ae New Blood, Makes New Nerves, | . New Life. ~ CURES CONSTIPATION. a! ee aki Apalere, Se, HOUT Gul er whi nt Mappiy FU. ¥ # A PL o Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. \YSTERS, Clams, Hard) }Y ‘and Soft Shel! Crabs and | all the Delicacies of the 1 season Fine Lunch Counter and Meals at all Hours. CITY RESTAURANT, | Muaaite McCormick, Prop'rs, for evel Somerville, : Attorney-at-Law, | dorareoutol oder. | Root the ! wonderful have them fitted with | spesta- ft any time within a year from! hs 1 date of sale, Satisfaction gut. | : anteed or money refunded. oy mnt by | #1473 FIED. CO., Le Roy, N. Y | Wholesale and retail deal. : : Bucerssin to H. E Peters | hafiey at TEES a. In Lyi hey trouble too DOF i frequent desires | pan it of painin the back ix ais that ihe kidrtys and blag ‘ | What to Do. There is somfort in ihe knowledge so Shan expresued, that Dr. Kileier's i : Saas | fuifilis every 37z5 a Re CE ay Boiss ME Ee ksh ets wk proof 3 — e Fk ESSEuRssELacs FREE EEEY to, hop "= cI EEpBoafc2ssuardntive wR TASB B® GGG en ee BO HEXeNRBRGCARNBRE LI GRY Haven - Lavan Ferwe: f Shore Junetion Wt Polie Residing BK Williamepart iv Vidisdelptia BY vis Tunmgue ar Tw ¥ ovis Foiln © ae a 8 REE as a va ae PC ss ee roles : pst - ae a, «58 PR Ea am » 2 You may ar iv “have's mpl bots of ihe # Fr, iy. a a oom Twity, yay Popo Sunday, Am m onde, 8 5 PEEREsEscE he 2 BF TY Bunsen ana Iganga ? ¥ as Don't make any mistake, bots retem- | w ber the name, Bwamp-Reot, Dr. Kil HE Root, and the address, oo; i. On every bottles, fal anna ral ad North WW. H Sorthirap, fin. Pass, A, Liens, A pont. Mew York, Witlmaport, ba A BE Sanith, wien’) Map, New York. Ghony, BE. mids Philadelphia & Reading Railway. | Engines Burn Hard Coal Nu Smake. | : IN BPPECY Nove ee Street, Le New York win Phifladetpin 1 a fam, du, 1a ie Sndny wR, fre Wp ta or Rew York via Easton 9% 4 win Sp doin Ha $i Indep! ; ¢4 daodal i a5 3 and 10 ys ROR On. Te. 118 p, hi. ie fir Wiilisoeiory Now York vie Faston & Ba a, Sasany de mand pow or ia re We TE, Do - your eyes have * That Tired Feeling yr?" If so, it is an indication that & you should call at Tozer's : For Pl § hasray 3¢ La EH px "m i and : ; Lenk wn HED a om 3 Baadasw | ok i SoA tn. wed a re 3%%.. nrongh amd weil dim and New York, i pr fndne 4 and fro NIKE Lenin run 08 is nets ke sf wy Ret Oo 2H ©: Plus Nie { Sap bhsek ed frog the best equipped opts sh Sine ta dmtiation, in Northern Cambria C POZER, THE Parton JEwsLer. Through EL Wii Piaknguart af Don't forget that we h EDsdiN J WEEKS Cinrral Primieriger Agent, etinten Sond, ein, Bietiadvl pling, mrt Ags cu ati ER pas Trai, Wo Bh HEAL. ER, a tern burg & KE R. R Lohner Thaw Talos i sae Tune Lenni Bane wo 88 ®4l Ba A Ha Tones Up the Whole System and | That's what we make af = NBA ¥ THAINS To Prilipstary, P Pertnwaexl ed itd Yale. ey a i PT pa Ta Hamer, ¥ : i 1 3 5 i ‘and are preg ared to do all ‘work in that line expediously | Phil Hpaborg.. and well. than g | Houtwant | Raney 9 Watteoule. c Feriiwonel ) Cnmestions Dwith Beech Drei Fad ironed - Belietonte, Low Havim, Wil » ; Ng Thad, poll ain New York, Law naw ] Ukaniing, Watkins, Cones aud | Lleariold Muduatier nnvd Patton: Cuvee x Pun Loa IE, fom aid Boehesier, AL Phil Fro San Meslay frei As All kinds of tin work, roof. ‘ing and spouting. Big stock of stoves and tin. bus | ware. J.C. HARPER CO. Fisher Block, Patton, Pa dnie and Busmey with ¥ B | Tyrone uly kp mn, Per fla uy He nal oie EL Sa perintendont, Railroad. In effect Supt.l, 11, Sees thawed FX poms Munday Stag ml M3. Penpsvls atin Railroad, effict Feb. 5, 1903. Main Line. rave Lk PRAM) Rast wad, Je Mi. iw werk dave ¥ wi, daily - op fo i gad Mai) Express sha Iitladeiphia ® nba rs ot $i Mme wl Rls mh . . BAL * ke 3 Cie Boe Baitang, Pa «BE An i ¥, AE areiviag at 3 fk ¥ Mivertdan Aveo. wok dave * 2 Cambria & Clearfield Div sion. fleet January 19, 10068 Chsmve Priton- Soni aard, Train Noor 7085 al 650 0 We, Bri Ving 33 Crosson rats Sw ow, 2 ik ot Math un hoy wi iL Rn, mr id Na 20 Pat 14 Erbe femvn MEE ine : big ves ML : has far Hn RETIRE Bl i Try 8 Nor 30 CP IL ATE AL Cresson Co «un i at $5305 pv pa ; si Pony Wis TO Gt Mes? Bal % ® Gx Bake sass wid Wits Foun i Plane M Giza, Ewitvrnt Manager, Y ERkiiey WIE Naorioeg nd Biiviee ai Ma Cites Usavipbweil ad Patton Bo HY mined al Lo Insist Tin XN Eh. mm Tin Nav 708 51 507 poo Patron, Pay "e Offiew in 0 the tiood Bulding. E : Foley's s Honey ane Tar. Jungs ANG WOps iM ough. 8 JL at a : Yi. asirond: # Mie Mra on, LE 124s 4 in, ob gn i #98 om. 2% pm, . prior men Levant from or sud wl the degunt font of | aves Hint bebo THE COURIER, 5 p ; t ] } & Trains Lave w Taineper From Suny Food © 3 i Shon Renting Toroioas, e301 "nnd § 2a fdas gal PeRtdtrey | £ ¥ Pittsh surg, x; Johnstown, Ebens.| Ga sn hisess | : Halgway, Fond rr Couperin 51 Owegali Shille with Moats. | ia benxing | Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. | If you are looking for Neat, Tasty Stationery at the Right Price if you get itof us. Our business has increased over an hundred per simply because we have furnished 4 super- cent during the past year, 10T quality of work at a reasonable price. Most of this increase has been. from new customers, too: a large percentage of them business men who appreciate good printing Our old cus- tomers have also stuck to us and when they sce it. in every instance have got value received. We make a specialty of doing work for —those who know a good job when they see it and insist on hav- ing the best that the Art Preserva- tive affords. We have built up reputation in that line that we are ill 1s sti proud of and or business Hf we YOUR work. Having added a quantity of new on the increase. are not doing why not? and up-to-date faces intype we are than ever to turn out Job Printing that few can equal and none excell. Note heads, envelopes, letter heads, bill heads, statements, paper books, posters, mining and commercial printing in all it's branches exe. cuted with neatness and dispatch. There is no job too little or too big that we can't do. We carry as stationery as any A tnal the hig a stock of othce in Cambria county, order will convince vou of truth of the above. - PRTTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers