PAT TON CAMBRIA co, PA, FRIDAY, JUN E 12, 2, 1903. where & rece Po ow and white. | andi white crepe do a, Hy trimmed with DE . ibeen prepared for the cecasicr Creek line this w interests, and bo ou | Officers ¥ lon and is to be extended promptly to Tol which Mr. Keer In orenldiant, | CHUREH DEDICATION. mis Werk fron Sarsiay, iday. An excellent programme will be found appended: PROGRAMME Pectiontory tt i President Wilkins wort bebidd Toy panatonls pare Lar Sag Fiow aad lay 15EE sEECH CREEa ¢ xy SERIO. Koel Comi tops Fok Reteniaded ie wo Rai A Closetile tel dpa RYE 8 | ite extension was add = . to the Be 4 the phir of the Hooverhurst & Be line. This road has hireiofore been operations of X. L. Hoover. The road was parchased by ex-llongressman | Kerr, for the advancement of the | Beech Oreck foal sn ithe change of owoeny Were ae president; ALE s2i0ni, Albwrt B. Kerr, GG. (0 Patton, N. L. Hoover, J, AO Paliser, : The Hoaverkardt road fs sing miles Ltd: Jactim Kay, : Fs i Kephart, Hehualty, LA Wo. twelve miles nmking Nashville, Io (18 will be ane of the developers of the new Indians connty coal elds, and al a |falo, Rochester and Beech Creek Coal apd ¢ Pluss ke emopany, | has | been operating very largely at Patton, | J Cambria county, and rather recently | ness of the road as a coal territory de {Creek company’s operations. Five | mines are already opened on the road | and along the line of the proposed ex- | ws wo cecaaaTion hg yo Finke are Maturing Ragpidiy for Foal oi ge on rbimitaainiy at 4 their honeymoon trip. town were Mrs. Misses Sadie and Of of Allegheny; Mr ar, Mrs, Geo. Heriot, 1 loAilnter, Me and ‘Brothertine, of : 7. 40d Mrs. R. SlePherson Mellicraos. of £3 Clearfield, | strain tir Mabafoy and Pai. om By New York Central, Sunday, Juné 14th, the New | xr Central will run a special train | jow rate excursion tickets to nd Patton, from Philips sid, Bower and intermedi- | dul train leaves Philips. | 8 mn, rate to Mahaffey $1, 0; leaves Clearfield 930 a. to Hlakatloy | 86 _onita, Patton | : July Blow Out. Everything is running smoothly in| | connection with Pattow’s proposed big ‘Fourth of Joly celebration and the’ meeting beid by the members of the different committees Inst Friday night | was well attended and enthusiastic in the extreme. All are getting down to hard work and will have a program | thas ean tot lp i bat | be of SH] ine of stace, Lave Lees Tor the ge sole ted i Ar Ba. fiend which i “ aut at pu £579 XERROn, ER Le | decided BUTOERE, “Another meting J will Tr held ght. i ol ok. Now Me Mork Hands, at Partly Chaligis The Having conquered the trust and. dropped the prive of mest to a reasan- | able price, the working man can eal meat as well az the budiss man, . This has been a long felt want and the | people of Patton should consider that | they are saving money on every pur chase they make at the New Meat | Market. Ihave sold out my interest to Nicholas Anstead, who ix an experi. | snoed buteher, and the new fem will be ; known us Anstead & Wirtner, A CG Fisigr, Patton, Pa. Vho ‘does your. printing * ir the fellow does if, it may be right. x : know itis Peouram far ha Froponis wg Ceremonies & The new Swedish Evangelionl Luth- leran eharch will be dedicated with im- | posing seremntlon ane wee E from Sane tin plains was 81.007. had a timber contract with the Ros - kauff compmny at their mills pear Cur. poditown, had beoome indebted to the | Ps vn pany snd ssigied ne ng Vide. : 5 ald : 5 aE £1 Efaivge Bane i F8 the £ dedicatory serv) £ prawlvne LOORAUTET] | medal oeiock fonday ‘at Cresson with Pacific express, Cather special will eave Cberryiree st) ‘the mune hour and Patton at $s olelock. A tain will leave Webrum 0 at 1630 a wm. The returcing trains idizon county, the western LermiBus. wij] leave the scene of the dedication Cabont 4 A greal ernwd | 3 8 8, a1 tof people is expected to attend, ite western terminus will be within dive | miles of the Indiana branch of the Rafe Fhe | ; | has acquired large holdings bs the In. diana fleld, which created the usefal- veloper and as an adjunct to the Beech ! cra Bunday $ x dane #51h, Hpk Bicineas Traasneisd wt (he Time Fhe Come. or Went a Frresx, Before Jodge Kooser the cane of tine of the Patton Supply company va, fhe tuskauf Lumber company was taken up Friday morning. The plaintiffs enry Smead, who EAN spay pis wisn fog oll wee, peeling bark, me In wit : ant the Patton Supply Ehud poten Jory aml lirected Pp the iatntr Jel pated the sum of $300 | Thoms Morris, charged by Jobo GG s ©. Bearer, of Bpangler, with agra. vated ssanit and battery with datunt; { * * Ei, was or rdeved to pay the sO, | Laney. Petition of 46. 8, Yer of a ohn Bb. Fe rhe, fata af tif of de ha {hen BEE i LP sh BR i&daise funy thoes arpaintowent of vies % road Gy the siinor chil a, granted. SPECIALLY iL Hx Atidndasce BL wl Nang Shed at Dedlentioa paral, Hiahop Hugene Garvey, of the A) $4 toons iocees, aeshsted by 8 namber of Gthwes ern yi ] Cs a5 operated for shippiag lember from the : #1. rigvoven, will dedicate the ow hole charch af Nant y-Gilo June in the last few months and is a very thong ong Ger ow town the sien of Glo. Ass usual io voch casos imonbs performed] daring the we Whi De very in Spevia traits will be ron morning, connect sing rioek p.m. UNION HOPS On and aller Jane 20, 1803 the N tional Leagie Shops of Cambria a , (Council No. 17, will be governed by the folowing rules and prices: Hair cut and beard trimming 35 Hair cutting 25 Hair trimming . 25. Halr edging 25. Shampoving 25. Himpeing 55 Massaging 25. Hotiing razors 25. Shaving sick 25. Seafoam .15. Beard trimming 15 Tove 5 and 10 conta Bhaving .10. Hot towels G5, Bhaving vorppe $5. Close at & p.m. except Saturds Closed ail diay Christmas, July 4th i Labor Day aad keep open the night bee fore the same nx Satorday nights. | Close at noon on New Year's day, Mem: | Thasksgiving and Good Positively no barbering done strait, by week, month, year or Lrial Friday. i wes for less than above price. New York Ueinlenl Change of Thane, samme dhe une 1h. ; du; Severs} 1 How ¥ tang division trates Toe ry Bunidsy service will be re sabsed on the Fall Brook distrier and: ‘the schedule Is arranged so that passen- {gers may reach Watkins Glen or Lake rales oho be presumes] on Retka and return. The low dav excursions will Native © Ob! Saldiars, of July 4th, and carriages will be wait. ing to participate in the parade. ti. Boone, Commander Post 833, J. b. Lyons, Adit. Lost A beagle hound bitch. White with fan spots on aide, ramp and i ears. Reward will be paid for her re “turn fo Dr. HL A. Seits, Patton, Pa, b Wad of Livhenthaler, ad i The structure has bees built with. Ane i board met Monday Earley, who did not appl; three pvore teachers Lo elect, one for 4 : . on Lo thew room, which will timetable will take | Now York vestral on 4 o will be no > material agen 1 in t Penusvivania fs responsible duties Choards Cmendation and that tel RORY. : right | Defeated St. and Barneshoro, PLAYED THE BABY ACT. Ld Pegs NM Frocis Ce lege fave thebeuicd » Sacre of 0 to Gand Barneshors wus hat Omid Laeal Team | Fatrivg Bp Fall this Sagem, Patton's crack base ball tesm added wo more oy The game with which will be ed basloioe, BARN EAR 5 St pr » why i Men we He bk pf te Bl 0 BS RLU wl on Gh aed ve A § Shows ER LY gp OE on he ed $1 Bite Sha Went: Tha ills vo Mieote ixiie. Wake RY Strunk: REST de Bug Fivvew Penne hi % Foam an FE eke pon San pe, The contest with L& ilege nine wan a ‘until Be ounfont tha Ne. ate Leruiinabion canaeted] the hab and alt groands. An got wrong decision by Umpire Seits was the cause. (Hib 1 son for the loads made a short bunt, and the fret bescoan fambled the bal, allowing him to make the base The amplre called him safe, and be men on bases | iat the time and the score wax a tie, | The ¥isfsors ueeiag 2 almost coertaln | was, There wore fw FA def via eq aps inv 1g he pane to Patton, 'e Ak, PFafieh, * Loge, wer So ep A a WE oi 3 Ea Xe hod Ec bi SE BX rk $05 AT wer i por BE s¥ Rig AUMEARY, Three tne bite MM. Fadler LM. Enbier, Norrie stohes FRE, Noara, Inde, Murray, PM Bek wirack cmd by Mitte, 4) { don file plave-Murmy lo Dung Sok Fant, a Fanny 5 Fader SEW BgaRD 3 CAGANIZED. i | Texehorn Elected foe the Clanleg Form ok 3 Patios Sohouls, The pew Patton pight and organ ised for this term. “ours were elected: President, W. H. Dealinger. Beeretary, W, UL Habdeord, Treasurer, Prank Campbell, All of the old teachers eieoted with the exemption (Lettie I MoCUloebey and Wis gf Anna V. bw made by dis ding one of the old recitatic by a pari % 1 pe wd Joa. HANES, That the schoo w Patton pablie regret annannes the ; Han, W, LC Lingle from the board, and in so do wish to testify mance of every daty during years of service. His of GI fron waa ad Ladirsoiurs xf Pal rey I% ng to hb Bapthial pers Presi dorsi command spwaeind a ay PE brim from the sehool boast Ba put d te ; schools, All old soldiers of Patton and vicinity | are peguested to meet at B o'clock at Post room, Good ballding, on morsing : nella daughter. BEINHS Born To Me. and Mrs. Paul McCon- | Born--To Me. avd Mrs. John Hering | Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Carte “a daughter, ~The annual Methodist 1 reunion of the Altoons district will be held at , Lakemont park July 30th. Winniag Onalily of Hass ¥iotorien to its string year's atyl hardly suflioe, The & Wille Rin Pruncls | st Ln bersestitig ong in: the eighth ring wien the visitors] ; Fa athing ithe thos of list year. BALOR STRAWS. and 1908 Crown ALRO A {MAVLETE | throwing out sack weék fn our ure being appreciated. In spite this being what is called the bus season our sales have continoed increase during Lae past two we Straw Hat time is now apen uns i fall ores. He who in wll of Lhe new creations the 1963 ie fh Mengaad pol CHued ah in fot Up-to-date. v | So last venr'a Bat will Vou know thls SAILOR STRAW (his your bar x sumarkably WIDE BRIM and HIGH CROWN Omar styles are striotlhy Up-to-date in every particular asd you purchase with complete sestrancs of being in style. 50C to §: NE OF NOBBY, STIFF and SOFT HAY Monarch and Cluett Shirts. Everyone knows there are po belter Shirts made than these syaryone Koows thas the same MONARCH or CLUETT upon a Shirt © fs a positive indication that it a right in style, A and faded, NEGLIGER Attached and Detached Coffs 2 Deitognie a borough school | 1, The following off ree Mlisgen | TARTS The following rossig- : 8s R0 sit you : STORE, The Bank Is SHIRTS Fxtes Soe Patton, Pa. © » San C Opposite STR thoroughly aged. Madras. Plated $1.00 and v How we do it and when we do it is immaterial as Tong as we do without dodng you. Keystone Clothiers and Tailors, Us RENE AR A COOLING BEVERAGE VWULING DEULCRNGL Is what we are all looking for aa the Senuner months approach. is nothing ax cooling as BEER when you get the right kind. By the right kind is meant Beer that is made of Pure Hops, snot adulterated, and DUQUESNE possesaes all these requisites, and is nob made by a Trost, but by anions workmen. [It fulliils every expectation. The ALE AND PORTER bearing the same namie is of the same high grade of exoetietcs. ~ Bupse Bile Vioomegas, Uodag, i Foe MhetUpea, 7 § i Ed. A. PURE WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES | And CORDIALS our Specialty. Aellon, WHOLESALE LIQUORS, Magee Ave., Patton, XEXT DOWIR To BANE. Good News for the Man who Wants to Dress Stylish. You have probably been looking and leoking and bayven't found anything to vislh me one day tian Coad Ones, Then of course yon haven't been to the PATTON CLOTHING For beauty and quality ony Susuner Suits can’t be beaten. | ask you this week and you will agree with me. My reputation back of every one | sell Whaoen | say Suite | MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Has been on sale for the last mopth, but now the weather and time hide of Colors and Desig Oar Shirts are made better than any Shirts we know of “beat grade, as good 45 goes in $2.90 Shirts. “opae talk about them, GAUZE BALBRIGOAN, didurent ways of kaitting MEN'S SHIRTS. LIB. An endless variety They are of the Prices from de. to $1.50, A specialty in LADIES! SUITS AND SKIRTS of the Latest Designs at very low prices. | Good Building, B. KUSNER, Next Door to Bank, PATTON. PA,
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