nealion. The lon told him all he had dosee, ‘his arta, his ambushes and bis races, The ass {nterrupted him: =) fool, bralnjess creature that yon fare! From morudog until how yee have pot cenved to ron, and asile, died brush through the thickets, suid chi over the mountains to take what litte you took. And 1 Iylog bere and taking rey pleagore. have fgughl and eaten wr minel that 1 am Just ready 10 bursy, Hs vou py ously see And to prove te yon that 1 am nox tailing Kie stories, 1 have kept this fat bird 68 a moriel for yom, which for the love of me, 1 beg von will accept.” The Hon thanked the ase for the bird w tha he hu has found an aa rset ting the creature srtif to and the host of germs which in Thev bold the bug That sealds the bug That told the bug To pinch ux; They chase the germ That helpa the germ That cheers thes gern To elineh us. They've struck the That dare the bug bu That fa : That sticks bs: RT +6 jraed the germ at guides the germ That taught tie germ To fix ua. A CHEAP CHIMNEY, | A very sevvicsable chimney for many purooses can be made of glazed tile. Gret tile of the proper size and set it Cendwise cn a fat stone, bulidieg 5p the ¢himpey with as many bagless of tie a5 gre needed. Where the sisvepipe is 110 enter use & T length It Is chen) and safe. and does fx look hadiy. PRESERVING POSTS. The State Dopartusent reports sn I ng uirme ow ba ty ~ WT Nealdt, in 18%. | heaviest, my head or my tafl™ Do 3 you ask toe why 1 uptradd yon? 1 wish you to know that you have ge prived we of the greatest ploasuro | ever recelved. You thought perbaps that I was suffering, while I was ravished with delight.” “What kind of delight?’ sshed the Hon. “It was on purpose that 1 landed on the log. my forsfect on one side and my hind feet on the other, that 1 might balance myself, and koow which fa “You are index a cunning crveture,” 3 | answered the lon. “I pever wonld have belleved what 1 Go of you, If I bad not leaned by my own cbeerve- tnning oat tallon, oo very large animal with strone ears, and a Bde thick enough far a shiid der; Then he shingsy. all met tremble” The wolf knew that the Mon goodie of | the avg aud xaid to him: ; “Don't be afraid. It is only an ses i ! ant Iti 41 FEET | ; created, gond for poshing bul to Dear | burdens and blows, Rien af them. Ro sey. as 1 shall show on™ he said the Jon; “for ny satisfed with what 1 have seen” and then went away, resolved never again to present himself before the ae. While on his way he met 0 will great speed The io wrapped him with the nguiry: “White are you going go fast, cord: de wolf? “Or hoportant Ymosiness. 1 mnet be at» certain place this very bour, wo don't troukde me” roplisd the weil. Mit the lon, believing that the wolf | was rosbing bvto danger, begged him to go no farther, “Nat far from her” said he, i= “Bribe inne Hiz volve iz ke than beast would 87 before I does the nest womlerial He le a yoonareh before whom any the moet contemnptide Ag for we 1 have Lo py thoes tore than a hundnsd Corns with we. We my my friend, i it seen goon to pare, 1 nn But the wolf prevalleal en the Ton FUNKY ALPHONSO, Alpbonao sits beside me with 8 bios inguin ing eye, A Bost of onestions silent! 4 yropound And presentiy 3278 gmt x begins and nl about me A "What ia this? a *What ie that and then a “When? and “Why Til bow his tongue can serve the need To get them ont at such » speed Is quite astounding. fT ask him for a basket to sowommodate re 1a Shes words, 1 beg that be will hear |. me, Ie listens to each answer with a pair of FOvIng eyes, For something else, | plainly soe, has swak- ened Nis surprise, And all his thoughts are far amy, And nothing I ean do or say Will keep them pear moe. From bud to bud sf knowledge Lhe a but: terily he pies And k Segere net around them for a min i Bat hy Aphis, grastiafied, to Bad another 1 Coin, if Jom mewt Alphonso and will ask Row those who will ask qoestions should he nations for repos, And when you Sad Alphonsa, please ta men tem That wisdom rks for bnewiedgs BEE 3 be wise, Put waite - Bear the answer sre (8 wecks or i There is thos ohtaited in a tinkitog | the ordinary regular pentagon A BCD BE If now it be folded so that the adge CF takes the then the peotages be “laced hefory the window or lo front of a light the charming star of five pola will up pote ih the transparency, owing to (he difforenioon Ib the thickuesses of the Par. —————— FLOATING SPIRAL rection A E and ft fa diferent. Engilsh patented process of preserving timber sand posts. The treatient con gists in befling the woud in & solotion of sugar. Upon the evaporation of the water at a high temperature the pores {and eracks In the wood are found filed in with slid matter and the the ber is voicanized, preserved. seasobed and rendered largely Impervious fo waiter, A series of experiments have shiown that the life of ties posts, ele, was prolonged by this process. RALT IN POULTRY FOOD. Many people Inbor under the mis taken impression that no salt should ever be put into poultry food, simply because highly salted food, such a+ sale fish or oid pickled meat. siways kills ehickens. As a matter of fact Bo live ing thing can get alony entirely with cut salt, says Prairie Farmer Click vig can always get salt In summer by esting grass, which absorbs a certain amount from the soil. Hat in winter Druring cold weather all prepared chicken foods, such as woslies and boiled vegetable mashes, should be galted in about the same Proportion ae for human food. If this ix done, the poultry will be both healtiler and Gore productive, CARE OF LAMBS, In tha case of twine it i» well to | place thew with the mother in 8 sail, separate pen, for a day or twa, in order that they may beeotne acyaainted, and tr avold the danger of one of the lambs straying awsy. which may cause tromide. When lamba are borg weakly, more care ia required, apd on Jess the shepherd fs with them 10 see that they are sockied soon after birth, they are Hable to become chilled and die. If the lamb is foo weak to stand { Bp and suek, ir should tw held up and some milk milked into its mouth, Wien jr will soon take the teat and lslp it- self. or the ewe may be gently laid spon her side and the lamb brought to the rat on ita koees or side and belped as above indicated ~The Call YAO. to accompany bin on condbion that they should pot separate fron ech other: amd to wake this sare, they ths thelr tails tegmtlior. Then they started towards the aes. who seeing shew at A distance, and leing atraid was Just about fo fy, when the lon, pointing biti out to the wolf, exclalmed: “Roo, hrother! Bee Lim coming straight for gs! Let us not wall, for he will Xi] pa. I know Lis fury” The wolf burned with the desire to pitack the asa, “He guled,” he maid to the Mon, “be quiet, 1 tRtrest you, and have po fear, It 1s only ag as” But pA lion, more frigitened th ever, plunged throngh the most hres thickets and leaped the widest ditches, While he was breaking through a thick hedge, a thorn tore open hiz left eye Hoch was Mie fright that be thonght the hurt came fron Branealion; and still Bying on, exclaimed to the wolf: 8 Hew on For ail why i resp the harvest fair That truth us rearing everywhere Must pay sitention. wi Bicugo Poor Herald, PAYER G GAS WORKS, tion. 1 am satisfied that you omght to be king of the mountain” Going further on, they cane wm a | wide and swift-flowing river. { *Braneslion, my friend.” sid Ge lon, “if you are willing, we will again try our strength and Sextaity in swimming this river.” Ham willlng.” sid Brancalon, “but } | {0 see you swity across before : " rwmenlaadin ad RE ga The lon, who wae . good swimmer, £01 She! Hyer inn lens than no time. Et Sas Fate A spiral of fine wire will Soat I It 12 well ofled and aid gently on the surface of water. Then if 5 drop of a strong solution of soap is appiled to Lhe centre the spiral will make several tarns in the direction shown by the arrow-4hat is in the direction In| which a clock spring tore when §8 is being wound np. When the motion has ceased the application of another | “Brancalion, what's are you Song over | there? Why don't you swim over? Courage! Courage! 1 am welting for you." The poor ass threw himself nto the ‘water and swam to the middis of the river, where overcome by the foroe of the current and the waves kis head eh sn sulmal, the lion of him and dared not pass : ue abate ra CALF FOOD. A mixtures which has been very fargely seed, and with excellent re us «0 much alarmed that his and stood up. He no 1 bed his neck to eat the went under and be soon sank entirely out of sight. The lion knew not what to do, fearing on the one hand that the Run! “Didu't 1 tell you rightly, comrade? Bun’! Run faster! He has al Le Twist a large plecy of wrapping pa. per into a cone and make a stand) hole drop of scapsods will renew it and the process may be repeated many tows sults, by an extensive breeder, conslats of two parts of barley meal and wheat meal to ane part of ground laseed. To Alenhal or strong distilled lhjuor nay be used instead of soapsuds with sim far results ROPE DANCER. rowdy put ont ond of my eves” - And still fying he diagged the poor wolf against the sharp rocks, and through the most dangerous places, till the poor creature died of his hruljes and other hurts. this fs added a pinch of carbonate of soda, say. at the rate of ote ousee of the sols to every peck of the mixture. This meal ts prepared by being mixed with a Htile cold water until it reaches 8 erexmy conaistency, and then warm in the side pear the point. Holl Rt with the month obilguely downward and set fire to the rim. A Jet of gas produced by the distillation of the paper will Issue from the small hole nes would drown, and on the other, that if he helped him, be might again he angry, and kill him. He finally de | eided to belp him. and plunged into the stream and enught him by the tall Rd Ae a which he pulled so long and tigorous Ir i ashe 1g Re succonded in getting him to snk. Tp The Ass, fading Htwaslt on and, safe {rom the terrible waves, put himself Ith a Passion as before and Siemed the “Tray as = ratmed. “edit are my evil spirit, depriving me of all that I enjoy. Ab mel When { #hall 1 again have such enjoyment? Tie lion tried Ito excuse himself, saying: “Comrade, my dear friend, 1 was afrakl you wonld drown {n the river That is why I drew you out. I thought 1 was doing you a favor instead of displeasing yon” “Keep silence, 1 pray you,” sald the “Pat tell me, i you can, what profit or pleasure you had In swimming the river?” hep at fast the lion belie 1p ve bimeelt in safety, be sald to the wolf: es “Comradr. | think we MIF pow un tie pur falls; what do you say? Hearing ro answer. be turned and w that he wie fastened to a Gead ed PA Se iba Be “Ah, eommde, 1 told you be would es kill you” be exclaimed; “but you wire ohethate; See what 11 has cost us! your life, and 1 my Jeft eye” you wogld not belleve the Yom have Lost Then, untyving himself, he alandoned the dead wolf and went to hide Kime wtf in dense and dark caverts Jeaving the ass posssmssor of the mountaln, rir whenee it has comme that the nes dwells among the haunts of men tod the Jon lo savage [ak HR aud poinbabfted But gen, as well as ons, are sof and will burn if & Ji Shed match is petit Rags” HT gang ! HOW SNAKES SPEND WINTER The snakes are retiring for the win- | ter now, bat they make litle prepary. tion for thelr long sieep. They simply crawl into holes in the ground, flsenres fn rocks or beneath the roots of trees, 8nd there remain in a torphd cond bia OT antl the warmth of spring awakens them. Sometimes a lot of them gather in a hole some distance from the sur face of the ground roll themselves into one large ball, snd thos pass the wine ter, Buch a ball iz sometimes Cole posed of hundreds of snakes so closely interwoven as to be gute difienit to separate.-Wontan's Home Companion. Cut out of cardboard and color ihe figure of the dancer and fasten it by spe foot with sealing wax to the head | of a large needle, the point of which is stack In oa eardboand Srele as close 88 | the bowels. water is added ontil the meal reaches abont blood heat It may be used either as an addition to the skimmilk or a8 & complete substitute for milk, after the calf is five or six weeks of age. The sddition of cooking soda is made with | the object of counteracting any ten. desey to scour or undus looseness of ¥ : A HANDI COVER During rainy and stormy weatfer In sugnr season there fs always a great desl of trouble from rain in the sap fame farmers have covers for thelr buckets which dispense with any de vices which may be suggested Among the many Wars suggested the folie tng proves to De very profitable. Take a plece of board or shingle about four teen inches long and opefourth lned thick: round ote end out to Ht the : INGRATITUDE, hat + we pase better prove times deceived and overreached Ly : nonsilide 10 the stage, Out of a ger sone answered the Non. false pretensions. ~Waveriey Maga- oe poe of cardboard cut & circular hole “Roe if I had none” returned tha ass | sons AT Sn : len ay ce the dlameter of the frst shaking the water from his long ears ; : ma! ; Win Ie the rs ule : tig Dig ‘with and luxly. Then seeing a little fish ; A ae Qi i ced dn | x : trees - in the hole in the large ote and mide fall at his feet, he exclalmisd: Do i : i Ie i ‘in : i re dock head to roll grout its «dpe it will be teen you see now, you great blockhead, fat fie and the re move 10 what vou have done? If 1 had only the pv -~ ad = £ the heen allowed to go th the bottom of the a rnin ine along 8 diameter o Es ord deasurel ides the topograph there ure large circle and that the dancer TrGs 1¢ bons Tt dig ’ i sheets for jand Flassifics ation, geology, completely round once during each AY en ar tite GO Os QELES Lo y ww amit ae Ee a Te ™ Fave dnuen a tot Yo itorlere with : hes The atlas sheets are sixtesd nd poraplete tip hack and temth 12 a Yi ! Ort Ph W ia half by twenty oe] oy yhepaid 1g stretched fost behind the me any more, if you do pot Wish 10] 000 snd printed In three onlars foeure on & Jovel With her tows she will | . 3 A wa 3 LR at WE d 5B. weirs EY 3 ow it i og Tad SIE ? i make me your enemy, which would tursl features Sel a8 Tom as, a bes dancing to and To vpets IL not be well for vou, I assure You. | oo vq citlos, of 1 eal he Vics tralia & hypoey- | Whenever vou think me dead or Info ane ack, nll water i di daneer of death, T wish you to logve a upon the lion, rev into the alr And brayed To : United Stales Topographic Survey. Jously to the great surprise of The United States Geologiead Burvey fx diligently proses uting fig bei evening now being at hand, the cal survey af the ited Repte Pe rill repose now, brother, and to- morning prove our strength : He who then shows himself able to do three things which 1 propose, shall be lord of the crn STAY inches, engra ro Agr et nati § ho roundness of the tree. This may be which ho + ass agrid, dot with a knife or sual saw. Then Joan scribed by morning came, and they arose Line t forth in company till they at a deep and wild ditch, Then | nid to the ass: Hon, I am your friend Mut pevoer be at rest 1111 1 know your and skill. Do me the pleasure, h you, now that the oeeasion ta itself, to let me see which of ge can best Jeap this diteh™ Saying hotided to the other slde. The ass did big best to follow him, ped so awkwardly that he fell great log fn the middle of the here he waz in great danger of , his forefeet and head on one fd the rest of the body on the e lion, miticing the perfloos cob- me atone: for what seers to you death fa Hfe and happiness to me” The shades of ht were pow gath. mney repise, The next they wore awake gt the fist dawn light, and agresid to hunting, Jen in one direction, the ass in apod! aml to meet again at a certain hour morning y of if So tured the most of the mountain, The lion went pane, into the deepest part wgeh prey: a great pile of oats on the bara floor, | He entered without lenive, he wis to meet the lon and lay down. A raven fiying by and seeing him lying motionless, thought he was dead, and of oats that were still sticking to Lis lipa Vexed with the raven, the ass 1 struck It such a blow with one of its ‘hoofs that it fell dead beside him. chase, he said to Brancallon: ~ “Hear what I have taken and tell it 1 am pot a good hunter?” he told ‘What game be bad by brs ering. and the len and ass sought a # soy 2 he HET, Ly anid place, when the one who bad cap was to be King | of the forest. where he felled and ate the ass went to a farm} where he saw the barn door open, and. | tghting on him, picked off the grains When the lien returned from his) { casea out of court. . and the Bil wn enntonrs x v CTY Fow ive Twyiant fant J % a’ Tor Wa caitg er heel, Von i 8 oe § vp tant fieoas year, were surveyed fn thirty Persitorio rT ¢ 1a. La Ne Tees, wis had There I Rows wien in the 4 # aM Ps? Kote lawyers back, in and ate 80 which a client could deposit an “han much oats that he was ready to burst, | orarium™ without ¢ He then repaired to the place wher»! ivi a sordid, mer catitile character to hls relations with is counsel, But ex-Judge Porter gays the law fsn’t what it wis even fifty years ago, and “has passed the days of the hopomiring. Lawyers are sims ply the pald employes of their clients” One of the evidence of the cliangy Is that the Law Association is urging & bill to protect lawyers against tie loss of contingent fees by settdement of Contingent favs were unprofessional once. It wiil also be noticed 82 a change that It iz tow necessary to protect lawyers {row | helt clients Philadelphia Record. after vo served this) falthiully fur tes years they ve x *Y ox, family gone and bought a phondgraph York Journal TE we a Ev EN TO MAKE A PAPER STAR | The five-pointed star which is seen upen the oniforms of military men is called in geometry the regular penta. | gon star. Its construction with the | ald of the ruje dnd compass is long and | complicated, so complicated, in fact, ; that the description of the process | would be useless But for those who | wish to make the star Quickly there is a Detter way. ; Take & simple band of paper In which | make 3 knot sa indicated in the two | figures on the left of the design. At the top is seen the commencement of | the knot. Then draw it, holding the | | band of paper very fat and fold it | COnSR De Wa 8 petal nin ig to stand on? iS ihat ud An fash being beovanse we all DImel Rive Why dove a call wag Hts ta it up Lis 13} Waid should a girl be well stam? isnt the malls won't take her. He Ee noik the most anckent of trea) Fhe ehder mie Whe bs 8 Hower on boand 8 stim. | skip like Easter ay? Because it id a {movable feast, What trades woul! you mention to a shart hoy? (row gir (8roeeT:, Why is a plumoske ike the ocean? [Berane (t contalas x0 many curmants Why is a city ig Ireland HRely to be the largest city in the work? Beentwe each year it is Dublin donbling!. li oe a A Se A pew Juvriie to prevent Tocomotive Hs me wheels from slipping magnethies the | Sivas 80 that they Sisk to the Tan | G58 fasten a good stiff wire at the end rounded out for the tree with sal) grapples or cleats Pend the wire phe tr wil] Bald tig ta he TOR. This will afford adequate sheiter~E XK Siunt, in The Enlipmaist. BREEDING, So GEESE FoR If yeu totemd to Ke aur Hoek of and wish wn sell the post, be varefnd of the ones bresding purposes that padead tos ether the ‘pring Levee Are quer things, and fl youn sefl ome i @ pair they ae Very 5p DG 10 mate at 1 the voxt season. and the eggs will + he fertile. A pamiler will sometimes Bees von mates, but aot often. Epps af young should never be set : Ther are small and the goslings will te weakly and are ool apt to Yive, and if they do they will be very lnferior I have found the most pradit from selling all my gowsa (a the fall but about pine or tea to alse from the | pext spring. Last season from Swe geese and four ganders 1 hatched EreanRat Tix sane before. RAR OF shout forty poslings. Two or threes young prese shold be Sept excl year to take the place of the old cones, that ix If you have any very oid geese. } have kept them four and ve years and they were just as profitalie as younger anes. Ella Catren, m New Buglang Homestead.