beaten and moss cover yarious sizes. Attempt these "‘bowlders” over and - to oid of “grain” and ap & twisted mass of woody | puvernmant has Issued | th ich gives statis | s wh rglture In Athorta, Asin. Saskatchewan, which united Northwest territories. The these e territories is 150. poly 6.509.064 acren i #8 farms. Of this area, AY, otcupy 53 per proved land, but only a | as hewn made with ~The area ley, rye corn, and other fisid roots In 712 acres. The increase af the last decads was 634. 5 3 ; zt. a butter is neacly Mmtich 3s ten years ago, and. le to work the oid shaped | fuel, beemuse tie wool 18 is unimproved Field! of The prov traction of the | "The Indians, to begin with, hunt dese for the pleasure of hunting. titul in ie rivers snd easily Bo. why chase animals whes 1. Foam secure Beh? It is something, as It is] in New Foundiand, where | went a | riple of seasons ago. There the pre DEER-HUNTING ~ ATHWE # Simi, How the Indians Secure Venison for Their Larder, A Now Yorkor who lives & sroall usually long distances sway In prirsiit of game, toils the methods pursued by the Indians of Brith Colombia fa {ak ing doar. They have evolved a srs item, the hunisman says, that shows practical skill and sympathy and know. ides of natural conditions. He EYE: dhe They mo for doer as a honsekeopar ROos Lo market for heel And wial's more, in British Columbia, at any rate, they don't go often. Bakmon so ples aught. valiing Osh, as you might say, Is cod Aud, though there is no end to the variety of edibles fash that can be taken | Lie natives never think of eating any thing alee. Cod is plentiful, asd they form the habit I suppose. This is so ftigrained that they call codfish “fel” | simply. The genus is divided fate cod FAnd the rest of fish. Well, when the British Qoiumbia Indian takes up bis mind for vemison he gins at 11 aye tomaticadly and without sentiment 86d | which the deer seek to eschpe the ly well." — Mm. N.S. Swin : aceton, Me. Sa ¢ deter what be thinks of Aver oH ay adr 4 1 ; medieiag. Follow bie Ee Fantastic escapes from death wers hy no means uncommon features of tha Boor war. Thore was exhibited some time ago In the museum of the Royal United Bervice Institution ons of Queen Victoria's clecniste bores, in the lid of which 13 still devpiy imbed. | ded a Manser bullet. To that sume collection there bas just been sAdiel Ri even more remarkable relics This is a silver clgareftaholder case. which was struck by a buliet at a distance of 1.208 yards while it was in the pocket of a Captain of the Imperta! Yeomanry | The curious part about 1% is that the officer was not aware nut] afterward that bo had been struck, although the bullet alse pleresd the sovereign purse and cigarite case which he was carrying in tho same pocket. 1 bestowed bed wind. Each party covers the moun talnside, some near the fool. and sors Reoping sloesst by an imitated owl boot. The deer on ‘winding pursult Lave & trick of leaping away down the thus between the two approaching PT ties they are swept together at the middie of the salley. A poof sized herd will thes be killed off, asd the Indians sre supplied for many weeks by two or three days’ exertion” PA SE) Re The Airand.-Draft Cure. An Anierican English duchess ro g cently boasted to me of the good which hed been done to her by & course {which wax not only new to me, bat was #0 strange as to be mlmmost comes) The “siranddraft cure” i» what she praised, and it was a remedy for cold | bnnds and fet This cure is taken at Ea Uny place In the Ardennis mountains | in a single building there, a sanitar lum. As 1 unde stood it, this building fs bereft of bad room windows, asd Has grea! apertures in the walls in stend. The patient retires 10 a8 weil bl saves gnoiivered and exposed her feet and hands Birong winds maks the Ardennes their | | playground, and these Yow tho bedrooms and over the extremities through of the pstionts, and, Io some mysteck Ons way, their members develop a Strong circulation sad are presently abla to resist cold, snd to guarantes to themselves uuisterrupted warmth for all Yme to coma —Cosmopolitan, ae a Slippers Made of Paper. Som: of the Earopean hotels are in | troducing a novelty bysfurnishing exch guest on bis arrival with a pair of pa Pie slippers, and he plan ia expected Lo contrilate Jsrgely towan! the clean lines of the bosiéiries. The slippors are cheap. They are maids wholly of paper, according to the Detroit Free Press. The soles are of pastebearcd aad the rest is mavde of white or brown paper stitehed with heavy cotion to prevent tearing. Thers are various The most sxpenstye I» mate of an extra goo guality of while paper The cheapest 8 made of common brown straw papor. Those paper slip Pera are 80 choap that pew oles can be furnished to eseh pest. An ab tempt {2 being made also to Introduce ther In Hospitals and pollie imsting ons, ag they would add moeh to clean. liners and form another preventive of contagion. siotn each palr could be thrown away or destroved as soon 6% the wearer has done with ther, The Narthérn of Franoe Rallway Company, it is stated, bas decided to install wireless 1elegraphy on its Dio i war-Calals crosschanne] stexmehips. n's Pills and they stop. ay trouble of pain fa the back, ch 1 have suffered fortwo mb swe FOpey signe vanish They correct urine with brick dust sediment, high | pain in pessiog, dribbilog, frequency, bed | wetting. Boan's Kidney Pills remove caleuli and ny feo ad ing bear | Sort he gr PO 1g and d ~ ACHE STRUNG AND HEADS | back. and Join patns Heoplensnoss, | Buruweros Jesorox, Mo. | received sample of Down's Pills and they are all that Is claimed, they re lieved a pain in my back, and did all that was represented. CC. Ray, RFD Nol 3 Tartomerinee Mow No man ean tell the good of Doan's Kiiney Pills untii he tries them for a weak back I tried everything and pt no relief until I used Dumn's Pilla —J. N. Lew Weer Braves, Mion, Apel 11th — Many thanks for the sample of Don's Ridowy Pills. We had tried many 5 with little Desefit bat found | act progapdly, asd Bit theosse, which was at unusual desire to weinate ~~ liml $0 got up five aod six times of a night 1 thiak Diabetes was well miler way, the foot amd ankles swelled There was un Intense padn in the back, the beat of which woeld feel like putting oue’s hand up 10 a lamp chimney, 1 have us! the free trial and two fal boxes of Dean's Pills with the sutlafaction of feeling that 1 am cured They are the remedy par exoalicooe BF. Baran. Prof ROW. Wool, who haa heen aware ume in the city, being | ne ; At | group of ball & doten or 12 men splie and take either oud of a valley. Then | they procesd slong the mountain slope closes the sheltered side of the valley, | al the op, and others belween the Hoe, | slope, unitke goats, which go up, and J King appeurs on it without his crown Women Alade Strong and Happy | Natbers. { A MS lb : Catarrh of the Pelvic Organs is a Fre- | quest Cause of Barrenness. i $ i Porsti-na Emdicatss Catar:bh From) the System, the wiman of ancient lersel not bo Suse A motier was svarded ss vh Safer. of serthiy emscaition. To 4 i a . riveny hiv oni Ky Ypight of gory For tie fanhfal woman of Abe pov » | 13] Eves now, when nirr of yore, the ther of : ®oan objest | iE adomive tion, Motaeiimes envy, Ly hey Wighbows. An tompared with ancient pepion. the average American woman has s Se Tpreu tn of motherhood. There %. Mowerer, a Pet any esceptions Wo " sesnteranying Jetiers from gravetnl wht have been made strong ¥ and happy sorthers need nie added rors of ours Me make them eoncineing Ambar had weakened and imoaired their po + . Peroms made thems sound LM. Grifinh, Ares, Mais, writes: oar medwine did me a womderfs] amount of geod. It eursd me of barren eds. I sw M0 years oid and never had ny shildres; bus winer beginning your medicine | gave birth to a Jipon baby i a DOESN 0000000000500000006000000000000000000008 had ; A YOUNG MOTHER'S LETTER, Mes following: i Delano, Mins, Doctor & PB. Hartman, Columbus, Okie ; > Dear Biv: | fost perfectly well of eatarrh.’ 1 did as you MNrect. od me to and took Peruna and Manalén., The Dhivd of Marek I gave Birth to a 10-pound baby giri and we are both sell an: happy. Tam very thankiul to you, and Peruna saved my Ife. | recommend it to overyons and can’t praled tI enough. : “1 send you my own and my baby's pleture. I She (2 20 sweet and $ ood, she tas Peruna baby. Ihave such good health now. I do oll 3 Wy housework and take care of my bady, and fesl so good. : “There are three or Jour of my neighbors using FPeruns now, 3 ince (2 did me so much good. They were Just run down, and (hey $ Mink il a fine. It (aso good to give srongth ''—Mre. W. MoRoberis 0 000000000000000000000500600000050000080080008 0000 : oh ot _- re TRYST RRYYS rowweR ; now six mouths old and! kent petting worse, weighs 23 poamds My friends were ail} woman bes surprised. Some would not believe it anti they same £0 me me “My busband says be never saw such & BE 1h ANY one as there was in roe alter bad taken three or lear bottles of | | 1 am etronger than | have bees since | war guite young God bless you and your medicine forever. | cannot tel fos sd. My letter w ton long already; 1 will wa Feruna cured me. | sever wae tos ears sgu. A year ago lat Ne * or beard of anythang ball so good jvezaber | gave Listh oa pound baler o4n never thank you enough far your! boy, who is wall asd bewrty: and 1 smd irdtens. In case of la gripe it works | doing my own housework can bce a charen. It cured wy baby wien pee Peruna tao great petise. | think it other medisises fied Tin bad : r wan real the best medicone | ever heard of "oe: with la gripe. Mr. LM Griffith Mix EE Thomas, ! | Mra BE Thomas Alpha, “1 have oaed your Perusa doetoring I bad been 4 several years, but girs. Rhee is ah he 1 told ber thar 1 Bad piven + ape of ever getting weil I had trad # dead wah sopesmption. “Finally 1 ronciaded that 1 wisald make oat trial So my shand got me a hottie of Perna and Masalin. 1 commenced nN Tear, I you do not derive prompt ssd satis | and Masaiin, | factary results from the use of Peruon, } write at once to Dr. Hartman, peng a Writes Mrs. W. McRoberts. eee s0seststerERIsRILIERROS Raat them seenyding to direetives, That | never W. McRoberts, writes fo Dr. Hartman from Delano, Mim, the § Oma day & neigh boy J ht me your book, the ‘Lis § of Life) and wanted me to take your w much medicine. My neighbors thoughts § full statement of your case sad he will plesaed to give you his valuable sdvies # Address Dr. Hartman, President of The A New E] Dorado. It experience shall confirm the re | porta made by experts of international | | reputation comoerning the richness of } & new goid-bearing district fn Alaska | we are more Bkely to experience a ghut than & scarcity of the yellow metal for sotaetime to come. The more con. | Sdenie is attached to the reports bee cause he public has not been invited to take part In the exploitation of the! placranines to which we refer, a8 it : ts said that they buve been purchased | W, x by sa Anglo-American syadieste, in iV A 8 which the Rothschilds are represented DILED if it be troe that over & very extensive | PASE DN area the gravel yields on an average | D BACKED BY OUR GUAR. } two doliars in gold 0 the cuble yard, | rAd ENRIO SENS there Is nothing extravagant in the es A ah baa. timate that seanerhing like an annnal 3 for ear fees onbrcsmm of output of $50000.000 may be expected | for 10 years to come. As the cost of | extracting the gold from the gravel is oomphitesl KL cally 60 conte per cube ard, the proportion of profit should be Lirge, Nor is this the only quarter tons which large additions to the an sual flow of pole from the Klondike =DDROOF [J CLOTHING | 10 £2 Foye Hartman Saniariam. Columbus, Obie. ¢ : MACHINE UMBRELLA VENDOR, Automatic Stands Being Placed In Public Malls in England. Theres has been shown recently on 1 antomatic machine for supplying we hrelise, It Ix desoribed an a fan device, with glass front, so thet the purchaser can make his selection of the contents. Before doing so. hows ever, it will be nevessary to drop tw shillings in the slot and thereby gals Access to tie compartment in whieh his prospective purchase stands In case the machine fails to respond tO the clink of silver, as frequently Sap pens, says the Londen Engineer, with the “pemayinthesiof” : there 1a Hkely 20 be trouble Four burdred and G0y six acres of land Bave toon obtained sf Blalrgows te Pertlabirs, Beotizad,. to enable Booties soasanis fo 07 the Irish sheme of small holdings, bot without ald from faxation. Frail growing and vi racking ars to be insisted on. 2500 and the South Africas Rand may be ooked for. Extensive deposits of gold are Known to exist in Mexloo and it a only & question of time when the min lng energies of thas country, hitherm coneeRtirateal goon aiiver, will he dovot od to sp exhaustive research for the Follow medal, The more the workl's stock of pod In fncreasod the more deaperate, of course, appear the pros AS ? pects of bipretaliam, ities of Washington have made ue drain all slngnant pools Tar near the City OF 0 cove af] that the mewgnito wif oper in or out of them Al triers and cocupants of he bec abiiiged to i wats an thelr promises ther precantions wo proven All physician; Bil Cases of rest. and hy Mosquito War in Washington, The Marine Hospital servic General Wyman has sened to all assistant surpeons of pores al whick fruit is rece Sansth Stoweton and Wast In Wo opuard against vellow fever spread by poaouiton coming in 2s a goon of frais The oon Bealth ant! 3 Ew Swedish Marriage Customs, : The Scandinavian bridegroom pre sents to his beinthed a praverbook and many ether gifts, which usually fn. | ciade a goose. Bhe in turn, eives kim, opincnat ha lsvarialiy wears on hls wanlding day. Afterward he puts it away, and In Bo circumstances will he wear it sexin while alive. But ho wears it ini’ his prave, and there aro Swoles who | 508 carnestly believe not only i the res | urrection of the body, but in the ver |! fable resurrection of the betrothal shirts of such hushands as have never broken sny of their marriage vows, | The Swodish widowsee muat deste { the eve of his second marriage bridal shirt his fire wife gave him the anthoritivg ceronies of ths The Poiato Planter. Potato planter of today wonld make TRL age sit up sad tle | A a NE AS A A Valuable Discovery. ¢ An optical serven peed in Tyndall's experiments Was transparent only : the heal rays of the spectrum cutting | °F" out witra-vioket as well as al! visible revs. For a third of a century phys | feists have been seeking a sftmilar screen that would pais only glira-vioe fet rays, cutting off all others. This) drappe ; discovery—atated to be of great solen. By d put to bed : tific value—has boon made st last by | 88d pacew off the next row with mathe | BRUCK aocuracy Fe Fan partis tives toapsther OF as gent of the farmer for some time that nitrosodimethyt aniline would exclude all rays except the nitra-violet and some red and vio | wt, but has only succeeded In obtain Ing the desired effect by combining this substance with cobalt giass. A remarkable pecullarity of the chemi cal named is that it gives a gpectrum 30 times as broad as that yielded by ordinary quartz Railway System in Hungary. Consgl F. DL Chester reports from | Puadapest that there has been an en force on the Hungarian State railways, within which gones stopover privileges are allowed The suservigion of th | privilege is more strict than formerly, passengers being required to obtain a certificate from he conductor of thi first teain. American tourists, he adds, wiil have to be careful in West European ticket offees old Native feelings in India have been hurt by the pew rupee because the Hungarian coupcns, lacking the stop: | over valldity of ihe new tickets. ~~ -} To be bareheaded is repugnant to tho 5 So. College St... "| Vegetable Compound, | and shrougghout the length and not to purchase | So says Mrs, Josie Irwin, of Never in the history of modicine has id for one LL an F, Pinkhan's y : RN ] i never do Ee ampound, Tenn., of Lydia E. | medicine bas the Comand for it been { BO great as it is So-day, the Ailantic 80 the Pacifle, tonahon of the railway zone system in b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers