The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 24, 1903, Image 6
mother, wore an exprossion at 1 once | scared and pleading. ] Hut he remembered that father had {told him to bn his solid litte man, and not let all the children think he was a baby. 5) he bravely awaliowsd {that funny lump in his throat, which aned Boy. i ¥ shells! ; Be 1s Just ae fell of tus Ass kiiten in ths sus! Dn is bead & ribbonsd earl Makes him book ‘trost ike 8 girl What a blessing anil » jo Is my tar, oid-lashions i boy! et Reginter, Lion. Lion is a big black dog whose mas- | tor sends him to the postoffice for his | | letters, When the clerk sees the shag- no head at the window he puta the | letters and paper in Lion's mouth, and | away he trots, never losing a bi of it n- | One day, when coming home from the office, he saw a piece of cake on the sidewalk. Now Lion is very fond of eake, and he was hungry; but, if he put the Istters down some ons might run off with them, for it was on a s | Busy street. The shaggy head was still for a minute, as if thinking. when, . | dropping the letters carefully on the or ‘upon a copy of the Argue 8 ring on a table before won, “Tom, dearest” sald the wolce | i which was so wonderful and so differ { ent from all olher voices in the world, i really began to think you never were coming to see me again.” There was a curious mixture of joy : irreprossibie » laughter in her tone. Bhrridan turned ; away from the dreary reality of brown stone houses frowning grimly in the fajiing snow, back to the enchanting asd pain and bubbling. 1 but forbidden delight of the room so andl soothing. He dared not Ht his ayes to hers, but he sald He | quite firmly In view of the mad biat- F Ing of his heart: 1 "1 bare been sent up by the Daily | Argus to interview you about your en- El gagemen t. Mise ‘Winterton. Bi "Oh, indeed,” said the girl, smiling : hapotly, “you may tell them it's quite “Oh, Mariot!" burst iq AR Arie : forth poor Sheridan, helplessly in spite of his sat | fixed determination to mere his iden . { Uty in that of his paper. _ {It can’t be true?” “It lan’t, “Yes, It is, dourest,” she sald, going straight up to hm and putting her hands on his broad shoulders. “You ought to know i's been true for nearly three months, Tom." i But} gave you back your freedom. you know,” gaspied the young man in bewilderment, 3 3 know you tried to” she whisper- ed to his coat! “but, you foolish Tom, didnt you Botice that 1 didn’t take 117” wi The editorial rooms of the Daily Ar- | Bus were unenriched by the presence of young Sheridan on the day of bis un. successful attempt to merge his (dent! ty in that of the paper. The city edi- f | tor was in a very bad humor on accoust | of this extraordinary fact, as all the of- fice boys could lear testimony. An en- ‘tire column had been reserved confl- "| dently for Sheridan's story, and as a 1 result of his default a column of el B { derly tid-bits had disgraced the even- : ing edition, : ~The temperature was far below zero fon the following morning when the young reporter came nn “Sheridan” bogan the city editor, | sternly, “where is your story?" “Well,” confessed the young man, flushing with the consciousness of B1 guilt, “she admitted she's engaged, but tO | it's not to be announced yet. And it is © | not the English duke, after all.” i "Who is it, then? Did you get Mis | name?” asked the editor, professionally | on the alert. 1 got his name and address, * sald Bheridan, still smi pri guiltily, “but 6, a3 a special favor, not to} 1 give | it 0 the press just yet. However, | she ® Promises the Argus exclusive news » grow the “ty editor. - But at last the hour arrived, } ralk, he placed one big black paw {on them. and then ate the cake as if " rite ia —— Fine alee be enjoyed it.—Light of Truth, x Hant face, 40 dear, 80 aif “Diogenes the Wise.” With all his faults the old philosos 1 pher of Athens was often called “Di- ogenes the Wise" Whether his wis dom was really wo great an to deserve that title may be doubted. But his | worst faults seem to have been good qualities carried to excess, {log too much luxury, he cit himself {off from the comforts of life! in his In oppos- enapernens to make life simple, ho lost | ent of its gentilities; he was saving {st the expense of neatness, truthful at the cost of courtesy, and pinsin spok- {en even fo rudeness. Ona would say j that he was coarse grained by nature, but he showed signs of tenderness and even refinement, which proved that the grain was not entirely conrse, and { which made us wonder al an age that | i could produce two men so wise and yet { so different as Diogenes the rude, “walking philosopher” of his time, and { Pilato, the polished and aristocratic gentietnan —8t. Nicholas . Which Are You? Two boys went to gather prapes cause the grapes had sends in them. Two men, being convalescent, wore asked how they were. One sald, “1 um better today.” The other said, “J Whi worse yesterday.” : When it rains one man says, “This will make mud:” another, “This will lay the dust.” : : Two boys examined a bush. One ob served that it had a thorn; the other that it had a rose Two children Jooking through enol ored glasses, one sald, “The world is blue:” and the other wmald, “It bright.” Two boys having a bee, one got | honey, the other got stung The first called it a Boney bee, the other a sting ing bee. man. "l am sorry | must die” says another. “I am glad ,” says one, “that it Ix no says another, worse.” “1 sm sorry” “that it ts no better” One ways, “Our good is mized with evil” Another gays, “Our mixed with good." Christian Register, Conundrums. What is the difference bitwoeen Joan of Are and Noah's ark? One was made | of gopher wood and the other Maid of Orleans What 4s the difference between a chicken with one wing and one with two? A difference of (u) o-pinfoun. What is the greatest thing to take before singing? Breath. Why do most girls like ribbons? They thick the beaux becoming. Why is & blackamith's apron like an unpopular girl? It keeps the sparks off Why are girls good postofice clerks? Because they understand managing the ils, What animals are admitted to the wera? White kids Ae {5 a good looking (g) lass. When is a schoolmaster like a man ¥ith one eye? When he has a va wney for a pupil Why is a sheet of postage stamps Hike distant relatives? DBocause they are only slightly connected. Why can the world never come to an end? Because it is round, First Impressions. “Hurry up. mother! Ther close the doors when it is 9 o'clock, you know.” Jt was his first day at school, and the little lad could scarcely await the moment for departure. His constant chatter showed his fear of being late and he was shown into a large room where there were many children. His eyes opened wider and wider, but he did . not have a word to say; his time was + all taken up with just looking. Pres- 1b ently he found that his mother was | kissing him, and telling Him to be a | good bey. Then a strange young indy swim unlecs thoy are water fowl fot swim, or. rather, P they canpol swim they will “ent thelr One was Happy because they found | throats” with their front hoofs fo the grapes. The other was unhappy he a evil is i fish that she could seize | became customary for the fishermen | to anchor thelr boats in front of the i camp and wade ashore fo prevent the In what key should a declaration of Yove be made? Be mine ah! (B minor). | | somehow made his voice sound so odd | and queer as he said to his mother, for me at noon.” Thus began his first shoo] day. Hea was placed on a hard little seat be bind a tiny desk, and for a time he felt that If he moved a finger some thing awful would happen: but soon be saw that things were taking place around him, and he raised his head. Ha looked at the other boys, front, back and all around. ho saw one bisy stand up and say, “(a-t.” Then another boy stood up and sald, "Boy learned at schoni? Why he kaow how to spell those words long ago! He thought he waz going to learn something new. His Jeart swelled i with all the imporiance of hia seven years, and he could seurcely mit stifl until he was given a chance to show them how easily count all that (hey wers spelling and counting, Then when 12 o'clock came and he marched with the others like little sol diers to the street, this little Ind looked eagerly for a face that he was sure would be waiting. With one Iittle scream he fairly flew to her, and clasp. ing his arms round her neck, said: “Mother, this is such & funny school! Ther didn't teach us anything new at all. The tescher just told the boys how to spell eal asd pig sed hen. But 1 showed har | could dn much ‘better than that. “Well, what did my littls bor say { when the teacher asked him to spell?” “Why. sha wasted ma lo spell row, (but 1 just got up and sald, Meade sbpepel | “Youth's Companion. Animals That Swim, Theres is hardly an snimal knoe that cannot swim. Most animals ars perfectly ready to swin when neces. gary. and will cross deep water hy swimming rather than to go aroun? iL Bome animals swim ohly when the greatest necessity drives them to it Birds, on the other hand, cannot ery one knows how miserably chickens perish In water Song birds are equal iy helpless. Even the widers drown in det) wWaler. It ia a common belis! that ples can- ihat, although elruggie, As a matter of fact the domestic pig Is not a willing swimmer, and will take to the water only in the most se rivius emergency. But the wild boar swims madily, and taken to the water invariably if hunted in a direction that jets to It. The domestic cat is & very good and | swift swimmer, despite her objection | to water, the writer, & cat beat & water spaniel In an experiment made by Both were thrown overboard a meas ured quarter of a mile from shore, and the cat got In frst The cat's superior speed was not due to her fear of the water, for she wan one of those rare cats that go in voluntarily. The dog was fully a» anx- {ical ! foun to reach shore as the cal, for he “1 am glad that I live’ says one was frantic with eagerness to get his master who stoGd on the and. The at in question belonged (o me when | opened a fishing camp on 8 marsh island fn the middie of one of | | the big salt witer oars on the south i shore of Long Inland, She was a great, ugly black cat, and as she had been i born on the marsh she { tomed to the water from the beginning. When she was still a tiny Kitten, ahs need to amuse ns and cur visitors by : lying close to the water and making swift dabs with her claws at he lit- | tle minnows that flashed past Finally, one day, we were surprised to find her standing in the water. She had waded oul so far that only her shoulders and head were above the | surface and there she stood fishing Why is Cupid a poor marksman? He | ts always making Mrs. (misses). For a long tine she did not move a muscle. Then suddenly she made a quick motion with her jeft fore claws and backed out of the water with a little biackfiah, From that day on it became unnec. essary to feed the cat. Hhe nunted for her own food regularly and for sey- era] years she ats absolutely nothing i but fish, except In winter, She became ho greedy for 8ah that she would leap into boats as soon as When is a girl like a mirror? When | they came alongside and steal the first Finally It thie! from getting any of their catch As the beach was shelving, the boats often were anchored 200 feet out from shore. One day | saw something move in one of the boats and then | saw our | black eat climb fartively out of tha bow with a fish in her mouth She slipped gently into the water and swam ashore with her spoil After that she made a regular prae~ tice of swimming out to boats until she hecame a nuisance. Her sins wers made worse by the fact that, aithough she would stand in the water patient- ly for hours waiting for a fish. ashe re- fused absolutely io catch the white rats with which the crevk was infest ed, So there was no grief among us when a stranger ld the cat swim across the creek one day imagined that she was some curious sea creature and shot her desd.--San Francisco Chron. tole, oe Was that all they he could spell and Ev. and presently | old farm and Hts associations, and whose progressiveness takes form in | limitations in his own craft. He knows that the underlying principles In agriculture are governed by the | {same laws on the equator as st the poles. Haring mastered those | however industrious snd smargetic. for many years to come—exoupt by his absence, here in our geoeration, and tie simple {snd that profound knowledge of this own that tells him that notwithstanding the | advantages that histriining and experi. j ence would give him, the ruccessinl practice of tropical sgriculiurs would may round out and perfect the initial training they Bave had in agricaitural schools or upon the with which they would saanter into a dinlog room or through an open gate | there 1s » Bghiing chance of success, thousand dollars that they now seek read to say, the easiest channels In facurring the almost certain disaster he plunge in medias res and flounder { Training Attempts 16 Farm in Our Island Archipelago is Taking Des perats Chances—Where to Study. + _ The farming community in the older | “Good by, mother! Bs ware and come | United States constitutes, it | may be pardoned the usa of a seeming para | dox, mént a conservativeprogresiive Ble tism finds exp m in clinging to the adopting with alacrity every scientific or practical device that facilitates He bas, and perhaps truly, been | charged ax of laggard intuitions, and of slow, sven dense, perceptions: tut none galnsay that he is very sure and | apt to arrive at very correct conclu. sions whether his mental processes be of the hare ar tortoise order. sus are emphasized by the fact that he, better than any one else knows hisown princi. ples, ke siso knows that in & fale fleld, and without fear or favor, his pros pects of success in 8 new and untried Beeld of tropioal agriculture would be far brighter than those of any layman But this American farmer has pot yer arrived in the Philippines. and, wores luck for as, there is little dan gor _- he will be conapictious here ¥ No: ho is not here, nor will he be explanation may be found in that earl Line tribute to his average good sense Hmitations: to the knowledge impose upon him the acquisition of a pew and almost distinct profession. In time and as he earns opon credi. bie sources of Information of the pros scution of large and successful farm- ing snterprises in these parts, he will cautiously send out his sons, not a farmers, but as apprentices or labor ors, upon lhese estates where they old homestead. Meanwhile, whilsa we lack, and will continna to lack, the American farmer, wo bave § very considerable number of Americans, who proposes “Io enter” tropical agricultnre with the same in- souciani unconcerns and easy aplomb WAY. sometimes distinctly ny asked why they do not “ester” the | __ ministry, or, equally untrained, do not | “enter” as special counsel in tigen of panded tion involving milllons, or into & hos pital to perform an opersiion a> tomy or obstetrics. Inquiry develops the fact that a few, A very few of these candidates for graduation In and ths practice of trop: of our people, whose tonserve fad eo of mprohensive rasp of © with this facet so generally known to wiry By who have not outlived the old-time re jromch “When & man hasn't brains enongh to make a living, make & farm. many untrained recruits in the Philp. pines standing ready to famp Into the realities of a calling whose technical demnnds are far more exacting than those in the highest lines of industrial art, and In some respect more thas In the professions. ; This man 1s suf generly, und for pare poses of identification must Aeraaher be cinesed as the “American Farmer fu the Philippines.” W. 8, Lyow, mi | ippine Buroau of Agriculture, Mur oils Times. WONDERFUL THING Is STARCH. : Read What the “Learned Grocer Mas to Say About Jt. A package of starch?’ asked the fatatiigent and learned grocer: and as | be wrapped the package up he talked. “Starch originated” he said. "in | Manders. It was introduced foto Eog- Ind, with the big ruff, in the tHme of Queen Elizabeth It was lke our starch of today. except that it was { tande In colors—red, yellow, green, Vue The affect of this was to tint dell cately the white linen to which the starch might be applied. “Bitore (Queen Eltiabeth's time ruf- { fies and roffs were made of fine Hole lund, which required no stiffening Then the riffs of cambric came sod these of necessity be starched” 5 The grocer, consulting his memor sudum book, resumed: "It is recorded that ‘when the Queen had ruffs made of lawn and cambdriec for her own princely wearing there wits toss in England could tell bow starch them: but the Queen made spe cial soeans for some womnen that could starch, and Mrs. Guilbam, wife of Oh royal CORCHIBAD, Was the first starch. -" "In 1384 a Flanders woman, Vrs Vian der Plasse, came to London and mtablished there a school for the tonching of starching. This school sue The Flanders frau got rien. } $he charged £5 a Ioweon. and an extrs 0 shillings for a recipe for the making reednd. of starch out of wheat flour, bran and i Toots, *Yollow was the most fushionable olor among the mobility. ie aut, racing set went in for green. The Puri- " agriculture have been born upon | BX 8 farm, and perbaps dove farm chores ti] 12 or 15 years of age. Por thease flow phils as they realize that they ame coping with & man's task and a oniid's equip ment for the undertaking. But what can be maid of the chances of the large remainder? of ths 5G per. cent, made up of discharged soldiers, disappointed miners, adventurers, whatnots, or anybody except farmers who could with equal hope of success undertake the construction of & twin. screw battleship as the equally com- plex problems of tropical agriculture? The truly pitiable feature of this phase of the case is that many of this class are nol only sincerely in earnest but by frugality and indostry have sc. | cumulated a few hundred or a few to Invest in tropical agriculture, and seek either information or advice as to ths best cultivations io undertage which, between the lines sdould be which to Jose thelr hardearned sav ings. Where advice alone is asked, and the adviser knows his business and is | conscientious, he can bave bit one un deviating reply to make: “Go to Java, the Federated Malay States, or Coyion, and hire out As an apprentice or farm hand for two or three years on some of the very many large and well-managed farm estates, supplement your day labor with very night study, and then you may return fairly well equipped to undertake trop. fecal farming in the Philippines without that must otherwise overtake you" Nothing will suit the victim but that at once in the complexities of abacs, copra. cacan, coffee, indigo, or vanills. Infamed with the tales of untold wealth that sometimes are broadly ex. posed in pewspaper columns, but not unfrequently weil entrenched and con cealed from view upon the farm; he hastens to do the little he hears and reads and this is all sufficient to win the day. He needs only to drop a cocoanut in the sand or dibhle in an abaca sucker and Mother Nature wiil do the rest It must be conceded that at the pres ent momont, stimulated by enormous demand and abnormal prices, Mother | ingston. Mont, i horns of the elk—more properiy caied Nature, 80 far as these two products QUAINT AND CURIOUS. The biggest wheat field in the world in in the Argentine ; ver 100 square miles In lynn. ass. 24,000,000 pairs of shoes were made las year: in Broeke tom, 17000.000 palrs and In Haverhill 12.00.0000 pairs These three cities, - thiersfore, turned out enough shoes to supply one pair for two-thirds of the . popuistion of the country, The most widely separated points be- tween which a telegram can be are British Columbia acd New land. A telegram sent from one the other would male nearly a cuit of the globe and would traverse over 20,000 miles in doing so. Seberang Joseph Powell a 13-year-old boy who lives in New Albany, Ind. has literally outgrown his skin. During ss 12 inches and his skin became as tight aa a drumbead. finally bursting in sev. eral places. The breaks are now heal fog. iit, six months iiiness his beight Mmcrensed By a law recently enacted in Rusels, wiko creates ur causes disorder shall be drafted into the army for a period of from one to ihree years. ihis Is to Peurb the rashness and fondaess for mischief of college students, who tm _ agine they have the privilege to ansoy t all creation. A fence nearly 200 feet long at Live is made eatirely of wiipiti. These animals like the others of the deer family. shed their horns once B ysar and grow new ones. The oid horns are found in large numbers in the forests, and are used for vari ! oss commercial purposes, Fiery Sarcasm. “The house is on fire'” cried the tenor. “The audience must be dis missed as quickly as possible” Al right.” replied the manager. ‘Say nothing about the fire. Go out and sing” —T-Bits, any university or high school student oe * ®