The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 15, 1903, Image 2

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    nn cr woman who loves at first slght mizees half the
: #s in the game of love. Tho process eatled “falling Ia
5 Tova 1 second only in sweotness to the actual fact of loving.
For the spe who tumbles headlong into this Blissful wate
: there are many surprised in store. Having fallen io love with
the shadow. they procesd to lovestigate the substance, and
sometimes the substance la alarmingly distlinsionizing Toets
bave thrown a glamour over love at first sight. They have
‘brought much beamy of thought and ward to bear on the sub
theories are beantiful, but not couvineing. Do we not love the
we have watched Tod and biessomn wore than wa do the one which
t upon us in fail Bloom? Lowe at first sight ls not the despot and
Jrvss. How could it be? We cannot learn the whale creed ot Jove in
BInong the nots tie aro of the pon |
won's styles and are tobeh liked both
front. This developraest is the nataral |
forerunner of the craze fof ace mits
that is to be the feature of later bosl |
meen Lass itty in fact are pven pow
g, gleaming Buh w hich nay Turst at any momsent, and what is
bgt wotnided bones and gray menories.
p ih thrusts itael? too suddenly upon you, be very
in lure and not mers s fase] nation before wou succumb to It.
this? In the night gor like an slectric shoe.
seadually spreads into an frresistible foree,
pis call’ Yefors Ww 5 tor & at first aight there is no gradual pereejtion
harms apd Plandiehiw
Be; fr 1s all sudden, slonping. Paradise is attalued with no appredia.
o furs which led tv iL We must learn the lesson of loving hy constant
: es 8 #ighntnt i ne a Said ie ARGH an he: SPRY the 3 an or Woman
By Lieutenant Governor Curtis Gould, Jr.
HE part that the puldic spaaker plays in oor National 1a is fa.
millar eoouil, but the msnner and wethod of It have © Gigi
Inte years almost as much as the methods of the stage,
1d fashioned stmaper would enrey Hide weight to-day, though
in that select class that still reoards politics as “low™ a polit
onl speaker Bost supposed to deal largely in porsonalitios
waried with come stories tore or less reflecting upon ie
ethos and warals of ihe opposite party.
It isn papolul siren of the future that thongh abuse of men
tl existe, it is no longer effective. The speaker Who
# honust intentions of hotest mn who disagree with him
eiiher are andivnoes who pesemitle at political mest.
wanoth generalities phrased in gracious lstiguags or given
wit and builonery which may asd dom provoke thelr amuse.
Ker wha wishes ts alirsct voles to his party today mnst lave
; more Then a pleksing personality aud a smooth totgoe He piust
fie facte and presen! apeciie evidencds Jn support of his argument,
ding with g crowd a North DeXots during the speech of a noted orto?
certain National issue, 1 heard his general statement as to the attitades of
: Hive parties in {ongress received with utter incredulity and Alsbebiol,
afterward 1 hoard a Massachusetts Congressman progent the ima
issue in Massachusette. Ha di pot jnduige In eloquent generalities. He pro
dopy of the Congressional Record, read the esavntinl part of the LIL
48 read the vote and invited the xudience to examine the official roth
Toe speech esunted,
he man with esnvietions who talks {0 his audience and tells thes what he
ve and believes, hax taken the place of the genteman who left bis audience
Bot {nstracted. The preparation of 8 polities) speech that is Wo Hi
Gives uel bard study and invegtigatign. Even then it ia lkely 10
tn its purpose if, in the excitement of delivery, the spenker over
: ease or forgets the rales of courtesy, which happlly fur our political
ture, ate Pow more amd ote observed by all parties
A e of Dyspepsia.
By Age Dr. G. Jysp De pha
0 far as I know Wall Street 14 no tore wicked than any other
street and dealing in stocks no worse than dealing ia hides
- Our country owes more to Wall Btreet and stock exchanges
han is realised or appeecisted. Bositess Is a good thing and
rork a divine order. A man who does not work Js a leech on
society. The man who never rests wastes, and waste Is slo
There Is Do: real business in rushing. but real business ls the
exercising of COMMLOD USO.
We are in danger of a great commercial decline, because
men ax & whole are too much interested in the selfish motive to
got wealthy, and in consequence the great National questions
& ting the nnblaked, unselfish, heartfelt consideration which they shuuld
Brae in the hearts of the Nation's men,
+ are thousands of men who do not take time to eat properly. The
Hew are filled with a reshing, burrying, bustling crowd of men, Wolen
dren who are rushing through life, There are more things going oy in
than can prouerly be done In a month. This disposition ix gtionjHng
wily life and instinets. It fs entering the church and shortening the ser
The State Is affected by it The dominant spirit Is to got wealthy, pnd
% tending to moke our halls of government more Hike marin of enmmineroe
not United States Senators optioned in some cases to the highest bidder:
man cannot go io the Uv united Btates Sennte, The fi st consideration is
eel frit attention: yet Hi many children are greater strang rors to thelr
fathers. and often mothers, than to the servants? How many men are there
Mio really take time to indulge In the luxury of dolog nothing? Asx a result |
an age of dyspepsia, morose dispositions, sleeplexa nights and selfish
¥. 1 am giad to see that the remedy Is beginulng to be applied, and
mx are bezinping to realize that thelr bodies need rest and recreation; to
it they have immortal sculs: that truth is truth In business as well a»
5s. There is no glad capitulation after a pro- |
The i
i teaied] 1a adapted tor bust
pointed culls
§ foe genera] wraps andl jacket sulla
Li “gag
SN i
The smart May Manton rien p]
to all the season's suitings, to it
to elodh and fo eilk; | nthe ori
is thoade of tan PAB RY
tehinming of fancy braid
part of #4 costume,
The blouse covgiets of fronis sn
Ca? he Ries
anes By
bok nnd Is exceedingly siapie gid sus
Dy made I does pot require
snug ft of & jacket and is th
far less exscilog and Detter sulisd to
By pends of the linite dress,
bark ia
the fronts are getbared and
sightly at the waist ‘The raps is oir
cular and Hts smoothly over the shogl |
aker. The
piatn and without foltess, but
Rinse FETE
3 geien gray a
moving freely, nnd are taken for early
delivery by the wnaliest, se wall as Ly |
the largest and those puciosive retell
Houses, The fad for juces permeates
ail pure of the dry gowls marker that |
provide for women's sdorament, and
there Is pothing strange In the fart
‘that plain silk. sls and other fabric
gloves should Ie eatly fioeed to give
way to lace efideis aud bn lace gloves
and mites,
tivay Roses in Hats,
things pressed into the service of the
miifiper this season. snd very pretty
of with ping
Es it grey
5 Sasddw,
pitinre mapeline of
girawe df
brim of which
At one mide thie
; ; 5d te 8
taste and i in the
1 he ue 5 was str
al eo
Raval Bive,
inn pont TE Lretty.
fer costoniey srl
AR eS Ta
a stylish Muy Man |
So of dotted Hack
Wt, over white
i 3 “% Lage 1 33
tn ffetn with
Lg joe
tally nifraciive, bat wi the 1}
eoitog snd Hoey materinle anf pliald
ders, but exn be ounitied
tounge loft plain when pred tert
Beck and front edi
a shaped Dood. Ths
pot Bebop sort and kre
Ghani on
LHI ered $
The Lissrer od
on olin DELL
vx ¥
finished with ;
or with ibs
taste may desided.
The quantity af material ©
the moedinm size fs all yards
one Inches wpe three yands
inches wil tae noel thress fourth
yards fifty. toe tse hen wide,
TT ueked Shame ¢ ay a Prt Walet,
Shirt walsts that combine boron
with vertical tucks sre nuong the un
alties of the season snd are siuwn
a variety of styles. The very styilsh
May Manton one shown {a the
setire is adapted both to wy
helt ony
{FY -
tid 3 § Fi
gris Li
seh bile ng
| fabrics and to the many waist cloths
and silks. The original, however,
made orf white madras and is held iy
ited, Take the elephant, tor instance, He is tly fond
f the fruit of the Ungany tree, and although be appears to
ave some idea that it Is not good for him, he will go on eating,
hen he has once begun, until be is wildly excited, and so in}
toxieated that be will stagger from side to side. Every now
d then he will pull himself up, shake bis tinge head, and tear
: trempeting at the top of his voice, and terrifying
It is sald wat be will even dare and defy | his most
The sloth hear 1s anotlier animal fvon to this tailing. tle. © of India
droop slightly.
he habit of hanging little vessels on the palm trees for catching the
his Juice is $0 attractive to the sloth bear that, _Sithough such a poor
Bot (ie sloth Der Ia Dot the only anitial who is so partial to this Juice of |
m tree, The curious fruit, or fox, bats (family Pteropodidaej, are par
fond of it. This peculiar little combination of beast and bird, with
s fox-like face, reddish furry body, and black, uncanny-looking wings, the
delleate membrane of which is always quivering down to the very tips, will |
¥ to these vessels in company with some hundreds of his companions, and
r will suck the juice until the ground below the tree will be dark with the
dies of these bats, who will lie there too helplessly intoxicated to move or
ofend themselves, no matter what may turn up.
& biggest runkard of all is, perhaps, the palm civet. So addicted Js this
Bn nking habit that he hay been termed the teddy cat. And a
| mtand for fancy efocts In these
| tour large pearl buttons ut the centre
of the box pleat.
The waist consists of tacked
the ne
fronts and plain back, with the ited a
foundation, that ean be used or vmitted
#8 the material requires. The frants
are ald in narrow vertical tu
extend to shallow yole dep'h
wider horizaninl ones below,
“how fH
amar VE
: =
Biss 0
gathered at the waist line, where thoy
The bamek 3 20d
qoross the shoulders and the faluese 1s |
drawn down snugly In og
The shoves sugrest th
athers at the
Hun |
aarian style and are made with snngly |
fitting upper portions] tacked en voir
tinnous lHpes with the waist and
| puffs that are lakl in narrow yertiond
‘yeks at thelr upper edges, The nfs
sre oddly shaped aud match the stack
The quantity of material requir ¥
the medinm sims 18 five and ope bull
ards twenty-one inches tik
yards twenty-seven inches whl
and one-half yards thiriy tw
wide or two and threo
torte-four inches wide
Fabric Gloves.
While plain silks. lishos, taffetas and |
Berlins are as yet the most ache
in this part of the worbl, sayy thy al
Hoods Economist, a fexture of stéadiiy
Increasing impertance is the large de
: thirty.
the open-work and particularly the lace |
Dg | patterns that are fast coming to the |
recfisio Ra A
| puminoas plant answers so well,
pastie |
hls novelty was seen |
poseonte |
he pale tows of the sea |
was |
brio |
Hd |
Leary |
t half a
ix on land which had not been so treated
i previously for
| bad heen glondlly cropped with bereios,
5 3 p Fa | pos Bo ? » oy f ai ig gol !
br trhedd to a great | , In 1901 corn that had been planted on | hess
1 than drew on (wenty Sve lows of |
| mangers frovs & Hvery sialie and plant. "
I Paws,
| slplitoen rods long, | hushed sixty five
chain. |
Rates i bushel tasers, which though Mght inl
| nuTe Baw
trees in befler
I May 6x
| maaare will be just the thing.
Primed frown the gppie fee 881 Win.
i work presses. Whether you plow or
{pew the orchard, brush 8 a decided
| pulsknde HW laft under the tress.
| nave its branches shartensd In Jone: in
{| poor ground, where there is 8 lows vig:
erous growih, pruning should be done
i growth, This
The |
vial and new,
pie exis Lee fails
{ Jour
The model
his cut
But thicker mate
rd sewn
Fite hing wilp corti wif whk
The feta §
heavier Ta
CHintety at
ok do depth,
a The los |
1eooar the left shonbler |
cryin sear, ax in the case of
gar ins
The glovvee ran be out in full or!
wre portions, Le te free Telow. When |
in fall lengite {hey are gathered |
narrow cull At the neck Is &
piain wok that ction al the back.
The qua
wim ' wiz ix tive and one-fourth |
¥ards twenty-one ches wide, four |
rinls 080
oh nl kine §
1 garde
{werk for years §
B | tseto anpinged
Wl feats bt :
| id the wieding and coltivating Smple :
tity of material required for goq by loosening the bolita which chump
add one Gall vards twenty seven laches |
three and
two inches wile, or three yards
torty four inches wide, with five and
one Ralf yards of lace to trim as liloe
three-fourth yards
thiiser with It
The land Ix very ight, there being a
in Amanicain Agriecituried
whitewash the,
i treea
} pl
| susily manipuisted by hand, covering
; {the ground much more rapidly than
wibly 81 the centre |
promising young pari ; ;
Eueland, Is Winston pen; Ape
| Charchiil, widest sn o the ire Lord
Randolph Charchlls, :
mamar for Oldham k
who moet Bt be roufouaded. a8 Be
sfrens is, with Winston Churchill the
Amcrican sovalist, (s enly 28, but he
bas had & nee ASYeRIDrOUWS CRIOOF,
which he seems ROW W have cut short
lo settle down at Bosse and devote
nimi! to polities. He has recemtly,
on the strength of bls two orf IAree
poms” exparioncs as & raballern In 8
Hussar rogiment been criticising the
Army polley of War Becretary Brod
Mr (Burehill resombios his fe
mous father in mADY ways not the
toast in his servoss, excitable and
rostions ennrey of misd His father
wis dark; the son has reddish bale
sod a pallid face He has jess dash
aod go aan Me sire. bat this is pens
sans dus to ipexperiencn ia politiesd
whrTare. He has Mad plebiy of copay
ames. however, Is wxrfare. He
Then 1s ons ndvantage in growing
strawherrica In proferenicn to other
froita, which is that less capil is re
quired and the £Tops Come SCOOT.
Plants set out this spring will pend
oht raasers and forts matted rows full
of besgtag noxt yenr, and If kept clesn
| tha rows will give two or threes good
Hop. with & partial crop after (Ne hed
ts odd, “The proper mode, Bowever is
fo make & new bed each year, as the
cost Is bot little comparatively,
Cirowers of peaches are using coy
peas in the srehand The vines shade
the and sod may be lwrned under
when the pods are Desriy ripe, or may
sled ny wtoader. It is
mre profitable to use the vines for |
feud for eatila, but st the wame time,
if a mulch fs required, it fs well to}
grow the mnleh, especially when 8 Jo
One |
advintage in growing the cow pes Is
that it is simost a sare crop, and le
or woul ashes may be uked as a for
The peach erehard will
In no wanser he injored by growing
this cow pea as Jong x8 the land is
given the benefit of the trop from the |
tisure or by plowing anden :
1 have fodrd cof what saannring will
fo for land. Some manors wax pisced
snieraed the army from Basdborst, In
IRS and served with fhe B ah
Loreen 8 (ubs in that year. Aller
sing in various smell wars in In
dia gud the Bonds he actad ag corres
pment of The Morsizg Post duriag
Lhe Poder wir. He was captured by
iva nomy, imprisoned at .
but massed tO eSORpS. And alter
many exeiing adventures rosched
Pmdaeon TRY.
sa ores
Driven geaith by the stores a bussard
sawk measuring nearly four feel
scress lla ouwleprond wings. has heen
Palit at "Wumbie Heamd, Dumitive Scots
Tos waive o the wheat 2e9n i 37 pee
ent, jean thas that af the oot stom srg, i
fifteen years and whieh |
erry hires faet Blah bat 414 not ear. | Derm lesoren Sikelal botiland ox
: $1 grew three feet high tat 14 not ear. | Dr. BIE Kaa "$4 re ae. Pha, Pa
A roo) stored solutian Tow tbvicies She
are oF» Fark Soe’ o0 BROAEASS.
From the ¢lgiieen russ of corn Mow, ¥ ineions Sega dg shildeny
“ FLEA Ll Tl Tbe
| Gen aig PAR eth ont wind aclu. 25 he. abhottie
A Lote Ga powevsily erally travels faster than
3 gras trwih.
fo raspberries and corn Detween the |
wale hil made thirgy five bushels of sev.
enty twa posinds, The rasplervise are!
a pond stand with canes four feat high
: Porsax ¥anetrm Dye produce the
Emghioan and fastent LAMPE.
BO CR rire
Ces S— wl oon haypene to the
pple who sre simurs looking fur
| Dae’s Cann he tiadeat bi: medbeine = 5 wrver ved
Imb alleoibene (oF Loans ead ange
L. Bwpdasr, Vaspruton, Lad, Pub. i, {0
: A woman doses kare 10 be a conjures
bo shane ber amd.
forty foot Gepth of sand A. Seydell |
Ta bare viean smooth barked trees
A goodd piace to put tho shes from |
the wood stove Is wround the apple
pe od Bibl dh pp Ask Yom» Prealex Fre Alan's Font. Knee
A powder ty shaky Tate your shoo rele the
Bet. Uren Cleat, Baaiona, Swenlien. Sore,
Hot, Calon, Avatar, Sweatine Fer ond Pee
growing Nala, Kms Pout Baws mates pew
pte ta a | OF HES Shops amy. AL SE Gonesiate and
slowly al show a ores, 3h cont ou: Ealy ¥ Faux, :
Brasil pealne, tinoihy <r Diow grass
should never be grown in the orchard
If trees fro the nursery get frowen
nek thaw thes out
toad place.
If you did not cot out the borers
segch, quince or apple In the
eroor fall, do i now,
ee wen Baht cont of horse ma
the oreliard will put the
heard: then in April of
sais of some god potato
Addr Allen 5 8, ¢ Clouston
An inehoat i now propesed by sa ay
trie mnutor driven —
Sun &Y Owts. ¢ ry ort pm, t.-
fons CoTwes, 3
Paaxe J. Coenny, make ont that See
periior partner of tae Sen ol FJ Can
e=. Aine business is the ey af TH
County and State slorssaid, snd tot
fir will pay 15 mam of GRE BORERES Tele
Ton ml Tor sah an avery Same of CATARSR)
eangnt tev sured by Ue we of
Cavsnan Coan, Foang J. pm
Sunes to befor me sad sadwariiel 5
re j Benaente this tih ol Ty
SEAL. : axe BB, 38 . A . GARARIN ;
Haws Catarsh Cars iv taken taternaiie,
seta ively on the blond and moans
faves of the syle, Send toa antl moni
five, FJ, Cuxwar & Co, Toleds, 0,
guid Pr Don galots The
Fig FPanuly vi are tha bout.
We sell tha Chins wheat $500,000 a
PRAY more han we buy from them.
Look for thigt trade mark: “Phe Kies Kool
Rind” The stoves withont smoke,
fae Make somtsrtable i waking.
or Png
Have you drawn away the brush
1 not, do I pow before other
A peach tree in rich ground should
Take of hall of laag year's
In the rule for peaches |
amd sige will apply to plome~F
The cattivatt oe
Hig Is Bn opecstis
vind wR, aad if care 3s
he panies, as well as the
tar wprooted and destroy 4
hag used the Loe for ie
ast, and fn addin
¢ enliisator to goed
there Is 8 promising Beld |
pdvant age,
ont presented in the aecompanying
ae Tra Hghiness permits it io be 4
culd be dose with so ordinary hoe, |
while the adjusting nwechanism per
mits the implement to be readily ac
| commodisted to the size of the plants in = §
the row, The invention ix especially | |
dewigned for weeding, blocking out and |
cultivating beets onions, cotton, ete |
Joa dostar a thins ¢ 2 Ayo
ade EES #15 niiews Bh
throogh Hires Rostheen a
detigasial prepeaistion
Cea, Bevia. barks
berries. Naiure's owe
wripiien Hen
ors ver of See famaly.
the biades In piace, the latter can be
ailjusted in relation to height and dis.
tance apart, thos bringing the eutting
disks nz close together on either sble
of the row as is desirable. Philadel. 2
yhis Record.