| dwappotntment stole over her, oor of Dick's lodge | i oat and pervavaly 1 as ana with it a longing to see the room Dick had so recently vacated Go “May 1 write him a letter? she 3 Asked walking into the narrow pas ange, and trying to speak unconeern- edly. “Certainly, miss. This way" A door {was flung open and Lilien breathed {lately moved She glanced st the seat. tered papers on his desk. and the faded Te portrait of herself. 2 Te 3 ot sibed at His side: | had Va fous expen since child. The Iandiady retired, closing the door behind her. M1 ean’t write, 1 slhomldn’t know what to say: bot I'll leave these Hilen” .junfastening her namesake Sowers from | the soft chiffon of her dress, : Carelessly ahe let thems fall to the ground, ax If by accident. “He will find my lillea,” she thought, “and they will speak to him of we Ax the enrringe containing ite fair oo | enpant rolled away th landiady walked wonderingly nto the room Lilian had Jinvaded with her gentle présence. “Dear me, it Is untidy” she mut | tored, stooping down fo brash up some tolaceo on the carpet. "Lor! what | beautiful Sowers, all among the dust vase. ~New York News, | been desd these many months. pines. aud tobseco? Bhe bore them In triumph fo her kitchen, and placed them in witer on | the dresser. The lilles Insted for some days, and they jooked very nice In the landlady's Sod Letters From the Desd. There is a young widow in Brook: lyn who continues to receive letters from ber hushand, although he a He was a soldier, serving fu the Philip On the secason of the Moro pi in Mindanao last spring be | "complaint “You 2 shart “I am go- ’ -. ! drifted away, and a 5 ummer, ¥ again = whom her pavents explained ke a ion: “desirable hue told their friends “Bie ook forward to a life of | ase atl personal niulgens #, i her marrying » pee Dick afice more before 1," Bho told horself MGiaries’ But somehow the of Inet year's hay still lingered: mer sun glistenad tempt: 3 the dainty curtains of her 3 Bae goad will by convincing “Dear | was sent to that island, where, after a few weeks, ho was slain in an engage | ment, The War Departuient, baving received Information by cable, soon notified the widow, hut the Pestolfice | Department, with its fow facilities for | handing mail in those far-off islands, { had not yet delivered any of the many {letters he had sent during his life there. Rince learning of his denth she {has received many of these letters, | full of overly hope and tender sentl | ments, and they are still coming Some. times she keeps them unopened for | dars before she enn summon coursge to face her Joved ove In the full vigor of his glad young fe: for every mcs. sage that thus brings him back to her jrenews the ineffable agony of her first great loss Yer, on the other hand, she cannot, of rourse, suffer a word of hLils 1 go unread. Poor little woman! Brooklyn Eagle. Modern HMerolaom, | It Is one of the compensations, per 1 haps the only ose, of the awful and needless tragedy at Westfield that It revealed at least two notalde {nntanees of heroism that makes one feel proud of his kind. jdving awd unknown hero who sald to the rescuers: “Don't mind me. I'm done for. See {1 what you can do for sotie of the othe ors” The other—and fortunntely the world now knowa her names Mrs. Hark. {sn who lives at the scene of the weerk, who saw the frizhiful crash aml at once notifivdl the Fire Depart went and then promptly turned her theme luto a hospital, used ler re yvalver oil two tramp ghouls, aml was a minkstering angel to the dying end fniunrod, There are others worthy of grateful mary for their bravery snd devo ton at the scene of disaster, but these Iwo-3 man and oa wolianegreved again that roe ohibvslry and reid hore Pim ogre oid Jost te the workl—New York Wa 1d, Mere Oplalon. It is foolish to ry to win a man's him 1st he } doesn't Boow wiat he is talking 1 pesuie vould always stop taluinge at the right tue every one might le a victor in the strife Ths difference bwtwesn a fanatic amd a erank {8 that the latter may Haten to reason i properly clabbisl A woman need not fear tliat her she caf got Lim to button ber waist down the back. A poor excuse is worse than none, iA an’ bellevetl ting wrinkled~Chicago Record Her Herolam of Two Henn, Follow ing bard upon the story of the setting hen that stuck 10 her nest Yeornon of an fowl that hatched cut a brood of six being flanked on one side by a snow ‘bank and on the other by an ice-coatid rock. Who will dare to say “chicken | hearted” Bow }-New York Sun, ih the atmosphere In which Dick had so | | pecting every moment frightful velo ; bey plied up lo x 10 every lms Hers fs an inexpressibly sad lot— | Pe ry ly went on throoek aud om - high One of these wax the | oo er than It Abo busband Is drifting away ns long as Jewelry hath charms to soothe the © | womanly Liroa st, Nothing makes a woman so happy 2s to see that her dearest friend Is gets in a New Jersey barn while flames: were devouring the bullding comes Pone from Mount herole chicks on the coldest day, lier nest DOWN MOUNTAIN with BEAR RITZ RYEIN x a Perinsylieania peddier known by every ope on the read between his home at Hackersack and Seran- : ton, Ho carrien In bis red wagon bux eversthing from a damning needle to a stove Frits was driving bis sleigh along the road down Pocono Mountain near Manunkas Chunk on a recent Pri day at twilight, singing becaose of the good sales of the day, when, with a ERYRRY SPUIDE Bis hogss Janped tuto the air and larchied forwaed Fritg's balr stood on ahiwad, du a bend In the ern), was a huge black bony, The brnte shambiod | Toreard and siraek at the horse, whith gate a sudden spring twisted off the thille, and wert down the munstaly nt farlous pace. The wb Sel woe eft Pstanding tpn a Kus Fritz serene In tovrar srmed, aad he siow corialn He leave] from the of inte the box in which stock. He was un: arch abend SE tu ris tiled he wars bile aul fastened both dares. The the sivlel sad torn Into shreds. Thea be tried to tear off the too of the box to reach Peire who thing the doors ¢losel and ex. thal the top would hres Then the pe Se¥peciod bapeoned, sleigh Wee standin In the Rial tines ae af the mmisrmen, ertinga of he weleht sudd gown the in The deed, Ai) fhe ferrifie er bene, with da sd ¥ started] the 0, pide glaend The bear reall dangers and growled as he eronched and clung to the gvard rallx on op of the bet Poor Fritz closed We eves and braced himself for the abeck which be well knew would soun cote, The road was siraight sbead for two mien. Ia the middie of the moustaln a farmer's | team pulled to one side Just In tine to escape disaster nod to soe tho strange outfit shoot by with the speed of the Black Distaond Express Near the foot of the mseuntsin is a sharp bead In the road. There the Melzh left the track. shot directly Beroes the road aod colliding with » buge pile of ratirond Hes Rome hours inter a slelghing part 5 on Hts way home freon a eoonicy dates encountered the wreck, The bear was Jamrsed In between the sleigh aod the tmber, fesrfully mangled and salts dead. Fritz was fahed out of a joe pile of snow and woolen good, stonsod and favernted. The sletoh was a wreek and the goods were seatierid amwing the snowilsifis Fritz was carried to 4 farm house, where he receive medical attendasese, In 8 day or two he discovered hin borse in a farmer's bam five miles ahead, and be rode BH to bis Wacken sack home. LOGGING IN SWIFT CURRENT The past week has been favorable for loaders apd for planing io fils, but the river has furnished carrent that swirls nround the lorwavs, and and, Forraed wnree stil nable pas into the ad do L drive some them wring boom, risks and skins, white of others timc 8 dive, Lamonth the boom logs at the lower end. In fact, It kas been several years wines the river drove by the ills ir wd haste, although 11 has several tines been EW prese Baat can tains coming across Rabine Lake sar the north winds are driving the tf from the coast, and thar thers Is Het evidence in the depth on the bars at the mouths of the Sabine and Neches rivers or on Blushinek flood that feeders are pouring rexervolr, is clearly noticeable ts the ontire ab. ponee of apy brivkishoess in the fake: the waley as far oot ss the Hehtbasue at Babine Pass, nt the upper end of | the Jottes, fe pose rain water, or pot the deepening of Port Arthur and at 8 facilitated the escape of Ente that the eliannels nt permit them to soapy fasta i possitde in former yea iv ney wi the £5 os fuiongs 8 & Pe br Bh 3h fe 4 fe xls 3 tx thet p spring 1h {factors in Mg rivers § theitae, ow Take so faut dar ppours wif HY th Box Fay bow owt) ivy Hous £ oF wail lands ne the av id peter fog pup Ju Hues are pow reqtire? to edech un raft than were need a fiw years where the river was i is now. 7 amy eyan Lhe a alveston Nowa MAD BOAT NEA George n Bari. ng yea omit neardy ki RILLR MAN Jury wr, resid 3a i. Was HELE DW (ied bey sae whese oe Yoway farm, The boar, a Frederie gaat, a. gsrling fan. ix re elm Ber of the Poland China breed, hail Been re garded by Me Townsend a very gen tie, in pit ol the foot that ba bad been warned of the anbhnals ugly disposi. thon, aud be bad lot his Netle grand. | child and nurse play with it The boar eliibed out of went to the Burling farm, ling seized a club and the animal ont of the vard Santry at lalnw © read Mo Tha boar uplifted, rushed at Burling. The lat ter attempted to dodge, bat the boar was (oo quick. and Burling was thrown ter Tr the favy sleds | a Touran | gmder the shears | bar of the crest Whethir tor than boseuEt asia sped forw i Hus was it chal. for vizht enraged Lear atliched the sleep hides | an Yop onl thio § ine rif wo Triches laren she wes i shogt One feature, however, that 1 ¥ iy po Mise Bas wn i & treats byl by Bly eo ko frsutl faly Tas Se EN Dteinpanary replies Pinte Cro crawl ander the lovonaotive to make | : When ba had fin. ils pen and | ds sod feet were froten, | Bur startsd wo drive; I ¥ refused to po and, turning with tusks ! 5 fed, and a physician was at once shim moned. Dr. A. L, Woodraff anewered the snmmons, and later Dr. Harold BE. Hewlett, who had been sont for by Mr. Townsend, arrival. The wounds were examined, dressed and sewed np, The nerves and muscles of Doth legs were badly lacerated, snd it will be a long time before Bariitiz can leave his badd, The tusks of the boar came very near severing one of the main arteries of the leg, and had this happened the man would have bled fo death hefore help arrived. Mr. Townsend at once gist the bose, IN AN EARTHQUAKE AT SEA, It is a strange fale of a strange mae rine disturbance that was told by Cape | tatn Montgomery of the whaling bark | Alwe Knowles, which har inet arrieed at Men Franeisen from the Ribeslan Cnet “Wir were lying same 200 miles off the Kurile Islands en the Sihesian dost when the slioey was fell on Au Enst 15.7 anid Be. “Almost a dend eam prevalied, aid th sa was as smooth ax 8 miliporal I waa In my cabin when [ suddenly felt the ship shaking Hike a fogs. I! seemed] that the deek wis falling fo on me. The Whole sin atid as from hupact with some ob. Jock, 1 knew that the disturbances was nat cansed by rs roshed an qeck. TR & saly ¢ Thre 1 fneind thy rer Satelekon and 7 tone Rash Wot oan deel akin contin and 8 rombling repetibilie thander sevcnod 1a Bo the Bi CHE sirriace of the sen was dlataried aud : { wan hrenking Up in econfosed masses, The rumbling nolee aed the videation | ceased slmuitanennsty, amd the sen agein becaaie czlm. Both my chro nimeter siopped at 2.20 o'cinck In the alternoon ated 1 was sot thirty miles out of my cotrde by the Incident. 1 AB" notles If the surface of the water wis dimwolared, Lot for two daye I sighted fhfhes flonting on the surface of the sen" -Moraing Oregonian, An AN ANGEL OF MERCY. Hats off to Mra H. A. Harkson. The | story of hBer work as an angel of merely at that wreck on the Jersey Central firet gives you a glow In your haart, and then makes you want to chiens, When the terrible crash took tn hier back vant which fe sltviinted near the track. Bhe didn’t luge time going through the Bouse, but seizing an axe, cut her way through the back fenow inte the bulldlsg quiskly she ordered the resciers to tear sway part of the ack of the Bouse. While attending to the dying she saw some tramps robhhing a wentded man who was lye tng Io the Kitchen Sbe drove themy oat at the muzzle of a revolver. Truly a heroic soul. No borrers daanted her and ne Inlors tice She must have the heart of a woman, the courage of a soldier and the strength of a man, Her nel; And tus: think of 18 hot for this tes rilsle isanter it I» possible that nolmdy wank! have suspected that such a Bero is ton weak a wonl-lived fre thee pares to her l-Now York: Sun, ve meine fs REVERE TRIAL OF ENDIUBANCE Porlinps no wep bas ever had a are severe triad of endurance than a Misw Pall ho was maeh feu Switzerland last summer. Hie pate only tae most dHBeuit ase ernie, amd Snally tried i the Fiosteraars horn fro a Dew and supposedly inaes consihie side, Wih two guides, zhe got up x considerable elevation. when the wiather soddenly beodame cold and srarmy, nnd the party bad to spend a debt amid the reeks. with po protec fs This descent en the fullowing other, sill op had to la spent on a party arrived ar the Orimsel Hesploe at Mr the pest miarning. During the niZhE pent on the © ah oppartanity of ss are gradualiy disintegtated, &% Dashen of Lignining strock wr rhehit and k ft of them, I ——— BRIIIND A RIALR. towed a OL TO Sen Foster. A RIDE shark Fa 0 1 wd Be LAR, ghey emd of the chantiel, wyving for Mite a Weg Caniain whieh boriag { the selachian, king Bul the Hhough the After one goveral mbes the The Dengty went over once, but was promptly rescued SER nies, Hawatian Gazgerte, 4 up a hat tig not The big fellow ylang the #t ard, kl ent very fast + TE Era ® OE Linge the Hoard ¥ sia A Pi oe RY EN GINEED. Edward Leish, a Walssh pnginenan, in charge of the Contisental Hmited, made a recent eho with frozen hands srl fest. His tril way seven boura At Lafayveite he was compelled shed hin ban hat i. i lost be completed Big run to Danville making wp thirty minutes of the vimre. His hawmds std feel were swollen to twice thelr porinal size. Hal 1 vow In the hospital here, and ampo. | tation af all the frozen members way | be necessary ~Clicago Tribune, deep. The boar Bea Burling dragged himself to Ns bonse : 8 heavy een, and | asin Be File 4 from the depths of the sea, The | To get the fused glilore shomld be proad of her, | tailed | Ay conid pot be completed. and ans | hore Eneomlortable. nlaht glacier. The rocks the party fad | seeing how lanach | arsl al | I reales, i birds around 2 Lrertect order, Yoow tle and all bonor | : . £ ore kimeell, amd Troan t session, and it war useless Ao attra mative vid Lids lx belong to day, thets it that they use only six I frame four So nine, awl Te SH totine is antoamobile ambiance Cran down by avother ante bulanece that pass: ad along bere a few) An Fristish chemist aseribes the Pe mots London fogs to nnconsamed ear. bon suspended in the air. The adoption of ofl as fuel would, be says, do away | With the fog. ins rt A solentin connected with the Peas I body Measenimy of Harard University, wha has among the Maya people of Yueatun, guys that they pee thelr tees In miny teen spending some time Kinds f work ae readily as hey nee their fingers. The Mars women, who oH siways gu barefooted ensily pick tp % pi In that way. A Swedish Inventor named Elem berg bas constricted a ooebine whieh takes herrings az they cou fram the Bet, sorts (hon into the four sined eos ognized by the trade serapes off thets cute off thelr heads split slontis and wariioe thea ae and hig The pisehbnd dees ait fhe a 39 ty. and tains our 20000 Le 3 ina Pls poy hour, SARA, A pew grain, Koown as cori-whent, fa being srrown in Eaters Washingion, It Das fhe priate of boll wheat, pererusing the fattening anal. ties of corn and the corn favor. In np pees rae i rere atdes srbeat Tie avin are twits ga large as those of ordi ary wheat, It vields abrey on 16060 Tai els An sere. gnd see fo Vie problem of fatteniny lege in the Pa ¢ifle Nemihivea?: soon wiser il Ip rated Ia SOHnIYY. corn and EAT i a Lak sEaeinree of wien! ls fee #3 are FUP NOR A certain mam noticed groan: clomis of sul jng AWRY frm The groin nickel sweltiag weilks, needed aniphine. he aot some chimiste to experinpentiog, with a view ta sav ing it. They discovers! a way toa do this, and then he began sawed he muipbar of tained fron the smale comidped with limestone and water, he makes all the ealeivm salphite needin! In bis many facture of wood puln Before thie fast menting of the Dela. ware Valley Orubtastogionl Clob Mr Wiliam Billey spoke oi the methals to be employed to attiset mitive wild eonniry Semgse Mr. Bailey thongh that jeune were too willing to acoept the divtom that Eng Hash searserws, with thelr nosy and guarrelsemie ways, were io tor afterapt He point. od ont that such Bs ge Bing fea and wrens might be peranaded to ttle up thelr abode abont phe Souse, if projet ouarters were provid for them. In the first place, openings to Lind hoses intended for wrens pigs be wand] enoueh ta keep the sparrows out Secondly. It was neosusary to bear In mind that the birds desired were wild prs. and wild binds sre pot attracted by elaborately turret pagodas so much as simple. homely stroctures—a tomate enn with a bole In {8 for in stapes, Another posriet factor in repelling the wild binds was the habit of keeping solniry grounds in sach Closely pied grass and symmetvieally trimmed bushes were mob tedrly so airraetive fe wild birils as grounds amd shrubbery which gre more me io nature. If you want matures cherubs be matunal Juprness Tims Mensares, The Japanese divide the twenty-four boners inte twelve perials, of which the night and six to the day beginning 31 saiise and eling at suse, WV Beth the day or short there are alwsyh each. To atizln this 4s characters or nemertls on the seals are adjusia- bile, Two of thems are set, one to agree with the sunrise, the other with the sunset, dnd the four characters lee ween then divide the pave into equal portions, Thus, when the period of longer than the night will be propertionately louger a fght De long or daviight in than | those at might Another peruifarity k mo phade genie In pe dow EE ry thi Hix Lark. read ward, — Lande a Ex XeaK, Famans Laks, *e A lock of hale cut from the bead of sie tha day bale Queen Mar 1d . Loge was Lae belng offers fi jon, says the Westin Is now iw the poses ant of se of the military goats win escorted the Queen wn ber n, smd who is sald 10 Baye been greatly faprossed by ber bravery during tha gedenl The ‘prices Terehed vi 8 LRankt pli Clu eget by relies of thix Kind, whether of living or historical persans are aevorting to'T. Pla Weekly, not very Bigh, It Ix sdb) thar a look of the Pope's Balr was sold for wheat 3100 Emperor William's hale brought vnly three shillings, and a few hairs from the baad of Napoleon Bonaparte reatized a Am, The Naw AS nlateon “Gractons, look art 12 speed of that I shanld think it wonkl be dangerous” “Iris rather. Xoo see ther are hur rying to arpive aad Eek up the vi EE ile my obs TdT minutes ngs” *Rew, they've run Juwn weve ple on thelr own hook, b stop” “No, snoihier guts ambuiane slong soon to cams {ov they, and after it's all over sn ordinary horse vehie will have to come tritting along snd fake care of all the vietiws of the three ambulances.” Baltimore Herald, k23 thes ~E3Y. a will be ng mivkel | tive pose nade} ¥ poriads inf thi dav boars | and patience fe] BE OPENER. His neighbors said he was a man howe life was clean and pure That such ideal maraiity Thro! ail thongs would endure, be becarse u candidate: BE silos fat he ran; And pow fis bots shudder at The past hie : Ba Posty wand A PERFECT ANGEL. Gladys—"Fo she married him just be cavwe Le gwoed an ante?” Penslope~"0b, ne! Bersuse he never got mud when it broke down."~Puck. QUITE ANOTHER THING, “He was unable to ment his bills, § gndersinnd ¥° “Wall, that's whers you're wrong He couldn't dodge them.” ~ Chicago Post IN THE XEXT CENTURY. Teacher— Who wis the greatest mile tary hers of that age?” Pupil--"Getireal Bloodantinmder. He collected bliss amounting to $1.716- 824.323.481.7FPuoek, ALL BROKE, First Lawyer—-"Did you break the Second Lawyer—"Yer and the heirs, wii? too" New York American, STRONG TEMPTATION, Judge—"Did the defendant, to your knowledge, ever luvite another 10 com. mit perjury” Withess— Yes; 1 once heard him ask 8 woman ber age.” —Bostun Globe A CASE FOR SYMPATHY. “And she refused him? Does be seen muck depressed “Oh, yes! He told my brother it was the turning point in his career.” “Yea? The turning<down pont Puck. THE LIGHT THAT FAILED. Mrs A-~"When I was engaged to my husband he wus the very lght of my existence.” Miss D~"And powee-¥* Mrs. A. ~The Hght goes oul every night." ~Brookiyn Life, LENGTH UNKNOWN. *But you really sre getting seedy ™ persisted Mrs. Naggit. “Just leck at your baler. How long ia it since you've Bad it cut? >I don't know” he snapped. “I haven't measursd 11." — Philadelphia Prose MODEST, in a remding class a Bittle giv! read thos: “The widow Hved on a Hmbacy Yefy her Ly a relative” “The wend is legacy, sot limbacy™ corrected the teaclien “Bat sid the child, “my sister says I must say mb not leg” ~Womasa's Howe Companion TUNNEL DIBCOMPORTS., The prairie dog that had started ent to see the work! was taking In the sights In a seighboring village inhabits ed hy lis own species “Well™ he sald, ay he backed hastily out of a subierranean dwelling that a rattlesnake bad preempted. “1 wee they have the same tulinel problec to solve here that they have in ether titles” «Chicago Tribune, TRGOBLE IN THE GARDEN. Tommy Potato to George Curae ~My mother wop't allow me to play with you. She says ['ll cateh warts.” — New York Times, POOR LITTLE GIRL Little Agnes’ face wore 3 very woelyl tock. “Why, what is the matter, Agnes? asked her father, “Oh,” she replied, twisting ner rave up most Belraruily, and laying hes hand on ber breast, “ve dot the head i ache down bere in my bdweast, aad it makes my tommy burt” — Woman's Home Companion, THE GENTLE READER ‘Why has the old-fashioned reference to the gentle reader been discarded” “i suppose.” answered Miss Cayenne, *that the publishers insist on cutting it out of the manuscript, They know that a large percentage of the people begylied into purchasing wodern fetion are likely to be In a most ungentle fratae of mind before they get halt way through the second chapter.'-Washs Inton Star.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers