als bands heen or made ra in ‘and wound twice around the | tied In a short bow with -insselled ends. Pompsdour ribbon | % fre picturesgne when worn with] 4 white muslin dress. while Ja basket containing nearly D te ano 3 iy reached the wo of the — 2700 where shi nitted the Ninety. Snir Regiment, as Join the grand manenters in Bavoy During ber tray. els Mme, Brassard coustantly carried thirty pounds of covos and her provisions, wore ordinary shoes without nails, and war armed with an ordinary walk- | Ingstiek. Many soldiers ‘fel ont” ‘I with fatigue dering | marches: not so Mme. Brassard. who | ~ | finished up by walking among the sol { diers another hour or two in order to i sell ber cocon. A paltry 10 francs } represented the profit at the end of the maneuvers Chicago Chroniole, : tibbon Hluminated with wreaths oi \ tiny roses would be fascinating with | | 6 green argandy or mull, says The itor. Lace in a genuine coffee | effective on white gowns, the Tiel shade of the lace softening and if the pure white. [Irregular insertions, medallions and edg- hows, and there are * thao ail-overs ony very pretty ones may be made the Aainty challles dbsplared wo tinglf on the shop counters. A tty one is of Lice and white stripe skirt, aside from having a few i In front, is perfectly plain and | 8 small train, while the waist, hav. | ng A yoke effect, is piain, too. The jing the cuff. Bows of pale panne vet adorn the tuffs, and the girdle is Be same material. Asother house wo is for a young girl. The ground pale pink and the pattern Is in ealor, black and white, In such a manner fs to give A whole plain pink front, save where ¢ flounces border the foot, mays the arg Dispatch. The waist is iu like manner, and there Is no ck velvet ribbon, whieh threacs A lime White collar, A NEW FASHION FAD, of the latest discoveries is the belt. That a smart touch | ig soutids almost {peredl- 1 But the shoestring ertheless, has all the airs and | an imported novelty, and in to this It fits the figure to per. there is no end fo tx wear. sities, Black and white loen igs Ar generally used for this or seit. The aboe-strings are braid and the mamber chosen depends 0 the width of the elt you desire, Noen' sera ; make a very pliable belt ts the waist line pretiily, the black-and-white | ; others in brown and nd white, as well as In plaid. Baby ribbon ia re colors braided in the same also wakes an! walat beit.—Woman's MILADY'S NEW NOTE PAPER. fs noticeable an increased use | [| sizes in writing papers. Mi Bote is now a very tiny, delicate possibly a way she has of excus- for writing brief letters. paper 1s all used.” she scribbles, herself. “Yours devotedly,” | a hankful sigh there Is room to mare. Pare’ white 1s the favorite color. | igh we sec no end of all manner ey in stationery; but white Is the . though fads In stationery — 29. this always has a sure - Linen. lawn apd cambric the matter of engraving the Ber. distingue about i, and as difficult handiwork about It it ever to become cheapened it Is remain long in fashion's favor, it noticed about the season's 1s the centreing of the address F the name and also the placing P reception days In the centre in- of the lower corner as formerly. old English divides honors | the Berlin block. This style of : t ‘avorite, for it individuality that appeals | r. For en ant he card A PERILOUS PASTIME. ne. Brassard. a French woman reps & small corner shop at s claim to being the most ist of the fair sex in Eu- his poor woman, who gains ng by following the French @ troops during thelr maneuvers the Alps in order to sell her cocon, 8 accomplished during these marches ne remarkable Alpine feats. iis year she joined the Ninety-ninth alion, and marched with them in. yoy, after which she exchanged the Ninety-seventh, which she fol An all ite marches. In a space 8 few days this extraordinary oman climbed the Mont Jovet (2300 #), crossed the Col de la Vanolse was covered with two feet of The skirt Thete dre new in Ireland more than 700 women graduates of universities Mrs I. Goodman, aged ninety, Is the oldest living woman artist. Bhe has pointed over 1200 portraits. A Massachusetts woman has made & saccesn of market gardening and ad Yises others to go info the business, In England the women enasloyed in | Hbraries receive froin 3250 to $000 | FEAL. in litantries receive froan $500 10 B00 Mrs, Hugh Reed GrifBn has just been re-elected President of the Solely of Ameriean Woeen in Landon, The olv Jeet of the sociels is to create a social : SW GIS slo {eentre for Americans in London, Ince insertion, & frill of the lace flu. Two young women of Rhode Island, epliege graduates, have gone ito busi peas 10 sapply Xewport wilh sprisg jamb, young geese, hoihousy gripes, ete, gelling fancy prices and large profits, Mrs, Houghton is considered one of the best oft experts in the country. She was in the oll bustsess In Penne sylvatia for twenty five years and is tow Interested in the new ofl wells of naking the Gulf State. whatever on the gown, save | The marriage of Russian peasant girla is purely a business arrangesent, If they abhor their bridegroom of husbands, as they often ave good rea. soft to do, and rus sway. ther are ak mics! Invariably eapiured and cruelly beaten tn public. The first woman lawyer 10 Appesr In as Swiss law court is Mile, Macken roth, who recently acted for the de fendant lo a case at the Asshie Court at Zurich. Her eloquent defense on be hail of her client surprised dven the fodaew, and the Jury. without! ‘retiring, found for the defendant. A young woman named Ells Kellogg in seeking to be appointed & game war. den in Colorado, nnd if she sucveeds in ber goest will probably be the ouly game warden In the country. Khe 1 has quite a hunting record, having rid- {den on the back of a wild sik which treed ber, and on which she dropped with essay grace. After putting the somewhat excitable animal through bis Jacuw abs leaned ove: snd suf iis paline ridbons. are amobg the news Many of the long evening gloves are inset with lace Iusertion. To be correct this season every part of a Woman's costume wust match. Buttons form a promioent and fash Jonable feature of many garments Openwork brajds in Mexican drawn. | work designs are swoug the newest trimmings. A walking skirt of mohalr in sun. | burst pleats Is £ novelty, but it is not likely to become popular. Tallor gowns of velle, elamine or any open-wesve stuff will far outshine those of broadcloth this spring, A coarse pet, embroidered in straw and appliguad with strawberries and leaves, is used for hat crowns, Paltited balls to match the top, nats ural wood or large crystal balls are among the ost desirable parasol handivs, A modish way to use the popular wide cluby insertion is to iuseri it In squares surrounded Ly a dovhie row of henvy French knots Some of the pew dotted! silk mous seline vells have gally embroidered bor. ders, two or three inches Geep, lu the popular strawberry design. Colored Jaces are having great vogue, pot oply the laces dyed to match | gowns, but coarse filet darned in pat | terns in blue, reds or browns. The hats will bear fruits ip and out of season. One supports a spray of small oranges, another is 8 strawberry bed, a third is luscious with chefries Handkerchiefs exactly matching the frock in color are a present fad and | some women go to the Jength of having ‘kerchiefs died to match each of thelr gowns. : For the woman who loves the weird there are the new snake girdles and chaing of white meta]. Thess maakes are wonderfully and fearfully fexible and thelr jeweled eyes gleam ef. fectively. White roses and purple lilacs, tied in Tittle alternating sprays on a length of narrow Hght blue velvet ribbon, make aA graceful chain to wear with a decols lete bodice. A longer chain to mateh fa festooned about the skirt of the I site fungus. oenlated with the fungus and then Hh these difficult in characier, moll undergoes nitrifieation idly than sofl ordinarily does. In the United Biatex wanwn. i Rochester south . County; and two near Dhaca, belts the Riate ls barren pening tndie tn prodaoce anaesthesia plghtmare, 1000 of the nutrient solution ™ | President ‘around the Cabinet table save 8 Wash Cockroaches in South Atria where | they exist 15 such numbers as to he a | serious pabile Incnavonience, have len | Reld in cheek by the inrosds of a pars. Captive roaches are ip. erated. The spread of the disease among thelr colonies in this manner ins been found to be (he moss effective way of controlling thelr spread sod multiplication. The sanie fungus sixs served a similiar purpose with the Ard ean locust, The corrmon earthvvorm has held the attentinn of scloniinte ever since Dar win pointed out the wonderful part it plays In the formation of scold The chermnleal role of the earthworm Has Peen the sublect of the latest invistl gation. In some wonderful manner the soil to passing through the short ent of the worm becomes totally changed gl meh fit ed for the nourishment of plant life. Such yee ED nnd the solubility of the phosphoric aeld 8 ine srensod, while the percentage of ear: bouste of Hiroe becumts larger. The skeletons of sixty mertsdons Thpve Fie Rave heen found in the State of Mew | - Yark along eeriain Eel marked Belts as follows Thirty dour in Eastern New York from A bany seth thransh Newbhorg thirteen fram ihren Liviapiton two pear Chagtsogua Lake Ergtsl ft world ape pear. therefore, (hat the mastodona had Mstivet fending proavds and the ate That the Teast were Tliele Peat distributed HBying In a the tpt very remate skeletons are pow peually found Ing on the benlders of groenres Uh A comparatively thin lnyer of peat. No specivien of the pianumoth hide yet heen found In the State, soc A French investigator bas been ex. | peritnenting with the eleafric current After dnly fortifying himself with a number of experiments upon animals he extended “Hin researches to the human badly, et peritaenting At Brat apen himself Ie finde Ly appivine a current. the exact eharacter of which I» not stated, hady, through moistened electrodes, placed coe on the forehead and the other over the small of the hack that | with 8 voltage of Afty complete inhibi. tion takes place. The faculty of snwiich Is first lost, followed finally by the In kibition of the functions of the otler motor senses, It is aswerted that jes only Slnarreeglde fortnre te thay which Acromipsnies the sraddual oes of he faculties resulting In a sevastion of 8 The beart is sald to be in. alfecind. but the breathing ls same what obstructed. The current strength is gradually applied. about five minnies being ocrenied In reaching the max! mam. When the current Is switched | off the sublect awakens at once, and with & “fesling of Invigorstion™ Plants may be poisoned lost as will | as animal organisms. A lack of oxy gen will result in ssphyxintion just as | surely as It doen In man. The ¢%ert may not be so qulekiy attained but It is none the leas mire. AD experiments at the Imperial Agricultury! Univernsily of Tokyo has recently heen studying the poisonous effets of cafein and an dilations on plants, | tipyrin in high Onlon and celery plants were the sub fects af the Investigation It wus found that the firmer plants remained alive for "nearly four weeks ins soln tion containing one part of aaffsin In In other experiments on orlery plants thee tame alkalolds proved fatal fo abo twa weeks, the death of the plant bolng beraided by the wilting of the leaves It Is quite rémnrkable that the tend plant which eontaive a enmparstively Jarge aonunt of eallein in the leaves shonid also be susceptible to padsoning fram caffeln when fed to the plant gloay with sairients It is surmised that the caffein found In the fea leaves ie xo surrounded as to protect the cells from injury. Pange* Near the Gronnd, At present the Birest Cleaning De partment of New York Is investigating the air in the city streets. with a view of showing the Influence of clean gut. ters upon the health. flelatine plates have been exposed tn certaln districts to collect baclilt, and these are being examined In order that scientific proof may be had that certaln disease gers Bourish in dirty surroundings and that whatever the citizen may be taxed 1 kwen hla thoronghfares clean he will finally save in his doctor's hills. The microbe colonies developed on plates #xposed In a peighboriod of Heht traffic, wide streets and asphalt paves ments average five, while those taken in a region of heavy tafe downtown averaged over TIX¥ apd those In the tenement district on the East Side over 00, Woman's Home Cumpanton, Haw the Coninet Ofcers st, The order in which the members of Roosevelt's Cabinet git ington correspondent, fs shmply she crystallization of a practice whi sh bas been followed 22 long that nebudy ven tures to question It. The abies table is arranged thus: President, “ty Bae, of State, Roe, of Bec. of War, TrSRERTT, Atiernsy Gen, Postmaster (ren. Baa of Nary Bec. of Interior. Bec. of Commerce and Labor, to the | | mings. New York tty. Shirt waists made with wide box pleats nt the centre and with tocks runping from the shoulders make notable features of the latest do of these | 8 _wouax's WIR? mam, styles amd are exceedingly becoming. The vivy attractive May Manton model shown ix made of pouges stifehed with cortical! slik in self volor. and worn with stock and cuffs of ecru lace bound with lrown velvet bur the design salts ail the season's vka wool, linen and nor dropped out of wight, ie is senally | such fgurs. the case. Fine desp chenille fiinge A ever posed to ater the prima mendous monetary force wielded by the insurasce companies of the United | Bates. The amount of money that these concerns handie is enormous. | One may read that at present the #7 ! loading Hla insurance companies of the | lending ite insurance comgpanies of the United States hold securities of all | kinds that sgaregate more than $1,500, i. Imaginsgion falls % grasp It is equivalent to say in that there are 1.500 banks in the outlining a very shallow shaped yoke = country, each of which has $1,000000 ix becoming to very good figures Simple Jocking, but far from cheap Lor easy make xa gown copied from one Lady Bebhil Primrose wore an the | coming-olage hall Lond Rosebeeyr re | : [t is of eam. Ititude of large and small fire osur ae ] : oF . bee white sccordioned ohiffon, the skirt in : | of the money held by sn insurance and falling from a perfectly | company hag to ba invested. that is ta i drting yoke of the loveliest dueliosss | cently gave Lis son wan-rey offect, bordered with racheiiice fittings a ee. Creer the fuels pleated blotise is | & blero of the gee, ty the akirt yoke at he we eepstre front Te covers the frout of the low, squite-ent | i bodice entirely. The stag elbow slpeves are also of the lace, ending in a snail fare at the elbow. A large che of white slik ribbon is at the back of & gracefully draped girdle, Prone Walete, White cloth gowns are very soars, and for the woment what fa Rodwn as rhampagneonlored cloth, somewhat darker thas fvory white, in the firorite spdor, rimmed with lace and emliroid- ary af the sane cojur of with & tool of pale hinge ta make It more hecanning. There also a return 10 the fad for Hiaek. and there are dozen of sipart hiack gowns with a round ar pointed. nee yoke and bigh stiek colisr al fa ane, and with sibhow sieeces of the © Lisek finished with big puffed utuler- sieves of ave, The separate waist, that most seefnl Land practical garment which is uy often | prophesied to be going cut of fashion. asi which each sucoseding stasn tiken a new lease of life, appears io ao FASHIONABLE BLOUSE Wal ST AND THREE PIECE SKIRT. cotton: fabeivs equally well Plain cube | iar and culls can be substitnted for the | face when the material peguires suels, treatoient and the lining con be used | The arrsugeaent | of tucks is peculiarily satisfactory, as | the sharter groups provids fulross aad | The plain | - tern, tosis de agaln, amd especially the wash or omitted at will soft folds over the buat back ls seen In the greater number of pew models and always ls becoming. The ftted Lning extends to the waist! ine only and Is closed at the centre front, but separately from the outside. The eralst itself consists of the back and fronts. both of which are arranged tn gathers at the walt Hae, The back is drawn down smocthiy. but the fronts blouses slightly over the belt, Al the centre fs tha regulation box pleat through which the closing ts made. The sleeves are In bishop styles with straig cuffs. The stock ls uevel and attrac tive The quantity of material required for | and threewguarter | three | meviiam sine in three yards twenty-one [onches wide, yards thirty-two Inches wile or two! yards forty-four inches wide, with one | half yard of allover for stock and | culls Now Pivery For "he Falr. There never was a time when so | many evening Jresses suitable Yor res tayrant feasting and resort wear were to be seen, and even bought ready made. smartest thing, though velvet, lace and more or less spangled fabrics have played a conspicuous part, From this on canvas, etamine, vole, barege, nun's | grenadine and lace wijl be srore fn evidence. And lave sand hapd: work will be most favored as trig fny tucks, aloar stitchings of embroidery, veiling. amd any amount fovely dresses drexaen are high at the neck, with or without & stock, though the sleeves and | Yoke ure often transparent. i endless var ety fit 1 | Bands soross the chests or in losy Hoes [| The sleeves are charming, with the fob White broadeioth is so far the | al) these go to make the suveess of these | Adil to these lave, any! amount of It, and there You are Bael) i ieain i ered inte u band of luce or embroidery ul designs SRN Hieh comes down | it n Ghee | the mos: noticeable of nl the | | daughter geting . lion's ¢ ried Moors, and the land was becomes of age and she | which it must keep invested. Strike ing as these figures are, they do not fneiude the holdings of the lesser In surance companies, and they pay no Bead to the money controlled by the companies. Of course fhe bulk siy every dollar not needed for runsing | xpenses and for the prompt payment of claims. It is Uke a fairy tale of finance when one reads what use 8 made of the millions on millions paid to insurasce companies. During the year 1061, for sxample. the total of the incomes of the §7 leading lle Insus ance companies was something lke $78000.000. Of this money, sbout $175.000.000 was paid to policy boiders or to their heirs. More than pias” in which poiley hciders do not particigate. Big Price for Farm. George MH. Vanderbilt has to his estate at Asheville N.C. s small tract of land for which Be owner, A negro named Joshas $2350. The land would have dear at $50. But the negro refused to scii at a less price than the amount he fzally received. Moore's wife was the real sagineer of the deal with the maith millionaire The pine which the modern David coveted were 1 dewded to her 20 years azo by Erwin { Hardy a white man in whose employ she had besn for MARY years. one child—o giri-before She ir of ber children. This daughter wanted E gi money. Moore would no sold jong ago if he could title. Hs sald he got om! portion of the money. MS i » i : 8 X : The Bank of England } tions on January 1. ball Poultry. ii Hew styles. alte apparent is the sist | waist Influence upon the walsta. These, while quite too elaborate to De rightly cialied abirt waists, are like them In being made without lnlog or bones, atid with a certain smplicity of pat All white materials are fash materials that even pow are to be hd in such fascinating patterns with opea- | 8 : work and embroidery, Hues of lace foe | sertion, or ince medallions all woven with the fabric. These are more ex penstre, and consequently thought smarter, with the lace or embrokisry of | tha fBnest band work, Ax a rule the pew waists are made 10 fasten In the tack, all the more elaborate ones beltig Bnishedt tn that style The Ince in in ness well below the elbow, but gath PLEATED SHIRT WAIST, at the wrist, and large enough to allow | ot A little fuluess at the top of the Friuge bas neither become a SFase; ibere Harper's Basar. Khartoum's Paper. Khartoum is very shortly to possess its own paper. The native journal Al Moksitam, has. by agreement with the Guvernment of the Soudan, established the frst printing establishment af Khartoum, where all oficial documents will be printsd Must of the work will be In Arabic and French. There i» alse to be, in connection with the undertaking, a new journal-the first in the Bowisn At first It will be printed In Arabic, but later it i» hoped to add ag English section. be. BH. Ragu, a, Lad. fit AeA a AN Aller 's maz is married be bagias to Joss: Bis coneeit. Mrs. Winslow's Soot tor shildray testhing sultan she othing syrup Yon alias pala, sures wind colle, sala, be. The United Kin Kingdom spend ends $4,400,000 % YWr 98 FRINAA. 2 CN re cin yn Jam sure Piso’ s Cure tor Comsumption saved my ile three years ago, Nah T Bixe, Mapie Bi., . ue. Norwion, 8 NX, The chronia borrower i usnally out a8 8 strike. Money refunded for each pach ] Pursax Faomiass Dyess of ——— Hard work fo the best sort of physi} -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers