The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 22, 1903, Image 2

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    writers who give |
sporting depart. |
none ix better
fare entirety characteristic Nobody |
| writes fike him, nobody gets the sme
Hors twits and tarms of mere.
| metit, snd nose of his imitators has
| suecoeded in reproducing the entirely
Tribune « oan hardly unforoed effect. Por the last thirteen |
. + years Dryden hax olsssed by himself in
” She new " libel law. this particular branch of newspaper
i In 1859 he made his first Bay As a
| baseball wit. This was in Chicago. |
~ [He wrote up a game in imitation of
“ithe stilted, archaic phrase of Bible
taken and 5 full rep | It seored an fostant bit, and in a
those interested ought shart time all the prominent papers of
the West ween bidding for his services, |
{ For seven years he stayed west, chang-
ing between San Franciseo and Ta
coma. In 1896, when W. BR Hearst
bought the New York Journal, he se.
fenved the services of Dryden When
ihe had been less than & year in the
metropolis be had his memorable oar:
pel with Andrew Freedman, He wax
shut onl of the New York grounds,
but kept up a long distanos fire of rail-
ilery on the eccentric owner of the
| Giants and kept not only New York,
I atthe entire country, convnlsed by
his clever quips.
In 1908 The North Americnn took .
= oat the strong stat Hearst wis averse
Gin flood an defoane to parting with bis erack sporting |
be iibel bill, is enoagh to writer, and made him sxevyaional of
any sensible and weil-posted WAY fore to stay.
ig to anes a rash of food tn, But the proprietor of tae Journal
Peonsylv ania, before the Was cathio, and Dryden came to Phils
he Sa rmtrosity, had deiphia. He can back in 181, and is
at the alae mn ¥ now nnder contre fur the present
stringent libel jaw of any season of 1900, : :
the Union-a law radionl | Mr Dryden is 8 newspaper writer of
fh for anyone except A fow politi | wide experience. He has bad a varied |
cow nnd “ousils like Packerpesny, sareer, haviay Bons time to lime bows
& sallor, an iron moulder, Gadwrman
bins been ons ae burled forty: fand war correspondent. He repre
don't now
; i sited & Ban Franchsos papet la Samos |
; when © yal jos were figh ing for
: ball to be sed this fall will " the ns ih Fries
. The ober branches of sport are
looked after by an able corps of
ofapuciulista, A particular effort is made
ito gel the failost Peports af Aroatenr |
| basebail games.
On opening days aud important.
El ovents staff writers and photographers
are sent from the office, and the eon
{teste are coversd with the sane care
| that is given lo Feports of major toagne |
o a ® Franpment.
For the benefit of those desiring tw
atte ad the snnnal opiampinent of the
{tiand Army of the Republic, Dupart. |
. went of Pepnsylvania, at Allentown, |
1lane 110 6, the Penosyivenin railvoad |
'* {oompiany will mdi excursion tokels to
| Allentown from all stations on ita lise
from 2 Egrope the § prow told ax | In the state of Pehitayiva dey an May
: 181 Sune 1. 2. y§ Hind *, ont LE 4] rita]
3 tears. ot oy sl losstia, 2
: oo ¥ ¥! until Jose 5 inclusive, 81 mle of al
single fare for the roond trip. For
Flepenille rates, Bpply to Bead ticket
| Speuta
: § Pr sadfnd Athneds ut Wiensing Longs
; And b to cap she wil Ree Pilon Harbison of 50 Daok ave,
stator fat he allowed ; Kanes Clty, Mos, w ae follows:
hie two children had 8 vere slladk
of whooping Cough, (we 2 of Sean dnt
that i iva ve vale of tears”
: i vr raphic crvicn as it os gan tu ; pire Vs at
There is no Western YY ‘nbensy [has HAY ik phe ix Hyves 2 Pafaee wet
he id copie In other place . ‘tutes, Goons P Narmacy.
: unacquainted with that fact | Yesterday was Assenston Day and
ently send messages via Western | apectal services were held i 85 Mary's
which have to be telephoned church,
Hensburg, entailing additional |
for telephone wud osrrier ser | bet celohrated in gros te Jone 14 nnd
Western Unim office is badly | [17 and big Rk are e bein ¥ mate
gy ge Pop the event at The sounty seat.
see. Until one is established, |
; he {this thine {4 is expected that the
Bond , send all your telegrams to wheat itoh, for which this om
to by the Postal. By so doing you | famous, will have run iis vou
save money and may be able to year, insuring a large attend
: the § Western Unive in ii a the festivities.
: » «Th Allport Cond i, of iTantin se
ce Se : hs sul the Poanayivanis et dln
Basiress Men Knew # Good Thing. | #
: (Hastings News 3 | disoriminatio i
glance at the Patton Coveien ks 10 the piainu
sufficient to convince any one of the directed agaist
exits of that thriving town's business | AIrosd and Sapt. Cleaves
men. They are not sparing of print bria & Clearfield 0
r's ink and are undonblediy reaping a aw a defendant. Jad;
harvest | therefrom; thershy Hupporting field o
CE oe 51%
Ag Le i
he, fo
Hor have cule to sip
The proviger of th on
tis the desire by fro
a Bie and tu
Ie aovondition th take up bls de
after a few month's
“Hun, Mav io
French Organdies.
new mercerized
finish, made to sell at 25c¢., our price 17¢c.
Lawn with colored figure. worth 7c. for
Sc. yard.
Beautiful Lawn. plain and lace stripe,
worth 19¢., at 15¢c. yard.
10, 12 and 14c. Lawn, short Yerigth, re-
duced to 7c. yard.
10 vards of 15¢c. Challies for 75c¢.
50 pieces Evern Dress Ginghams. oll
good styles, worth 8¢., for 51 iz¢. yard.
Silk Gingham sold at 20¢ yard. Sale
price 15¢. yard.
Ladies’ Gauze Vests, lace front and lace
stripe, 10c.
Men's Balbriggan Underwear,
25c¢. for 19c¢c. each.
Odd Jot Men’ s 49¢c. Drawers.
Ladies’ Nursing Vests 25¢c.
Extra Large Vests for Ladies 25¢.
Men's Fine Underwear 49¢.
in ordinary shops, far from it.
: amesnts, etc,
The big business that is flowing to our
Millinery Department is due to no illogical
reason. Trade follows values. Do not for-
get that our Millinery is not the Kind found
are always alive to produce just what you
want and we hand them over to you st very
moderate prices,
Trimmed Hats which compare favorably
with those sold about town for $5.00.
shown in Black, White and Colors, all cor-
rectly trimmed with splendid quality mate-
rials, such as Ribbons, Flowers, Lace, Orn-
Choice at $5. 9s.
25 Fine Trimmed Hats, worth up to
id QO, for 52 49.
Children’ s Prettily Trimmed Hats, Leg-
horn and Tuscan, 98¢.. $1.25, $1.49 and
Come to this store for Infants’ wear.
Everything needed for the baby is here at
moderate prices. Coats. Dresses,
Shoes » Moccasins, StocRings. SKirts. ete.
~The Indiana id coTtet pial will
¥ ©) 2 2A ho »
a os
largest and most coms
SCTE TE a3 a cinbing. Prive
wirk aanship: are. ai nahi eo