PARMAR Cm Bd AR RS BIRR GHAIN BMUT PREVENTED. In esperiments at the Canadian cen tral station for the prevention of grain smut, the best results were olitained by spraying the seed with a solation of a if pint of formalin to Sve gallons of weater. The cost of Vivo treatments divs pot exoeed one cent per bushel It was found to be an almost perfect pre yventive of smut, ROOT CROTS, The growing of root crops in ds eonntry Is only secondary to grain aud hay. tut in Eurcpe bests, carrots and turnips are prized more highly than . | ang. other crops, and it Is in England, where turnips are largely used. that | we procure onr best specimens of cat te, sheep and swine ‘Nearly all of the acre of land that will produce 5000 pounds of timothy bay will produce | 25.000 pounds of mangels, and the live hay than on hay or beets alone. The much less than formerly, and it will pay to bestow the labor if the jive stock must give a profit. RALT FOR FARM ANIMALS 80 essential Is the regular and fre quent nse of salt for the maintenance of health that animals, especially veg: etabls feeders living iu a state of us tore. instinctively travel many niles to saline springs, the sea shore or to fncrustations or bids of salt ta get It 1t has heen noticed that the sin and wity become rough and dry. that they do not take on flesh and thrive equally B | yupplies of salt. Thix has beer! shown 4 as surgery ems 8a of different kinds of thrend for sewing up joules and wounds. Among them ars kangaroo tendons, horsebisdr, silk and very fine sliver wire. Tha short, tough which sre used for wewing severe wounds, are particularly valuable, and to be true of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. The proper and safest dose to Five horses ix about one-half to ope | ounce, once or twice a week. Catlie | will take twice that amount. Give sheep and swine one of two teaspoon. | fuls: the young not as much an adoita ~Dr. M. D. Williams, in New England Homestead. CONVENIENT HOG CHUTE. I This chute 1s elghy feet long and twe | feet and four lunches wide. The posts at the low end are three feet long and at high end five feet and six Inches jong. Bottom is entirely surrounded ‘with a belt of six-inch boards while Pe DETAILS CF NOS CHUTE have saved many lives, they hold for | top is confined as shown in fiustration. 1 about 8 month before they break away, Fonts are of twe by four stufll and Stik thread wil hold for much longer, | pity on side are one by four. Tall om an six months, while the sliver posts have beles bored every six rire 48 practically indistructible. Thus & surgeon is sbie to select a tht hut will 1ast as JGDg as the height. These holes should be one-half wound should take to heal, and wid inch. Hele: a. Ne. 1. should he bored shoot four Inches from botiom for ross bolt. BPeotiam plank $s a foot | Tay Deeds a new university. The | Jong and two feet wide and should be {| tostitute 41 Stutit Buperiori of Flor-| two Inches thiek at ane end; n. No. 2, ence bus Tour times as many students | straps of iron pass around the end. just in 1872, and it is now pro So vonvert this into & university, le. | ore in long saadences. Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, and loin pains overcome. Bwelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish, They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment, high colored, pain in passing, drib- Dons bling, frequency, bed wetting. | Kidney Pil Is remove calculi sod gravel | Rolleve heart palpitation, sleeplessness, leaving loop enough to tnke cross bolt, bolt as in &, Ne. 1. Insert cross halt at {other end nt any desired height, ‘Wagons are not all the same fn height, 80 the piank being adjustable will nicely meet the variations —E. 1. Kea sey, in Orange Judd Farmer, PREVENTING TOSA It is a loss to keep an antinal four if it can be potten inte warket three years old, for the year's saved means bor and food, as as interest em espital Invested, 3 the use of suck beef producing breeds as the Shortherns, Ferefords, Angus and QGallowsys an average weight of 2000 pounds per animal has the dally increase being over two ‘pounds for the yearling up to two years old, and from ome and one-half pounds toone and three fourths pounds for older animals. The live weights only are given, but animals have dressed sixty-six and s half per cent when in primeccondition. Experiments showing such results have been fre quently made, and should convince all farmers that they can produce steers that will weigh 1500 pounds, live weleht, In three years If they will pse the proper breeds. Profit Is made by using the best animals for the purpose desired. Actual testa have shown that fowls which are kept together in large flocks are not profitable. From ten to twenty hens in one flock bar decreases the proportion of profit. Whether you keep ten or 8 thousand Rens they should be separated, and in that way the average production of eggs maintained. There are many reasons why this is 80, principal among which is the feed. ing. It 1s well-nigh lmpoasible to feed 8 larger number of hens at the same time without some of them getting too much and others getting too Hitle. With a small flock it Is an ead, mat. ter to look after each individusd fowl, andenote its condition from dav to day, Any symptom of disease ¢an be reads plied, and unprofitable flocks ean by thiz method De wade to pay.—Home and Farm. pare breeds of live stock in this coun try came originally from England. An | stock will thrive better on mangels and | fabor required to grow root Crops is! bair of animals deprived of this neces | as well as do those having frequent a Why, otis day In September that | was think that wonld wesry the elements | for some time, but It 414 pot. The toches from bottom up te one-half thelr eapt In Manila” 8, No. 2. Pot plank ingide, tusert the | been obtained in four years, while three-year-olds have reached 1800 pounds, and two-year-olds 1400 pounds, | | are about the Hmit, and a larger nam. fly detected and u remedy provantly ap- | 4 -. a We MISS HELEN WHITMAN, “ Thove (8 nothing ie Poruns Jo 1 /0it unable te regain my health, but _dorful change snd restored ms to po your Mood tn geod sendilion you are the voing with pure healthy nl blood, Have you, got y Wel, you ought %o have Nerves Bet they i to be sd | bie ou are Uving too nat. ee youl | Butter at times’ You bad enil & bait, wanes live too fast. at this sort Aain a Manila. "What fs rain in Manis” says a man who has been there “you think the first time you see the speciacie that the end of the world has come there it rained 13 inches. You would ext day It rained a foot. the day after tha seven inches” "Where does thé witer go 107 asked a listener. “Hight back where It same from.” was ihe promot reply. “Alter a downfall the sun will come out hotter than ever and you can fairly soe everyiking siean. And yet there are & great many people who wouldn't live snywherp elie ex Miss Holes Whitten, 38% Grand Avesue, Milwsukes, Wis, writes: % Rew we 1 thoroughiy endorse 0.7 MISS NELEY WHITMAN. Hew te Get Strowpg Nevees First, repair the injury siresdly dome to your nerves. The way to do thus is so do S3atiy .“- 44 ; . B. Curtis, Secretary Boston. Mase. She said 15 & recent etter: “I soffered for over & year with geoersi}! weakness sad debility anitued mo «re hondarhe and backache. I took four bottles of Peruas, sad for two monthe Jars teen eatirely free from theses mals 3g Disinfection of Steam, Experiments to determine the effi cacy of various disinfectants made 1} the New York Board of Health sho steams to be the most valuable It aot only destroys quickly germs, bat has the power of penstrats ing and disinfection not poutessed by formaldehyde ar sulphur fomew. Noj other agent is effective In the distin} fecting of clothing sod bedding. ; Saks David Kaphokosimohkeweohah, post master at Koekea, Hawall hus re signed His salary was only $2 per year, which wai not enough to pay for | the ink used in signing Bis name to the | official reports. : KE153 T Ras 1 yn Be 1 a will do this is | $1 Fimberighe, of Lynchburg, Va, Hod: Et a 45 1a gre 2 Bours, w for the nerves. Theres in better so tonic, 404 T Rave used aboot of of 18 Cutarvh tn Spring The g i» the best time to Pes. Nature rencws herw!! every Sy the balmy air of spring, will stubborn susen of catareh that have p od treatovent for years Everytody Barve a copy of Dr. Hartman's int wh srr Address The Peruse Co. Cotambas, Ohis, i: 4 i Ei F335 : ii i af i. SH i fill fait i i | : fn i i & Hh -4 I i ; ie i & x g 3 2 vil i Cn SX COW ye 0X * es : aes, Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find, in all the seasons of their lives, 4s maidens, wives, or moth. ers, that the one simpie, wholesome remedy which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions, when the system needs a laxative, is ~Syrup of Figs. It Is well known to be a simpis combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants with plsasant, aro- matic liquids, which are agreeabis and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to ths system when its gentls cleansing (s desired. Many of the lis from which women suffer are of a tran- slent nature and do not come from any organic troubla and it Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. but shen anything more than a laxative is nes ded it is best to onrsult the family phy:ician and to avoid tha old time cathartics and loudly advertised nostrums . i of the prezent day. When one needs only 10 remove the strain, the toro, the con gestion, or similar lis, which attend upon a constipated condition of the system, use Syrup of Figs—and enjoy f the trus and gentis remedy reedom from the depression, the aches and pains, colds and headaches, whizh are dua to Inactivity of the bowels, Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hapa to get its bensficial effects and as a guarantes of the ex- celienca of the remedy the full name of the company — California Fig Syrup Co.—is printed on tha front of every t ~~ package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup =: Arion nie a2 of Figs Is fraudulent and should be declined. To thosa Sei who know the quality of this exceliant laxative, tha" offer of any substitute, when Syrup of Figs Is called for, Is always resented by a transfer of patronage to, sore first-class drug establishment, where they dO not recommend, nor sell false brands. hor Imitation’. remedies. The genuina articie ay be bought of all reilable druggists everywhere at S50 cents per bottle. : 3 be ee an— on a * a So ern rr “= we PRE te a 3 al
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