The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1903, Image 3

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    EAN I SS Jr dS ae Se Rl
tho re do them:
& the awkward ACRY
ves. It is Tory hard
sdes of various colors.
Is abaut the width of that
Fo ¥ ribbon work, but
hat softer and closely erinkled,
embroidery is suited only to
s wlich will pot have
Usage, tale centres. eachets,
re, ete. helng suitable artl-
decorating with it
(erchief ense the bunches
flowers are all worked In the ribhon,
exception of the stems and
~ The foundation is hellotrops
je silk, and a thin lining of
Placed under it to give greater
to the smituMery.
try boneh is Fe worked
for leaves, stems and centres,
“used 1 according 16 taste.
een the it orange | S37 had been sould. The nioney
is strange how few people really
; bow relax, to let the bad hold
nstead of vainly trying to bold
bead, says Health Culture. Glve
et the nerves and muscles rest
anticipate your Journey's end | 4
nate nerve force by mentally going
d and fussing because of delay. |
it mentally get out snd push the
along because you do not reach
destination in a moment. Relax.
the subject from your mind, and
will reach your objective point
In mind and body than
you fussed and fumed.
: add years 10 your life by |
¥ 5 It is want of 1
and you will pind
possessed. Learn to relax and
never be nervous and fueay
ke others around you nervous.
eatch the breath with a gasp,
uss with this or that little
and gain that repose of
: places you and those
you a ease. Few people can
One person out of twen-
Tealiy arop the arm. Ralse it to
ngth above the head and see
let it fall, commencing with
inger tips and so on down In per
hythm. Nineteen out of twenty
um put it slowly down. This is not
Tet it drop, and drop heavy,
will not come off. The muscles
eck are seldom used fresly, It
ing How mueh force we nse
our heads on. We do not find |
ut antl wo try to let thew go.
bg Is not polite, but it is health.
Why? Beeause If ziven full ex-
on it stretelivs and vitalizes all
uscles of the body, and then re.
hem, quickening the blood sup
and giving it free play,
It 1s well for a man to realize that
admiration and indulgence and ea
reises do not satisfy a woman who.
f she Is able, desires to share his
¥hole life, or If she can only give her
&Y pathy seeks to know what are his
: t5. It is well for a woman
ally Somprehend that there are
dure, and that bi ' at would
a vehement sud passionate expres. |
of pain that vould perhaps alien
etn forever. says the New York
d for | its theory of
fessons which |
: i 0 ing a
3 r abolute ide ot rot
unity and partnership, that |
“love” on which most of ns
| 88 our sole capital in this mo-
tons partnership, may, by fgnor
persistence. he made a source
gr, we would eagerly turn to
: how to ase and apply its
ble power to the acquirempnt of the
- of Ring fovtully a nr own
jexsing. but in this, as in £0
He demands our eoaperstion
peace anid joy and si tisfaction
of two hearts go hound together does
not descend from the cloads and light
upon uk. When we give all it does not
{ mean the crude commodities of onr
mental and bodily endowments, but
the use they are meant to employ, and
thie bout resulis we can get from them. |
Adeline Patti” said an aged Phila
{deiphian, “came to this city when sbe
{was eight years oll. Shs was born
in Spain-in Madrid-and her public
“| career began At the age of seven. It
{ began, 1 understand, in Philadelphia,
jand it was in Philadelphia het she
made Ler first appesrance before royal
8 | ty, singing in ‘Martha’ at the Academy
'#1of Music durtug the sojourn here of
the Prince of Walesa. The programs
on that occasion were tiaborate
enough. They were of satin, with a
| fringe of gold luce,
“Pattt was a great brsiness woman.
She made sums of money that have
not been equaled since hy any singer.
I'll teil you a story indicatire of het
ability as a financier. Khe seas being
managed by Colonel Mapleson. and
her contract was for S500 x night.
Eversthing went well bat on a cer
tain day in Boston Maplhison was
short of cash. It was Patti's dictum
that she must get her salary $5000 on |
the afternoon. when the mantiger conld
produce only $3000. her seovetiary went |
Away in great indignation. le vowed
his mistress would not sing
HRB Inter an he returacd and pot
the R4000. That nplgh's opera was |
Travitta, and the georetary and Pat |
would come to the theatre nnd dress |
for the part of Vielstis, all bu! the
ghoes. She would pit her shoes on
j and appear when the extra $1000 was
“8he did this. At 7350 o'riock she
sat in her dressing room In her tock.
Ing feet all pregared stherwise to go |
on. Mapleson Ly this time had taken |
fn £54 and Be sent 1 back to her,
Ehe returned him word thst she would |
BOW pnt on one shoe.
“At 8 o'elock aucthor $4X0 Jot of
went to Patt And she immediately
ptit on the other shoe and at the
| proper mioment, smiled and bowed, ade
vanced toward the footiights in un ups
rosr of cheers and applawse. They
say i the full 85009 hadn't been forthe
coming she wouldn't have sppeared.™ |
~Phlladeinbias Record,
Rows of ribbon run goder box pleats
minke a catchy effect,
A becoming revival Is the wearing of
long tulle bonnet strings
White coral is the latest and smart.
eat totich in the coral ine.
Bhirring more than ever is noted,
#vet to the dominating of some whole
Broud antique lace let in between
i strappings is effective on a coat of
| white cloth.
Burplice effects are orcasioonily noted
on an evening bodice, though become
ing to very few.
Fascinating pongees have appeared |
that are charming for betweet-sea-
sou's indoor gowns and later will be
worn ob the street,
Mercerizod cottons In exact imitation
of the etamines, canvases and grena-
dines so very popular in wool stuffs
Lire to be oboe of the summer's sue
Some extremely effective gowns for
bridesmalds are being made of pink
crepe de chine with a satin finish snd
yellow lace trimmings. A yellow lace
cont 18 10 be wom with nn pink rose
hat, while a bouquet of pink roses iil
be carried.
Nathing ean be gmarter than the |
shirt walst of white madras or sky
Huon with the front dis paying an elabe
orate embroidered design. Whether of
nat the embroide ry is in white or folors
depewds npon the Indivkinal taste of
ihe wearer.
The latest snd pmartest rovers are
faced with satin embroidered in jet
ifor jet has been revived again and §
itading moder, and a girdle of cut Jet
beads on satin Is the smartest and
newest thing in the way of belts
shown, “Nall heads” of Jot on blas
satin bands are among the effective
novelties in trimmings.
One color scheine is to be carried out
In many of the spring and summer
weddings. Some are to be apple lilos
soms, some in daffodils, some in pare
clesus and dalsles, forget-menots and
80 on. A smart wedding is being
planned with the eight bridesmaids to
be gowned in pink of different shades,
from palest to Joep rose hue.
Hamburg's shipping trade with Aus |
tralia doubled in 1801,
i poems too good to be true”
Married happiness ix at a troth : ,
are epi phils Record.
were failures.” Philadeiptia Press
I'll bet,” gnarled the man who badd ine
1 sestode—-Baitioore Herald
ibave had one good point In Andy's
| Lorde of yoous? asked Van.
using it, and then is glad it Aide’ rain |
defiant and bLellicoss Sif.
that the other sell 1% wven wore
mverse to war tham 1 am." ashing
Ln Star.
She emiled pon his suit,
gk hacky, focky lad
e imiled upon his suit
And yet be was not gad.
His cost was all a
His trousers bagged. tn boot:
And that's the reason why
She amiled pon bis mut!
Fh Smart Set.
Hoax“ ust heard some news thet
Joax—*That's too bad "Philadel
*8o thelr marriage was a fallow”
“Not at all. Marriege l= ail right.
Bt was the man and the woman who
Lawyer What is your Pasineas
Witness—-*1 am a conductor”
Lawyer "Railway, musical ar lights
ning "New York Journal,
“Troth 1a at the bottom of a well”
sald the man who quotes
“Not at the botiom of an of wetl,
Furclmee»—"80 this Is an tmproved |
typewriter ?™
Agendy-~"Yeou: If you dem’ know how
to spell & word thers Is & key that will |
wake a blot” Phliadeiphia Recor,
*1 see that Andrew Carnegie thinks |
Homer didn't amount to much, alter
“That's goeer. Surely Homer must
ewtimation. He didnt ee Yoh
Chicago Record -flerald,
“How 8M you ever manage to got |
on the pool side of thal crusty oid
“Fold him the things be liked when |
be came to visit 6a” replied Nan. |
*The good side of any mas Ix his ine
sda ~Chioago Tribune,
Little Willie—"Pa, what's an 814.
His Pather—"A man, mr child, wha
oarries his umbrelia all day withom :
on socount of the people whe bad no
wabrellas with them "Jadpn
"How ead Miss Forlorn looks™ re. |
marked the gnest sympatheticaliy.
“Yes, poor thing” replied ber lat
ems, “she wan disuppoitited in Jove”
“And who is that awfully sour jook-
Ing wornan?”
“Oh, that is Mrs. Ketcham. Rhe was
disappointed io marriage” —New York
RL Sr ———
"Speaking of Lad falis™ remarked
Joggers, “1 fell out of a window ence
and the sensation was terrible. Due.
lng my transit through the air I reall
believe 1 thought of every mean act
I ever corazaitted in my fe”
"H'm™ growled Jiggins. “you must
have fallen an awiul distance "New
York Sun.
MahlmpP wat Bada
gor TY
Visitor—“Herr vou Vandoren
Mald “Yes, sor
op stairs aw -—ap’ Lorin
“Do you want wart askad the prove
“Certainly pot.” answered the king,
“Then why do you assume saoli 8
“Beeause I have reason to suspect
rinieg St] the from: of execy package
rT a 3 gti 1 ee
= 1 was perfect)
§f bealts it much
“o that 1 »
Ferme is och a pertock specific tor wach
ease Lhat when jalients have ones "itn i
they AR tiever be indueed ed bo
they are permanently 5
telwve the dusmgreesnie BY a at ante,
The lmckache esas, the trembling wares
sre strangthenad appetite reuataend
the digestion ivi ae
ache ia stopped snd the weakening 4 draine |
x yd pradoaly enved. 8 remiits certain
follow » sotirss of treatment with Pe
ale ters Altersy, fore Seventh and
, Wis, writes a
Wainal streets, Ap
feiiows in regard to ering:
L have wifersd with hack |
Degrem for Women,
It is Delleved that the University of
Dublin will soon throw open its de |
grees to women, and Hoa said thar
with this following in the footsteps of
the Brottiah universities Oxford sand
Cambridge wil Bardly Se abls to son-~ |
Linde much loliger their policy of sx
Striking resemblance has bess point.
od out between the remarkable ancient
ruins at Zambabiwe (no Hiodesia, and
antiguitien is Cornwall
Vagor Motor for Boats.
The first large vapor motor applied
to sarigation is to be placed on the
fabing boat of M. Hmile Altazin, now
being dull at Boubigne The vessel
witch a 90 feet Josie aad is deslipned
to rarry 300 tons, will be provided with
2ehorsepower motor, together with
wails, and will also Dave a -Bopsipow-
er motor Tor opersiing nets. Thi moo
tire will une elther pasoline or alinhsl
of which the tanks will contain R860
ander my
my Ahi god Now hipe.
+ ioe i a Presiduny
The Aeris i Tournament.
fen Stevens the American rival of
Saad cs. Prumont, has Mased 8 part of
Ayign Island, {a the Niagar River. 8
~ miles above Niagara Falls for Ne :
experimental work in Airship construe
tion, with the view of producing & me
chine to compets in the aerial tournes
ment at the World's Fair io 1904
Thirty tons of ecauliffowers from
| talif are being landed ww at Polke
stone for the London market
Who Enjoy the Choicest Products
of the World's Commerce,
Esowiledge of What ts Best More Lone
portant Than Wealth With.
ont It.
It must be apparent to every sms hat
qualities of the highest order Are meces-
SATY 14 enable de best of the products of
MOdETy cominerte to alialn Permanently
to universal scceptanre. However loudly
Bara ded, (hey may net hase far wor iS wide
preeminence Laless (hey mes! with the
general approval 89! of individasls scaly,
bat of the many whi have the happy
faegily of seleciing, enloving and Jearn.
ng thw real th of the chulosst prod.
BOLE Thelr cemmendalion, conmeguently
becomes lptporiint fo olhers. since In
reel (as Te LSE ne 58 wali £2)
forged of SHEL of
knows that
ent laxa
the regu
tion, b
erder fa tad 7 2
Syrup of Figs iz sary to Buy th
genuine, whizh in sriging) packs
KEES ool: ihe dam at toe remade.
Byrup of Pigs and also ths fon name af
the Company alifornia Fe Seren Op
Recommended by
poi 6 £48 ws sa
Many Millions
The Well-Informed
Throughout the World— |
i Manufactured bg
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky.
New York, N. Y.