| eo Wooo sess haere what not to do. oO a Fagan, contracting, , painting {travel down bill. | meet Batarday night. The Odd Fellows will attend church ins body Sanday morning. Bome men are such scrappers that Paton. “Will be sold the peter | od ately, cheap and on essy terms. [Calon or addrom George. Boone, Pat- 2 ‘For asle—Three A No. 1 frosh cows. : Reason for selling, | am golog out of }1he milk busivem, Call on or address | wn PX. Lemsax, Palmer Avene, Paton, Pa. é hipster rg baggies, r, | WrTion and wagons. If you thisk of Rw AY A A ERO A ; Low ite to Washington 4nd Baton 1. at Baltimore within limit, 18 ta butter to be on the level than to | The Patton Board of Health will | they wil pick 8 quarrel before it is : Wii arrive about May 1; one car i - and May 0, inclusive, and © stop off | ‘Should the number of ‘passengers | bot be sufiicient to warrant the run- ‘ning of a» special train, the vompany | a brian A SS ES SS Co Po Ro A SHA a RN Rig Fk ANON 4 mL Ro 8 0 OE 0 49c. sale price 10 each end back, worth 49c, sale ori ce 39c¢ each. and 1 Odd Lot i > 2 pis piss. HEI FO RAR WA SB 6 Fock i Men’ s 19¢ Suspenders 10¢+ pair. SR SA SOA nr heed Men s Heavy Cotton Socks Ze pair Men’ x Black Socks bc pair. . ne Umbrellas 98¢ cach. RA AB RE FR ous odes Umbrellas for men at 49, 75. 98e. $1.25 | and, up. % on regular train. | ticket office, 360 Filth avenue, and toned above. For full isformation apply | to agents or Thomas E Watt, | with Andian Bilis burg. Nadi, who does mens med bade RE 1 : . Jrrony of the vandition of The Ferd A Na ail, al Wee ciome od Bandiene Ap RFs BOBS, Blows Ka, sete Ben, oe. Ba £55 AL i 44 Pe frvim mys Bakery Dusineis In. thin. Int d who has been residing at Eb. | x several oars, has retamed Praerio B nk 3 wilt move c bis Sen FAABRLITIES Roped In : Nat il atid 4 not a Jadios' store excl. si at Ranks aod Hankers sells men's furnishings ae Duelo Trost omipatio: aud sa By sssasHabiment 1» the | bike Foard of Peansvivanie 1 84 are being installed AS Hay 0 ( x clair Pali. 5 ; Tiree _ reserves the right to carry participants | _ Tickets on sale in Pittsburg at union | Union station, and at all stations men- passenger agent Western district, Fifth avenus and Smithfield street, Pitts. Banal Bask of Paton, bn the slate of 4 of Men's Unlaundered Negligee Dress Sheet | marked 33. sale price 19 each. Mon’ s silk Ties. al styles. were 25 and Men's Heavy Working Shirts, double front Shirts, marked 49 ® 69c, sale price 29¢ each. : | Men’ s Blue Denim ‘Working Shirts 45c 3 each. PA NR ER Hh Fo RE A each. Asada Rubber Collars 19¢ cach. isi RANA rd AN AA Tp Ss SNE Boy Percale Dress Shirts with two the regular price 49, sale price 29. ad Silk Teck Ties. good styles. Rind, 15¢c each. i Jos. 2 28¢ A GSE OH SAGA IA Oe Lg oR, Mii Men’ s 25¢ Suspenders 17c pair. he OS Re RAE th 0 ina an sane w Men’ s 49¢ Suspenders 25¢ pair. Men s Heovy Ning Shire, Men’ s Sil Initial Handkerchiefs 5c each. pS AE NS Ml Sd NK Fs bd We PA A rg re Men’ % Jap HanBerchichs 10¢ cach. BARR AA VR SAA 5 (A fe I ie Men’ * Linen Finished Hand. CEE re ss in EI AFA ie ey Se eT LARA AS Men’ % Pure Linen Handherchich 22¢. | quality, special at 13k c yard. Fine Madras Dress Gingham, new desigan pecial at 12:2 Linen Finished Toweling 5c vd. Stair Oil Cloth 615 ¢c yard. Fancy Straw Tiching, special at 6':¢c yard. Heavy Ticking 14'.c yard. Linen NapKins, special, 88c¢ doaen. Ladies’ Summer Vests and Drawers 2lc * Unbleached Sheeting, 9-4 wide, good Cloth Window Shades, 3x6 feet, dark green, 16c each. German Table Linen, 64 inches wide, worth in 50c, special at 39¢. worth Dotted Swiss for Sash Curtains 9c yard. Fancy Lace for Sash Curtains, special, 15¢ yard. Linen Toweling, special, 5¢ yard. 10 yards 24-inch Diaper Cloth for 69c. Bn NS Big Line of Shirt Waists and Infants’ Caps just received. Aluminum Match Box Given Free With Each Purchase During This Sale. THE BON yy bod Fun neh WEEE tis | Cr ing we Them Mk : PENNA.
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