The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 13, 1903, Image 5

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    and Eo ats, ok. It is
t be came in contact
> nla leians SL a er
‘ways those who won't listen to reason.
{bat it's also 8 good thing to know when | w
to lot go.
2 Knows bo le fool, bat who strives to
: good, Pure and wholesome Ia boer.
he | trust. Moral: Drink Duquesne beer.
: Onan the Personatiy-Conducted System of
"i Cincinnatti, New Orleans, San Antonio y
and El Paso to Los Angeles and San |
I Diego. Three days will be spent in| See
Y- | New Orleans, during the Mardi-Gras
i festivities. Should a safficient number
i the tare of a toarist agent and chap-
b, | eron, a delightful month's itinerary in
i Californias has been outlined; and a ro-
; ol tarning itinerary to leave San Fran-
wisn March 25, visiting Salt Lake City,
vel Denver arriving in New York April 4.
s : Rate, $275 from all points on the Penn. |
re layivinia raliroad cast of Pitwsbary, |
| covering all expenses of railroad trans |
| portation, side trips in California, and
berth and meals going on the specinl |
are included. Tickets are good for re- |
e Ing cover transportation only. For
(ant general passenger agent, Broad |
ness with style and attractive
The people we can’t convines are al
IVs all right to grasp an opportunity,
here is some Hope for the man win
koe) ge to himself.
“Duquesne” stands for all that is
Eu A. MuitoN,
We are closing out our heavy weight |
trousers st #6, formerly §7 and 91.50. Co
he are witable for either dress or| =
d Purity and exvellence, coupled. with
a a spre ues |
; . EpaA, Muon, :
x a‘‘green’’ non-union made
| beer, when you can get union goods |
aged and not made by a
ED. A. Muon.
a ———
ot the Pennsylvania Nalirand.
The jocoud. P Peuseyivania railroad
of passengers desire to travel under
- (Henwood and Colorado Springs snd
train. No holel expenses in California
turn within nine months, but return. |
detailed itinerary apply to ticket
agents or address Geo. W. Boyd, assist
| Groceries, Flour, Feed
{and are pre
|ANew Line of the
street station, s Philaduiriiis, Pa.
Pictures That Combine,
Good taste and appropriate-
bear *‘ Perell's” name.
on can. tell them at a glance.
_ Ast Photographer.
en the Shoe needs are on, always
1 looks 5 up the store where his money secur
ry 3 [best results, and where there's never any.
Fourth Ave, | LL [risk as to qualities.
oy ih.
and Provis-
First-Class Stock and New Fy Our absolute confidence in in our qua
Lo : that we've every good result to oro Nere-~-price
Goods. Give me a call. ee | that make it of yey to you oh your : eb
oo ; for yourself snd members of your family, be directes
this store.
Clever Values in Men’ s Shoes. Up-to-date, all the cor- |
rect shape in the coloring to suit your individaal taste.
Ralston Health Shoes $4.00.
Men's Fine Dress Shoes 3.00 to $5.00.
Good ] 8 Shoes a at 1. 25 to $2.75.
work in that line expediously = rs Pea
and well. SHOR BARGAINS. Lik of Shore 0 40 at bleprin MONEY SAVER
Hava 9 aio ho a
Remember. :
All kinds of tin work, roof-] | ay ~~ 1 We on the largest and best line of shoss in Patton, and we are sure we
ing and tin x EN a aA. § | can save you 25 to 5c on every pair. :
i pouting. a 1 3 1h 1 Come and me us and be convinesd that we are money savers on shoms
og stock of stoves and tin-|Vv ‘ |
Fisher Block, Patton, Pa
. for en i = That is the motto we have followed ever
: Len, 1 ny. | since we have been in business here and
Ca Al a TT —_ our constantly increasing trade Dov that
arefu Dressers wi eo a it is a good ome. Pure s and right
appreciate this foot wear,| Do your eyes have “ That, prices, backed by honest dealing, will win
Tired Feeling?" Ty time, A Competent Pharmacist is
RUBBER GOODS. If so, it is an indication that in $ rarge of our Prescription Dipan ment
: oid. ba ii and we are compounding more drugs than
oe ers od felts you should call at Tozer and ever before. The utmost care is taken in
es oe : ood yo : — have them fitted with specta- this branch of the business.
| We sell them. ‘|cles. Lenses Ses hnged free at Hot Soda Fountain running very day
es any time within a year from Huyler’s Celebrated Candies rece freos
You can do bett a : —
04 Ta better date of sale, Satisfaction guar- every week. A full line of tobacco, ci Rar
| Aa, and smokers’ articles, druggists’ su
anteed or money refunded. almost too numerous to mention.
Don’t forget that we have
. inhib ‘the best equipped repair shop LL
The White in Northern Cambria Co. | GUNN'’S PH
Shoe Store. TOZER, foo :
Magee Ave, Patton, Pa.
witL soon se WILL YOD JOIN OUR
Spring is not so far away and now is the time to be | [ts main purpose shall be to elevate the arts of good
thinking of that new Spring Suit. We expect to beat all taste and style and place all its members on about an equal
records this season by virtue of the footing as regards their clothing Membership in this club
is unlimited and open to all. Fees, there are none. If yom
care to become a member apply at the club house, i East Ma
<1 Qt+Anl AF \AlIAAL ree Avenue! Wolf & Thompson's Store. What benefits
Big A to ok of Vv oole ns an gain by joining the club 5 These: Its members ho ho
from all clothing care; free from exorbitant charges; free
‘we have just received. Nothing but the latest styles are, from all concern regarding the fit of their clothes The
shown and and yon know how we make clothes—Fjt and ‘club's first attraction is a lot-of Men's Overcoats at
‘Workmanship Always Guaranteed.
Other attractions will be the showing of cur new
$12. 00 Suits at
;and make your selection early and get the pick of the stock. $8.00 and $10.00,
which all members of the club will agree are fully worth a
{five dollar bill more. :
nim house for further information we think yo wiles
re IN, PA.| WOLF & THOM] SON, The Clothiers:
No two pieces alike.