The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 20, 1903, Image 3

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    a for ts bow many
be was unable to tell beyond the
| stupor. from ‘which he would pet op
Land travdl on. Every time be came in
ni sight of a mountatn he would
3 be oa ast
Fi Pasa Peak, and would exert hima)
Hine he was “stiter] 5 0
| tems agony and reales, wig |
Perishing from thirst, : ga |.
si a Mitle, i the hot Ais
Ie, nnd be expected pach to
At Yast his strength gave ont and fin
{ont down, ahable to rise
hours, snd It seemed he would Bave
tn le there and watch denth eon
He was found iying thers with his
head ander ‘a bush by a Portognese
| sheep herder, who took him, still un.
ponselous, to Indian Wells.
etires! for there until he could be taken
hf to his bome at Randburg.
rh tn bint thst
4 the Dear with An
wilt ott yon a bear wiory
Ye the novelty of truth,
da for a moment doubt
ent deeds with Wars of
# 1 ney tat the true
po men who ean tell
| Hive bea from a jack
# hy WAP hack to camp
‘through the thick for
fred. I wan't think.
Tegetog or * snjtilig
: and T+ wi in Ce
ze that the great
= had heard 2% home nnd |
nil were nothing Lut
2 of well cuitivated and
wade up my mind that
: vould bo Detter lensed with
1 Hh v WHE ha rate
he wax yet n the Bir, 28 a |
LL W, BEotrikin and (linton Morgan,
{some time there bad been
bndkerehief Jont It draw tho fire
enemy, Entoikia'srtend wag snorined,
Lis reirent,
{ to town—8E Louis Repub Ce
rlencen through Russia, Riterl:
A hat pistol and shotpon One one
i thirred near Henala, Ga, latween J.
Petricen the men nnd ramors wore
afloat to the affect that Moran would §
Hi Enteitin at the first opportunity.
The latter Ix a ballY, sod in anticlps.
tion of trouble went fully armed. A
few dars since a men went nto Entel
kin's office and placed sone papers
with him to be served Instantly on
Clinton Morgan. Healiging that a cri
sip hind been reached in bis fend with
his velglibor, Entrikin concialed two
weapobs oh hin person, and took a
fiend along to act as witness, realls-
ing toll well that when, in addition to
thelr original quarrel, Morgan learned
Lis mission there would be trouble.
In shout twenty minutes they had
{arrived within twenty yards of Mor
+ 1 gunn's honsa, At this juncture Morgan |
{ bimeelf appeared, and before Entrikin
{ hud time to serve him with the papers
has Jerked his shotgun from bebind the
door anil conamenced to fire toward the
approaching men. Both hastily sought
slhielter behind trees and a ragdd fustl.
Jade ensued. Morgan had hia pockets
f1ill of shells, and aa fast as die charge
wae ealousted he woull shove others
nto the chambers thus keeping vp a
hit fire at any portion of the bhatiiffs
1 body that was exposed. te
Eutrikin answered with his resolves
| ore, anti finally both men were badly
wounded and conld pet leave their!
temte. Then cums a Blockads, for beth
Ware #freid to even hang out a white
of his
For nearly five hours this Indlerous
situation continued, until Snaliy a
friend of Morgan's came up, and plas
ing the latter on borechaek. covered
The Ball was 12 A Lack
Captain Mark Clark, seared In a
| dozen places with an Siherian evelone.
Lite just returned from a yearanda-
{ade teip Oiled with Interesting expe.
| Mongolla, :
Captain Clark bax been erecting
tf in foreign countries since 15980,
aid bas had many thrilling expe.
riences, Lint the otis he hos ust poesed
capped the olimax,
Ҥ the twenivdwo years be hus got up
n ant creck. ig ons.
ald Bot have eaught me
my rile Howie knife, canvas
. 81x} pever dil And
guide 20d I the next
» speedway i
B the underbrush in my
hed een caught by a lot
stealing Boney out of thelr
the pain from the stings
to let go his grip and to
now tells me about
[ tell Bhim my own ac
, and 1 am glad to say
F of our gex that he 1s
elly, one of the miners
tly on the Mojave Desert,
. horrible death that alinost
him of his reason. For days he
_ O¥er the burning desert
ad or water.
ber 11 he left Randsbure,
wide William McLeod ont to
Wilson Canyon mine, In the
Mountains. It was a journey
seventy miles, and was made
p. In spite of the fact
borse was in poor condition,
likely to give out at any
t the mountains next day to re-
ectitig to spend the night at
bu got lost toward
Gloucester, Mass.
Wan Seen,
The ery was beard on
schooner, which proved to be the Pa.
A | wiot, : and the shipwrecked men were |
ilies boasts in Vemezucla, sue In Span.
5h Honduras and three oh the Yakan,
in Alas,
SPR events which gave me thes
| nears” said the Caotaln, “struck the
{ vont July 1, just after I bad finlshel
+ ber and taken ber acrosk the border of
Fibers into Mougolla, on the Silingar
River. It took ninety feet from ths
middie of the beat and Ufted It over
’ ito a meadow, upside down and In a
terrible tangle,
‘M1 was in the pilot house and went
with the rest of the delais. As luck
world have it I lamded on wy feet and
Waa os
tin three els shithz of a mile 4 blew on,
Liter into a Leavy wood. Bat I bad to
ald my bands about the back of my
besal to shield It from the hall, and
they were terribly cut by the hall
stones, until now they are simply "
solid sear, as you can see”
Prostbitten and exhausted by a tween.
ty-four houryw’ battle with sea, storm,
hunger and bitter cold, Captain R. HL.
sinperville and the crew of six men of
the schooner Belle Wooster reached
They were bronght
in by the schooner Patriot, which had
picked them up at 2 o'clock am.
“The Helen Wooster sank off High-
land Light last after the crew aban
dabéd her. Inn sonthwest blizzard tie
sehiooner bal lest every hit of eéativas,
excent the foresall, and, under the
pounding of terrific sear, had sprung a
leak, her cargo of granite having
sliifted. When it was geen that the
craft could not be kept afloat, the crew
left her in a small boat, and for hours,
scantily clothed and without food,
beaten by terrible seas and uguable to
lay a course In the blinding snow, thes
ten fought for fe,
At 2 o'clock a. m., when some of the
men were with difficulty prevented, hy
comrades not as far gone, from lying
down in the boat to dle, a vessel's Haht
Those in the open boat
raised thelr volces In a united ery.
; : | reseved.
he bogmaker says bia Ze 1s x
He became shipost wild |
with the terrible thought of the death
{be had to face
The usual |
Letupor did not couse upon hits for
: Buy at length he hecatne pneonsclons. |
He was |
ba qd Moot
dine 10 Beep on them partially for
board the
If poeterdins WIE temorrows
Hirw easy this life wold be!
3 We Haver make
; The shght mistak ¢
§ That stifles in voices of glee.
Bnd the pant would be all unnoted
And we na mnie in the face of Tate;
And we never gigh
© As» day eped by,
#1 have learned lint, slae, too latel” |
ashi Englon
= Star.
Jaggles How ail that drag clerk
cote to Jit his old girl?”
Wagglee The new one told him she
was just ae goid, eo he took ber In
stead.” Puck.
waa a
f “But you don't think he's mercenary,
Why, ves, 1 dn
gRYds marriage
stheme "Puck.
Does Bo clam te know mueh about
“No: be says they are beyond kis
Vim afrald he re
fia a getrich-quick
“Then he's sarriad.”- Chicago Post.
The Hostess" You are such an epl
core, Mr Btaffer, that | was almost |
afraid to ask you to dinner
Btuller—"Bot the the pleasure of your
CorupanyY more than oonpenantes me.”
New York Sines,
. | THE PRICE OF Wispos,
I Richard Life is too queer for me”
. Robery-"What do you mean?
Richard—"Why. by the time a8 man
1s far enough slong to understand girls
he iy #0 old and proay that they won't
hook a him. "Puck.
1 fo Tred) to! Tha: the Yast time 1 saw
you was in jail”
Tlhn~"¥ex; I went there oo ae you"
=Detrolt Fron Prose.
Miss Jenkins—1 hope your heart is
mot broken at my refusal Mr. Hop
Mr, Hopking — “No, Miss Jenkine
worse than that; my aesthetic nature
is deeply,
Bek of taste" Pack,
“Here is a Jetier from a lawyer,” sald
his wife, “who says that your nace
has dled and felt you $10.00."
"For these and other kindred bless
Ines” murmored the dominte, "Tet es
be devoutly
*1 know ane Iprovenient IT think
I'd bave made in the human race if 1'a
directed evolution,” «
“What's that ¥
“T'd bave them cut thelr wisdom
tecth first instead of last”--Washing.
ton Times,
“Do yon think that the stage exer
cises nu elevating Influence?”
“Yes,” answered Mr. Stormington
Barnes. “I don't know of anything
better than the elassie drama for dee
veloping the noble virtues of patience
and hunllity "Washington Star,
“I see that a lot of Freach selentists
claim to have dlacoversd how to abol-
ish old age and insure an indefinite
prolongation of jie”
“Bay, what a sad blow this will be
to expectant nieces and nephews who
are waiting for the bank accounts of
rich uncles and aunts.”—Philadelphia
Towne—* Rather absent minded, fsn't
Brown — “Extremely so. Why the
other night when be gol home be knew
there was something he wanted to do,
but he couldn't remember what ft was |
until he had sat up over an hour trying
to think."
‘Town-—-"And did Le Snally repiem-!
Brown—"Yes: he discovered that he
to go to bed carly."~Philadel-
Lrreparally wonnded st your | 8
thankful™ — New York |
the fittis anes, do
ers sometisies of
Lite out of doors and ont of the | games which they shar: and the enjoy-
ment which they receive and the efforts which they malice, cones the
greater part of that heajthful development which is 80 essential to their
bappiness when grown. When a laxative is sseded the remedy which is
given to them 10 cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
oh which it acts, should be sneh an physicians would sanction, because ity
component parts are known to bo wholesome and the remedy Mself fore from
every objectionable quality. The cme remedy which physicians and parents,
wellinformed, approve and recommend asd which the little onen enjoy,
because of its pleasant favor, its gentle action and its beneficial efocts, is
Syrup of Figs—and for the same riason it is the enly laxative whicli should
be unwed by fathers and mothers,
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without priping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results
from the use of the old-time exthartics and modern imitations, avd Against
which the childreg gbioald be so
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do tot give
them medicines, when medicings are not neednd, and when nature
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them oaly the simple, pleasant and
geatie-8yrupof Figs
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the comYrination of
Laxative principles of planta with pleasant aroatatic ayraps ned juices, but
also to our original method of mianafucture and as you value the health of
not accept Kay of the substitutes which aasarapuicss deals
Sr to increase their profits,
bought anywhers of il reliable droggiats at 8% cents por Hotta
tarefully guarded. If you wondd have them
The granine article giay he
to remember, the full name of the Company
tise front of every pack.
age. Ia orller to get ita
beneficial effects it is al
ways aoconiary to uy
the genunie only,
These Fowls Know When the Roost |
Was in Canger.
"Petile penerally
bave the least sense of all the «
tie fowls,” said Frank Wilkins .
Virginin farmer. the ofihor day, ©
Pea pat somes that soem to Bave om
ELAY ndior that a groan many by
bilnps | bmow. One night & short
REo my wile god oad some vist
were ot driving in tke evening
1 was gutting up the horses
redursiig bome | poticed my tor
wire mol roosting ae uesal In the
Sittonwnnd tree By the bars. Jt
they wars Date bal on thie PI 80
and in the Hube of ober trees,
Firsek mie as migtay funy, Bs Lu
Keys ap the piace Kad roosts nh thm
frie pear sines | could rena
in the bhoase and
matical It when we Arte in
i Hebught 1 peentiar. That night abe
mideaigiz a hard wind snd ralnsto
FRE gh sed the old tran wood hie
dawn. Now. bow 44 hes
koow thal tree was deine * T Ars
down thers was no sign of a sty
and the buattonweod was Ma
oll and anvarent Bel AS ever
i tall yom, Dee Ed greed rosgeet for
the § HA SIoent wo turkeys gine
Hteraliy the Kiuy sous
of {3aehn The Wage
Soma on af ixdbel
7s a Bids Sen rivver while
frog the tative Sonite
ivy of the
ht fe thom
® AER fe Ay ¢ uf Tondo,
Coutts ned Beste al read and that said
Brim will pay tho sun E BUSLERD
3 R san nd cavsnnn
k trad iy the Use of
: Fravg J Cupwny
Fen mie AN 4 wubsoribed in
a 1 A.W, Gozasox
Notary Pehle,
acts direct 237 on tes blond and sono
Thies of Lhe system, Hand for Lent
frye, ¥ i meyer & Co, 1
i fori by Dra zain
ails Has 3
Klie leaves in & book
5 fost AE
Many Seton Children Are Sfekty,
Mother Gray s Rweat Pow tere? ors, “atidron,
¥ ogni
FITS persianentiy suri Xo 2
fs River rst day's Gn t Ake,
Strwn Haar gal EB
Lis, LAL Ans, 1 §
were England
a Bi,
24 Are
Two mien and
Are coalesarians
pee pies ila
ereanie ries gi
Hi seventy fee
x yuan of that age
Pt E Sand 4
: in snsemptionsaval
my ile three yours o “Mus. Twi EAS How.
MIXES, Majie 8 LNorwiah. NX win 17,10,
Dultia Museum RO potases a Liew
Fetuffod o iplhant, the first mounted =
men ever XBIFEOE a Ireland. | pes
in aaaidreny :
her 1:1
masntionied It to my wife when | went
ghee ald she bad 2.
Le 2
5 Trem the patios concerning the dirty,
ly 50 years 1
wand an ree
“i fartnnen Yor others,
hesrty, though In his ninety (hind year
fi Mr
| pRprr ills
on the same throng
{of paper and cloth bie
¢ pative of Rookiand
| hw
{Falls for
my |
oo ul Sh day of Deteeniber,
Hall’ atstasrh Onre in taken intaraaily, snd ;
ky the |
i snd thirteen .]
a7 BATTER. |
ies Groat
rou |
Widis, Pa §
snr woman ling wm
Worcestershire, 1ingand, state that they |
2 a3 the }
wie June Tist Du TIER |
inka turkey | Little Scap wand Water
doenoe |
5 |
Treasury at Washington recommends
Feey gh
Lat ad
Boot lund boes the rage of Caledonia,
Paper Currency. ¥
An official of ithe United Htates
the waning of vig notes and o
SF CRITENEY. MH the bantors of i
dry only Ki: aw, y
if erens 4
Ba morte v 5 cy fn etrenias
I sou Liane never sods the 6peres
Sut spread a solled nave upon 8
a glad gael vue on ttle brush that
owe aged and oo to wor
nx. Sehitle wires Bur a
FOE rOREN ry nadesary too nernre K
ay mote | ogre :
all the bares rey —
my ing srl | ran tell vou
Fi Hitle work it eagnes.
anking hes ot for 58
Certainly the Seaton fn
* amples canse (Ar copiplaint
5 Bre toe Hania
Landed to them They may be full of |
sort whieh of courses, are dangerous :
this risk could he easily ofimb
by Ge slmpie tas of soap and |
Inventor of Pager Cellars
Unela Sydney Clark, »f Black Rigas
Win, wellknown charsctor
oe gonlas aha had made
is #2titl hale and
of tha
wh 3 the {mparovanien
the smaleamat inn
lark in 8s
enunty, N.Y. and
heen a resident of Black River
many years. :
Clark win the neentoe
The frst onl
tha Wh
sheation of Christmas in|
wits Howie occurred on Decems |
TR, :
“1 have made a most thorough
trial of Avet's Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
cases a of the lungs it never disap.
MM 45, :
2 ey Prog & -g
ar pare AH Hn :
Aree: a a
HE peal AUR
<1 By The pa hilte anions
wikorewing i 0 nol
J. Early Finley, Ironton, O.
} pmiins,
Dla ue) —_— facturing Ca.
I7 State Streat. New York City,
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral |
wont cur: rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
} first said this sixty ycars
ago; we've been saying it |
ever since.
Toone sions: Mc, 8c. 50
i Wir other bn Amerson, The
Som Bor Bin Wa dwn and
AD drugyints.
If ke mgs
15 surte wamdert al snide,
+ sorte Wegnat valiogn,
15 wave » bw ety
24 ry i Carin iingy
B23 rere tuseboms cudiaiy
$0 sntomii mark Wert
Conpalt ane donor
then dv aa 3 arn
Eto take it
Lenve it wy
Teeside, Bromine, Si
10:78 Tr Sh 15 © SRR on |
24 warts -
Endo rood al ut Bina ssnad
HOWL Isuner aan
Ba tom 384
3F | 1 tatietest with
vol | Weak eyes Uae