harrigan et ux to BE i Sarroll, $100. hk Mary E Rirkpatrick et al to : | Wentz, Osrrolitown, $100. + Jom A Gray st ux ei al to BE { Snsqueanna, Fs0, 1 Jor A timmy it ux et 5 to E, Susquehan us, $15. Ellery Kirkpatrick etal to E. |Susqueiucta, Bis & Raley ot vir areal, $00. : re HO Kirkpatrick of nx to wrvoll Astbury, Lizzie township gens! tet viet, Carroll, 8 ber, Pick, Shey James Byrneset ux to Carroll town. | ship sohool district Carroll, $100 : ¥F. UH Darker Theos, Pr Spangiur, Roesh Enna i Ka i Barr, £150. : Josep Pax io VF. Spangler, $2,500. David Abt ave ux lo Alfred WR Wants E. Wenig, | ge sitend- We alin 1 sitendance, 8, ery day: Krat Fors | James Mon. : Wente, to KE Went Burs re : ol Noison, ot nx to Aiba 5d QAp ne 4. Ja LEI Fd Max Fridman of ux to “bo WwW. Kar. | 0, Mnsey, Barneshor Els, Ere Emma PP Kus wiineey to Max Fridman, | ; 3h, Elia Barnesboro, $1.70, 4 1 Jones, Ba. David Atherton ter, Barnesbho : of Michael Ste 2 att, Philly Bow. Peale, Carrolttown, § 5 82.68, 4 kina, Dick Morgas, Executor of Joba Fleck, 87, to Phii- | 41 Alrhart, Jub ip Hartzog, Snseal £375 : © Max Prick to J. PF. Chiltan, Reade ig5. Lo Gearge WW. Krouse et Jepson, Baroeshoro, $300. Pravid Atherton of ux t Barthore, £56. CE Sharbaug ie Carroll Zmma Ro Rartioner ot vir. io Bender, Barr township, $81. AR Clark ot ux. to J : Hastings, 81,310. i Margaret Jones ot nx. | Bender, Puttan, 81.500 Herman Horuaper Reins, Patton, s9m + Henry Low #15 Rembrandt | 3 ar 3 w. Hiusoas, Poacher. ax enrolled, 85: BYErage attend. | Gent of attendance, 89, doy: Willie Elms, Margaret Brady, Mary , Beumayne Worrell, Harry | James Whilterd, May 5 Adam Thar, : wily VE, Ao stax to FON Don g gh 5 i CELN © Lo. Binder: Ch UT haries : , ta ts peaegit I iatia 8 Dan. to Farrell Hop Bilzabett Sesh 1 ody, hgh PHY. 3 FA 3, WS al 16 1 Hoban, tes 4 Hamph. em, dames Lobe Joseph od % TA ¥ MotCariniek, Mary kg ee ; Joseph No £511, Andrew Bhay, food ow Hslow, 4 flenahior, ue Bran, Ji phn {E. Prindibis, Patton, $4. : HY bpd ali remeber penilable, hat tests and examination with the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that | catarrls of the stomach is not a disease Spm the arn to the worst anrt Tenn, CoE Bhan all oth Bloesd ams Stentor at ax k. Carroll township, $15 Loaiss MelConnell, by treasurer, to Cambria county, Chest township, $3.48 Cambris pounty to M.D. Kittel], Chest township, $8.50. M.D. Kittell et ux. to George yoo, Chest township, $11.75. Antiie MM. Hayes, by treasarer, to {Cambria connty, Patton, $53.79 Cambrin oonnty lo Harvey M i Rotiunud, Patton, $2 Harvey M. Rodand et ax. IT Eipiando Helfrick to J. J. Hogan, | Spangler , $1,000, A. FP. Wassbarg, of nx, to Vietor Del. sont, Carroll township, $845 Jabin Montgomery ter Cimefinld Will ne, Pritton, 86.5 Henry W, Fox ot ux. to Philip Ram pelberg, Carroll thwnahip, B35, Chrerde Bronchitis Cara. “For tan siar hai vhronko apeak above a whinper,” writes Mr. | L Jemeph Coffman, of Motitmorenol, Tod, | (suocesy. Fortunately my compl ager suggested that I try Foley's Honey and | Tar. fix effect waa almost wiraculoos and I am mow sured of the disease. Un my recommendation many people have Cased Poley Honey snd Tar and always | with sitisfaction.” * Gann's Pharmacy. The X-Rays, Recent experiments, by remtiita fram re “How of iteelf, but that It | peated attacks of indigestion. ‘ean 1 pore my indigestion It will etre vou of indigestion and dss pepedn and prevent or cure eatarrh of the stomach. Kodol digeete what Cetus ken the atomsth sweel by Patton Pharmacy. From a {ad Sernieh ofa ben, sore or hall, DeWiies Wi ‘Kalve a quick cure. In “Witt's Witeh Hasal Salve Fo get Dre With shh te the “heals withont leaving BOR [he Jenrtirtiing alive tha BE. Ape ba ¥ LL 4 PET Leifie for blind, lebing and protroding {Phi. Moid by Patton Pharmacy. Ee Hast tanaon Terme aie Sateen Robt. J. Miller, proprietor Read Howe drag «tore of Chat writen: Thee i tanocga, ae exatighe wy rps fan's Pharm £7 Foley's Kidney Core maka : ard buadiler fight. Dan's delay Guns’ ® Pharmacy xid ineys o_o aking | Patent . Leathers Fo Ey Boys awl Liinis £6 Lipads of Shows, IDE! ’S. The White Shoe Store. SAXITARY PLUMBING, Damon. ; 121 i 7% FA Yakus x 1% 4 3 * Patton, Pa. to George oN and Children's Cloth. ng. to Ueorge ¥ Boys’ 5 and have proved to just fal] bron | edits wor bad that at times 1 cold not 501 The Favorite Show { practical the all of Kadol Dyapepeda Care is curing thousands ted Hamed of phew wrk fully sed we wll mars En. f aremy ME Rapes In Men's, Boys That Made Milwau ee Famous.” We are agents In s vicinity for this urperb product of the Jrewers” Art. Ask for it at the bars of leading hotels. Schlitz Blue Wrap- per and Export in three doz ZEN Cases, Fine Grade HISKIES — Large, Sam Thompson, Atherton, Gugen- heimer, Etc, The Ww ted domes Sn are extre mely ners. J Lh TI lowest prices. Men's Suits from 23 Gold and Silver Shirts. The best Shirt money can t brands from 50 cents ap. Hats in almost { lier. ay : £ wv £3 La Neckwear an Se new big stock. WOLF & THOMPSON. The Clothiers. HE mr Were one hy i Gh 5 TIONAL er TRALAED Anta FABDSEL We are also agents for the celebrated P haenix Beer of the Pitts sburg Brewing Co. ni ‘Phone. 1 Orders Promptly a to. Tethe best and cheapest place to get the fol] t | goods; Builders’ * Hardware, chinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ : Tools, Paints and Onis, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket C utlery, rpetters’ Toals, mith Tools, 4 ey AE 5 oy 3 & EA % rile “1 Tools, and Wagons, vx’ Wagons, Linolewms {odd pieces BN : and Carnage | Furniture Department Chamber Suits, Extension Pables, Ki Lae Tabl SN. : Chairs, ug sovm Chairs, oards HIngs. see for THE CITY RESTA ¥ iJ R ANT J. E. KIRK'S HOW. -& FURY. STORE. Eamoe Aw Fo ERO LYE PATE PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTOoN, Pa. Office in the Good Building,