The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 24, 1903, Image 10

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    Pt ds AMAA ARS HA 35 SHE 3S ig A aE
nd 1 : i
ee Rhattered
d glories that wers everywhere displazed;
; Stray bits of light or gloom,
were wont to baat he hold me in tha $ ft s attic room.
a the Charm. ib bore,
in» range festoons from rafters brown and bare
come, pithy be years might go, that corn was always there;
wore—1 never saw his face
beside, were in that attic place.
ng, for me,
gtr fot ry ir phuicns 5 undiemared;
the ret where their
reapures jay stb rest:
lives were still in bloom,
2% while their
; dust and cobwebs of the little attic room.
the beart of man. in sunlight or ia gloors,
a little attic
ih her arper and waited,
ting with the baby asleep in her aria,
expression on her fnee az he eritered
rather polslly with Mis heavy boots.
“Rash! You'll wake her Wii"
guired WHI in & stage whilapor, “Heen
boliling her all this time?”
“1 couldn't turn the clothes dows
without disturbing her” replied Mary |
in the sate fone, “and she's »o com
fortatly and easy like here, that | wax |
afraid to veniure You can do it
Will moved arrose the kitchen to |
Fo ta the bedroom, but he made so
much noise that Mary stopped hiv.
“Hadn't you better take your boots
sure enough!”
Will removed his beary boots and to
gether they stepped lightly together
inte the bedroom, be turned down the
clothes and she tenderly deposited ber
{ buman burden.
“She looks all right there, don't she ?*
saked Will. “Almost 8 pity she's got
to go. I've had a talk with the ¢illage
Bipoliceman, and be sald at first be
Ji county. We bad an argyment about |
Jit that's what made me so late. Rat
ber, wi pant: the
: children make a noise, and she's al)
Ways so thiken up with thew.” :
“How toany bave they got nowy’ |
t saked Will with a strange intenation
ng | in bis vole.
“That lust dade, four. They have a
; Tot. and others
Mary was about to say that many |
other peoile had none, but she stopped.
3 Will aighed, and Mary echoed the sigh
“Isn't thers ‘something you could
e do to make the time less tiring?” ine
| quired Will helplessly.
"1 coulil get some wool apd ket
things for the winter, but we can't
| spare the money, and we've got enovgh |
things for another three winters? re
turned Mary angrily. “When | my
I've nothing to do, of course I can make |
work. 1 bave to, or 1 should ent my!
a | heart out, I jook at the trains and 1
soe the happy people, and it Norts me
#0 that | bave to turn to and do sotne
housework. 1 scrub the kitchen floor |
ln the morning, asd | offen serub it
Bgain in the afternoon. When those
{ teelings come over me. I bave to do
something, or I'd go mad, stark, stariog
imad! Bo I get the soap aod water
and scrubblug brush, and 1 work on
| that kitchen floor to relieve "em?
It was Sunday evening once more;
an autumn Sunday with the night fall.
ing at an earlier hour. Will Haynes
was standing oodily pear kitchen
§ door. outsbde this time, while ey ri was
seated on the step. Both were staring
t; binukly ito the twilight. There had
| beed Angry words at tes time. :
“I'm going to watch the down =
't | press pass” said Will suddenly’
e He walked along the line for nearly
Tah gaw the traju come |
[ was against it. and it
20d stopped. This was
. surprise for Wil Haypes, |
jpposed the pany was
ag excursion on the mais Hie
pre ae loop joined farther ou, and
excursions are always late. It was
-| rather strange that expresses
| be run on that loop at all, Wil Haynes!
¢ | bad thought when he first took up his
| Haynes
duties, but he learned that the, line |
of another company, and ft waa con.
sidered policy to run them.
These thoughts were passing through
| wis mid when he observed, 1a the
ch the train,
that a carriage
n, The figure climbed
AT and entered the car
rs hers to IS he yt on a HY
seconds the &tpress was running past
{Bim with steadily Increasing spoed. |
Will wag curlous and msde his way
10 the spit where he bad noticed the
t- {dark form. There was something be
er had n the direc.
rl of smoke was ren.
‘the growing darkness
that { accompanied it. "an
ed alo! ae, snd presny
ights from its windows
ting the night for a brief space.
they go!” cried Mary bitterly,
Le able to travel there
re. 1 bate the people in
when 1 see them pass;
bout and see all kinds of
nothing. day in, day out, in this
, slone nearly all the
nothlog to do. I belleve it's
struggle between rage and
side the Mpe. It proved to be a large
ih More curious than ever, Will |
| cut the: thine that secured the Jud and
{began to examine its conténts. He
{drew back With a surprised cry, then
} emitted a whistle, and sat down tv
think it over.
“Yes, that will do it, 18 1 work the
| thing all right,” he said softly,
He took up the haiper In his strong
jarms and carried ® 10 the cottage.
| Placing it on the Boor, which fortunate
ly had not been scrubbed sinee the
question, opened the Jd asd pulled |
axide a light cloth
lay a baby, Just beginning to wriggle
and cry,
“Somebody's left it 0 the line” sald
Will stmuiply, “so | thought I'd bring it
“I don't want olher people's brats”
declared Mary harshly,
trived to hide the fact, and played hls
part very weil,
“All right.” be sald coolly. “I'l po
and see the policeman in the village,
and tell him. He must ind somewhere
for it to go. But I can't take the child
with me, 80 I'm afraid I'l have to
leave it here till I come back, R'pose
Jou don't mind ending to it til] then?
Mary's face remained bard in ex:
pression, and Will glided out before she
eonld reply. The baby began to whim.
per again and then to ery lustily,
MPoor thing,” murmured Mary softly.
"It's hungry and cramped.”
2 1 it up and soothed it hy
in her arms. She contrived
i have to be taken to the (ounty boose,
kitchen, “1 think it would be a good
fAuenre, and they stood drinking in the |
| window too Wide open, have you?
asked Wil in sudden alarm. “We don’t
morning, and, without answering her!
In the hnmper
Will was noenpiossed, but he eons’
it's all settled now, snd he says she'll
ard that's ten miles off, 1 it's an inch.
AflYhow, she goes tomorrow”
ut of the corner of Lis eye WO
saw Mary's face go white and ber lips
and the next instant she was sobbing
| with her head on Will's shoulder.
“Must she go away, Will? Oh, can™
we keep her?
Wl passed his arm around bls wife;
an feritating cough prevented Bm
from speaking for nearly a minute
but he got the better of It at length.
“Yeu, 1 should say so. She won't cont
much to keep for a time, and 1 may got
a Lft up. 1 daresay the policeman
won't Le much upset at pot having
to take ber away.”
"Hut, WIL, 1 #pose we may keep
ber? tnquived Mary with sudden fear,
“There {sn't anything in the basket to
fay we mustn't”
banled its remaining contents, consiet-
tug of baby clothing. There was no
note, Bo trace of Weatity,
"There's nothing agen it.” sald WoL
“0 we'll beep her”
“I oun look after ber” sald Mary
confidently. “I'll take care she docsn't
Bt on the ine”
“Ab, that reminds me™ exclaimed
WI: “I must rig up a gate at the end
of the garden to keep her off the line.
I'll do it to-morrow” he added quite
seriously, #3 though be fancied that
the baby would be running out on the
iue before were aware of it, if be
were pol qu
"What sbell we call ber? inquired
Mary, when they bad returned to the
idea to give ber & Tame that would
remind us of how abe came. Suppose
we call her Brpress, eh?
Mary looked at him as If she had sn |
faspira tion. Will shook his head douds.
“Don’t stern to be a very handy sort
of name,” Le explained “And we
might mix it up with the train. Never
heard a girl called ¢ that, Rave yog?*
It waw penely 10 o'clork before Will
returned. and he found Mary still sit
She beld up ber bead with a warning
“Why dWIn't you put ber in bed ¥ Ine!
afl ¥" she demanded. “You'll wake ber, |
didn’t think she was found in thin
watched the effect of hin words He
quiver. Khe gave ove long Jook at the |
pretty bundle of humanity in the bed,
They looked In the hamper snd over.
or it with Tittle are m x Naaman i es THE HE BLACK OLIVE
Then it dropped into a slmber of peice
and lunocence, and Mary sat with it
How Tt Differs From Tis Gresn Brothers
tintning in Fopninsity,
One by One Toreian foods and foreign
Asnerican paste. Many have ad a
siraggle. bod have Onsily suscsided in
gyeveoming prejndice. Many others |
; have failed In the attenipt, and new
Plemdd a sory of outlaw life in the foreign
| aster of the elty. A few flnarish for
A time and then seesnmbh to rivals
| The French green olive bad a bard
i fight many years ago In wianing fis
way to the American fable and lunch
Leon coanter, and Ha converts Were BE
| made slowly.
{ “You have to learn to eat them.”
“Me a coitivated taste this taste for |
| oliver”
“They taste like wood snaked |
brine, at frat”
“Keep at it ard pou'E enjoy them by |
and br”
These are gome of the comments on a
tyro's attempt to aot nlives, and many
of those who have not wen persistent
have given up the endeavor in dewpair,
Bot the French olive at the present
time in greener than it ever was. Part
of thin valor may be Aue in jeslousy,
perhaps. for the reason that it has a
‘vival which ts doing all in jte power tn
ket. The newcomer is the hinek or ripe
dues? foto this soantry by Italian,
| Greek or other immigrants from the
path of Europe The imports from
{Greece alone of the black olives last
you~ amovinted to aver 10000 Larrels,
or L900 pounds, estimate] to he
worth 210000 reiail and. aceszding to
dealers the demand In increasing faster |
tian the enlarging sapply. In Califor |
piive industry, both In plekiing the her.
riew and in manufacturing the nil jast
Fears crop in entimated at SG barrels
east side it does not need a specially
provision apd delicatessen stars half
barrels of pirkled aliven which isek
more like mammoth bisck grapes
whieh hinve been picked from a cluster,
A pineh fram the fingers, Bowerer,
finas thew pulpy. bar hard R|boagid a
pavice taste them he in likely slightly
Spain, In which the seeds of the olives
demand bere for them. The only Jif.
ference between fhe green and ihe
Bisck olive !s that one ix picked snd
plekiad green and the other ln pes
mitted folly to riven. mstors Hs fol
quota of oil and assnme ite natural
biack color. For purposes of distice
tion the olive imported from lisly aed
Greece. the kind that Cavsnr sod Dor
Iles, as well as thelr descendants ats
&s the ripe oltre ~Xew York Tribone.
4 Cartyte Anecdote,
br Charles Garan Duffy's old intl
macy with Carlisle enabled hizag to le
of great service afterward to Lis
i friends in Australia who desired intr |
ductions to the philosopher and foond |
encouragement in his worlds, One of |
| these wus Sir Henry Parkes, betwaw
whom and Gavan Duffy there was a
turdbed only in the end by the trouble
over Edward Butler and bis Jost Chief
“That woulda't matter™ exclaimed
Mary, “1 don't see why such a darling | ng
5s that should be bound to have al
name that ny vibes £1 mn Jove |
Well,” she continfied, after
“suppose we call her Presste. a.
Tuas aise sud gad and it will ro |
mind us just the | e"
ey crept to. the
door of the Cedrod #04 listened. No |
sound. They crept back again. Wit |
‘put oo a palr of light boots which he
went out into the garden. Their bands
came together by some mysterious in.
balay air.
They looked up at the stars. They
talked of their prospects—of what they
would do for Pressie as she grew up,
and how she would look when she was
grown up. Everything was so differ
ent, so bright; life was wo well worth
I'm so happy, WII" Jaughed Mary.
“1 say, you haven't left the badroom
want her to catch cold. And you
mustn't sergb the kitchen floor so
mich, you know, or she'lbe”
“1 shan™t want to, yom silly man’™
laughed Mary.
cailed bis slippers, and together they |
“OK, I'm so glad she has come; !
Jasiicenbip Forty years ago Parkes
and Dally came to England to lecture
through he count RB popport of emb
arkes slut his Hf todnciion
Gavan Duffy - Carlyle and was
| promptly rited to Chelsea “to a feed”
Parkes pot on his best clothes for the
‘pecasion, wen? to Chernewslk, and was
‘oat enke Then Cariyte kicked off Ns
i boots. squatted on the floor with his}
ack against the wall lit up a romad’
Black pipe. and began to ask the feonle
coated snd pecvomsivprim elon
Yenge next day by sending Cariple a
copy of Ris “Murmurs of the Steeam™
HN Mrs. Carlyle Lad to do it for Ime.
~London Chronicle
An Oriental Confidence Man.
I suppose that every country iu the
awindlers. The Rarawak Gazette de
woribes an ingenious ramp perpetrated
“by a visitor from Sisgapore. This
worthy, Ioche tam by name, assisted
a secret of making dollars out of surth
The charge was $20 for the secret and
hoodi—New York News
Sudanese Cleanliness.
i asaheut the Journey, at pothing |
wy equipment dd the patives gaze
vith such longing as at my sapply af
soap. writes William Gage Erving in
his interesting account of a trip by |
Adirondack canoe down the Nile in the
left Berber; a week later ft wis gove, |
It waz almost the only article which |
bad the habit of strangely disappearing |
by day or night, and to wake a present |
fent a warm friend. The Sudanese
riversman fa a cleanly salmal: be |
bathes constantly in the river, and
washes his clothing frequently, ii
the white cotton cloth gives little ev |
is a rock, and the cleaning ls accom
plished by treading under foot for an
indefinite period the wuddy heap of
It was so plessant to hear her laugh!
the whole world was changed for her; |
she had tasted the sweets of others |
Century, It was wmluly large when | |
of a tiny piece wis to make the recip |
dence thereof. The water he uses is
thick with mud. The scrubbing board |
£15 tor the earth The madus cperandd
was to put the raw material into 3 fe
sol and bury it for thirtethres days
witen the vessel was to be dug up tall
Poof dollars, No less than sixteen guile
Floss Sargwuakisogs were imdaoed to sink
Dahedy 840 fn 30a investment, They were
then somewhat disturded be the open}
* | ror natifying that be was abontl Ww
‘Jeave for Singapore on urgent privam
| bruatiess by a steamer that bad ham
{ mrrived, ‘hey wxpostulated, sod
i would doubtless have found 8 lure
tive opening in the wmiving ares -—-
{ London Truth.
painter, bas sold 10 the loperial gov
ersinent bis famous Napoleonie eollow |
tion for 190,000 rubles
modes of eooRing are winging the |
drive ita green consin out of the mare |
(olive, which has been recently Intro |
nin, wher there Ia a rapidly growing |
In walking through the streets of the |
observing eve to detect in the grocery, |
to pucker ap his lips. bag he invariably |
tries again and remarks on the rich |
olly taste. Of the shell above the ban]
rel in 8 Bottle of the Freneh green
olives, with a neighboring hatils fram |
bare been replaced with red peppers |
The bottles are dusty. There fa jittle
of pasteboard, comniencing with the
fcenatgmed to eat, Is ealled the bark! p ;
olive, for it Is of an shany hoe while} |
the product of Calfornia orchards |
shout the task. | which fs a dark brown. Is designated
warm affection for many years, dis}
treated to some strong tea and coarse}
bow he liked the rongh life bn Aun |
tralia, were the snakes ns bad as vhag
‘made put, and all the rest. Parkes had |
‘3s bad night of it, bt he tock his we |
—which the sage never acknowledged |
that eked down at Bosald was brigly
world bas ite own swindles and}
by his wife gave cot that he possessed |
threatenad wo toform the Lorerinoess |
i mod have blm stopped. He replied fel
3 they dil so the Govemuneot vend
| puguestionably tmprison the whole bt
pt thea for codning: and this peospess |
Ly alarmed the patives that be RE
Eallowed to depart in pesos. Had Ma |
iBtam been born in this Jativels Me
| talent for converting earth ind Gollare |
Verestehagin, the great Rossian]
For 5 me to have another doll
1 somehow felt the time had some,
For Adeline had lost her hair,
Jane, the one that eried, was dumb,
amanng me explain the an
ADS grew Weary, It was clear;
"You're tired * ad and he replied,
“A little, dear’”
| That $ very day, when he pt home,
Bad a parcel in his Band,
as wither seailed, and I did, 100,
Far | began to understand.
"With her extravaganos,” he suid
Thon child will ron ue, 1 fear:
& LoTe wie cheap, but a one came
A hitle
my bands and bagged paps,
ert Te nn, when he'd the RTs iad.
| took the paper off and found
A dainty eardhoars box inside;
And when I pulltd the id af that
fxn 5 lovely fice appear ~
And, ob. my newest doll is sock
Bete dear!
A bome made strament of mule
the erystal fate, fashioned of snvall!
bottlen. Any kind of bottle which
sounds well may take ite place with the
chosen few. Use course darniog eotion
to sew the bottles in a Tow on a strip
Beepent toned and leading up to the
highest toned. Place the flute —
your jower lip and blow into the open
moeth of the bottle Continue blowing
as you move the instrinmenet along
sounding each bottle in urn. After a
few trials you can manage the crystal
flute well enough to have all the bottles
Join jn the grand chorus of the jubilee
you intend to give With the home made
“youn: Whitney, Califorsia, that’s
," and Ronald dug bis pencil ato]
the slip of paper that lay beside his
geography. “U acompaligre Muonetain,
Colormile. that's two” asother dig
*Gray's Peak, Colorado, three; Mound
Shastu, California. four; Harvard, Col
orada-—-na, wait! Maung Ranier wanty
to 29 In there somewhery. Well, never
mind, that makes five. Now Pilkey]
Peak, Torrey's Peak, Colorsde, that's
seven, Lats see what comes next!
Yale and Princeton—go, thers are sot |
more peaks before those, Ob, Uma get
ting #8 mixed up amin! Batheration. |
1 mover cap fearn them! What's the
use of orieg™ :
Booald sat back in iis chalr and!
viewed Ns closed geography with:
4 gloomy eyes
“What's the trouble now”
It was x cheery vole aud the fave
and kindly. nh
“Oh, We my old gesgraphy: 1'& |
studying up on review. We've gut!
get all these twepty-sin Fp SERRE
the bighest in the United States ov
know--and 1 just can’t! I forget wiih
ones 1T've sald, amd evens tine © begin
over again Uni more tangled up than |
was before
with something like hopefulness, pot:
Cwithstatding his despondent tone, Tow |
was always so abde and ready to help! |
“Must you recite them in onder!
gad the older boy
“Xa anvwered Ropald “it doesaht
make any differvce how we say than,
if they're all in”
“Then there's a very easy way to,
learn them.” sald Tom. :
“Easy? I'd like to know how!
“I've learned may a lotg list of things
this way,” Tom conpented, as be tool
up a sheet of paper and wrote rapidly |
phabet,” he sald. “There Is almost
nothing that will put ove in mind of a
word so readily as its initial letrer.
Now let us seve which of your moun:
taing begins with A” He ran his ey
over the list “Argentine Fass, Colo
rade, seems to be the only ope. 111
put that opposite A. Now BRB”
“Black Mountain, North Carolina, |
and Breckenridge Fass, Colorado” salt |
Ronald, who was growing lsterested
for a minute. “You see, here iy the al.
C match in a slanting direction on C, on
atte in EB. And Fremont Peak, Wyome
t log, for ¥.”
rays Peak, Colurado, snd then
Harvard, Colorado,” put in Ronald
“Nes, and Mount Hacd, Oregon, that
CL gen Dest there, doeso’t G7
Tom padded, while the younger boy
seanoed the diminishing lat with
PRET Byen,
The mountaing were all placed under
their proper letters at jast. and Ronald
counted them, to make sure thers were
toeniy six
“Run them through two of three
times” counseled Tom, “and I thisk
you'll And no trouble in Axiag them io
your memory. You will soon learn,
in going over the alphabet, which fete
ters stand far the names, and how
fsany monniaineg for sacl; and you will
giiekly dlarnrd the letters we luive not
Honald did as he wan bid and is an
¢ hneredible short time be conld repeat
the wholes twenfy six
“This 's 3 Soe way to jearn (hinge
: he told Bis brother. “Our teacher ix 2k
[ways giving as Uses of things, and I
van fearn then all this way, can’t 1
“AH that do not need fo be repeated
| Ha ordes”
i “108 Raow when you are at the end
{ the alphabet that you have them
TH you don't skip any.” koghed
Tom. Youth's Companion.
General Winfield Seatt, the hero of
| the Mexienn War, used a Secretary tor
Jie sutrespondence, private ax well a
ial. Onee In the absence of the
| Secretary be undertook to wilte an ofe
der for the transferring of some pros
“isians ard spelied “wagon” “waggon,
| Later the Secretary In looking through
i the various memoranda, ete, found
the arder and detsetyd the arror,
"reneral™ he asked, affably. “by
Lerhat authority do you spell “wagen®
wah a double gT
Seotr never turned a bale as he ree
plied withonr a moments hexitation:
“By win Authority? Br the anthore
[ty of the Majordieperal commanding
ste Arinles of the United States sir!
What better authority do you want ™
Take any lamdRerchief and put &
| quarter or 1 dime into it. You fold It
up. laying the four corners over it. 0
| [that it is entirely hidden by the las
fone. You ask ‘the sudience to touch
| and feel the vol) inside. You then use
fold ir and the coin inulde has disap»
The method in aa follows: Take 8
dime and privately put a plece of wax
6 ane side of it. place it in the middle
of the handkerchief with the waxed
side up! at the same time bring the
corner of the handkerchief marked A
tn Fig. 1, and completely hide the
coin. This must be enrefully done.
Now press the colin very bard, so thet
ig 3
i by means of the wax It will stick to the
bamikerclibef; then fold the corners, By
Cand D leaving A open (we Fig O68
Having done this, take hold of the
handkerchief with both hands as pepe
- sented fo Fig. 3 at the opening (A), and
sliding along your fingers al the sdge
of the same, the handkerchief Dedcomes
| gnfelded and the coin adberes to 1%
| ceasing inte your right hand. Detach
ir shake out the handkerchief and the
I} cuit will Bave disappeared. — New York
DC Workd
Wace mateh A crosswise over mated
YE tn such @ way that the head of A
ryeiies the table, while the other end
pinnits win On the sud pointing up the
eed of a third match is id, without
The boy looked up at his big hrother
i iting the head of A from the hin
The bhvad of A can only be lifted hy
pressing on match CU. Place a fourth
the fourth ope a Afth, as shown in our
Hiustration. By pressing the mated
| Mid down last with the finger the pres.
sire will go from match to watch and
‘lift the head of A from the table,
If you place 2 stall glass on the head
of A on one end of the table and let
the telegraph go clear across the table,
Yuu ean move the ghiss of sometimes
| knock it over by pressing the last
"Evan's Fak, Guistudn, 3 the only | watch—Sow Tork