ALWAYS ATTRACTS ne ATTENTION. | (H conrse von will want or por an wight hour 1 : ; : : By: ain $4 Tidtie Medadesap dt soem Tha Sheplaeats “alli 3 CREE oh i dues ab 52 + Bh ls i Th iN a 5 CR gn Big # 3 Ei 2 a oi A 7 a y ARNT oR d is of $2.5 4 5 day, ¢ on. & bon somheiniiiy nice Go wear on : tractively sod look ay ats wed peat. Ina ie avd lot ae give Yon a few ¥ $1 Ye SOY 3 : - : ak Ren with Toterniont in Fairview i : CagEl fos Thin : AIT HEE DE CH child was 8 vietig of : sissy " anand a : : commen alate ments as o follows! he : first named 4 heres chairman in each in. {| "PATTON, PA. Fach and every one guaranteed to fit and wear well . WOLF & THOMPSON, The Clothiers. of Easter a sporty || new hs fusning be spn lle ¢ in Is dlwavs in demand and that is one reasom why we c have been able to pick up such a large trade a space of time. Everything in our Big Stock is first-class and of good Our Drugs are pure and compounded with the utmost are by a competent Pharmacist. ¥ a Druggists’ Sundries of all kinds, high-grade Tobacco ‘and Cigars and Huyler's Celebruted Candies received fresh + AER ee a ron bore : yl Lug ang che apest Yery week =. Se ah ca Ciplare to get the following os : your watch Fepaicnd cat ee > 7® rooGs: : 5 INIANIIC on ’ All Now Ww Sty! les of : 3a bi ists rls : : u oo buster at the nd Shoes have been re Haslerers My Magee Ave. The or Lad s' ow artists are too lazy lo draw 4 Consalenos is something that trotblon as Patton us after we have been found out, : | | “Dugueme busy 1 good. I; ane We have 1t in every So EDA MEL. : ben of wedlock are the Kind x as to wear beoatise his wife t bie them. : : ati st yi api Mol salad R. ent Ardell received on Thursday from the There are only four fetters in fave, . BA an many a man wishes they had been Poor Bais. A Cornish organ whl he ’ a cheap. For partiendars oll on We ee an O. Piabier, Patton, Pa. The White raid Sapam “Tey Lowne v's foe coon and hoon, ii : ni id Ee SA NVITARY a Shoe Store. Lingeums jodd proces SANIT A R ) Hog ¥ Chill ors late itd . z the honors Atubheees PATTON § SUPPLY Uo, wo far ail iat 2 ; % a Wal we msxe og Th wee i FERRER } ¥ a ye whos 4 ET HAT » x TANG wt. A fret bP ot © Ralston ants and breakfast 3 ne He Pa FON RUEPLY Un Green Grease, the only cure 1 r fall: ‘ing hadr. Price 25 cenix per box. Por , ‘sale by Gurfield Wiki: as, Patton, Pa. Abin thm res by J. € . Weare showing our first shipnient of ols D Yeager Fpriog dress goods, Have you seer : Cunixards ; : them? SL > PATTON Soden i wh 3 Tie ie YOur eves hia cE 3 Fn 4 ¢ 'g. Bi erws 4 ey ; 5. A *H ARPE] IX ot } nosy! nia division of the Eee our bew f Hise of shirts for spring. wpe: 3 ox oe fled We sell you u madras shirt fur 50 cents * red Feeling * 1908] guaranties tos wash, : i oan it 18 #0) « Pavron SuppLy On, x emmshed oat on a trip Thestiay A bers wire on aught Pubes Bixk, Parton, Pa. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Ading their duty to ih 3 p or the ie sptiheiie ; eo p parties. Both Bal waw car or apring. 1H you are pie noand Kayior Beene nee to need Bo tiew earpel Go 7} . a : . , : = a Saat Fo Yiaprind Sarre er og ¥ rand new girls tne Ww LEE VON OOK US DRE 1 : Spr Ra Ie ners ile 3 He id Cura ang Buon Pakniw pm alae Oi man 80 Sein | a Ls ir. V. A, Murray, BOONE, : PHYNICIAN & SURGEOX, The slp The a 'DYsPEPT ICIDE . Do Both, The greatest aid to DIGESTION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers