The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 5

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    AeA on A AP AA A rk TOA SW AB RBA EB 5 NS hE ES
Kttambett Willams
Alek. Momtedth n ™m
Loiina MoUnna. ihr NE
Patrick Lynch ie
| Mornervitie sb tL A Wen,
solleetad, but pot yet paid
| tog evistamding oterest bearing orders] Apri A D. 192, at edevmable any
(and funding the same st a lower rate time after ten years from the date here-
| of interest, the building of bridges on { of, at the option of the Borough of Pas
Lang and McGee avenues, and other ton, together with interest thereon, st
| DEOPRSATY municipal improvements. the rate of four per cent. per annum,
| And whereas, By Ordinance No. 68, payable semi-annually on the 15th days
approved the 10th day of September, of the months of October snd April
over ta Borwgh Treasurer, 134 § (180 A. D. 1002, the said Borough of Patton daring the continuance of this bond, at
provided for the imaing of sald bonds, the banking house of Jose, Parker and
Duet from W. J. Weskiand,
John Henry oon. 8 0 I 8
Cloaries Wassbrarg 00 ¥ a
James Ryan. oii, n
AR Wool ei 20
EPBUEEIR icin: brisnsssmmie 7 a2
Sarvaet Kelty, on sw
Willams Mellon niin 2%
Bal. A. Mellon ini @
TM. Hberbus : Sd 76
Chomt Creek Al On. oi 26
Irae fron WW, J. Weak land,
a dupliente. 8 2% 16
Bi » J. 15 Lyons, 1802
: dn plieste Cau BER PE
wn Ceminty Trmstirer,
Bix retail Hoenn
1% sew, IE
5 : Fewer wad pring
Hi avail
aha Bowed wall wocte.
10 4 Fines fous Instves
jit ie Metis, Fay.
feunty Curoniis
: os 4 Ww slomers, ofisnl
Retail Heanor Hens. HE 0 od land tax, ax
Palka PTR 840 Fost d cvs
main on RR MTT EE TH
Water. io 196 (8 : di
Fw, Se hadi iy he
Clerk and ex- : * Sl in -
pene. - 1% wi. AM. TY
Police BY a | Ratanes io bands of
Auditing : ‘% Kr I Tremsurer ooo. MS
Hoth. an i» Dus Juroew Metis, Transar
Int wt on 3 ef. X per ernt asnmie
sion of dsb reenietiis,
: $F FOUL Li sn 8 BE 48
Time Jaws Mellon, Trssar
Lo wr, Byer cent sdditional
on Riate tax diebarewe
ae 3 Lior ia
Law for standing trons Lee
Crue fir outstanding onters
: ax per slatosbwnd, SURE I SNR
A ws “ Net inndeditind news of baraugh, gia is
Nat Indetdend nom of Boruugh crit esi RA SOIL is
‘ anit aPoogmen oF the Borough | of haat andit Sd i eu
: ir, some of the above Expended by Connell thix year abeve
g been old orders outatand- IFS 438 9
at the beginning of the year, so some We, the andecvigued, Auditor of
em for current expeuses of the Patton Borough, do hereby certify that
and a large portion of the orders We bave examined ihe foregoing ne-
for the expenses of the current counts of the Borough, for the year
hive not been paid, and there are ending March 1st, 1808, and find the
not sufficient funds on hand to pay Same to be true to the hest of our
| knowledge and belief.
i Epw. Husten
but none of said bonds have in fact yet |
been jmoed and no debt contracted
therounder, and it is now dered to
Company, bankers, Boston, Masma-
chusetin, npon the sorvender of the an.
nexed coupons as they severally be-
make sertain changes io the form of come doe and payable. This bond is
said bonds and in the method of imuaing issoed “tax free,” the Boroagh of Pat.
the same formualy provided by said ton paying all taxes assessed thereon
Ordinance No. 88. or against the holder of the same by
Bection 1. Be it enacted and ordained reason thereof, and in one of & series of
‘by the Burgess and Town Cooneil of fourteen bonds, each of like tenor and
the Borough of Patton, Penosylvanis, amount, together comprising & losn of
and it is bereby enacted by authority Seven Thousand Dollars, issned by the
lof the same, that Ordinance No. 88 of Borough of Patton, Cambria county,
j ie Borough of Patton, approved the : Penusylvania, in pursoance of aa Act
13th day of November, A. DD. 1902, en- | Lof Assembly regulating the incresne of
{titled “An Ordisance aothoriziog the indeltedness by municipal corpora.
tenure and sale of Borough bonds to the | tions, approved the 0th day of April,
| amoant of Seven Thousand Dollars, in | A. D. 1574, and ita several supplements
pursaance to Borough section held the and amendments, and in parsaance of
Ath day of November, A. I). 1902, and an ordisance of the Borough of Patton,
levying an annual tax for the payment approved the 15th day of Septembec,
{of the same,’ be and the same is here. | A. DD. 1002, by and with the consent of
by repealed. | the slectors of the said Borough, at an
Bee. i. And In puresance of author. | election duly called and held on the th
{ity duly conferred by Boroagh election day of November, 1902, for the purpose
held the 4th da: of November, A. of paying off and cancelling outstand-
1962, that for the purpose of paying off ing interest. ‘hearing orders given for
and cancelling Seven Thousand Dol. | necessary municipal improvement, snd
lars of the oatstanding interest-bear. funding the same at & lower rate of in.
Ling orders of said Borough, and refund. terest. It is farther certified that the
Ling the same at i lower rate of interest, bond is imsoed after » sofficiest annaal
- which sald orders loclude, one of tax bax been levied to provide for the
$3,443 46, given for cust of building of payment of the interest and priovipal
two bridges, one on Lang avenue and of the bond, and that the indebtedness
one on MeGee avenue, the boaded in. of the Borough is not in excess of the
debtedness of the Borough of Patton constitutional limitation, and that all
‘be increased in the sum of Seven acts necessary tothe valid ening and
Thousand Dollars. authorization of the bonds have been
Bec. I. That to secure said indebted. performed.
| tes the President of Council, the Bor 1g witness whereof, the President of
gems, and the Secretary of the Borough (uaneil, and the Burgess of the said
: of Pation are beredy sathorized to: Borough of Patton, have bereanto
and sell at nok Ione than par, coupon ough Seerstars haa atlented the'same
interest. -bearing ponds, issued in the Lg hay sized hereunto the corporate
name of the said Borough of Pallon, oi ot the said Borough, this the 15th
pumbered from one to fourteen inclu: day of April, A. D. 1963. ;
sive, for the som of five hundred dol- J. J Doxsmry,
lars each, bearing interest at four per President of Coancil
cent, payable semi-annually, dated the 5.0.0.
16th day of April, 153, maturing the Ep. 8. Moore,
15th day of April, A. D. 1923, bot re : | Secretary.
-deemable any time after ten years from
date, at option of the Borough Said |
bonds to be sold “tax free.” the Bor.
ough of Patton paving or causing to)
be paid at its own proper cost and ex
pense, at soch time or times as they
Danie M. Haneen,
Barges of Patton Borough.
Coupon No, ree Boad No. «oor
The Borough of Patton, Pennsylve
1 Is
eherks em w bm hy
Treasurer, James Mellon,
on sooount of | Commis
rer . SR Sy
HES aie yessnn CER RRR SE ER RHR rat
low or tent. fine. Wich BEE Whereas, At an election duly held
$852 the 4th day of November A. D. 1902,
4 ne
Ordinance No. 69.
An ordinance repealing Ordinance
No. 88 of the Borough of Patton, enti- |
| det “An ordinance sothorizing the
jnsue and sale of Borough bonds to the
amonut of Seven Thoosand Dollars, in
| pursuance to Borough election held the
(4th day of November, A. D. 1902, and
| levying an annual tax for {he payment
: of the same,” and authorizing the issue
{and wale of Borough bonds to the
| amount of Seven Thousand Dollars,
| pursusat to Borough election beid
| November 4th, A. D. 1902, levying an
| annual tax for payment of the sume,
and providing for the application of
| the proveads of said loan.
| pursuant to Ordinance No. 67, adopted
| September 16th, A. D. 1902, an increase |
| of bonded indebtedness of said Borough
of Patton in the amount of Seven
Thousand Dollars was authorized for |
the purpose of paying off and cancell-
_weverally become dae and payable, all nia, will pay to the bearer, the sum of
Btate, county, manicipal or other tax. ten dollars at the Banking Hoos of
en, a8 roay be hereafter levied and col- | Jose, Parker and Company, of Boston,
lected on said issue of bonds or any of Massachusetts, it being the interest for
them, or as shall be levied or cullected six months on bond No. — for five
from the bolder thereof by reason of hundred dollars, issued April 15th, A
the sarne until maturity, or antil such D. 1903.
time as they shall be redeemed by the Ep. 8 Moore,
Borough of Patton, Secretary.
Said bonds, except as to number, the! Dax M. Hanrus,
same being numbered from one Ww. a
fourteen inclusive, shall be of the fol. Section 4 That for the purpose of
lowing form: ‘complying with the provisions of the
Form of Bond. | Act of Amembly approved the 20th day
LI, rego smirk in $500.00 of April, A. D. 1874 snd its supple
Tu niteq States of America, / ments, there is bereby levied and se
County of Cambria, sessed pon all the property, real and
State of Pennsylvania. personal, of said Borough of Patton,
For value received, the Borough of subject to taxation for Borough par
Patton, County of Cambria and State poses, an ancuoal tax of Six Hoodred
of Pennsylvania, acknowledges itself sod Thirty Dollars, which levy and as
indebted and promises to pay to Jose, sessment, in our judgment, will by suf
Parker and Company, of Boston, Mass, ficient for, and the proceeds of which
or bearer, the sum of Five Hundred shall be applied exclosively to, the pay-
Dollam lawful money of the United ment of interest and priocipal of said
| States of America, on the 15th day of bonds hereby authorised as the same