Nolin oe LAR Ar dil Her platform is only the cradle, aa Tha Bland 1s 05. der oy i of government and is part of the stats of Maine | je pay no taxes and have no of any kind. Thera ia not a mona In all of its mile and a f of rocky length and Its ball mile edgy width There are no higs in the naches in the pantries 60 dats or is behind the stoves, and Icaqulions in the pools of fresh The island has no church in which to worship and no minister 0 tell the people whether they are doing ight or wrong. No lawyer ever re sided here and no sheriff or constable came to {ssue summons or to 2 : : : bank, and, making tast to gone bushes the only | who makes professional | the place. and he is told when | ‘by carrier pigrons. Aw soon t the doctor receives the call he Hb a pigeon from his oft, which 7s & message telling when he isl ng. The regular inhabitants of the fsiand now sumber 42, but in the per there are often as many as 160 ns vis én the oo horse There oh The horses are used tor] x up boats. Everybody walks iil worn foot paths, which are ginally laid cut by cows while seek. feed among the Luge boulders. ¢ ching ior In pa covered §. Every person tries to cap’ enough every day to bring $3. is easily done when lobsters are and America her infuence out the East has been pteadily Ia the Interior of China Bemselves, and ta Manchuria Rusia in Suid to Rave #1 "8 | boatmen were capsized. which no y amount of medicine, et, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the spat. however, within a few} 1 s me from an 2 —all my troubles had a . and I found mysel! once : Words full 3 | The net tos a sireet Tittle mouth she apne, tried ht to our kisses and praises | water snd are band to soe, birder to body. Nor does the title to the hide THE LITTLE WOMAN'S RIGHTS. Her speeches are funny and few A wise little head, But all that is maid Is only & vague Little “goo how bab 8 rights sre respected! Ome mot} iol gv A ts downy heat ; Whenever whe thinks she's neglecied, And dowa to ber fect we are led. Sie 1 lifts up he her voice in 8 minute Her protests are loud and are long! + old affairs she is in it, To wee ere is nothing gods wrong. The right to twist limbs that are dimpled, fa svely sstravagant way; s maul snd to teas The cas ut ber ewes To erow and to creep all day, Tha right to love that is purest— The right to & mxither's own love! gasde that iv mires Jead her wee footsteps above. £8 8 rose, dow impearied; Ob, these are her ber rights oer the world! _ SPEARING ALLIGATORS. Alligators move rapidly under the hit, and the harpoon will penetrste only the least accessible portions of the | necessarily pass with making fast the weapon. One afternoon In the Chesrhowitskes River [| barpoonad a large uiligater which fowed me up and down the stream for an hour or two and then suiked in its deepest part. | polled on the Hoe unt] the boat was (rectly over him and stirred him op with the harpoon pole. He rotied himssif up on the Hos In the manner peciliar te sharks and alligators, and basiged the boat saggestively. We rowed to The where in three or four days Country § Lite In Aneriva, THE MATCH PUZZLE. Split slightly the end of one match, thes cnt slanting the end of a second ape. which i fo Bo ipsertesl in the divided ed of the Seat, forming an seute angle. Place them on the table, the summit of the angle atl the top, leaning against a third match, as rep. resented in the Hastration, These are all the poeparations Give a fourth match fo any one present, asking him to Hft ly the aid of #t the frat three atelios which form the angle. Thier is the problem which is th be solved, and the figure held by the band In the Hhustration shows fhe solgtion fo ot hard so that this third one may drop fate Lhe hollaw of the angle formed by the first (va. the combination af the three matehes Netw York World, AN ALL rr BR ATION GAME. Provide saeh player with penell and paper, and every two mibutes give out he IL disappearing Rabbit. Can you find twp rabbits that she Bas caused to disappear? hauled on the line until we spceended in worrying him nearly to the boat, when he rose to the surface and at tacked us with open riouth. pelted the attack with harpeoa pole and rifle. The former was promipily § bitten in three places, but the ater ap parently fntabed him. It was so neay- dark that we decided to cxrry him $n the #kiff a mile down the river to | where our sloop was anchomml, and fo! We ole in him the next morning he seats ont of the boat, and together managed to lift the head of the alligs- tor ghonrd and tie it. We thea tried the other end. when the reptile enme to | fife and landed a blow with Ma tall { which Jifted me out of the kif into | the saw grass, with the breath knocked ont of my body apd hands and face badly cut by the grass Heat and As my rife had fortunately been left upon the bank I was able to Kill the allig®tor again. We secured hlin by foating the peat ander Bim and then balling {t cut. The alligator completely filled the boat, go that my companion and 1 sat upon hig back as we paddled down the river with gunwales unpleasantly pear the water, We re player 8 to write 8 sensible sentetiow, cach word of which begins with the letter given cut. HB ix given out some ofie mish write, sion Nusan sa sewing skilfully,” or the like, When a8 any Ielters have poet given out oF there are players, ead resid ote senience. Any ote With a sentence opger than the one read alond marks hie sentence, beginning with the same letter mn the one read, plus, with a shorter sentence, mines, The ane with the pnst pins marks is the win. ner.—~New York Trilame THE EDUCATED CAT. Prepare 3 colorless ink Ly dissolving sninhiate of iron in water and write sowcthing of Interest to the audience au a sheet of white paper. Iutradace wiarking that the spinal 5 well edn eatant and able to write as Well as any. body nthe root. Yo prove 4, ake the sheet of paper that you have prepared It was growing very dark aml the seater srotmd us was becoming alle | with alligitors. While we ware re fiecting upon oor overloaded condition the alligator came to life again and | shifted ballast until the water poured over the gunwale. We quickly bab ikea § anced the boat, only to see it again dle scramble for the shore followed, which after again killing bim. gasza River, surrounded by his family. was sitting above him in 8 tree. walt. {nr for us to attend to our carving du- 1 ties, There ars drawbacks to hanting in the Great Cypress Swap, ts recesses, It is bounded on the east by the Everglades and on the west by thickets, alternating with deep chap: “I lost, one should turn bis face Ir to the north, and, as & guide re gzked to we, “be ought to get some Even na. tives have been last and have died In a series of fmpenctratable mangrove | OI SM SBA 5 EAA turbed and to ship more water. A we reached without eapshing, and! |} where we left our victim for the night, Io the morn. | ing our buzzard friend from the Hermeo- | ture of mal will be found to be so well trained that it bas acquired your own hand. writing. New York Tribune world's erop. It i% only necessary to press the | fourth mateh slightly against the fast | favp in ander to allow the third to fall} { an the one vou bold, slso to lower the § Then Lift the ibateh that § you hold in your hand, on which rests a Jetter. During the two minutes each | 3 (ayer mast | 3 al or & Hite dog to the audience, re} One of the essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a fund of information as to right livin Rg md the boat paethods of promoting i health and Sappinens, recreation, of th proper knowledge, each hour enjoyment and of effort may be ads 10 guteiute to that snd and are of not less value than fhe using of tne wholesome foods and the selecting of the best Ars when neadnd. With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used only when nature needs assistance and while the importance of cleansing the system effectually, when bilious or constipated, has Jong been known, yet until within recent years it was necessary to resort to olls, salts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics which were found to be objectionable aud to call for constantly erased quantitise. Then physicians having learned that the most excellent laxative and carminative principles wers to be found in certain plants, principally | in the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered obtaining a taethod of such principles in thelr purest condition and of presenting them with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form most acceptable to the system and the remody figs wore used, with the plants, in making it, Syrup of Fige-—as bucause of thelr agrecable taste. known ap This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal usa as the best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon- tinued whan it is no longer req uired, All who would enjoy good d health and ita blessings should remember that it is the one wiih which physicians and parents well-informed approve and recommend and use and which they and their little ones alike enjoy, because of ite pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its : Syrup of Figals for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, in original packagvs only, having the name of the remedy yriup of Figs—and the full name of the Company— g Syrup Co.~printed on the front of every package. * Although has wope firet manufac tured in Enxiand by Spaniards as far back as 1519 there are parta of Spain where the hat 4 unknown, sxcent in SEITE, Ye raen in the pied plettues a 3 Deed 15 may bo sown at oy time during the iar Soa Won : L year, fully eXpomntt. being seen at its women use flowers, Meabor Gray's eet! Powders for Children, wand by Mot Russia's Salt Lakes. Probably the most remarkable lake in the world is one with a costing of sail that completely copeenls the witter. ; hast whet the sun is shining dirvetly | onc it his body of water i» one Lo af tho De af the alt lakes, and is | Gira, a mideas In Obildren's Horne, Sew York, hosak up on Md kau, sure wvartshi.o, Comstization, Stamaed Troubles, Tocthing Msorders and Dost Worm Asadi drugrists, Se. Asmmiile matin Pres. Address Alica 8 Olmated, Lon Row, N.Y : mien wide and 17 long. siinated gear Obdorsk, Siberia, says the Landon Globe, The lake la 9 The salt cont 1 increases six inches [nn thickness every year. The many inslands with which | sonind mee is smetin wick & Lanve : Pod, a to o foripet with. How's Thiet We offer {mw Hondred Dollars Dowanttor | RoE one of Catarels that vanaot bw oured hy Ball's Cutarrh Ouye, Pod Umenax & Ca, Props. Taleds, 0, Wa the undormigned bave Known. J.ihs pay forthe last 18 years. and balieve him pars foatly Bonoralie tn sil business transsotiogs the Inks bn studded ara sald to aot a8 | birpees nd to help Resp the srelied salt rant in position, anid aiaiiy able to 20 dusty LU any obliga thon nie by thelr Wear . Tauax, Whoussaie Dryveists, Toledo, | Wasnee a, Kiexand Masver, Wholesaio Drage beta, Toledo, Le 1 i's Caarrh Crire is taken Internally, acts | ings Sirently npos the blsed and moesus sur. faces of the ystam. Price, Tho per Dottie, oid by adi Daugutsta, Dosbisnoniale Joee, s Family | Fills 4 are tie beat, It's ne fan for a woman to suffer if she to suffer in EE AT IS os AA ne Irs sntiveured No fteor nareons: pes aber font day suse of Dr. Kilne's reat | Nerve Bastorar. $i trial Dottioand trmatise roe | Or. BH. Koes, 1 Led, Sil Aroh Bt. Fria, Pa The girl who 3 miarsies in Yoste i somes times oniiged to walk home. Wes Winsiow's Sot ingiveap fore Shildon feet fing soften the ras, reduces Isom tion slays pata, ou netind wind sulle, 330, prim : Aan ps i ‘he man with ore foot in the srave | | sally gets there with both feet. Piao’ 5 Care far Consumption la an infallible madicdne for SOE and ooldm—N. W, BaMCRL, Danas Girgws, X 8.4. FB Fab, 1 17, 1000, Even the man wih a . weik intellect may be headstrong. Jioxe Tine Boeren Cotas of the market butter. Seg rH PARR AIS Don't imaging that ail your oeighliors need relormie before the perfurinancs, andl sume tine} galinuts, which you declare 18} nk. Dio the animals paw int the § fluid and go quickly over the paper to rake the prepared writing gppear, and to the dell ght of the awliefice the ands | Of wheat the Cait ot States produce § about twenty-five per cent of the} J ALL W WEARERS A BRAW OILED CLOTNS SAY IF "1S makes Wh TREES =" | wheorinta VW halesnic Nurwerien Day ile, x FACTS! | ame wash Thompson's Eye Water | TT Sw iT i i Kido ae gd RAW By socthing snd subduing the pais, that's the way Neuralgia Price, 25¢. und 50c, FARA TR BSA PooN. TL. 31, Ol LA Wytaritnte for snd Superior ; ether {dueter. wid x 1 nog bl ror ti Mow gor : hie _—— oy a 4 eed TE wos 55 ihe a SER $2 be tv shunt He n + S11 im the Teed of ali #5 ar eT aration Pr ey 3 £ add bi Wim or oiler Sealer ; Ly semaltoa Thin AETEnY to Ue i GosTARe SACI 3 wg wil ps » tbe oy wy : ”- « wethihe sland be scveted ty the pabidle nina rE ge Mberwise i tle amine Serves OOF | penGing. : Cheselrough Namfactring a. 17 State Strest, New York City. SEND STAND, 0.1 Aonrpeen or [ Cems § ¥ And prices of Ay Cas Obie 1X BANC iy - | Jus Lanny, Ohio, wre in Asktabuls Conatyy best ROFT, JeZosson, Ashlee DROPSY = sucoymro sases Book of testimonins and 10 days’ Treetieng Free. br. BR. GAELS & SONG. Bash Abiamia. G6 RVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN 1 BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL BOTTLE 10 CENTS
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