fonnection a few days | ee a good bit of philos phy bebind it is these dass when Gnen are playing such a ronspicuous t in the affairs of hisipess, Bome . whether a man or woman 1 Know, advertised for a small | hed cottage, and he tacked this sentence on to the end of his adver. tisement: ‘Prefer to rent from a man.’ Here is a lesson for you. When 1 1d that ad 1 thought of & fw ithe which have happened to me uring my own earcer as 8 renter. 1 It was only recorily that the Bra. rilisns found out the walne of “the | balan tree ss a producer of the gom | that mukes pulta percha. They have | ‘been in the habit of cutting it down for | firewood and bmildisg material. | is PD gald that the tree grows in sock abund- ance pear Paras and along the tribo- taries of the Amazin for hundreds of | files that there in practically no Jmit | to the supply. More sap ie yielded | by the balata than by the cabher tree, There sre people whos sees to think thal poverty WM no disgrace, s8 ong ae Shey van borrow from thes neighbors. : Denfrass Canriot Pe Crived oonl sopifantions se (hey sunnot reach | Ghesmnd po rthon af the nar. Theres on! | way to sam deafness. ant that bn by cones : totisnal rerssdios, Draalnoef is saused by "on { nfamed asmdition of the muscus Natne of | the Enstaniian Tube. When this tale is ine fimmed you have & romising sound or lmper foot Renring sad whan it satiraiy had Dastuen in the result and unises he Infam- «| owner of & house. 4. | than this aud say that 1 have never { made any sort of satisfactory business | deal with a woman, s| rule. She is too fond of talking. éannot talk all day without committing = do 1ike to say it, for {eer of offend. ing. and yet it is a fact that 1 have never been able to conduct satisfac ory rental relations with the female 1 might go further all been blunt, flat falinres, frequently ‘ending in a perfect whirlwind of on. ant Joguacity, bordering on denun elation, and in bad feeling geusraily. “They are plausible renters. They make fine promises, but rarely keep i them. In busipess women are not re we | laMle, so far as my experience goes he! do pot mesn to sa | wicked and designing | | They simply promise too teach. 1! that they are suppose it is because they falk too | mich, Bpeaking much while making wm | a trade is unwise if you want the | deal to stick. The short, entegorionl Answer is the thing in business. Bat you ean’t hold a woman down to this One oneself In some Way, but wemen do t | not seem to realize it. 5. | “Of course, there are sone €XCPD- | toma, Bat, looking at the thing in a . swmers) way. 1 am loclined to commend of the man who put the | pi stn . ‘prefer to rent from s man.’ | | after his advertisement. He's right about it and evidently speaks by the I | card "New Orleans Times-Democrat. EE WISE_woR WORDS. The tatrest without may bt the foul. | est within, ‘The big sword does not make the | tirave soldier. The worker's pay may be the shirk et’s punishment, Right ends are pever furibered by ith ; wrong agencies. Great sorrows expand ihe heart to : Tecelve great joys, Foes without are less to be feared | than faults within ‘No man becomes wise antl] be has of: 1 ten ealled himself 8 fool. Humility is the secret of the steady head on the giddy heights, To return good for evil is to make 8 | Bower bloom from a weed. When the evolution of histsry Is held ; back it results in a revolution To take the fuel of lust iuto the Beart 3 | 1 to invite its fires to consutie the life. Men are valued by others In about | the inverse ratio of their own vaiua- : tion. Happiness depenia not on the things | the heart has, but on the beart that has 4, porosity of 4 q Arter ~ The mnt jp wiuet- | He things. The first thing some people do when | troubles fy into their lives is to elip thelr wings—Ram * Horn, ot : Decline of the Amateqr. “The Decline of the Amatvnr” would | be a good title for a paper for one of 1 the magazines, says Black ind White. { Twenty years ago a girl who could lng a simple song situply, or could pay a walls or a drawing room piece rrectly, with a Hght touts, was re gerded a& an accomplished woman. A ® wan who could occasionally make a thirty or forty break at bi fiards wie looked upon as a fine player. The man or woman who could draw or paint a litte better than buys and girls : ar, draw or paint who have bee tanght at no WME yo en friend of mina” was “He once stole oul cou. bad to go on qiarier ; ortaight.” 1 ois convoy. 1 ® Dore o- -London Express, Taming the Tiger, any reputation, school, was described ss an artist | Now, however, the drawing room song ur piece, the occasional thirty or forty ‘break at billlards—lengibened by the frequent assistance of fortune—and the home-pade “artist” do not acquire Most men and women ‘are supposed to be, and Sn Low well 1 grounded in the theory of wittever { they take up: they approach the matter from the professional side, no longe from that of the amateur. Ji is curious that as the standard all round has been go greatly raised there are so {ow | who surpass thelr contemporaries suf felently to become permanently fame ous, he Difference, He was a man who was making $50 a week apd was having lnneheon with | his fantee in ap uplown restaurant The lady ordered chicken salad, fob lowed by black cuffee and wafers, The man, who could have ordired every: thing on the bill and not felt a hole in his pocketbook, bad consomme and fittie Neck clams and dtank walen The walter got ten cents, A clerk who wag Rept busy ssining Cossack was recently hired at cow by the French lion tamer clean the cages of his wild Being ignorant of the French , understandings were ar’ d by means of gestures. The morning the Tartar began his | duties by entering, not the cage tame beast, as his master had ut that of an untamed tiger, Iny asleep on the flonr. The animal awoke and fixed its oyes | an, who calmly procecded rge sponge, and, unierri- wn the tiger, The unl irently delighted with the , showed no resistance, ut its ek snd offered every | his maliry of $18 a week took Lis { sweetheart to an expensive gearide re gort. It took twenty minutes to decide what they wanted to eat. Finally the order came, heaped high up on a large ay. At the lady's place the walter depos. fted roast boef, mashed potatoes, chicken crogquettes with peas, a salad of lettuce and tomatoes ard a cup of coffew, The man, wondering how he could get a winter overcoat, ate a porter house steak with mushroonis, fried po- tatoes, green corn and coffe, For dessert they had fee cream and fancy cakes, with more coffee Plainly, they have these matters. ‘yated. Xmie jarge-graiued variety ix the most large | The ? nan got 8 quarr-Ney York Her: but it ts not so easily obtained. By the Habon prices pinck pigment is made hy pumping acetylene into steel crlinders to 8 pressure of about two atmospheres, snd then passing an electric spark through the vessels the gas being thus disassociated info ite earbon and hydrogen. The hydrogen is collected for any convenient ase; (he fworid js a yousg wri getting over her first love aflair carbon is ready for the market, Adely. { jens black is free from the oily impari ties of ordinary lamp binck, and the demand is already so great that the first factory—-now tunniog jo Switzer and ix likely to be followed by others ‘fo other countries. A snowflake like a hallstone, Is formed on a particle of dust in the upper atmosphere. It begins iis a reer at the top of 8 cloud, many miles above the earth, downwars course through many ab mospheric strata, differing in their temperature and the quantity of mois. ture they contain. In a stratum of warmer air it calches moisture and when it enters a doll stratum below the moisture is fronen, and so the Sake grows until it reaches the earth. Ing thawing air. gether, forming larger ones A fron, which ts strong enough to resist | the blows of 8 sledge hammer, may be | made by 8 mixture of equal paris of sulphur and white lead, with aberat one-sixth proportion of borax, the three being thoroughly incorporated so as to make a homogenous make WW ben | the composition i to be applied it is wet with strong salpburic seid, and a thin layer of it Ix pinced Deiween the two pieces of fron, which are teed) § ately pressed together. It wii be per. fectly dry in five days all traces of the cement havieg disappeared. and the work having every look of well ing. mn The gardens and fSelde of Yoesian are filled with vegetables and fru almost unknown fo the smiaide world The forests and jungles siso conlain wild fruits. excelent even in their uo cultivated state, which night be bred into valuable food products. Ope of the most lmpariant native Yucalan grains, ixim. called by Ue dalives, sirace of God" somewhat resembles the Indian corn of the United States There are six putive varieties caltis nit the lnp-stalked, Iv planted. ‘The seed ix put into the ground In May snd the plant is fully matured by January. Under the pri itive nature methods tweniy or at bushels to the acre are ruled Tha following 1hermodenamion problem is stated asd solved by 1 * A beiy esis TWO sUnces mately thermodynamic equivalent of the work he has made hls Interior do sxsnming he takin Ove minuies to eat it In melting the low he will oe eighteen units to reduce it to water To raise it in temperature to that of his imside he will requ units. or a total of twenty thermal units. Taking the me equivalent as 77 fear pounds will be equal to 18.420 foo pounds. Hf the boy weighs 100 pounds be will have called upon his stomaseh fo do as} much heat work sz would with a mas chine faving unit efficiency, raise bili | 104 feet high, Hy a sony equal to nearly an eighth of a horse puwer.” A “Homing Tastinet™ The Brron Bepuable markable dog sty, The paper sys that some seven or eight yours aan Mr. Housocuer, of Baron, who was then Hving at Galena, Ran. made a top through the territory ¢ pedition, passing thn barhood of Menden., 1 the wagon the entity Galena, being about 35 mies, Mr. Housouer nsove d to Byron winter he left th dog a5 Bis old home, About two months a0 he fyaal dog shipped to Brron from kansas. Ie was a good huntieg dog, and oa a trip tory. the 8 couple of weeks ago near the sail | niaing became separsted from his swner, who supposed be had remmrued home. On returning home he found the dog had not arrived, and iu week from that day received a eller from relatives at Galena, stating tbat) the old dor hun! safely peturued and soemed iad to get back, He seemed discontented with ORiahonna iife, well remembered the road be passed over seven or eight years ago.—RKapsas City doursal, His Faso Without Viaw, Washington {inspiring order aml spirit into troops hongry aud jo rags, steng by tngratitade bint betraying vo 8 her and ever ready to forgive] d feat invincible, mmgoanimous in cnguent and never so sublime as on that day Gr Ty Ea AR AA, in de when he lakd down his invineible sword § and sought his noble retirement. Here indeed is a character to adinire and revere; a life without a stain, a fame without a flaw, | panom!—Thackeray. ahd paskes in HS, many fakes come fo extravation ustes 8 Te nn want in Xs ¢ £1 & 3 gt Quando nnories Sos of Destuses ¢ oan be taken out and this tube re- , wit We will Lond One Hundred Delinrstor ay ¥ ee] salnrgh Hall's Cstareh Cure, ri. Cassy & Co. Toledo, 0. Bail s enenily oe are tha beet. The mist miserable creature in the 1 1t is sald that a cement for mending | 3 FREE MEDICAL ADVICE Every working girl whe is not | well In cordially invited to write Tse Paine’s Ex “1 want to thank you for what have done for me, and x what you Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound to sll them standing on their feet in the store. The doctor said 1 must stop work ; he did pot seem to realize that » girl cannot afford to stop work: ing. y back sched, J 4 Ap ite was . 1 could not sleep, an menstrus- tion was scanty and very painful. 4 Due when suffering 1 eccmnmenced E Plank po Fi haun's vs Vege table Jompound, and found v it helped me. | continued ita use, « snd were free from | everyones is surprised at the change in me, and I am well snd cannot be ton grateful for what you have dome for | mie ee Mins Jaxer Pass, 530 West fan He, New Yori City. 8000 forfeit If astgimnl of abess ISter poocing Povuimesnss sa 0 De pt DgwORd. Take no substitute, for it Is Lydia E. Plukham® s Vegetable giris whose work of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, and yLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Homours, Baby Humours and every kind of Humour from Pimples to Scrofula, with Premature Loss of Hair, may now be speedily, permanently mn economically cured by Cuticura esolvent, greatent of Blood oo) Skin Purifiers, ed by the external use of Cuticura Ointment and Coticura Soap. : Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief and speedy cure by the use of (uticura Resolvent, Ointment and ir fn the most torturing and dish ing of ITCHING, BURN- IN and SCALY HUMOURS, ECZEMAS, RASHES, ITCH. NGS and INFLAMMATIONS i sarids of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and Dis gured Babies, of all and conditions, have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Caticura Kemedien when the best medical skill has failed to relieve, much kiss cure © Cuticars Treatment is local and consititutional—complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesorne., Bathe the affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and Soften Pere Thickenel Cuticle, dry without hard ru i and apply Cuticura Ointment fricly to ally Irching, Irnitation, and Inflammation, and Soothe and Iead and lastly take Cuticors. Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function in & state of healthy activity. a To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours i “who huve lost faith in doctors, Remaodies appeal with a Te medicines. and all things human, Cuticura =| force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened J by them has been more than faifilled More grea: cures of St Scrofulous, snd Hereditary Humours are daily made by them by all other Bloed and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being often sufficient to core the most distressing cascs when all else fails, COPICTRA BUMED IEE ww wih! Deosglonl tie oiled sud PROBS: Cuteurs Kamal weet BSe pert Seltls On ths Dem of fhavnirie Contd PRIN 180. per vial WE - Casicary (Untipest. oe. por Ser. wed Dntems Sep fe. ger cake Seed fe the goeat work “ileaueery of tae Bised. Suis and Bex wa Tw to Cures Thoms.” 64 Pages 300 Dies saves with Bisstratiens. Testimosiain sed Dloetisks a afl lesguapes. lading Japsasse and Ohbiass. Beithsd Twig, 08 at wae $4. lemons. BU. Treses Deget § fee des Paix, Pais, Asstesiias lege, B Treg & Lo, Brdiay. POTTER DELO ABD CHEN _IGAL CORIDEATION. Rebe Pompriorars, Beil, 3 £4 mrt ee wit WT] a wha tries to sell Msmathing just 42 gee 2aS100 a tr win gadis . : = ; a A : EA pera : , ine, mie We sealed Yr arene ie a few dave, winged Te. : ev of BOCIOCS, feahers aad business wes. For Ooovlmen adios Bocin 08, ACHE TYPEWRITER CO, Pe Fainw B, New Take Fw Fad bw arer wi wer fran WR sed ter Eo Toe nia Hw - Catia: To. (Ju a So ad wb. Ar nRecK apsicum PUT LP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. @ $n Sniweiture for and dgperior 5 Wasesnd Farrahing | vibe ? Sa owner the miet { wo Non. Rep in Having swe ouEACHYR der! ul Ir will wiog this Tin ye Roa La a wigeh tation. ERS hawk iy ihr ta Aipariim fue thin Weown ak own Ba s ey J peabile ERS ated, 8 ctherwise 18 = ~ bran Po IT State Street. New York City.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers