specialty of bu 4, surries, harness and anything you may want in this line. od ve are agents for the best road machine made, Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drills, Deer- ‘ing Harvesting M; chinery, TT Conklin and Kramer Wagons, | ee iver : lled: Do your eyes have Plows and handle a full line | Tired Feeling?" £: esis y and farm. If so, it is an indication that We Yoisarry the beast grade of you should call at Tozer's and | in our line on the have them fitted with specta-| _ ta eo i price to all and cles. Lenses exchanged free at| YOnomotos Royal Japanes se Tr oupe. THAT PRIC IS RIGHT. oe egy : Con e and see and be con- any time within a year from | ; A oii of f Beautiful Ww, estern Girl vinced, . dateof sale. Satisfaction guar- y ££ a |} anteed or money refunded. Don't forget that we have the best equipped repair shop in Northern Cambria Co. THE PATTON JEWELER. A ae en IA SC Borba vin 3 74 3 i 2 § i Eg as Spotted M ustangs and Bygieny Bronchos. Indian War Dances and War Like Scenes. ing and spouting. Big stock of stoves and tin-| ATE, ].C. HARPER CO. - Fisher Block, Patton, Pa. 'Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law . Parrox, Pa. Office in the Good Building. pasioddy sjualy 2 v.uuag Ro UAB vay ssappe Aue 0} juss Kv 15 1HIpI0) ti : i S228 [IY ‘oiq Spesadind ssaqun ‘19ai0) paaue 10st complete entertainment of its kind in the worl -1eng) ywaiq jou Tim Asy pue 901 wo Jo ary dy ut nd ‘soop Scout and Interpreter, 243 go dodp ‘meyy uo puns AXE UT IA WAI UY 0) ST 3 - byeauq 01 Awm £100 2) Jnoqy poo ro way ‘Surpuey mol} | CAPT. WIL. POW E RS, ATG Jou (A IBY 33 JO uonUIAWL [HJIPUON ISON INDIAN BILL'S GRAND PARADE DAILY AT 10:30 A. M. Performances at 2 and 8 p.m. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. D dqwyvaiqun OR Sesh