The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 03, 1903, Image 4
8 Br the | iharter is good for nlosty sire y youn and never Tornieh a meni and ing whatever to relieve condition of the good ho Their only mission appears to be 1age the thirst of the populace lan they haven't time to attend to any- : ng else. There were enough boone Ljointe” in Cambria county. Whit was wanted was more good hotels fur the | : accommodation of the ible, ‘thinks she is nor ax homely is other ‘girls think her Turns . considerable diggiox of dirt and pounding of stone thes days oats and breakfast food at near the old dry goods box which! Patron Sceriy Co, | nerves as a depot for Patton, but for a period of not less than sever | | lating to right of way, municipal ordi. | by law to protect the charter. | erected there deponent sayeth nol. The * 0 drink Paqusns yoti are pastived | f this trio, COURIER has made this AnnoORnONImIen Men Attention! Our new #0 often on what was apparently reli { shoes are here for your _ lable information only to be laughed st window you will see for ite pains that it is reluctant to re. for men-— the shoe that made Hrookton : iterate the assertion omill a budding famous. 1 cans. be remaved to some other! | point. AD we can do is to ‘wate and. inspection, i sealion ths benetite of orga imtion by 4 Ale vents While the iizers jn the em. | remedy conld be found hor 2% Journ. ne in ] a Ha goG PAS die all ann in oe United a iE iL PRUE B ; rer a what : ver air you Prete those gars ares " bo bo that the Dew coup. very present, to : oped P Those affocted with weak Rings Bary Catarrh -farnish the tos fort groasd 0 contract Soberonlonis there nothing LL do fo deer thie chi fase? and was granted under the provisions of the amended laws of 1801, giving the present company absolute rights yours, subject to certain conditions re. | ances, ete. all of which will be obtain. | od within the two year period required | Builds ng Magee A fresh supply of Ralston flaked | A girl is seldom as pretty ss ashe Purity and exonilence, coupled with Farst - Class Liquors, | whether & new union station isi to be | MEO, ATE what makes 1 good beer, When | | spring In the Terhune shoe | ‘Hunter, Large, Etc. Parron Surry Co, ard brands as Wilson, hi Celebrated of the Pittsburg Brew det of sil | C Astin or b¥est the ordi. A TTRACTS | 1 die | AT TENTION. H ave opened By nabig & little Jo tgoment even the wotniate salaried man oan XL 1 Tr _ | tractively and look stylish and neat. ed ne a W hol sale Liquor Drop is and let an give you a fow potters vn Spring Buite. Store ; in the Chris tof Out busitiess is to dress people and dress them per We do net and will not handle any clothing that is not WwW est. right. This suits we sell are cut by ski led cutters after the "best models— tailored perfectly i in every detail Just as much and ed are taken w ith our $6.50, $7.30 and $8 oo suits as with the higher grades at $12, $14 3 $16, Oh Avenue full of line nh Just Bow we show 2 weil assorted Line of CAMTY a including such stand. to ft and wear well [Buuag “Cunoy aremuq NVA : uss PV 1e102dg ‘SUNTPr 'D ny. | ssauppe due 0} uss quel Furs Are sole agents Sozis [IY aosq Apsodind ssapnn “5943 nO CABLE CAqraug jou {iis ASHI PUR 231 Go Jo i 3:5 3 ur om oly yy no doip ww wo puny axe itm way 1g oF $Y ie . (Xeaq ; Ses Ano ap jnoqy ‘pros - mag Fonpong wo Pheenix | Preasg WHA ale 0 Jo HOQUIAGL [RpIIpUON wo E for this section for the Beer, Ale and Porter, (ins, wines and cordials. i bly adjosted and d the n mn i Sapioys ad by the Clearfield and Cambria Coal & (Joke i Co. went to work Friday murting. The catise of (he strike was the ation of the company in taking cheokwriigh. ; jm from pyle and new check wrigh- De Baobert Koch, by how hina free ry! { of the vase of thi diene, ddl the world an anpayable beswfie. The Kook | Tuberonline next followed, by which ® Mtampted the cure by Sojestion. though Wak not ent i yet Dr. Edward Koch, ; patents, enabled the CORBI]. | by Bis in Patton, Pa. passngew. treatment ets ut the : sment Rtn ut be : the president of : making a vapor of the tuberenting, of the United Mise Workers. war in ht be combines with healing oils, “town Sunday. Mr. and throwing theese rectly Cla | turned from Philadelphia hear pre" rt of the long w By u is the bactlle. ivious, where bs had been under the in the Fron, dy killed: the inflamed icareof a much fm in. mucous membrane ' Specialist, Proved 11ubes Ta southod aad mor health, {vapors Al Plog o of mocas which stop " we ard cause shortome of | are removed, “The success of this treatment is now ORR ty established. This cure is in : a soy fa f ail a. : il sili the past are in h of ail. 2 Phitade; year was Pus to be not less than $1.2 more, Washington, Boffalo, Boson, “iaton. The new price at the mines will Chileno, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Roches ; beg (ter and Altoona Pr Rach has ab these offices phosi. : 2 ‘isha Heed in diseases of the chest: Hl President Michel McTaggart ‘wax . epmciailsta who have spent their whol * compelled to return to Philadelphia oem in studying this devs again Wednesday for surgical trioat Consultation Is free and « d ment. He was secompunied by Dr. { MeMillen, of Barnesboro. sind is within ALE Institutes ia, Balt. ir PO are troubled Wilh a ounirs sd hawking and spitting, «bh reir avensy of 8 ¥ : x breath, lose of wedpht, swesting at i John T. Cline, of this place, und night, and paine in tie chest. i would {Richard Gilbert, of Clearfield, sd- DP Wiss to call at once for consulta. | stisio ; Hon . the ger ‘ii the | dressed the Wass menting of minens at Koch Lung Cure, Aftoons, rooms i, i {Hastings Wednesday afternoon, Woot 12 ltrs Trust oc aipany water until the i 4 > building, floes Boars: 19 a Be Wo 6 All of the miners in and aboot Pat. BM. Sully; | P30 pons te 8p ‘ton observed Wednesday, Aprii 1, ssa Stoasdayy, © Sunda) gl THIRYE, Amtodp om, holiday and all the mines were clomd. © pea i psn plot sank foe bo any . * addres on application. The miners commenced working Ont of town patients can be tresaed | * under the new souls: Thursday. a! home with oar Hote Treatment Ap | parstos Without 2Xtra charge. NEW RESTAURANT 1 have opened a j ow Raton ta Washington and Habis : I The Pennsylvania Railroad sempany i has arranged for low rate-tes day ex. 4 one from Pittsburg and points in Western Penrevivania to Washington April 16 and May 21. Rann tip ¥ he Hela will be sold at rates quoted bel : 2 good going on special train listen. i OF on train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at .. 1900p. m, and carrying through siesp- Restaurant in the “| ing ours to Washington. Special train | Building on East Magee ive- of through parlor cars and coaches will i be run from Pittsburg on the following % schedule: — hrstuc lass cater to the wants of the pub Hard 1. Yost ers and al a i din hn ie of F ohoe aiate: 3. MRS. ADA C BENNETT ; Patton, Pa Tr Pain bows Hate ‘hie i in that | ine. EF # iN dm Oysters, Clams. (ANY regular train except the New York In season ] Chicago Limited, until April 3 | at Baltimore within limit. hy Should the number of passengirs Leader's Celebs ed ive Crean AN ERAN x) ER SE AR EAT 8 LK Sal (ning of a special train, the com: pany gh IEA Tuy Peder ves the right te curry partie Apne ] make some of its provis: Tickets on sale fn Pittabioeg at anion Bowe what was intended, | Union station, snd at all stations man. be layman is all At son as | ‘tioned above. For full information ee ; Passenger agent Western district, Fift hi ve the dissatisfaction avenue and Smithfield street, Pitts. A. 1h, § an Tickets will be gond “returning on Soft Shell Crabs i and May 3, jnciasive, aud to Mop off not be suficient to warrant the run. ¢ : on regular train The scale committee | ticket offfee, 360 Fifth avenue, and = ly homas BE. 5 ation of some of its] capply tir agents or Thomas Wat Tha h I¥ at some of the mitten {pors a: . gore. Killing | ome. inte the il covering the air place healed by the oily | goods: That : dal disease ec frealinent Yeager nue and am now prepareil to I the Test and cheapest ty get the following Builde rs Hardware, Machinists’ Tools, Plasterers’ Tools, Paints and Osls, S Scales and Balances, Clothes Line Wire, Tay ok and Pocket Cutlery : : Car penters’ Tools, mith Tools I Putty, ng Tac kle : s Tt WLS, £4 ox Ware, Fourth Ave, PATTON, PA. a ETRE y ERY = 8 ( a Ei, I “ Ee ik § fh? Ch Fat Line of Stet. § fi Hn "MW 4xolis, Lin HL C TINS tock pieces be low cost, stains and Carriage Paints, Brushes of all description, The White Shoe Store. tock and New VE mea cull, Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. Furniture Department Firsthation Bank; Loa Patton, Cah Co. Pa Home Killed Meat 2 CAPITAL PAID UP. $100,000.00. No SURPLIS, $05 PA Cham! wr Suits, Extension Tables Kithen Tables Ch airs. Dining Room Chairs, Cupboards, Chiffonters, Sideboards, Ww ardrobes, Cs 3 gd je 2 iron Beds and Woad Beds, Lar pets and embaimed business in Ww strictly mn d at oar slaughter 2 Liver Ng In season, Lite Bros, All Kinds of Xi. ali # Xx. NG HOT SHOT, te Pown * a sen ii 33% OEE pra pt and 3 Gi ng wk SIERRA $A Tes Mattings. fy amd see CEB vestraigin, kid “JE. KI RK'S HDW. FURT. STORE. Yl ian Rin SERLOC ANE, PATTON, ©A.