The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1903, Image 4
a Ko! H LUNG CURE Came to Altoona, | ing so very strange n this, focd right to have ie ceremony os performed, but why the metropolitan '{ newspapers shonid seize upon the event ins an ‘expuse to slop over (othe extent of steen dolivmns a day for 8 week is * | beyond the CovhiEn's comprehension. Both ‘the high contracting parties” | i may be very nies people, but beyond | | the fact that the groom is a lineal de | sosndant of “The Public be Damned” | Vanderbilt, there dos not seem to be much ocession for “gush.” Lots of young people their superior in every way get married every day in the year, withont as much as a single column = bead OF 8 four fine loenl. Lo “The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous.” We are ‘this vie nity perb p sroduct of the agents Tae Cotnien han received the oun. a | tennial number of the Willismaport Ga- A number of public apitited busine men of Altoona had beard of the pe zette and Bulletin and it bin thorough 0 cer cures that had been sdhieyed SUT , | keeping with the progresrivencss that by means of this treatment by fobala- | AL (ton and the vaporizing of the Seber | Brewe rs “ATi. marks the publication of that enter oi, or jym Et orod by Prof A {prising daily HeEWpajer, for it at the | bars of leading hotels. k is slike, Robt, Roch, a Bastin, Germany. In » that ake it. possible. effectual and Fonderfol work, "in the | permanent care of Cansumy tion, Astha | ma, Bronchitis sod Catarrh. RANSACTIONS n neaLTy. Careful inquiry was nade by nam. ; ber of citizens residing in Altoona by | | Proparties in This Boa of ihe County That | visite personally made to the Koch In- Changed Wands Reomntly. { stitiaten in Other sities ad the results of ; a fw r thorough investigations made it F, L Farabaugh, by treasurer, 10 qiour that Altoons woaid i be humanely 1 Unmbria county, Patton, $3.48. served and Blessed by the premince iA “1 Cambria county toE. J. Sherry, Pat-| on an Institute in ( wero Punneyl- | ton. Charles Bender ot 0x to T. M. Shee- | p14 Tia secertained b iiose gentiomen han, Clearfield, $3,900. | territorial rights under authority of the Fred Bland ot al to Thomas Bom. New York company to do bosiness in mers, Reade, $75. 4 Altoona ns Hor vicinity, with Sin, yrems- ving satisfied themes ves Edith B. Carpenter to EE Kubu, yp, unigoestioned vidas ot EX thi treatinent for | for Hespi : uhn, | : fDosting of some forty by Alioot was beld and the ary | ibed and paid in by these gentile , v means of this action on their part gt | ux to W itiiam Fara a o Kick Lung Cure Institate, ia b we men of Aboona, with all ae Mathotien et ux bs James 1] orth ery mankind that the presence ; May, Reade, $100. the residents of Central Pentsyive 1 Gay OC Dooglass et uxteJ E Doug. bed, for all time to come. A permanent, bane, Sasquetiauna, 1,000. lasting benefit to those who are or may { bereall be afflicted with these dr Doagias, Susquebanna, $1,000, i skilled phys: pig dari three d 5 OZ2¢N cases. Fine Grade ment. ne , $180. awa ot ix to. B weimer, Ete, us Rts E.J. Romet ox to Joseph Koel. es We are also agents. for the celebrate 1 Phanix Beer of the Pitts burg Brewing C Zo. Te services of an abie Exveldor B. & L. amocistion, by cian and spediaiist in diseases of Lhe IN Throat snd Lungs and trained treas & roes. Om, ou, rH invi. lho hog to nmivia conuty + Ba | arses were secured fr the Kocli Lang Cure, of Altoona. Offices §, 10. 1 1s, we. Cambria county to 8. 8 Cypbers, Altoons Trost Co. Boilding, re ali : Barneshoro. {tion 7 will receive a Drip exikmine PATTON, PA. | Henry Strassler et ux to Brubaker | ree. Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 @ da 1 Ooal a Susquehanna, $300. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Local "Phone. All Orders John R Nagle ot ux to Mary Lantzy 102 Mpm opm Sundays Pam p romiptly Attended to. o al, Susqoehanna, $1. p.m. Pamphiet sent free fo any Fred Bland ot al to R 8 Stever, . address of Bp 4. Out of town patients ean be treated Reade, $100. re RB. Stever ot ux ‘oJ. E Ardell, i at home with our Home Treatment Ap | § parsios withant extra charge. , | Reade, $125, Joseph A. Gray ot al fo Pmanuel | Wentz, Susquebanna, $2.80, ; NEW a ER ZETEC RESTAURANT. .. * Joweph Finney # ux to L..C Het. pac gowels: Vin. 1. isnt wet $ heape wt fullowing | lek, Elder, $125 Jennie M. Notley ot vir to BM ; ‘Conn, Susquehanna, $2,000, | Henry A. Luther to Philip J, Geos, | Barr, $3,000. David Atherton to Joseph Kneely, Barnesboro, $100. T. A. Sharbangh to Joseph Rernely, | Sasquehanna, $200. : i Charlotte Yeager to A, C Plsber, : of Jou. Farabaugh et ux to Michael | Mohler, Carroll, $1,000, Henry Fox et ux to Louis Domiesz et! ux, Carroll township, $38. ! Joseph Rouss to Antony Tobbey, : Haotings, $250. "Mabel Kephart, by guardian, to Jos, Grove, Reade township, $00. 3 Fred Bland et ux to John W. linms, Reade township, $90. J. L. Spangler to HJ. Busley et al, Hastings, f150. : H. J. Easley et ux to James MeNelia, -l Hastings, sn : “ LJ. Bearer ot ux to John Liptay, | Carrolitown, $200 ; Teresn Hank ot vir to Joseph Diskey ¥e ot ux, Carroll, $1,000. Fi | William Jones to Charles J. Johnson, | ri | Carroll, £40. : W. A Gray to Agnes Gry, 11 have opened # Arste ‘Restaurant in the Yiu ager. ‘Building on East Magee ave- ‘nue and am now prepared to cater to the wants of the pub-. lic in that line. lass Builders’ Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, lasterers’ Tools, Paints and Oils, Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenters’ Tools, Blacksmith Tools, Glass and Putty, Fishmg Tackle, Butchers’ Tools, Woodenware, (rine, Garden Tools, Pi ows and Wi Agons, Bovs™ W agons, ax selena 18 fendd pieces below cost) Status and Carriage Pats, Brushes of all 1 £3 Syma, | Cl ams, Hard aud in SCASON. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Leader's Celebrated Ice Cream a Specialty. Festivals, parties and wed: dings served on short notice. Be Just recenved a line of chocolates, MRS. ADA C. BENNETT, Pa. Wil. i 3 KTS : Jatton. 3 £5 SEA & #5, 3 Carroll, ese phon, ditar bas of hie aiooted al Jasob Sharbangh etal to HJ. Sbar- ra i bangh, Carroll, £5.925 : ; ne sae : John RB Liag Hp ©F ux tix Jahn Laabick, : Captain Thos Davis, of gosquehanna, $270. did pot make any pew W. 0 Shiffur et tking orders and voting for ey, Spangler, $1.3 : : Neither did the mon Baker of ux to John Leteher, | Fe Lae Reade, $60. Kuocks the Pe rimmony : : a ol his sear aud a retoing to vote when ] ) saehool in Goldetein’s nail for the Thus- ; fame 4p. Un day Night Dancing Class nest Thurs colar oecasion “Jeems was | pignt April 23 I at 8:18, Aig man, a mouse or a long. Prior. OaT™ AN, hmtrustor, 1 0 Ames R Eas. = % Fourth Ave, 1) # dR aii nny £7 rk if 1 i Prof. Oatmas will open dancing # fs Joi 5 je PATTON, PA. NC Cao ao Prealer in o = 7h ARTER NOTICE, fury Thee an apphosing / Po of Posiasy Vani A 38.33% % aid Edwant Teese ih, ALD Ten os fon Are liable to rin " aguinat a. Stibieh, Henry Fepehtwunies a. Me Norths tle (his sed of Flour, Feed and Provis (iroceries, Ass , + * -~ os ot “ 5a # ae P- IONS. J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. . Sebi, be tuieile PFE ; CELL aod ine sapeie | FirsteClags Stock and New ads Give mie a call, LB shall be iy of a mine si Liana Ewan n tT, MeNgRaS, MOV iiviiioy, "AT TON, PA, ie in : i for this Schlitz Blue Wrap- per and Export in WHISKIES — Large, Sam Thompson, Atherton, Gugen- ‘minimum of Cost 1S ONLr specialty, Spring Patterns iv ty lagee Ave., Furniture Department : ys 's Cloth The Widow Jones’ Suits for Bovs : Are extremely pular i have proved to pe with A big new stock of trousers just in—all new styles and 1owest prices. Men's Suits from $5 to $18. Ask T= B® Gold and Silver Shirts. The best Shirt notiey can buy from $1 to £4.75 Other See our brands from 5 cents ap. Neckwear and Hats 1m almost endless profusion. new big stock. WOLF % THOMPSON, The Clothiers. And all seasins we are busy turning out the latest creations of the Sartorial Art. Cloth fit well and at the New in and a bie vanety to €S that wear well, tank Se lec t four m. Handsome new dine of Trouscrings. insmore | MAGEE AVE. PATTON, PA. THERE Is That is so conl und refreshing as a dnnk of any he comeoctions for which our Seda Fountain has es- 4 more than merely | fame. Yon remember the rush last year and how they sine of a EYER : tablishes . Toca ht fra it flavors we served Well, we have the same grades this year d our Fountain is running again. “ Noff Ced.” Our Prescription customers coer ar b in 1 W +1 id : HH roh rode Toboeen and Cte RIN Droggist’ Sundiies Ey all kmds, of vw business and gaining new x ae ll ae aE SL ope lebrated antes resh every week, - PHARMACY, Patton, Pa. The Best Housekeepers AFTER THOROUGH TESTS RECOMMEND PRIZER STOVES AND RANGES For acotomy of fuel, cleanliness in operation and nxcellent gualities in baking and roasting. : They bave improvements and advantages z not loend in other stoves and ranges. Sold THE AMERICAN under a guarantee to do good work--and i £ise to leat You ran po rsk-money back STANDARD i not astisSed J FOR EXCELLENCE Would be pleased to Dave you examine them. A ? CORDELL & CO. A ond 3 #31 arcaid wreck be Lo