The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 20, 1903, Image 1

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    te requested to be present 5s mass [ped
i iood buliding Wednesday
peaTIvENT PaasRaPis.
Paine and Places,
won discassing the poultry show in |
the Smoky City. ihe Pittsburg Dispatch
says: “Cambria County, Pa. has pro.
which will be shown bere for the first
| time. Jt isa fine tarkey with a hood,
or, as the countrymen say. &
_ what the head of & Hoodan obickes. |
An effort will be made to fix this pe
culinrity by careful breeding.” Whe
: raised this bird?
Rev. W.Quay Rossells, who opened
| the Patton lectnre course inst year.and
{in the pastor of the Baptist church of
| Homestead, has by an onasimous vole |
Pisoni end a call to assume the pas. |
orate of the First Baptist church of
por : | Willismwport. Mr. Hosslle wie the
ie mesting of the Putton first and only candidate heard by the
A held Monday night ehureh. The polpit committer after
mtigating his record voted
of cach month. The : anaimonsiy 15 reammand Him to the
he Bald af abe
Lather i
midien past of Pat.
; fommation oF
at $2 oath, I was wagon, #1
cd ton
Serie RITE
mimic SRST ar ane
a reward of
that will head
) org with err a other
i the quarantine. He wis taken fo the
{ hospital at Johostown.
Two pagitists rom Pittsburg were
Rows Taker Bresson wy renga Lio |
: Heing Cirvubuted.
sy plenty of thal kind of sport wav
eral years ago.
j 0 Y «John Fox, the neanager of the Joeal |
0 ae went to work, exchange of the Hustingdon & Clear
man having woh, il any, hope ' field Telephone Co, bad his ears, now,
eoovery. To-day she is slide to feet and two Supers of one hand frozen
and do a Hitle Tight house while repairing damage done to the
Tor Murmy' ® kicd cane and aiem by Lie storm Monday.
hn wbilk 1am od indebted to thi, An infant san of Mr asd Mem J
? writing tis ? Many Ed Thomas died Wednesday morning
sick woman in the at 6 v'elock of poeamonia and waa
Ph ing & silo He about Dr. Elaenidly vometery.
Murray and myweif. The line has sab three micnths old.
ith Dr. Marra one. ww 1 Denlinger oft town early
the forty odd sitios of the Bret wand,
each one of whom wished to Informs
Marry said and di id all | pp that his was the vote that
vas all that could be eoted him.
] ax = gentleman and doctor,
JACK Lowes,
Patton Pa, Feb, 15, ca
Evay vitizen of Patton is sary atly |
Deputy Graod President at Largs
a 3 Morrison, of Knoxville, accomp
= iit to Marvellous Oounedl,
‘MI oa Thirsday evening.
~The crew
were called oat ab midnight Weadnes
Any to 50 to La Jose to clear up 5 small
{ing In the council chambury it the
Pebenary 95h, when aresngein
will be made tw perfect an organic: ORBANIZED OPPOSITION.
Baw wt Haviasbarg.
ile celsbration 1 in Patton on the wh of
oo July. A meeting of te members of
ithe Patton Athistls Asescistion will be nei Sno Sefioite shale Wesinad
held immediately after ars + siation. P - bots hase bas os at in
ment of above meeting. Josiaion among Seommurent sou
By OrpER oY Coveres :
sn add
Patek sti
Next Sunday wing Wasdnglon's schiome
; birthday, patriotic services will be beld At the bar association meeting 0
‘at the regular marning hour in the olution was passed ananine vely against
Methodist Episcopal church. Appro- the movement snd g
i priate musie by the cholr aril a seetnon appointed te
hy the pastor on Love of Co nies; pear bef se fhe
The Patriatie Order 8 Ror ns 8 of Amorica, A
EG Ghhernil 1
dn conjasction with other Eecting
op opposed to the achen Fass
dnoed a novelty in the terkey line VICE PRES| DENT FIGHT
i | Kes the Disiriet Te ats . White Hows MePher
Toppy.” |
10 appearance ite head resembles some.
other Sas schon, sn did Frod Mitchell
fi i
eta, and
firs ou Thin Week hd ie Sk repress ation of the miners will be in
i attendaicn.
not fo risk ib Patton had i
use. Why. beenoss some evil minded bared Tharsday a2 9:30 a wm. in the W
= ont of my House. Wednesday morning in order to encape
Grand Prmidest Cawley on his
He Y,
al the Patton work train
i tion for the purpose of he Hing a pub Jot stow Ww BE om Bhs Ball Busi tren
Opposition Ll ¥ mene
ment Wook definite shape Wednesday
Posted Prati Pertaining bo -
| ~ Local Usions,
son Polied Two Mote Yolen io Patios than
Wilson ~ Na Opposition to Pat Gliday or
Dilek Gliborl
Mitel, Thos Powall, Mike
| Plyne and Frank Braneau were elected |
| delegates fo the subdistrict convention
of the United Mise Workers at the
meeting of the Patton local union Mon
day sight. The delegates to the district |
Ieonvention will be elected next Mon- :
: Guy Big.
Both diisteior and sabedint riot officers
worn voted for af this mecting. There
were S30 votes polled and Pred Mited-
oll rested a majorly of these for subs |
morelary deeasarer. | George
Sinelaly for vies president likewise ro.
worl DhoLe voles than any bie of the
fae od Metriod SE. Wak
Brave on, « af
Wm Mop pay. aif Barnes
Li hed WO ors Voted hes
. Baraey Rie received a
7) jo president,
nd Blbard Gilbert Dir socretary-
treasurer, the proment incambents, have
Be opparition,
The districy omvention and the oon.
pence between (he operators and
‘riners 1 disteier Na 3, which is come
Posed of the bitamivons coud Belde of
Aiaun the secimd week of
| entint between machine and ih it
, ing.
ing from smallpox, hatice
The ih will meet ns convention
— ;
eteal Pennsylvania, will be held at
| Are Being Elected by Miners!
For you to get in on this
Money Saving Sale. After
Saturday these reductions in
prices cease. We cannot af-
ford to sell goods at these
prices longer.
suit or §
ars on an overcoat.
it——carry the
goods over if you can’t use
the cm now. Come to-day, to-
morrow or up until Saturday
night at 10:30 0 cloek
4 or s.dollars on a
or 6 Jo ia
oheratain The district is beter oe)
gpanimed thas ever befure and & 1 mrger
Brink ams Hap! Sole Taguvedi.
| dese Eokenrode, aged 23 yours and.
ia brakernan on the Cambria and lear
Held division of the Pennsylvania wail
(road, parrowly escaped death in x
wrenk af Gallitsin at 5:40 o'elock Mon.
day morning. He is af the Allcona
ospital with 8 crushed pelvis, and |
though 8s injury is serious is sot nec.
essurily fatal, He was a member of a
erew Laing a tenn of inaded coal ee |
all he Ulanabels and Clearfield division
E to Altona,
abead fr water. The weight of the
train wis Yoo beavy for the heiper to
Bold and it started down the Frage to-
ward Cresson aod veilided with a tealn
followiog. Two eagioes and fuse cars
of the fist train were wriched, Bok
emrodes was breaking on the wreeked
Lens aml wan enoght and squeeaed be.
tween Lae of hens.
A Sebi of Agyrandimineni,
Corsa Moe
LW Ht oh Weg ald
Fone mow saan ly
iin papiiad, desl wach
i ned sh ee Ehsole t
doinstown .
afy ation
of Sestoniag a any material
145 pon those onlalile of
it a, Jind a6 wu
neal inte
a 4 Seing ¢ I
Pile te Be
the new
Tw ¥i % A¥
with 4
$e ponte
a Kerra or to Ardacdia.
Af Galliteen the two en
The litle one wus gives hagilog the train ont off and ran |
Sone e prefer an exis fine quality of goods and a
ling to par the price, while others want an inferior qual
ity at a lower figure, We sell
Of course, we prefer to put ost & superige quality for
then we kilow you are satisfied. Come: and see us anyway.
‘A complete | line of whiskies, wings and Iquors.
for the Celebrated Duquesne Beer, Ale and
Porter. |
own on account of the cecent:
cin & Kusner, I have
Il Goods
mi down anti] the greater part
I must d
mtend to put. 1 in the e
Zo~--110 reservations whatever,
arly Spring,
= BE
lo this to make room