The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 27, 1903, Image 5
¢ marron, PA. rn lB, of which Warren Worth ¥ Hailey te og president Santor A E.. Patton ih Corwensvilies 5 the eanly sat. “An oyster supper for in beast of o Swedish Evangeiivel Lotheran church will be given in Fireman's Hail | ¥ evening For this pik] panee we kindly sek the oo operition 4 of sur frigmds. Everybody welootne. : severe attuck o «8 M. Wilkon, who waa graoted en : of quinay. 8 wholssdle liquor loenss at the Tua iis uw a ountois fonpee conrL ns» foree of met en | 1 be atiatiedk in hin tow me spother sotmng, Boos of Spangler on account of sisi four cuses in the bor: | ly was confined to a the ‘hin block on North Brady wheel, | ool, DuBois Uonrier. : will Gud some: | move Ww Currofitown. this ‘week. Mr | | : Clothing to. in anter e of 8 \ century ago wid i. going : 2 ard mans and nigh | = ! WE, of Chil pls a of Justing flown 21m Prutmaan, ¢ ot of +43 Ey ; (de ded to locate in Trent in and 1 ren | | Rag He has : ad the Srats Sheet hot, posers of 11 ha j dre ion, and +. 2 | Protanan in sn x perio woe | | betel nia, {having k susessafilty sondooted the La. | at Hastings for a somber 2 3¢ he a4 the best. wishes of ord after the ist han ie : Goods, gaged tn fitting up one of the rooms in | which be will occupy after Marci: sec. ¢ - ~8 J. Lather, of St. Augustine, hae | disposed of his farm and expeets to That's Mand are prepared to do all ow Good Groceries are what we sell, the best and freshest in all lines. : If we haven't your trade, we want it, and we believe a trial order will make you ime of our many stinsiers, : Fourth Ave, ~ Psalter ino “iT “I” is the new cored which ie being tallied aboot so mack. “Tt” ws Giffarent from moi romin. ith mot 8 aveeheo om avocant of Posy ing considerable boaly, it Ix on 8 and we wil toll you sll abe de oceries, Flour, Feed, and Provis- bu a frit f Aged stem? we fos. mon, - i rise Food Company, : { prodlucts produced by then. Stink New First-Class and (vive me a cail. ver HEL | Batter makes gos Frill Try it and how " good if tastos, PRICE RIGHT. Ralston Health Oats, The bint Flaked Cat made. Just received 8 fresh direct frown the me We ales curry a 000 Boe of the | ; Hesith Food. ¥ Ri ¥ RIGHT. America’ Ss Best Flour. i jou want the best bread sowinced hat you have not been swing the that piakes that delicions white loaf of It's the kind we wil snd Eaarsaies. give it a tris! and be Ctwest flour I's the bread. PRICE BIGHT Pride of Rome Conrted. Corn, Pesa, Beans and Hewts, If vou are not using thes you ae miming it treat. We biive been selling then for years DETRP bad E of we fine A guilty, tendher and af fire gnaiity. PRIUES x ® what we make of PLUMBING, Fish! Whee yon hay Ba Fish! sf the Best. We alwars in that way we sheave pond valor for Your money. ir fansily white Sul, msokevnl, tng, Ba sardine, canped salmon, trout, Eh and saribines, amo sosoked Bers Rus 3 Fad good free ork in that ine expediously f Fave in > and well. ck asd bloaters “Smoked Salmon.” Se lnttind mamasot) 8 Wperiaiy prepared and cured 2 a new for x reais g be wher. Omiy 130 the poy j Al kinds of tin work, roof- g and spouting | ii stock of Stor ware, J.C, HARPER CO, Fisher Block, Patton, Pa * sand tin. A New Line of the copa Stet- we n Plavo Solo- Virginia P Polka te ae Dora Pryckinud. Sas PART IL 2 Piano Solo. Evening Thoughita 18 Piano Solo Alpine Storm Stasice Kinkel, op. 105. or Millie Yeckley. “w Vocal Bolo--Stars of Night Adorning - J. B. Wekerlin. Mrs John Musser. : 5 Piano Bolo Avgels Voloes Ever Near, Reverie - A . =. Swnet, we 8. B. Mila, op. 36. oo w + “ w ra - Lo : Gracie Anstead. 4 18. Plano Solo-- Spinning Bong La Mamie Jones, = 1" Plano Duet. -Mid-Sumuser Night's Dream Mendelssohn, op. H. Litolft, op, 81. wl - Pa @ - - a * a ¥ a : Sandford Sisters. " Piano Solo--Shadown of the Past, ldylle i P. F. Byder, op. + » * = » » - IN Pe Rath Reese, Iw. Piano Duet--On the Rave Course, Grand Galop Enis Deconsert : - : C.D. Biske. Harry and Gertie Wentr. 7 ». Vooul Solo-—Plerrot Mm John Musser, on Piano Solo-Third Tarentella Rachael Sandford. » wi Se - » Hutohinson, xk MacFarron o | ] RU BBER GOODS. Oren Quality Shoes for [rave ‘We sell them. Magee Ave, ‘records this season by virtue of the we shown and and you know and make your selection early and get the pick of the su wk. | son $5 and $6 | Shoes for Men. - = is iy i Is always in demand und that is one reasom ‘why we have been able to pick up such a large trade in = Do your eyes have * That short a space of time. Fred Fooling? thi Big Stock is first<lass and of goed If so, it is an indication that, ba ing in our Big Stock 1s first< wood Boots, rubbers and felts. ] you should call at Tozer’s and aa them fitted with specta- | Our Drugs are pure and compounded with the utmost . Lenses exchanged free at. ‘care by a competent Pharmacist. any time within a year from Drugirists’ Sundries of al! kin ds. high- “ . ‘date of sale. Satisfaction guar. and Cigars and Huyler's Celebrated Candies received fin |anteed or money refunded. Don't forget that we have * the best «quipped repair shop in Northern Cambna Co. | TOZER, THE PATTON JEWELER. Careful Dressers will appreciate this foot wear. | est. esti women have stood the t It You can do better | every week. GUNN'S | Magee Ave. The White Shoe Store. Patton, Pa. ~ WILL YOU JOIN OOR CLOTHING CLUB? elevate the arts of good embers on about an equal thing Membership m this cinb Fees, there are none. If yom v at the club house, (East Ma 0 pean ‘s Store, Ww hat henefits de +3 Jub ¥ These: Its members are free ree from gsorhitant charges; free ; 71 f clothes. The i WILL SOON. BE Peo rs ~ SINGING. PE ihe Its main purpose shall be to wd 4 wy! ace all its * Spring is not so far away and now 1s the time to be thinking of that new Spring Suit. We expect to best all oo ay d He hela taste an footing &s regs : 1S ited and open to all ) hesoime a nunber a Wadd x Th: jotning the ¢ sthing care; Fa £5 spp rye Sw Large gee Avenne & ; . vol gain bye i % from all Lak 1 Ras or = ww Big Stock of ha a 1% 27 6 A gS bea ? FEE LAKsL Ea nk’ 5 % loolens | ing but the are 1 1 make clothes—Fit and VE FIs received. satest styies Ci Ist 10% We ‘Workmanship Always Guaranteed. MIT Cw COME. IN $8.00 and $10.00, which all members of the club will five dollar bill more. Qome to car clab hones for further inforrsstion we thick you will wael WOLF & THOMPSON, The Clothiers. * agree are ally worth & {No two pieces alike. 1 wh LR to} | MAGEE ins PATTON, PA.