The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 01, 1903, Image 6
MPAA A Sp IN or A AIA AS A Sb A RR a ‘back and ask no questions. | a the back is also 3 3 5 3 3 5 paint line. Lead, oil, , ready- | Re Rot the great kidney remedy fulfills avery : Gotmamption, Bronchitis and Asthma | ig to be national eourges | er efl 4s the weak. Indeed the UV, | { th slatistion, kept for a period of Near onstrate that one in of all deaths from all canses pro. : from respiratory and pulmonary pe Think of it! Out of every deaths in the homan family, | die of consamption, scute bron. tis or chronic asthma. Nine cases of consumption out of ten | n this why: A person catohes a he cold is not properly cured, quickly catch another. This ily - -dallied with by vo treat. | pone trediment that is ineffoe. 3 we cold comtinues; then they t to congh, their cold cantinges and ther congh grows worse Bert step is the developwent of ta vhic gradually bevames chronic, | rol stop the catarrh begins to m He head to the throat. al i then, hers is thet 1 + wot srchal inflammation which ex. thes lung Hal lining of the lung tis. | 5 eataribal amd oso ¥ are Bi dose ir 8 tie | on nd oo 5 3 Bree ir of {discos rea] A % po it in dy oo - most favorshie to its develop. | at. Then they apply to a doctor, | only ts discover that they are in the iL Stopes of consumption. take quieting medicines to sto P a is abaprd ay barmful, The onl yi stop a cough permanently and | : Ang Angas ¥ to the siamach § t Inhalations, breath itn the nasenl passuge, over th ehinl tubes ne down into the remote recesses of the lungs, the g, Oily tuberculin. that destroys | th and kills the bacelll of con- | L Our resident physician, an | iiist in discases of the nose, <d langw, will give yoo a care. | i Hesamination anid one treat. Room 8 to 14, Altoona : . Office hours, 10a. m. | nite: 7:30 p mito p m RY ednesday and Friday. .mto 2p ow. Pamphlet 9 any address on appication, town patients can iw treated th our home treatment ap- 3 HARTER NOY 1 E. that un apps) 4 of Purin ay IVR ake : tH on fa pharter of A ealled “The Patton % charter pad ot Paro Go feu, jee ; rights, Bena and prive aol od Assstnbily wistd Chay #9 pgeles Kew Aku TY. Me NL 1a, ton igen cty he embalmed Business in. We deal strictly in led at our flanghter) ri 5 Ly Srything in season, wrs and Dealers in All Kinds of Frosh and Smoked Meats, ris ‘too igh for the oring man to buy. so send ot order by mail for But. | Ranges made—all kinds. The | AWA 4 APR FLY ners. if stains ware” 1s conceded to be the You may bave 2 sample boise of this | The at once. FUll & bottle or commen glass with your | | water and et it sand twenty-four hours a St ~ j sediment or sete Po Lore thing indickies an We have the best line of y unhealthy condi | tion of the kid: | American Standard for excel- your Hnet # is svidence of kid. Her nee, guarantee unlimited, If ff ‘Rr x ney trouble: too ‘not satisfactory we will take frequent desire to pass 1 or pair in You have everything to gain convincing proof that the kidrieys and bia | der are out of srder, Land nothing to loose, What to De. ¢ have ever Pligi: is comfort in the knowledge so Ww we ¢ ythin in the en expressed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp nixed pair v wish fn curing rheumatism, pain in the mixed paints, varnish, stains, | Kidnays, vee, dda ans ors po ‘enamels and anything you of the urinary passage, it corrects inability may need in this line at “just | to oid water and Eig pain in passing e Ii, or bad effects foliowing use sf lguor, the right price. | wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant Our Hardware stock is com. | Bocessity of being compelied ta gu often during the day. and to ger up Any times plete and we don’t want YOU during the night. The mild and the sxira- | to forget that we handle * Ey. ordinary ast of Swamp-Root is soon | p realized. it stands the highest for its wan. ery thing i in Hardware, ' derful curss of the mos rs cases, . deel. Hyounesd un mrisditina you should have the | . The “Chrysolite Enameled os St Sar Yau should have the 1 best. Of course, if it is the wonderful discovery it « MUST handle i ‘and a book that 1aiis est we hy andie It. mors Shee, both sent Prices moderate, quality con- sbsoluialy fre by mati, "RECESS » i al y Co | Badeess Dr. Kilmer & Henne of Suter Swap Book. | sidered. | Co, Binghamton, N.Y When writing men. | In miners’ tools we can Von reading this generous offer in this paper. furnish anything you want Don’t make sny mistake, but remem. | = x : ber the name, Swamp-Ront, Dr. Kilo | {mers Swamp Root, aad the address, | Binghamton, N « Y on every battle, We Make a specialty of buggies, wagons, surries, harness and anything you may want in this line, We are agents for the best road machine made, Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills, Deer. IR Harvesting Machinery, Cotiklin and Kramer W agons, {Oliver and Syracuse Chilled Do your eyes have “ That Plows and handles a full line of farm machinery and farm. ers’ tools, : Ww e carry the best grade of. you should call at Tozer's aud | in our line on the have them fitted with specta-| Tired Feelin gr" If 50, it is an indication that A NSIC I I A a 0 ie se A Tribe of Sioux, Pawnee, Comanche and Cree indians. GENUINE PLAIN COWBCYS. GUARDS, SCOOTS AND FRONTIERSMEN. at at one price to all and cles. Lenses exc hanged free at 'Y onomotos Ri Hy al Japanese | FOUDAE, "THAT PRICE IS RIGHT. Come and see and he con. any time within a year from | vinced. date of sale. Satisfaction guar. ‘anteed or money refunded. ‘the best equipped repair shop he : ordell Don't forget that we have & / 0. ’S. ‘in Northern Cambria Co. TOZER. EE’S | Tug PATTON JEWELER. ( New Blood, | Makes { New Nerves, i LTY { New Life oN Tones Up the Whole System and | CURES CONSTIPATION. wt all Arogylss and deivrs, Se, or sent 20 pone daaler will uot Supply yu, LANGHAD NED. CO.. Le Roy, N., v. | ; 0 W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. That’ s what we make of SANITARY PLUMBING, jand are prepared to do all work 1n that line expediously | mand well. All kinds of tin work, roof: ing and spouting. H Big stock of stoves and ii ware, J. C. HARPER CO, Fisher Block, Patton, Pa ‘Reuel Somerville, ” i Fors : Honey - pag far Attorney -at-Law, Bears rungs ate vio. ie Sn ; . A ; Parrox, Pa. Old papers for sale at this office. | Office in the Good Building. ‘pautodd yy siady ‘B.UUdd ‘Ajuno) AMBMB(] 'NVATV u28y IeIoadg ‘SUMNIN © 'SHUPPE AUT 03 Juss Yue 19 Suiapi() | sais [IY youq Apsodind ssatun ‘13310; pasatuR The most complete entertainment -1Ens) ‘yuaaq ou [1% Aa) pue 301 no 10 aay 3) ul wd 100@ | ayy uo doip ‘aay uo puRiS axe ue yim won) 31 03 si Yearq 03 Aum Ajuo OM INOqY plod 10 juay ‘Suipary Woy Apa Jou [IA "oSe di Jo UOHUAAUL [NIIIPUOM ISON BRE been A or AFR id NNOd lexican - Pe |'shauwyy dwe SSE|D 21qu BIG n tormances at 2 and 8 p.m. ; A boquet of Beautiful Western Girls. THE 3 MEXICAX NATION AL BAXD. Two Grand Exhibitions Daily Rain or Shine. THE WORLD'S GREATEST ROUGH RIDERS. Spotted Mustangs and Bucking Bronchos. Indian War Dances and War Like Scenes. v Hippodrome - - Races. sates Deere] Tia be Rh by or 28 gy ’ oo Bd TR gaa tol HS Rad in the won ud, he aded b the noted OC uide, uy Scout and Inter: preter, CAPT. WIl. POWERS, (INDIAN BILL.) INDIAN BILL'S GRAND PARADE DAILY AT 10:30 A. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. =WILL EXHIBIT aT. Patton, Pa., Tuesday, May 5.