ESTABLISHED . too © fERAS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One eopy, erie year, In MCvanes, «<< §lL00 ; deertiuing rates made Xfown Spon ap ld hs. tn papers Alsoontinaed unit at arrear. paid, Unlem af the sption of ihe : Entered tabs Postiffios at Putton ax second. v Lh Clase math matter. no NEw De. The Towsrabie Sam W. Puts his Foot en ihe Pryjeer Gov. Fennypacker vetoed the bill providing for an sd@itional law judge in Oambria county Tuesday afternoon. Aonexsd will be found the reasous whieh be claims sotaated bis veto: 5 “I berewith fle in the office of the secretary of the esmmonwealth, with : my “olyection thereto, house hill Na entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for an Additional Law Judge of the sev. eral Dourts of the Forty-seventh Judio- Compeend of the county of a, not ‘In favor of a policy of in 8g the number of Judges alow | “The duty Sf appolntmiont: would at ah me”, for the moment an A vacancy | ¢ al grove.” the power Jae the frat guncrat cloction. occurring * | three or more months after the happen- | ing of such vacancy, the act provides he an uneonstitational extension of the | term of offies. posed, the daty to appoint arises upon the passage of the act, which meas that the power of the governor to ap Hpoint shall begin immediately npoe L ithe signing of the bill. Up to this point thix is but 5 legislative declars. | 1 tibn of existing law, but it will be seen tach unless there is 2 vacaney, “If, then, there is a vacancy existing immediately upon the approval of the bill, it bevemes my duty to lounedistely AH that vacancy. | cannot overide the tonstitution either by postponing the | exercise of my power, nor can | add my signatare to the act of the legisla. | tare directing me to appoint 4 person ta fill the offer for a longer time than the constitution provides, “The mere statement in the bill that the tern of office shall begin on the iis the enactment of the bill which {creates the office and thereby creates | to immediately appoint. the provision prescribing the time when | my appoistment would become opera {Ure and defining the term during | whieh it should continioe to be opera | tive in in eonflict with the constitution and shat the bill must fall RASACTIONS " REALTY. ; Propovites 18 This End of the County That | Changed Hands Heoenily Francis Huber ¢t ux to Mary Dol. hoes, Elder, $20. i Ubarles Huber to Rosalis Thomas, | Elder, $230. Bosalia Thomas to Henry W. Thom. | ait, Elder, $230, Angle F. Gorman et vir to A.J. | Mary Grambling «t vir to : man, Barnesboro, $600. | Chest Bprings, $3,800. | Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to borough of Patton, Patton, | $00. Mary Me ormick et vir to Cecelia Lohman, Paston, as, A vewly created office! it Is a new one or an old one. | s geval principle is that the word | * aptly and fitly describes the office when it is first: as not been filled by an. Tho dactsion by he Supreme ‘court | $1,600, Mary MeCoy ot Rite, Hastings, $450. Albert Christoff et ux to P. C. Barr, $760. Amanda Farabaugh et vir to 8 J. : Luther, Carrolitown, $500. L Harsh Kase to Philip Link, Patton, | 14 A $100. the case of | sls v. the Common | (Chas. Gill, Sr., et ux to Martina Gill, Chest, £1,000. ould become. John MeDonnell et al to Richard | Bhuolte, Barr, $1. | William R. Rowland et ux to Casper i Carroll, $5,913.75. Augostine Yost, 8r., ot ux to Joseph | * Lantzy, Jr., Carroll, $9,000 the fret Sonar of Jan. : xt snccobding the first general or more ‘ three Sean : bill “hall appoint and commission some eompetent putea, learned in the law, s > domine 1908, and the C lated and commissioned | shal continue in office uatil the firsy Monday of Janoary janno domino 1905. | The section further provides that at eral election of this common. weaith, on the Tuesday next following the fist Monday of November, anno | domino 1904, a judge shall be elected and for the term and in tne same man- | mer ut the president judge of the said county. Plime provisions are lo conflict with : the constitation, for they undertake to smpower me, as governor, to fila wv cancy already existing, the terns of of. flee to begin only 80 days before the Best general election. IL is elear that ~ the copstitution must be obeyed thats statute cannot haw § shall appoint, por limit the op. eration of my powers Lo appeant, vor deline the term of my appointee. The | . words of the vonstitution themaeives | 2 bait the term of the appointee Bary next succeeding the first general ott, which shall occur three or iron bh alter fhe happening of an Cor 48 days with REAM ar 81st ne Cmsnd in the bitaminous fled of ji}, 22 | my Fdaty to 4 i le an appoint. ment fort provides that the term shall not. begin antl | ny of Reptember, HUNG | tage of ‘the cobstitotion has uh sontinge only antl the | of January next sooceed. | and direct when or. and “specifically declare that such term shall continue prtil the first Monday of Jan- | 174,190 Farabaugh, Carroll, 0. £00. : Springs, $600. | John A. Bearer et ux to Retnbrand Peale, Susquehanna, $5,162.63. Thomas A. Sharbesgn to €, | Adams, Carrolitow: n, $5,000 O Comisnc pleated, As our home editor invites ne around town interesting and | SUP pose ‘amusing, I just thought of a Suan pos] ‘tion I read of a boy about girl. 1 rends like this: He says girls sre ta only folks that has thelr own w every Line; kinds and sometimes one girl can be like several thousand kinds all at onee if the wants to do anything. They are also like kittens purring about until you stroke them the wrong way and then they get mad, (This is all 1 know abot girls and fatlrer says the Jess 1 know abopt them the better off I am. Suppose the school girls give a composition 4 Ig bays sud give as x vhatee to laugh or be amused at least, Max EE Coosey Biugoleans Statistis, Captain James M. Clark, chinf of the Boreas of Industrial Stat tained guthipiele reports from all coll oth fields of Peonsyivauia tha flacal year ended Juse 30, 1002. datiow, has ob for in min b | the bituminous fleld 79.11 miners were | employed for 22 days, with Average carpiongs of $AMRET, or $8116 a day; 18,853 other Linge of RBHE.87, or $2.24 a 13.255 ootslde people were empioved day, dav, iu iotal Spy The this fold was 9. F. Lath, production in and Ha or B18 per eh ferns, hig €), Boviaine w03, Ash 3 Wanted at Quoe good all aronsd printer. Good wages hoi steady work, | Call on or address Tue Courier, Pat. Ba. Fousy LEX § that the term of my appoittee shall sontinue until the first Monday of Jan. nary, anno domino 1905. This would “Under the words of the sot, as pre that my power to appoint cannot sb first Monday of September, 1903, will | not care thie defect. The words of the bill do net create the vacancy in office, | the vacancy. This gives me the power es te ort oan aatiuiod that, Max Prid- | | WL Litdeetuxtol. M. Woakiand, | vir to Mary Aon Davis, Henry Fox et ax to Henry Jolly, Joseph Lantzy, Jr, et ux to Joseph Annie C. Wills to James Riley, Chest | giris is of several thousand | ou Li inside people were em. ployed for 243 days with average sara. | INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. May day. Pay day to-morrow. Connell meeting Monday night. | For high grade wall paper see Fagan, | ‘the painter. ; You can do better ay store. Gi. Pagan, and decorating. An opportunity seldom comes back | tor a second trial, % I have opened a Erstclass | Restanrant in the Yeager painting Building on East Magee ave. nue and am now prepared to cater to the wants of the pub ‘hie in that line. That Made Milwaukee sontractieg, Fow of as have everything we like, (but we can all try to like everything Oysters, Clams, Hard and’ we have, ; Soft Shell Crabs and Lobsters No soup bubbles on Dognesne bee The “collar” is pure cresm. Ask for il season, Famous.” it at the bars and get the best, J M EA LS AT ’ The man who boasts that no woman | x En y ‘ ALL HOURS. We are agents in has ever made a fool of him has prob- | Leader's Celebrated Ice Cream this vicinity for this “ably saved the woman the trouble. The only reliable eure for falling hale x : a Specialty. Cis Groen Geerase, For sale by Giarfield . 3 SL CN ir yOrf reid oh {) £1 Wilkina, Patton, Pa. Price 25 cents Festivals, parties and wed- tr} rb F roduct f the per box. dings served on short notice. Brewers’ Art, Ask If you want the best call for Du ; guesne Beer. Not a headache in a car Wm Just received a fresh fe Ww it at the ba I's of of it. Cool, 1 line hocol; ses cloves vials long of | sol, sparkling and . ne of chocolates. pong hotels. Call for Duquesne beer at any of the | MRS. ADA C. BENNET Ir, following hotel bars: Palmer House, | Patto Hotel Patton. | er r Bi in 8 If you want a drink of good beer, ' ask for Schlitz. Union made, properly three dozen CdSCs. Sp ring aged and strictly pure At hotel burs : ~~ or Quinn & Harper's wholesale. Offices to clean or washing and iron. ing taken in at her hoose; also hoowe- [cleaning dope Heatly and promptly by | Styles Fine Grade | Mrs. Dawson, “Robinsonville,” Patton. | Zor Sule Hone: 1 Ca of Walkov er. W HISKIES — large, Sain (Patton. Will be sold either together Shoe 's in Blucher, But- T hompson, Atherton, Gugen- or separately cheap and on easy terms. : aeimer, Ete. Call on or address George Boone, Pit. ton and Val for men. We are also age nts. | ton, Pa. Queen Quality for the celebrated! Will arrive about May 1st one onr load of A grade MiMinborg buggios, | sarries and wagons. If you think of el buying ead Jrstal card to Ses or r Be ree Phe i Beer of the, . BHARBAUGH, Agent, the standard hne line Pi ai ittsburg Bre wing ( a. no ot Patent cather 5 Nitien ta Sewer Contractors : AL - Ce ’ Carrsiltown, Pa Sealed proposals for the construction Sh ( eS of a 12-inch terra cotta sewer on Tang | avenne in Patton borough will be re eeived at the office of the borough en The W hite Shoe Store. gineer until 8 o'clovk Monday evening, : May 4th 1908. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid will be te. Lquired to accompany the proposal, ks {8 guarantee that the contract will bo [executed within five days after ite ‘award. Plaos at my office. H. C. Yenoes, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., April 21st, 1903, PATTON, PA, Leocai "Phone. All Promptly Attended to. Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. THE FirstNation’ | Bank CITY RESTAURANT OF PATTON, Is headquarters for crus Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. | taceans of all kinds wom CEA TIN ard and CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00, % Sams, ll crabs, lobsters, ete. SURPLUS, $x, 000.00. frefivisto- GOOD LUNCH COUNTER Aovcwrnty of (wporstions, Filme, cade nnd Hanks received npn the Chl La vite and MEALS AT ALL HOURS. lee cream with crushed fruit Chie tert eoticistent wilh sel and conservatives i favors a Speck alty. Fine confections, tobaco and ¢ ILRI, fanking Mesnodhin Ueliels fue wie Mitchel] & MeCormiek, PHONE soft is thee hemi Ang | {lines Forwdgn 1 the preted oities of the bd 3 i Add torreageins wlll Baye ons prerngt pre ; : PUTS Alls dia 3 Interest faid on Une dopeaita. ; A. E. Parrox, ar £, a. H. Sasprarn, Canbiler, Prop'rs, Ragowomahais 10 88, T, Peters, The Best Housekeepers AFTER THOROUGH TESTS RECOMMEND PRIZER STOVES AND RANGES For scoromy of fuel, cleanliness in operation and excellent qualities in Baking and roasting. They buve improvements and advantages not found in other stoves and ranges. Said : opi Cy : under a guarantee to do good workand iE £ RRL LIRA also to last. You run no niskmoney back . THE AMERICAN STANDARD if not satisfied. FOR EXCELLENCE. Would be pleased to have you examine them, _J. R. CORDELL & CO, Patton, Pa. ¥ 1 = ranas iron 2 Fra py £% ups # ¥ ¥ Bg DF RR Eh N RE % They go singiog aod Orders Is the best and ck lace to get the following goods; Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and Oils, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, Glass aud Putty, Fishing Tackle, Butchers’ Tools, Woodenware, (lune, Garden Tools, Plows and Wagons, Boys’ Wagons, Linoleums (odd pieces below cost}, Stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of all description, F urniture Department Chamber Suits, Extension Tables, ' Kithen Tables, Chairs, Dining Room Chairs, Cupboards, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Cradles, Iron Beds and Wood Beds, Carpets and Mattings. He Give us a call and see for Wy yourself. J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON, Pa. In Men's, Boys’ and Children's Cloth- ng. The Widow Jones’ Suits for Joys’ are extremely popular and have proved to be wine ners. A big new stock of trousers just in—all new styles and west nrc es, Men's Suits from £5 to $18. Cold and Silver Other See our oiding QO FOR MEN. The Shoe that mada Brockton Famous. EE Beret gras bo the pobre a gedd There Is Fall Value in Terhane Shoes. Nae and Prive sped on en ¥ shee. it your Ged wed watt them semd to Bator ai rh Mass. atid Ryerage Baraings of o¥ 27 go § woakdk Rita £5 Ne Sask $43 Come to us for vour i pes and vou ean devend on gottin nN ye est ACV IRL ST IVES TOS, 3 gue L 1 the ‘A A sr x Rr for you. Prices Soe SUPPLY C( & * i
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