The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 27, 1903, Image 4

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    cd NF A HT 8 AERA
and battery, Joba N. Bone
1H Waters
{cla ony La i Winter coughs Are apt to resnlt in !
must be twenty-five
resident of the county
124; per cent of attendance: miles 78,
: nd : 1 township, 0
Ls of Cases to Come Retire he Gram | Mitchell, Bare to is
eu Jury Newt Week. = wrship,
aroh term 2 a srnbria county Rese puehAnnE byw
mente Monday. whip, oi
Behsnng township, :
John KE. Evans ot ux to Cymbaria © sen
] stu : by - Charles Hiraith, [ohmpany, Sasguebsning towhship,
2 “A. Westrick, Bilder towsubip, $4000
: James Faller to Flisubeth A Re
j Patton, ws
‘arrod] Sownship, n oo. . ;
intr ad BF Beers od ax to CF Anderson, :
| Reade township, $1.99
: Eider towaabip, gm.
: and $100.
Peale, Carroll tow pebip, #5
g A Busebaneh ot uv to OV Fick,
Spang r fmpros angen Ue fy Pal
ward Haber, Sea ior, #10 :
Nagle, 1 : aleation and has Barr bownehin, 82,000
{ Hon Carroll towoship, $56
a ane batte ; ih Vs
: | Ty } , Mary 8. Hamawrstrom ot uz tT.
dam Yaovivie, aduiury, Mike Jer, Eider township, $300.
Comar, adultery, Mike Do. "ako, Barr Lownetip, $300.
Anns Danks, ssssclt and buttery} ini
i wo Cline, assauit aid tty, Sayder's
bara Evunchak. i You can do better at the White
Kelly : ;
WO Ly A wide awake policy apd pasbitig
Mary Sark, tiquor laws; w. Hi method will advenie the twa
Joba B Kennedy, BgEra vated | “Dugaesne beer In good.”
oo sale nnd battery; Bdward Borns = Ev A. MEGON, ks
a Mike Radonouioh, fnlonions snsadt | The girt whey has the repntation of
or and battery, Mike Yuhase :
being a “good fellow"! gr erally re.
Arthur Horn, horse stealing; Marie mains single.
: Bolwin ; There are some people whe won't
Lewis Levy, larceny; Charies Ma. Histon to reason antil you knock them
jaunt : (down and choke them
. € B. Rows, felonious amsacilt aad st “Duquesne” stands for all that !y
ery: George Bmith ) good, pure and whedesome in beer.
iad T. J Uoy et al, malicious nis Ev A Meow,
hie oorge Makin Green G thie oily cure for f i
Milt Langham, Agiravalod ET roase, the only cure for fall :
Prauk Roberts of al, a, burglary; John | ¥ Gartleid Wilkins, Patton, Pa.
Prank Rebusta, assault aod battery | Se, are what makes u good beer. When |
x phe | wich intent; Go W Moses [you drink Duque you kre Matired
An sie Outrox. 5 % Wa dri a"grean™s Bon-anion adel
i James Hunt et al, robbery; Wills | beer, Whe you can get union goods
thoroughly aged and not made by a
“Hobert Notley et al, , conwpiracy; L. trust. Morsl: Drink Duqossne beer.
ne M.Dey | ED. A. MELLON.
: ; Advertised Letters. :
al a | The following letters remain uncalled
POR GRAND JURY WEDNESUAY. te for in the Patton post office for the two |
nmonwealth va Frank Gillen, Iar | weeks ending Saturday, Feb, 21, 1908:
4 fom by. Dalles; prosecutor, Benjamin Mrs. Malinda CO. Kriner, Rietar Willi
i | Modsinaki, Carmels Parise, Swan Mat
4 Miler oto breaking and on- gon, Robert Nimmo, Mrs. Nannie
Smith, Miss Mary Wagner. :
Joy. Persons calling for the above letters
ye iter “ al, arcens, Mr. 0. oi Please say that they are “Adver-
i 1 Ravi takon § rod many different
| medicines for stomach trouble and con- |
nirosk. " stipation,” says Mrs. 8. Geiger, of
; veel larcen +01. | Dunkerton, Iowa, “but never bad as
Inman a, 3; Wi | Od route 508 dnt Su row Claw |
John Wolte, abstractions; John Lit berlain’s stomach and liver tablets
For sale by C - W. Hodgkins.
Angelo Perri, forgery; Albert Mave. | ‘consumption if neglected. They can
NER ‘be soon broken up by using Foley's
scHooL REPORTS. : honey and tar. Gunn’ # pharmacy.
Those From the Mrittmontter ang Melton | When yon ack energy, do not relish
Scliwols for the Pasi Month Your food, feel dull and stupid after
Report of Melon school, Carroll eating, all you need is a dose of Cham.
township, for month ending Feb. 8, berlain's stomach and liver tablets.
1902: Whole number in attendance: | They will make vou feel like a new
males 10, females 24, total 34; average man and give you an appetite like a
attendance, males 8, fotnalen 18, total bear. For sale by OC. W, Hodgkin,
females 52, total average 78. The fol. croup and whooping cough. contain
{towing were perfect in attendance: ,., ,.iuten and cures quickly. Careful
Modestus Farabaugh, Bertha | F ATR mothers keep it in the house.
: {aa Rosa Farabaugh;t temence Fal- pharmacy,
ley, Simon Cnuningham. Those who
| missed bat one day: Gertrade Ericeson, Mothers can safely give Foley's
1 Abraham Wilkinson Number of vip boney and tar to their ohlldren for
itors 8. : coughs and colds, for it contains no
BJ OveruerGER. Teacher. ‘opiates or other polsons Ghann's
The following is the report for Stritt- pharmacy.
| matter school for month ending Fi eh. You can do better at the White
3, 1903; | Bhoe Store.
Number of pupils enrolled: males, 11; :
| females, 13; total 24; average sttenil- EXECUTRIX'S NOTIOK.
ance, males 9, females 10; total 19; per : Litters tostamantary upon the estate of Mike
cent of attendance, males 80, females | erish, late of the Borough of Patton, Cambria
| 80,total 80, Those perfect in attendancy: Foounty, Pa. deceased, Beving teen granted to
She andersigned, nollie 18 Jie Tey given foal
Bertha Diethrich, Kate Overberger and | persons indebted fo sad estate to makes inune.
3 | William Fox. Those ‘missing one day | Bate payment and those having clans to
ol were Kata Fox, Isadore Hoover and | present them property authenticated for settle.
ist, hich is tha Snialient | Cambria connty Ww John E Evans, + *
Matiida Weaklund ex al to Franch in
Bald Railroad Go. x 4 ‘wrenil rns, i
John 8 Weskinnd to Rembrandt
Sndrew White ot ax bo James J
Ti Charles Endler ot ax to Lew End.
| Bimos P. Lantey ot ux to Joby Se.
Foley's honey and tar is best for 3
MG. Dum, Teacher.
Annie Gearbart. Visitors 19. -t, Mus. MARY Brnisn,
Exaeutri x of Mike Bersih,
February 19, 199%,
Emanuel Wentz oy to Jumes Lo io
mbris Cons (ow pany, by tremsurer, 7
‘DYER 80% Dron.
of fhe wrehead gs
Flom of athens is cory istrems.
". parox
: tag to wi Tew, and feb ants fer &
Mile Drandriy fo Uharies Hyorard, 1
DA Memes vt ax Ww AW Lee,
Fajr pinay doesn’t siwsyr win a fiir
: racibonlly and
Have your watch repaired ut hy aproot ® And care this awed x
: " igre wr plow a to vss
: air, rests his Tend RIOT a oF ohare,
Jomen oe stpcdiboon) Ee odd gasps mpd
: = ay he
EERE, Pong LH,
Bobs bins | HORT Peters 1 F
1 o
FirstNatio jon [Bank =
Patton, Cambria Lo, Po -
vs 7 Es Sa hs
Tw ro) Es a | Sogn x AF troutie Fiery
Al TAL PAID re $108 som 1 ol pod ten mace se mistalee
fire datiring your Kidoeys The mild
ana than eur finary afigct of Dr. JX
sample x may ‘ema
free. glen jamphiet wiling you Be
io td psy Wes kidney or Ar
Mesto Nis peer “en wri ne Or. X Or.
&Co. Bin ghacnion, RY. me
Don's ajuke any mrivtake, bat mse.
her the mime, Swamp-Ront, Dr. Kit
mer's Swiamp-Root, and the addres,
: Binghamtim, x ¥, on every bottle.
Pictures That Combine.
Good taste and appropriate]
with sty: ¢ and attractive.
pear ** Perell’s ” name.
can tell then at a glance.
tng ods ming 5 ae
: Commonwealth va Hogh Meehan, | When you cast year bresd upon the hal.
sant sd battery; prosecutrix, noe water Ain't tie & stone to it his
ing hair. Price 25 conta par bux. For i
Pority and exculienoe, era prhed with
re vo.
Heatin g Stoves sold below
Hardware and Glass always gi
the best for the lowest price.
Furniture at greatly re.
‘duced prices to make room for
spring goods.
Kitchen and dining room
chairs, a great variety.
Rockers of all description,
Extension Tables at j.00,
5.00, 5.60, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00,
10.00, $12.60, etc.
$ 510 $20. Best barg: ns.
prings and Mattresses.
5 = i AY ny i f
line Pillows from
8.000 per ix A1T.
wienm—a few remnants
He sid | low Ls, New
a fine line.
RIOTS from Xoo
3 aX x
R03 OF) All sod cal wood
Magee Ave,
nches—extreme low price
iw Antikien, iy Pharma.
Reuel Somerville,
Attorney at-Law,
Patrox, Pa
AT cn roy TIRE, 1AFN AND
utter 15 tine high for the : ACCIDENT
hibit En wo buy.
bev =P 5 45% Ree %
‘ns your Forder] by mail for Bat. Bde uti, a fe No. 8,
Cambria Butter Co., | CRTICE OF TRE RACK.
41 Prankiin 86, : : Hastings Pa
JUHNSTOWN, FA. om S promptly attended to.
| real ewtate, ste.
wo MG HOT SHOT, ov x wpurmy,
“The Hottest Thing in Town * PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON.
SEE segire hd ew § mete a ‘
ney and ver whi 80 arouna Lo hea of de
Honsehald Pited by LL. i I ro a
BE RE FN F or we
Mow. Alex 2 tir it meresas dy
after doctortng oar wea, A grandis so
Mire FPrite of ed) ese. Bas
| bars Bertemns's child, of Gmbiitain, cost pot
walk and was open
GEO. BOONE, healing ead -
res pa Permsylvania Railroad
JUSTICE OF THE PHACE. 54 otiot Fer, 5. TO
Office is Good Building. Collections | Main Line
promptly attended to, Properties to Lamve fawn, .
il and Ew Rhoay Epes wos * ohn = ~
wel) rent. A fowatae cn ei ns dm mg @
| Minin Lane Boxpweme, Saky. :
A. SEITZ, ik Lr Th V g Ao dmiiy
Ba) © reach Vowwaid
Nheridan Arenag., wow Angs...
enti st! wy her a
rs ih Goad Bollding, OF Raise
cs bottom wT 12 Bo mad I po Nee £0. wenk bs PR
wm, Mah pom. £ nb & Clearfiold Diviice.
is 5 : An effect Janviary 18, 1.8.
Bugis pokes
Patton Courier,
- ok HT pom rnin ig al Orson
Promoter of Public ity, )
Meth awd
Advertising Rabtiw made known on 086 No FOIE am aniving al Ma
: VER, RE WA et Gh Unnipbel] ag
For econoeny of ful, clexsliness in operation
and excellent qualities in baking and roasting
A , They have inprovemenis and advantages
Tr oo not found in athe stoves and ranges. Sold
THE AMERICAN under a guarantee to do good work--and
ST AND ARD also to last. You run nd nsk--money back
if not satisfied.
Would be pieused 32 has you suming the