The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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    ; Lat shorif’s sale st the ot Bite at
{Ebensburg Monday, June 1st, at 1
: By | hanna townabip.
men we explained |
and Mr. Fay. Rev.
EB chareh, Rev,
"13. Foley tanghtachool
reshomm in be dont age Gf
the muse bask of his ght ear and | gh had boroagh paving orders to » the | 1 o'ciock.
deem, Spntg them being two sons wha
roperun 4 i» Northern Cum
{and Robert J. MoCans, In 8 lob of
or ETORRd In Patton, having therson a
. two-story frame Swelling house and
acres of land in Dean fownship, ex
: viousl; conveyed, having thereon »
1iwo-story frame House, siable snd |
: of of gromnd in Ashville borough, having i
[there on a bwo-story frame hoose and |
| The Interest of Nellie Sharbaagh Bly |
coal reserved, baving therson a two-
* |1ot or piece of ground in Carroll town:
or-| ant at the semi-monthiy meeting Mon. |
Foley, of Phir a one gpd
f the Carrolliown Niws, :
ring the winter joel past, Thomas
1 BP © if Holland,
chime of the mehool, which He
ug th “ once 0. woe
sr, then placed
led the trigger. The ballet entered |
! his brats sud hu dind | 2 me thin 10
— at Dn Je pa fn money.
de wan a _ native
dev a an a
: es on he i an th
f law and moved to hatighs Js
be becany no hard drinker. For ol
i vat tn yours Paley & bis led 8 Wander
Fin De but msi erratic and su Hjoct
pity, His family
consisted of tis wile and soveral chil
MERE sme.
Mera to Be THs
posed wok Monday, dune at,
The ollowing properties will be sold
The interest of Louisa 6. McOans
The Interest of John Hips In 63
acres of Tand and allowance in Susgue-
The Interest of Jobn Sales in 194
from the same 7 acres pre.
- “Phe interest of the same in two lots ¥
t of ground In Suangler borough, |
frame dwelling house and ont
“The interest of Prank Cibelskt ina
’ Lehip, having thereon a two-story fram: |
"| dwelling house and outbuildings.
The lutersst of Edward Burnés In
two lots in the viilage of Biandburg, |
{ Reade township, having thereon a two |
story frame dwelling house, stable and
|| outbulidings.
The interest of Charles W. Rickard,
ina lot of ground in the village of
of the Baptist church, and W.
dford also made remarks. On,
f the latter Meade, B. Cowher
ted cliairman of the member. |
Bdwin J. Radoliffe
n temporary secretary, :
ee On FOOSE Was appointed |
d of J. Edwin Parnell, RB. 85.
ger, 1. S. Bell, W. H. Sandford and |
Winslow. This committes will |
iy solve. He, room Trotlen)
“This committee will oll on!
le during the “veek and be
report at the next meeting i
og will be. held in. Good's,
deta Hertzog, of Loretto.
| | both of Chest Springs,
0. of Uarroltown.
| township.
Glasgow, Heade township, having |
thervon a two-story dwelling hotse,
isle and outhoildings,
Hurry E. Cox, of Amsbey, and Bern-
Prank Nagle, of Spangler, and Ei
mira Houp, of Clearfield tow nahi.
Joseph Mann and Mary
both of Blandsburg.
J. R Men inmy and Etta Ray, both
* Richard MeKingie and Theresa Fleek, |
John Kruger and Helton Arvwosie, both
Philip Nagle and Mary J. Bharon,
both of Bt. Augustine.
George Engel, of Carrolltown, and
Mary Molnier, of Cymbria Mines.
Dennis Doogherty, of Allegheny !
township, and Nettle H. Reit), of Barr
reposted request for an cutie to his
of lroland, and
“ nely appointed a commitlos to confer |i the public shools of that place.
! paid:
{Mig Co 870.10, Howsrd Wonmer $4. ul,
F Bvmitoon Patient Discord Upilor Maldge
Pnotified and will be expected to food
hong it leaiy.
weeks euding
(Bay B, Henry,
| Warner,
| will ‘please aiy that they are
C34 seed?
Pennsylvania railroad company
sduriog the coming
Lestension of its Hoes from Cherrytree,
1 to the month of Dixon ran at Twoliek |
jv peak, slong the old survey
the best cont Bilis in the state will thos
be tapped.
: ek at Spangler for $10,000, exclusive of
cower. MEETING.
obi HS
Provestings ot she Regritar Resnion of ihe |
Horragh Tras.
All the members of the borough |
pouncil, except Lansberry, were pres. Derr Somerville
| dny tight. The session was a short
| ne, lasting Jess than an hoor, sod cone 0
vened prompt ¥ on time, PA Beste of Eight Meath and Wilk Every
White was present with his oft |
das. : ¥ : i © Yoveg At Her Command {0 Maks Lite
property snd afler considerable dis. | Wenn Living Fanersl st the Resldenen
spmsion Lhe matter was again referred |
} the street pammittes with power to)
t. It was reported that John Oto
faloseai that the borough was Gsiog
g round for + # stro 8 that he had hee
ssinrday. Intecwment Hor
A death that is more than usually
pathetic in some of its sepecta and that
sme with a suddenness that made it
«| A the more appalling and beartrend.
jog was tht of Mrs. Eva R Somer.
wife of Ren) Bamerville,
A Weiter wis rid feom Mee A w, | j
atehin, of Patchilnville, stating that Fieeoh & Avenue » Wednesday wvening at 4
amount of §3,218 20 which were Mrs. Somprville's Hiness was of brief |
Tin six por cent Intorowt, which oe durin tasting but three days. Noth.
4 a serions waa thaught of her int
and thes
entero] the sirne
vith 8 sinking pil a
x diasolati Li
& Sener ville was a native of Bik
BE the dasghter of Johns F. aud
hy br. V, A, Mun Ay at “the: corner ot pha Dore and wes born at Bene.
Bees i 3 aod Fi ih aventes and Kiso for Bite on April 2, 1678, belay 27 years, |
t by Geo ® month and 18 days old af the toe of
Good aud Geo, o Ready or East Ma few demise. Her carly childbood wae
capent in Banewtte and Westport, © Ta
Lun son fo 1862 the family moved
5 Pano o, whee she resided. until the
time of bey piarriage,
Ble wis married on Hey sersber 1 seh |
Tt year to ened Somerville, the
well known atloroey of thin plaew,
er brief enarvied Life was a mont bsppy |
16 nts & foot. 5 i iim ih o Taping ol 51 one and she was surroondad by all the
{conta a fool for pipe. On motion of _nntorts that an judalgent and kind
Prindible, seconded by Gould, Mr. Mo Bushand was able to give. The lant
Govern wis awarded the ¢ contrast, : four Years of ber yestdanow in Hemove
On motion of Linge, President Don. [500 was a popular sad efficient Senco
5, eympathetic disposition, ao
the amon of the ftw oN
Saliding La Hits ww
ok bis
| with tse Clearfild anthortiies and the Delp
board of health reistive to the small. vroeliont musics, beiag a vocab of |
pox victim dlwenversd Buoday, Messrs mrs than asoal ability, and a good ba- |
Prindidie, Metormick and 4 Lingle were Strumentalist, she was 8 popuisr mem. |
Appointed, hw of the society in which she moved |
The following bills wery ordered 80d leaves masy warm friends who
Lwinosrely deplore ber untimely de
figtor Lanter Su 37. A. F. McConnell | fash. : se of
$2.97, Victor Dodson $5.07, Patton Clay | 50% was a member of the Protestant,
Eola opal church of Renovo aml wis
an active force In roligious and phils)
Canthropie work. Bho also was» open
ber of the Daughters of the American
is survived by ber parents, who reside
in Rescvo. A brother, Walter A) '
Dan Peters $4. Chas Bender 813.050,
sper Hewlett $1.95, W. T. Hobin. |
son $15, Wo Wiliams 82, Elow
Byroes $12, Win GELS, EQ Moore,
2, Patton Wale ir Co. #8, Roy BE
Decker $80.85 Gao, 8B. Good Eieetric
Light Co. $90.70, J. D. Blair $16, Adolf ; dled thee: veurs ago.
Hotta §20, Dr. 8 a We arrell 532, \ The fuperal will be held sf the
residence Saturday morning at
ESCAPED QUARANTINE. o'clock, conducted by Rev. 8. A. Pot |
TE ter, the Eplsopal rector. Interment:
wb Poverty Fiat, twill be mmide in Fairview cemetery.
Chas. Walker, & smalipox patient, | (RANSACTIONS. " REALTY. :
who escaped quarantine from Porter & properties in This Bod of the County That |
Grabam's lomber camp at Frenchville, | Chmsged Hands Beecnily. i
Clearfield county, was discovered under. J B Anderson st ux to Charles Dean, |
the tron railroad bridge at Poverty | Reade, $80. : {
Fiat Sanday afternoon by Dr V. A Reuben Morley, by treasurer, to!
Murray, who was making = profes coonty of Cambria, Hastings, $807, |
sional call in tat vicindty, County of Cambria to Charles Het- |
He promptly notified the health rick, Hastings, $5.50.
officer, Dr. 5. W. Worrell, and a tent | Kuxan Hollis et vir to 5H. Bewrs,
was hastily erected and the patient in. Reade, $100.
stalled therein. Monday night a box |
car was placed at the disposal of the Bon, Hastings, —-.
aathorities and the man removed to] T. M. Rhweban, #t ux. to Thomas &
this Dr. Worrell and Chief of Police | { Walter, Patton, $300.
{ill swore ont a relief warreot snd the | i Theo Thomas to Charles Walters, |
county assnows] charge of the case. | Carroil, $15. :
The Clearfield connty offlelals were! Porter Kinports ¢2 ux to R.A Shi.
Lingford, Basquebanna, $9,750, :
all billy contracted by reason of the CUpeson loo company to Bichard
wan belong in this viguity, The Gee Desny, Allegheny, $1. :
dx a grid one and the palient is gelling. Prank N. Dunegan et ux to M. OQ
Pangan, Clearfield, $200,
Lo Milton M. Crane of ux to Eva M
ie abe ed al, Patton, $1.
Cyreilts Duclos ob tx 10 T, Jd Lite
inger, Clearfield, $100.
Morgnn Watkins et ox to Ru Rev. E
(A. {larvey, Barnesboro, $135
John Berish ef ux to George Barish,
Patton, $1.
Petix sepaen of ux ta Logis Galion,
Hastings, £30
George A. Oshall et al to M, ©
White, 8847.34
rlok et x wo Charles J.
for, 3100,
Anertised afters,
The following letters remain uncailad
for in the Pa ston post offiow fog the two |
Sataplay, May 18, 1903; |
T. Gi. Robisou, PF. UO,
Harry Morton, Miss Jean
Windsor, V. Yerger. Foreign: Franzo |
DiBello, Guspodin Franjo Petranie.
Persona calling for the above letters |
. Year
FooWinn Uneene, Postragster,
Shek ob al,
Announesment ms oomade had
fia V. K
hitew 5
suganer, build an noth, of Pittsburg, the
for the new brewery, was in
own this weal. The work of clearing
14 progressing rapidly
andar the direction of Contractor W..
: TT Hebinsan.
ol the
Kame of
the ground is
Homer and Susquehanna,
astotedd by = at
the Anderson House, Cresson, has been
ap praiae 3, , andlond Wenderath belbg
allowed 81,964 The water company
at Cresson sent a Bill to Landlord Wen
the furnishings. The betel was built deroth for $50 for use the com.
i by the Spangler Improvement com: pany's water daring the fire. The ap
pany in 1583 and is one of the finest in praises regarded the bill a8 exceisive
Northern Uambria. Col Spangler and it was seni to the insirance come
j makes the purchase a as sn 1 invest mont. | panies for their disposition.
~Hx-BhertlY Joseph A. Gray, of
Spangler, hak sold to Coll Jackson Lo
Spangler, of Beliefonte, the Gray He.
The Untimely Demise of va |
; pendable goods.
Best stock of Shoe 2S, Shirts.
Cambria county to Jas. Commons & |
We don’t sell cheap C lothing. we never
lid. nor do we want to. We can afford to
leay re that to the cheap houses.
What we do, is to sell you reliable c
This is the foundat
which. we have : bifided the best a
we wi |
in, that we s i ig as it goods ast
house around the Northern part of C; 1
Co. we doit ¢asy and how? Well
Honest Reliable Merchandise; second, on
one Price plan; third, by giving mere
better value than others.
400 Men's Suits to select from.
200 Boys’ } Long Trouser Suits.
300 Little J: zellows’ Suits.
Prices 8.00, 10.00 to 18.00 Mens.
“ 3.00, 4.00 to 12.00 Boys.
1.50 to 5.350 Little Fellows.
Hats, Neckw.
H osiery, etc. around this section.
Come and se sce for yourself,
Keystone Clo {
Directly Oppit the. Bask.
Besides her husband she §
But we do ¢ ’
If there
whiskey on the raarket that has earned a reputation
On all the good things in our line.
that if we can't soit your taste no one can.
itself, we have it. It's the same way with Bran
>ins and Cordials. When it comes to Beer and %0
we're it. Only one brand and that the Best—Duques
All orders by mail or ‘phone promptly attended
Magee Ave., Patton.
The Patton Clothing Store.
“ He that judges without informing himself to the utmost
that he capable cannot acquit himsell of judgh
a 18%,"
Be careful how you judge wn the matter of clothi
Do not be hasty in saying that vou cannot wear resdy-
clothes S
‘made-to-me asure, for which you have paid twice as muchas
Our summer clothing looks, fits and wears
[ am asking
Boys Clothing.
I have a complete line of Boys’ and Children's Suits, or
gh we %
rough wear or dress up, whatever he needs or what you t
he needs, from $1.50 to $6.00,
Bear in point our elegant lps of Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Wi
Boys and Girls. Styles never found in the ordinary shoe store. It wilt b
Foul to pay nie 8 vist and see thm, :
Good Buflding, Ne ext Door to Bank, PATTON, |