AN HSA AA AOR RR Sau ATR RU ROR Shes SA ri A a IA A I beonme dae and pavable, and which Farmer-See tere. you! You temem : tax shall continue until said bonds and interest are fully paid. Bee. 8. That the principal officers of sald Borough of Patton are authorized and directed before the soe of the bonds hereby authorized to prepare and file a proper amended statement in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinances and of the Act of Assembly approved the Hib day of April, AD, 1874. Boacted and ordained this 7th day of April, A. Dima Ordinance No. 20. An ordinaves. providing for the keeps. Ing of vital statistics in the Borough of Patton. Be it enacted and ordained by ihe Board of Health of the Boroagh of Patton, the Burgess and Town Connell approving: Section 1. That. hereafter there shall be kept and maintained, jo a record book provided for thet porposse, ber putting two Babtoing rods on uy Charo best spring, don't you! Well that barn was srack six weeks after and burned down, Pedilier- Struck by Hghtnin? “It was” In the daytine MNS at wight” Mast ‘m8’ Teen oa ark night, wasn't ny “Yeu, dark as pitch” “Yanterns hiarnin?” What lanterns? “Didn't you ran lsaterne op "em oa dark nigh” "Never heard of anything lke that” “Weil, if yon don't koow easigh to keep your Hehtoin rods showin sou piedn « blame we. Glaag!l” Engines Burn Hard Cosi IN PRVRCY SOVEMBES Triton Jouve 9 vital statistios of xl births, deathe and’ marriages in the borcagh of Patton, and & report thereof shall be made ai published annusily be the Beoretary of the Board of Health, snd s certified to the Recretary of the Slate Hoand of Health, at Harriabinrg, Pa Bor. 2 That the Sefretary of the Baird of Health shall have prepared and placed in the hands of all practi tng physiciang, mid wives, undertaker, clergy men, and justioes of the peace, blanks, printed aml provided fur thi purpose; and iL shall be the duty of each physician or mud wile, vi repont all births including «ill births) giving wex nnd oolor, and names of parents of sneh ohild or chlldren bore | also to re. port all desths, and the cause thereof, givin: the name and residence of such deceased perion, to the Secretary of the Board of Health within twenty. four hours alter each Birth or death Bev. 8. It shall be the duty of enh undertaker havieg charge of any fu eral within the borongh, to Yeport the name, residence and sex of such de ceased person to the Secretary of the Coopy of such record shail be fortiehed | Les Board of Health within twenty four | hours aller such fitneral. Bec, 4. 16 shall be the daly of eanh minister of the gospel, Justices of the pence, or other person performing the marriage ceremony to report all mar riagen, giving the names and residences of such contracting parties, within twenty-four boars after the performing of such marriage ceremony Bec. 5. Any physician, undertaker, minister of the gospel, justice of the peace or other person failing or refus. ing to comply with any of the provi sions of this ordinance shall be fined from ten to twenty-five dollars, to te Fi pst N atio n Ba nk ealiocted as debts of like eharacter are now collected, ; Enacted and ordained by the Bowed | of Health of Patton Boroegh this, the 26th. day of February, A.D, 1903 Ai F. Brown, President of the Board of Health Attest: H.C. YERGER, i Secretary of the Board of Health, Adopted by the Town Council of Patton Borough, this the Tth day of April, A. D., 1908. ; 4.3 Doxxsiiy, President of Council, Attest: Ep. 8. Moore, Secretary. A. D. 1903, Danie M. Harrier, Burgess, : %o $4F a AS Pralom thas Rn 4 Sas tor Hedtand, Pa wn Ky © Fan ay ORE spam FE Ad $e 3A. boil ematonian wi ad How : Cai MM, dia Civenwrsdt Matsper OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100, 0660 0d, SURPLUS, $20 006.00. A owsiviatts OF LRP we, Firms fad Be % ¥ sl and Bao Forel vest sen fh nade WER | hil GER cen REE EE ade nnd onsets ey Phan ls RANE 3 stesiatiadidp tek els for sale fo all the leading : Pirate payne in ihe priasipal A Wasrtd He > Fae Wik Dave Gar pm pl a nd peorsomd sid Inuresl gedd on Gm deposdin PAE. Parrox, Wu H SaNnrorp, President. Cashier. Patton Courier, Borough, this, the 9th day of April, | i Advertising Rates made known on application. Sa | Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens- gc Er rE Cb burg & Eastern : tx / 8 : Copdermed Tones Table [a ofves Jowe 3 1008. 3 eu o> Co i fas ify Fasnoy, & HUDKON RIVER R. R. 3 oe win oo i Teatriay beania TH RG « Eo iy — % CT * % 3 3 SEQ BET BKE¥i Bmusaal Fas ving Philipeteirg. & BE EIR Spy PIN i 5 aie WW oaetoey £5 5% gi ) ie ey 3 5 i iE Friern aww X Anke wr Ba na RT ERNEES § we We Ew 4 oi 4 BEbang 7 Meade aid wt mewnis MM ‘with Plows with POR HW hms jeving wp te ndent New Styles of have been re- ed. The Ladies’ Button Shoe is all 1S Season, We have 1t mn every le. Eu op waa | # 3 oo Wan shape and st A new line of Stet- Ladue Rost wel ola im rye Fewitie db Cloner Badd 13 vials ge Gh im rvihieiie ok {jearfield fii FEET. 451% 4% 11 4% received. EIDEN The White Shoe Store. fn effect Januk ry 1 %, Robweribe for and sdvertise in the Patton COURIER Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. ‘pautoddy synaed v 'B,UUd *A3uno) atemed(] ‘NYATTV $ % pp & q - ; - W2By |B102ds 'SYMNI3r OD Ml 'ssaippe Aue 0} 1uas yuelq Juuapi | axuig Apsadand ssapun ‘raaaing poojue JERE) THEMLG J0U [11M AS] PUE 331 uo io aly ayy ut ind “Joo ay uo ido 01 BIS AXE ne ita wayyy 0] $1 pear ov Kem Ano Pie do yeay ‘Juipurey ATRq en |] ade 23 30 nonusaul [nIIpuOM ISON “sKauwiyy dwe] ssejn IqeiBIqu Promoter of Publicity. iANNOd