The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 4

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    él About the most disgnsting spieimen
{ of the genus homo extant is the two.
cent dude drummer nit the solid
: | business man of that calling, but the!
: “fenws oF susscuerion young Squirt working for about |
fo PE nF Ave or thirty per, (month not | me me =e wo JHitkg
: } Week § whe tries to pete everybody § {1 oy ; in rai i : . A k. FL 5 § : : ;
paid, nit al the option of the | | 0 3 A.C itty ait The Beer H A ; = Ly + M en’ 3 Boys’
: he is the rou thing a avd that everyone | Sind gt LE i C ‘¥ i pn
Biter At the Povtaftion nt Fation ns seeond. | | else in a weak imation, we. lai d 4 1. t : A Pe. Sd +" Beare anda i dre n S Clot Li
a lass yi) matter He is sesn in all bis glory to the | v Cy y, t wr That Made : ool ao ing. :
SR So | smaller towns and is usnally known by | En p * ¥i Yai aa : : 2
Own ( Cambria saints remaineg intact | | his stale jokes and pear cigar, the at g. ; FU Mah EL. M . w l k | a Fo id The Widow Jones * Suits for
3 years more at least. Sound | i ter carried In bis mouth st an angle of iL i] | ral I d : ge pc a ae fal : : Boys’ are extremel iy popular
$he tosin and beat the tom tom. [about forty five degrees. Invariably | [BI] So ae . ; A A oh and have proved to be wine
he bridie a part of the harness P| he wm a ladies’ man, or Ehinks he is +§ 5 3 a Fa mols fo L Ao pel ‘ ners
: % 3 / # § ¢ iy i
has been the momentous question in |
{thes hotel porch and ogling the pretty | Many hundreds of poole have writ | YC dle Aue nts in lowes st prices
gadid What be lacks in brains he makes up ” : + Ledysh aly
a packer Monday. The min hiesgo, Boston, Philadelphia, Balt
ally i barg, Buffalo, Hochestor and Adtopna :
" . nt Shirts.
medicine, and having received no re for if at the hars of :
To all such we have sent our illus
These fw pertinent remarks have Rood judgment bo governed by their : Schlitz Blue Wray
{ seem £ almost perform miracies in tha
ing or profession, but to the little posi). Of all the earious Shupen tial; meds |
‘that has been found to be safe, sure
| which i= about the same thing, and his | it § (A SY b 7 hs AL ig i" ew stock of trousers
CIGARETTE se Bg to minors is now | | girls as they pass. it 1 the resident physicians of the Kook this vicinity fosr this HH Ji | a Eo wr 8
: J HHS Hel 4 ae Men's Suits from $3 to $18.
F100 fine. the smaller towns be visite thinks bo 8 | that they have tried different ph ek Bre Wers Art. Ask
I do weil 10 read the srdigunce in the majority of the sensible people lief, are discouraged and have made up The best Shirt money can buy from $1 to $1.75. Other
Jr — Patton. | aud laugh at his idiocy, instead of his | tented pamphlet and have fully con. Neckwear and Hats in almost endless profusion. See our
prejudice that the Koch Inhalations,
"| able, upright and sensible traveling |.’ of Consum tion, Asthma, Rron
cine is made to assame in the trastmont
| mining pircles the past week: {Spare time is emploved in standing on | a th : Ww, | oi ’ a a 1 ; att inal] new ctyles and
ling to the law signed by lamg Care Institutes ju Now York,
in gall and imagines the populace of more, Washington, Cincinnati, pits SUrperh product of the . J 5 Re “ Gold and Silver
and ‘others 1 interested a world beatér, when per cooles | lan, and invested in various kinds of ; .
column establishing a bureau | therein know he is a consummate ass, thelr minds to doctor no more, leac ling hotels. brands from 50 cents up.
antidiluvian jokes. {vinord those who have not lel their new big stock.
no allusion to the large body of honor. | When given a fair and impartial tris, per and Export i WOLF & THOM PSON, The Clothiers. .
men who would be a credit to any oall. chitis and Catarrh three dozen cases. EE - ——————
inimous three for a vickel and a cigar of respiratory dissases, the oon form Fi n Gra d
thrown in nonentity, s& few of whom and positively effective Is the vaporized
_| visit Patton every once in a trip. You Koch Tuberculin, administered by in.
all know the breed from the descrip. | [auton WHISKIES — Large, Sam
¢ healing antbeeptio ail com. I
tion, so why pursue the subject. farther. posing the Koch iymph, when vapor HOT DSOn, Athe rie Gugen-
: ized, can be readily ane safel breathed Kets . Fic. n, Lrugen ;
RI Eire Lover the branchial tubes, toe down 7 5 13
i AMENDE HONORABLE. {into the most inner °F Of course you wili want
the history of About two years ago the Cotmigm lungs, cleansing, purifying and healing 2. Tay oo oil ;
NE ished the supperating parts and ridding the V dre also avents: something nice to wear on
¢ conl mining the mining en: | publ an editorial on what i as | iwystem of the effote, putrid and poison- : : 8 t % : :
sumed to be reliable information de ous mpcous, 0 - Fly cole brateo Easter Sunday ane SAY PR
Sod 1 be sla trun do [Soy top oben aod] {iin the ; celel rated aster Sunday and of course
niling the alleged uf trained nurses will be fond in Attend. Phanix Beer of tf .
husband, who it was said deserted his janen at the Koch Lung Core, of Aloo AIA ger oO Ie
joa, Looans 9, 10, 11, 12, Altoons Trust [D:,. 1. ; iin in :
wile and Infant ehild and left them to i, Bug. , Oficn Hours: Aa th to8 I ittshurg Brewing ( 26}. Leave your order early toy 101-
al >
the not vary: tender mercies of the v 1m. y: on Monday, Wednesday ©
dd Friday 7:30 pm. to 9 hm Sun. | an SEE prorat ness, Prieqe Ft
Recently this man haw returned to , Pat. | on af examination and ome treatment giv HINA i JULH Quabity guaranteed and a
4 oa “58 : x JA ,
ton and wares the Counirn that the “pol 0, pamphlet sent free to any
story was made oat of whole cloth and | address on application. !
y the ext wirpose of | O0t of town patients can be lreated ET a
! 'ielrew : ated for the EXprens purpose of at home with our Home Treatment Ap P att n P : procrastinate, but come Bo-day.
Pleishmans. The Date doing him injury. We have no reason parstus without extra charge. ] on, a.
rin Ohio's Berlin. to doubt this, and cheerfully make this | K AY I
oorrection in order to put the gentle I UNG Local "Phone. All Orders
man right in the eyes of the public. No “Lily
Ten Promptly Attended to. NS I I ) re
| nanes were mentioned in the pravious CUR E. ; ; ! S . 0 re : >
aeiele, therefore nome. willbe given n| MAGEE AVE, PATTON, PA.
OF all the damoable, cutrageous, an.
just, iniquitous, discriminating and | RESTAURANT. i 1 \ 'S
utterly worthless laws over isdled out | Ty
to an outraged public by a rotten and| : Is the best and cheapest :
corrupt stato legislatare the ope con. | : I have opened a first-class place to get the following
templated by the Salus libel bill is the Restaurant in the Yeates goods; : >
worst, Conceived in iniquity and nur- Building on ast Magee av
tured in secrel, it simply allows any nue and am now prepared 0 Builders’ Hardware,
{public servant, or any ove else, | cater to the wants of the pub Machinists’ Tools, That i
; :
ts so cool and refreshing as a drink of any
| perpetrate all of the crimes on the eal | . . Hib nevi PTY it a :
lie | mn that line. Plasterers Tools, one of the concoctions for which our Soda Fountain has es
Lendar withoat fear of exposition by |
i y 2s GEE ’ 11g os Fo) lid wenn 3k a+ vera Eun
any newspaper. If Benator Quay is Oysters, Clams, Hard and, Paints and Oil tablistied move than merely local fame. You remember the
2145 and Bal AACE fine crushed fru £1 ATS We Rg { Ww :
Scales ; L; »erushed run 83 erved last vear and ho they
r ible for the measure, as asserted, | Soft Shell Crabs and Lobsters the Tina Wie 1
espOnKi Lhe via C lothes Line Wi Wil re Bpprec: yritedd. Ww ell, we have the same grades this year
srast Davie Jost al £ foal ne Hin season, |
he must have Jost all the political acu. Table and Pocket our Fountain is now running again.“ Naf Ced ®
; x bas » burgess that knows men he wan ever credited with and is a | \ | Cutlery.
: striking example of senile old age and ; M EA LS AT J
0. | { 1 Carpenters’ Tools,
IA bo paid for publishing | Peronifted rusality. Every self re. ALL HOURS. | B00 Tools uur Presc ription
dings und other matters Specting man in. the legislature willl [eader's Celebrated Ice Cream Glass and Putty,
pr oT a Nsrebapgt we Crnai tees Tigi me : :
the shoes of the town are [fon o net it, orders or Bo} a Specialty ’ b ishing Tackle, De partment is stitl corny husiness and
“4 .
vor: will want ns to make it.
ht er line VE dd Fai RN de 13 '¢
; to clean up the aconmuinted |
sand their premises, not for the
having something to say,
ecanse they need it and in the
srest of the sanitary condition of
town and likewise from a love of
al surroundings. This year is
Me gaining new
x ; . 1 so het FT od j
¥ estivals, partie 5 and Wt Datciiers i (HIS, Customers every dav.
‘dings served on short notice. Woodenware,
Soe en Te ete A NUMBER of people of this vicinity | 4]
now y printed gretnituouly Glue,
: “7 (have invested In Osk Grove real estate ew Just received a fresh
still some people think thal Ss a ei Luh = J uy =
no cand we have yet te hear of one who line of chocolates.
rs do not do ss much as they |
ar waa dissatisfied with his bargain, All ; A EE Ere | :
for the tows. : | are of one accord, that Oak Grove real | MRS. ADA C. BENNETT, boys’ Wagons
! 5 Broad i mindedioes of the ewtate is & money maker. There are any Patton, Pa. ol ow i i. Sif Sh (1 U N N : ~ f |e V
5, : trust nate a again xem. jasmber of desirable lots as yet unsold, 8 | Staite and Crrvinge AUN a~ | A ULV] .
Naw aoe Yo
Sava siey Tua CYC 5 Fs a ge ; SE p :
rarden Fool 5, High Grade Tobacco and Clears nad Drogeist Sundries £
yt ayy : Mf
Plows and Wagons, of all kinds, :
pit Stator Leather Co. in a dis. & Savage. hey are pear the shops He 4G ro i agee A VE... Patton. Pa.
ging the emplo) ew of ihe concern Land station and are desirable from | ; i Hrashes of all . \ .
ined a trade union. tn other “very poist of view. The prices, Lio,
Had Ce Re SEs SE Ea
EE they dey to labor the sane Hat tua placed within the reach of ;
ye gos they themselves anjoy, i.e, & vervone and the terms are reasonable | i h B H : i
: \ in the axtreme, Read the new adver. : «hh ee] \ I e Dest Ott sekeepers
: on of thelr résources, In nL "0 Chori ber Seis 4 : :
one instance 1 is capital that 8 organ taernent on the eighth page of the INL] RB ck dbase. WRN AFTER THOROUGH TESTS RECOMMEND
Wd I the otlier brawn aad skill, | VOURIER aud learn all about them. ] 1h 11% poling . : RR ) : THY Co 9h PRIZE R
Biter — or 55 She THE bouse bill creating an additional | “haus, 8 AW “al a STOVES AND RANGES
decalogue, while the other is oy ; ; 3 - SCO ;
fepangue, i " other i law judge in Cambria county passed | I Mg Rem Ch ‘y Ll a Par rata 4 of Rael, fisanlinees in speration
: : CA ven E . Cars. rg nd excellent qualities in baking and roasting.
“the state senate Wednesday and is now - * HH PINTO, ; Mindi They have improvensents snd advantages
int p : . ith Lin the hands of the governor. The ; CinHomers, THE AMERICAN not found in other ye And Sang Said
part. with von, : [ i i fai 3 ¢ F418 AMIN under a guaranice LY QO £1 WOK
Cpernoerats opposed thie bill and Renae SC IRIATUS
fown. Co enp and see mado Pi Hens PATTON, PA. Re i STANDARD als to lms. You run no risk--maoney back
Of Up 4 ; \ ot satisfied
SS tor DeMatt had a letter from Judpe \ardrobes, . if not satisfied
tile better acquainted and you: > = : FOR EXCELLENCE Would be pleased to have you examine them,
Se pis v O'Connor in which he snd there was! HES, :
onder bow you ever could have So ] SL = ~Pealer in wi ' {oY ey Jong sg
Sie pha , . nonecessity for another judge. Sena. | on Y fies and : | Ys ok Bg 00 ® id > : Pa
for u divorce anyway, Not ; y x lh 2
: : tor Stineman disputed this and he was M3 Bed HIN,
Boon Tome Bi alli wy ae
nding your anssemly behavior ornsm—
business convenience,
iadelphia. The latter intimated that oh , . —
judge tn the county because it would |
ol fi f : PY ay Silat TE + ma . £ TER gi oid 0 pe A i
the best county In this glorious old K IR K 5 4 DW. (3 poh ;
2 the og beside the kitohen Prade with Pagan, the painter, Hast tv. | 3 STO R E oo in seeliold’ 0 Hote Ps vo tr ate d by LL
» i 8) : i os Gn ag $A ay a ome fos
he fontivition, The > : Dyas LI ae Cy tinge 3 Blog 3 s kn
: fatted | fan iy ase in based apron the excellent | F rst lass mock and New PIERRE MM . i Lous ul nivale Spsppein
Canpported by Senator Gieady, of Phil. Oy + if ” Eph
during the jad fow Months, we love Groceries, lour, | ced
ia the same old way and wel ; : : > : IVE US A Cal and see far oped : oe 1 # | -
: y an Judge O'Connor did not want another | and Pre IV ie BRI PSR URRY Ruth Ri Bef faery LAR Yiad boo
ou back in the fumily of town. : : : : - Orue it : Lp ii ’ 1:10 iE 3
and boroughs that go to make up. . - Fa apa de |
5 8 P. divide the patronage. § ons
mmaon wealth of Pennayivavia. Hang | A young wan can learn the painting | Rhode Sh Lien araieia, wid,
: EST INN rl Een ba ierh 8 AS
Heal 3 * i ; 5 » : ile BE ME gn ah 7 ; ; y US Teams Rai : ba
sud core into the dining room ings, Pa. La CE SY 3 5 bie 5 ley BUTT CNA, PR SGI bY Co-op
Duquesne beers’ immense success for |
: 4 ¥ wr aeha £,
is bore in shundance. Al that Baor and the greatest results there. | v sg Bod
the prodigal. fom. Goods. Give nie a call, PATTON, Pa onbe MR alin Sole igiie bg