% Fours Ma i Wh i ER Ln an 9 de Bboy oo | Avenap per day dung vow Masih given to tramps. Novaher ron Frm Sur Tee Adgloe NAMES SRPrRORE Wig AE van 1 Piles, Me Motion, Liner Harwood, Mag ¢ Hurp wer, Mary Bartnat, Muy Bown, fds Wiwmer i peg eit. ery wh ae UBUD big | end: Viele a Lh Vaneiail, Raedel NAMEN OF Tes Wie Bil BUREN THX et YEAR Lary Bo Laniser, charles Shied, Willie Brows, Pte USE I Aine Srek ander 1 Manin Tame Morgen, Andrew Myoes, 2 visita By fie Po bosom Homies py E 5 mien Tented at Nospital and other IB eSi he chaplinie Rew 3a # J.odilen. BE vise ny chmtinto Bey op Jotew . Go hed : 1 y SEHR . AE Whos: on S00, il “ab sondern our bese a 1h Core IRE RE wh Cvmta blew far IN) and init nL ; Pu. this. the Ind dy of Fons, rg ByEx suse Aon tarda MSL Rey CFR Bargenn 4 1s § amir TE a Bes akhaaRb apes sspsRallc saul. The tendency of medion) scenes is towarl]l preventive messuren. The best onght of the world being given to sulijeet. 16 br caster amd Botter to : + Proveut than to core. It has been % ough remedy. Pp mondx aware resdite from a odor from an attack of mfloenss igripi. and CEhusliracts any tendency of these di Sedmen toward pregmonia. This bas been Dilly proven in wany thousands OF canon in whicls this remedy has been swoon dence. Preasionia offen results from § ak w & sight enid when so danger is ape Ol Oger Paid, | Prebendea antl is ix suddenly dimov- ered hot there is fever and difSoulty # brealbing and pains in the chest, Whes it i aunoonosd that the patient wo De poiumonis. Be on the safe side and take Chanibertaio’s cough remedy yA SON Be She cold is contracted. It aiways cures Pur sade by CC W, RL A Dhssnd Poin Fhonwn Away, Mr WW Baker of Plalaview, Neb, writen: “My wife had fang trouble for wv over Mleen yours. Wo tried 3 Sumber of donee and spent over a thousand dollars without any relief She wie i very low and bat sll Bope, when a * friend lngpweted tr sg Foley's honey And Sar, whinh T did: and thanks be to this great remedy, it ssved Ber il Biwe w stronges and erjuys betler heulth than she bos over kuuwn is tea j Wo shall never ba wilboat I honey sed far and would sel ome nlite to fey BY Gunn's ES o . we than an slam of fle az night ; ie iraeny ovegh of croup. which ' Expenditures of the Poor ANG wounds like the children’s death kuell ouse of miagmn an EOE 0 Means dath anions somethicg is House of Employment. i ir Pom etuleg ia #5 oo bY wnirew She worst firms of Srl : Mrs. PL Condier, of Musningion, Ky, writes: “My theres year old girk ¢ Bud a severe cane of sroap: the doctor saded sha could aot Hye, | 29¢ a bottle of Foluy's bossy and tar, the fest dose galie quik relive? suved Bee IHG Refuse subscitnton, Gunn's pharmacy. The siratch of 3 pin may eanwe tie wk 4 ar even death wien E tesaits Troms Bh ine (hg wl this may be e, by promptly apply taki Bade, fe oan aint quick bowling Holowot wes and burns Foe sale Kile more people a. This is due to sidious that it Ter Ayalon before Boles Kidney ture uens of fatal tiann's colgh ¥uars and ; Hi saving that itis Best mmddyy for coughs, colds aid Jerod 1 Ave pve din my fkmily. ¥ Ziv pont. EX 3 Pog sade at for te Pol. Guan's pharmacy. #onuy amd tur cures the : wed br an attack of in gippe. heals Ui lungs. Guan's pharmacy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers